
In a sunken pit, the huge body of the Sonny that broke through the mask and fell from the sky was lying quietly in it. ?

Mission Al waved his hand to set off the breeze to disperse the surrounding smoke, and he walked out from the stern of the Sonny with his head covered in gray.

"How is it? Al?" Cod asked as he walked over.

"No!" Waving his right hand soaked in engine oil, Cod said: "The propeller behind completely collapsed, and the entire connecting pipe was broken. The motive inside was also implicated and a short circuit occurred. With our existing Means cannot be repaired".

"Well, in that case, you don't need to repair it, wait until the instructor, Hawkeye, and the others find the surrounding towns to see if there is any way", Cod beckoned Al to come up.


Responding softly, Al flew up and flew directly to the deck of the Sonny.

Retracting his gaze, glanced at the dense forest in front of him, Cod muttered: "I don't know how long the instructors will take. This place feels very strange."

Speaking of Cod raised his head and glanced at the strange mask on it, it was able to let them pass, but not the sea kings, this was really strange.


On the other side, the strange trio of Eagle Eye, Shi Zhihao, and Green Pheasant formed a team and walked through the dense jungle to the outside, but they were only waiting for another hillside.

Walking at the back of the team, Shi Zhihao said: "Hey, stinky ice, we can easily break through the yellow mask just now, but we can block those sea kings and sea water."

"Know that this is different from Murloc Island. It is a huge double-layer semicircular bubble film shield produced by the roots of the huge Arkimangrove tree that surrounds the entire island, and there are also giant trees growing nearby. Eve "can transmit sunlight from the ground to Murloc Island, but what about here?"

"Hullah... Fatty, what do you want to express?" Green Pheasant turned around and asked.

After taking a look at the green pheasant, Shi Zhihao raised his head and glanced at the white clouds above his head, and said, "Don’t say it’s not surprising. From the outside, the protective cover above his head is yellow, but from the inside it is indeed a blue sky. Baiyun, understand that we are in the middle of the dark and lonely Neptune lair. It is strange that the island itself can be preserved."

"Yes, it's really weird." He raised his head and glanced at the sky above. The green pheasant nodded, but his tone changed suddenly before he finished speaking, "But what do we care about? I have the energy to care so much. , Might as well think about how to find the town."

The indifferent Hawkeye suddenly said: "This is Huangquan Island after all. The starting point for Huangquan is something special and unusual."

Looking at the two guys who were boring in front of him, Shi Zhihao shook his hand, full of regrets, how could he be grouped with these two guys.

With a light sigh, Shi Zhihao stepped forward and followed the pace of the two again.


Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and the expressions of Yingyan and others changed suddenly, and they quickly turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound, only to see overwhelming sharp arrows shooting at them.


The world's strongest black sword came out of its sheath, and Hawkeye raised the black sword in his hand and waved it, and a shining slash burst out, slashing through the sky, and directly facing the sharp arrow that came from it.

Wherever the slash passed, the mighty arrow formation was like paper, and the slices of sharp arrows were chopped into sections.

As if shocked by the eagle eye's attack, the crowd who had been hiding in the forest attack suddenly stopped, and the forest returned to peace again.

"Sneak attack? Unexpectedly, the town could not be found, but people took the initiative to send it to the door," Shi Zhihao turned to look at the forest nearby, very interested.

Boom boom... boom boom...

A loud and deafening noise sounded, and the ground under their feet began to vibrate. The three of them were startled by the sudden arrival, and they looked at each other and saw their doubts in each other's eyes.

The sound and vibration came from the forest, and I saw a large cloud of smoke rising in the calm forest, and the birds were startled, as if there were thousands of horses and horses galloping in the forest.

In the swaying jungle, a black shadow rushed out. It was a beast with a unicorn. It was dressed in fine iron armor. On the beast, sat a man who was also wearing white armor and carrying a white spear. General.

Immediately after the unicorn rushed out, the jungle swayed more violently behind him. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of soldiers riding on the unicorn and carrying various weapons rushed out of the forest.

The densely packed unicorn soldiers quickly organized the formation. Before, General Fang Baipao rushed towards Shi Zhihao's trio with pointed heads. From this alone, it was enough to see the elite of the team in front of them.

"let me do it!"

Stopping the two green pheasants and eagle eyes, Shi Zhihao rushed out first and stayed with the cold eagle eyes and the lazy green pheasants. Shi Zhihao was going to be bored a long time ago, and now he finally had a fight. It can be regarded as making this boring journey a little interesting.

Clenching his fists, facing the charge of these thousands of elite cavalry, Shi Zhihao stopped without fear, not only that, but a powerful fighting spirit rose on his body.

"I hope you guys look at the very elite cavalry, don't let me down too much."

When the voice fell, Shi Zhihao's figure flashed, and his feet stepped on the ground, rushing all the way like a light rushing into the front of the cavalry team.


The fists blasted out, hitting the heads of the two unicorns in front of them, and violent power burst out. The two huge unicorns and the soldiers sitting on them were directly knocked out.

The unicorn that was knocked into the air was like a bulldozer. It slammed into the crowd. Everywhere it passed, it knocked out all the soldiers along the way, forcibly smashing a straight line in the array.

It was just this blow that injured at least 20 soldiers, disrupting the entire forward array, and many soldiers around were even scared to a halt.

"No, the enemy is very strong, change the formation!"

As the leader, General Baipao reacted quickly, yelling, stopped, and many things immediately moved, and in a blink of an eye, Shi Zhihao surrounded the array.

Seeing this scene, Shi Zhihao came to shine, perhaps their individual combat power is not strong, but this kind of fearless response and tidy pace, only relying on this is enough to tell that this is an elite team.

"Everyone, come on!"

General Baipao shouted, some of the soldiers who received the order raised their spears and drove the unicorn at their feet towards Shi Zhihao.

With a slight grin, Shi Zhihao yelled, "This kind of attack can't stop me."

With a flick of both feet, Shi Zhihao shot out, dodge the pierced spear sideways, and swiftly approached the soldier in front of him with the spear close to his body, reaching out and clenching his fist to bombard the soldier.

Facing Shi Zhihao's fist, the strong armor was too hard to resist, and he was directly shot out of a fist pit. The two soldiers opened their mouths and spouted blood and passed out.

Reaching out his hand to catch the fainted soldier, Shi Zhihao threw the two like cannonballs into the crowd behind him, and the crowd was immediately cleared out.

With both feet out, Shi Zhihao's figure moved extremely fast like a ghost, moving high in the crowd. Thousands of people couldn't even catch Shi Zhihao's clothes, but Shi Zhihao's every punch was Several or even a dozen soldiers lay down.

Shi Zhihao’s combat power is like a wolf rushing into the sheep pen. No matter how many sheep face this wolf, they can only ravage.

Seeing that the name of one of his men was reduced, but he couldn't even touch the corners of his clothes, the White-robed general finally couldn't help but shoot. If this continues, all his soldiers will be slaughtered. How can I explain to the old man?

"Stop it!"

With a roar, the young white-robed general flew out, raised his sharp spear, and pierced Shi Zhihao's head with a cold spear in the sun. The angry young white-robed general was murderous when he shot.

"This is interesting, quadruple burst!" Shi Zhihao smiled disapprovingly.

The devil fruit's ability moved, and the skin all over his body instantly turned red, exploding with a powerful aura, and at the same time radiating cyan energy to wrap the body.

With a clenched right fist, the invisible armed color domineering wrapped around his arm, Shi Zhihao took a half step forward, raising his dark fist and blasting out suddenly.

"Sky Fist!"

Boom...the earth-shattering loud noise, the violent forces of both sides collided, a powerful shock wave clinging to the ground and spreading around www.wuxiaspot.com~ billowing smoke.

Soldiers nearby were knocked out by the impact, and even the unicorn riding underneath could not bear the impact, and the huge body kept moving back.

The hard spear was unable to withstand the impact of two forces, and burst into several pieces with a click. The young white robe vomited blood and flew out like a kite with a broken line.

With just one move, Shi Zhihao quickly resolved the battle. On a messy ground, there was no soldier who could stand up completely, and the navy soldiers who remained awake kept screaming from pain.

"Three minutes, this guy is a little slow, let's go, just to find a living soldier and ask about the specific situation of this island."

Looking at the eagle eye next to him, the green pheasant finished speaking and took the lead to walk towards Shi Zhihao.

Ta Ta Ta...

But things didn't seem to stop so quickly, loud footsteps resounded in the calm surroundings, and the three Eagle Eyes raised their heads to look around.

I saw that, no matter on the hillside ahead or in the surrounding forest, a large number of soldiers walked out, more than ten times the number before, and the three of them were surrounded by densely packed soldiers.

Breathing white cold air, the eyes of the green pheasant condensed, and the laziness on his face was scattered, and he solemnly said: "Although I don't know where the army came from, it seems that this battle is inevitable."

Shi Zhihao just killed a thousand-man team. It is impossible to explain to the army in front of him. Even if they explain it, others will not believe it and can only fight to the death.


There was no answer, and with a light swipe of the strongest black knife in Hawkeye's right hand, a crack of tens of meters was cut out on the hard ground. Action was already Hawkeye's best answer.

Just when the three of them were ready to fight this group of troops who didn't know where they came from, a group of people walked out among the troops in front of them.

"Lin Tian! Lei Li!" 8

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