Arriving at the door of Sadro Hotel, the tour guide Love suddenly looked very excited.

"With the shape of a hollow building, isn't it possible that such a high building is not afraid to fall down?" Diska asked curiously, looking up at the visually stunning building in front.

"Of course not!" Love turned his head and replied firmly: "This building is actually divided into two parts. The main body of the building inside and the hollow building form outside are independent systems, and the two are separated from each other."

Hearing this, Robin has probably understood, "In other words, the outside and the inside belong to two independent systems, and there will be no impact between the two, but to some extent the above two are integrated."

"Yes, Sister Robin, you are so smart, are you a builder?" Love exclaimed from his heart.

Regarding the question that the hollowed-out exterior will affect the architecture, this is a question that many tourists come here to ask, but only a few architects can understand it after a little explanation, so Love will ask like this.

"The hollowed-out building will also greatly increase the space and beauty on the top, giving people a visual shock, and the space between these steel bars and the main building can be full of various beautiful gardens. Very beautiful," Love introduced with a smile.

"Sister Robin? When did these two women become so close? Women are really strange creatures," Lin Tian, ​​standing behind, asked Diska.

The two have only been together for more than an hour, and they didn't say much along the way, so it seemed like they had been in love for many years.

Upon hearing this, Diska flashed a wry smile and replied: "Instructor, don't ask me about this kind of thing, you don't know how I would know, my own affairs have not been resolved yet."

When Diska mentioned it, Lin Tian suddenly remembered this incident, "By the way, I was going to ask you, what is going on between you and Ellie, and why the last time I asked her, this Xiao Nizi not only refused to reply to me, but also gave me a terrible beating."

After the East China Sea General Ellie guards his disciples, Ellie, who has lost her parents, is a relative of Lin Tian. To some extent, Lin Tian is not only a teacher or a parent, but naturally cares about the major events of Ace's life.

Diska waved her hand quickly and said: "Instructor, Ellie didn't tell you, then I can't say more."

Lin Tian was immediately happy, and asked strangely: "Why can't I say it? I am Ellie's teacher and his parents. Why can't I know it? Tell me why, maybe I can give some more. opinion".

Diska closed her mouth tightly, Mission shook her head, but thought in her heart, "Come on, instructor, you and Ellie don't have much time to spend with me. Give me your opinion, just don't cheat me."

Seeing this, Lin Tian pursed his lips, pointed at Disca, who closed his mouth tightly, swallowed the words in his mouth, and walked forward.

After entering the Sadro Hotel, Lin Tian directly covered the top floor like a local tyrant, but under the gaze of receiving beautiful women with surprise and frequent brows, Robin’s faint smile, and Laf’s contemptuous three people, Lin Tian Had to retreat.

After the group put down their luggage, they immediately walked towards the seventh street, the most mixed and uncontrolled gambling street.

Seventh Avenue is full of various specialty bars and dark deals that can't be displayed on the bright side. Although it is a mixed bag, and it is also a three-nothing zone, it is indeed the fastest place to get news, as long as you have money.

The one-night stand bar, the largest bar on Seventh Avenue, is also the busiest bar. The heavy music of Pengbai, the shining lights of various colors, the crazy dancing crowd on the dance floor, vent their emotions.

Seeing the crowded dance floor in the bar, Love looked extremely excited, and her body moved unnaturally following the music.

When he was beating, he suddenly looked to Robin, "Sister Robin, let's go in and dance together."

Robin obviously had a heartbeat when he was called by Love. Lin Tian, ​​who looked to one side, asked for his opinion. Naturally, Lin Tian would not stop him and nodded slightly.

"Let's go, Sister Robin!"

With Lin Tian's signal, a sly light appeared in Love's eyes, and Robin quickly ran towards the dance floor of the bar.

The corner of Lin Tian's mouth curled slightly, "It seems that this beautiful tour guide is really not easy."

"En!" Disca nodded conformingly: "Knowing that I am just a tour guide, I want to go but I am not suitable to go, I think of bringing Miss Robin together, and seeing her familiar look at the Sadro Hotel, this woman background not simple".

"Only when Cod comes back can we know what the back of this woman is behind. It always feels like we have brought a trouble to us when we come up."

"Can a simple background nurture such a talented woman?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, "Although I don't know why the other party came to them, and what ideas he has, no matter what, this island can't threaten us. s things".

Lin Tian's words were not arrogant but self-confident. With their team's strength, even if they broke into the navy headquarters, they would have a great chance to leave, not to mention this small country.


At this moment, an excited shout sounded in the bar, and Lin Tian and Diska quickly looked towards the shout.

I saw that the stage that had been blocked by the crowd had already left a circular space at this moment. The dancing crowd was standing around, and several bright beams of light focused on the center of the stage.

In the beam of light, a beautiful figure was dancing. Under the dazzling lights, Robin's graceful figure danced on the stage, swung his long skirt and swept across, such a beautiful dance is like a butterfly dancing in the air.

At the moment when he entered the stage, Robin immediately seemed to find the feeling of the year, his graceful figure began to dance, and his **** figure matched the graceful dance. Robin became the center of the stage in an instant.

After staying in the underground world for many years, Robin has escaped world government spies for more than ten years to prevent hunting, escaped in various countries, and has been a dancer in many bars to get enough money, so Robin has exercised an excellent dance posture.

"Unexpectedly, Sister Robin is not only a historian, she even dances so beautifully." Love, who took Robin onto the dance floor, couldn't help stopping to be attracted by Robin's dancing.

A short contact with Robin brought too much shock to Love. Robin’s nobleness, sacred halo like an angel, superb appearance, and rich knowledge, coupled with the beautiful dance now, this is simply perfect , Can not find a woman with the slightest flaw, whether it is external beauty or internal beauty, it is so beautiful.

Many men in the crowd raised their arms and shouted, and many of them were full of eyes, with bad ideas in their hearts.

Having said that, here is a trivial zone, mixed with fish and dragons. Many of the people present are criminals and pirates. They have never seen a temperamental beauty like Robin.

"Unfortunately, why did Miss Robin want to see that guy!"

Who else was the guy in Love's mouth besides Lin Tian? At the first moment of meeting, you can judge the relationship between the two by seeing Robin and Lin Tian being close.

It's a pity that Lin Tian's suspicion had an impact on Love. In Love's eyes, how could a perfect woman like Sister Robin be matched by Lin Tian.

If Lin Tian knew this, he didn't know how he would feel, whether he was angry or wanted to laugh.

"Instructor, I didn't expect Miss Robin to dance so beautifully..." Diska exclaimed from his heart.

Seeing Robin who attracted all eyes in the field, Lin Tian showed a smug smile on his face. For the days when he had to wander with Robin for many reasons, Lin Tian always rejoiced and missed it.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a stunning beauty here!"

For Robin dancing in front of him, someone who was daring finally stretched out his hands and secretly grabbed Robin's skirt.

But Robin has been in the bar for many years. This kind of thing has been touched for a long time. He turned around and easily dodged. His hands were activated by the devil fruit ability, and the two arms stretched out from the shoulders, and instantly pinched the guy who shot him.

There were so many people around, everyone's eyes were on Robin, and they didn't care much about such a fallen guy, and thought he was another drunk man.

On the second floor of the bar, in a corner of a sofa, a man in a white suit beckoned gently, and the men behind him suddenly leaned over.

"Master, you are going to send this woman to your room, I will immediately order the staff below."

Obviously this man has done so much of this kind of thing, so that the men behind him can guess the man's mind in an instant.

It's a pity that my subordinates guessed wrong today. The man slapped his backhand on the face of the black man. Facing this slap, the black man made no movement. The huge force directly slapped a bright red palm print on his face.

The man cursed: "Who is a woman or not? Didn't you see the **** of Love is underneath now? This time you must not let this **** go, you know?


The black clad hurriedly lowered his head, his eyes swept down secretly, and quickly found Love in the crowd.

Raising his hand, the man added: "By the way, bring the following woman over and send it to my room."

The man here waved his hand to signal the black-clothed men to There was a flash of light in his eyes. Such a temperamental woman was still the first sight. Compared with the original collections, one was in the sky and the other was underground.

Under the man's order, the black-clothed man quickly led a group of his men and pursued Lav.

"Instructor, something is wrong, something went wrong!"

These people moved Diska to discover in an instant, their whole body suddenly became vigilant, and their eyes quickly scanned around to observe the surrounding situation.

"Wait! See if the situation is against us or specifically against Love."

Lin Tian pressed his hands and signaled Disca not to act first. The scene changed and he saw what purpose the black hand behind him had.


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