Sorry! Dear readers, the two chapters are reversed.

In the ice cellar, Lin Tian entered to rescue Ace alone, but left everyone outside. Dozens of people guarded the ice cellar door, waiting for the situation inside.

Among the dozens of people, except for Robin and others who followed Lin Tian to break into Huangquan, the rest were Hancock and his national defender.

The anxious Lin Tian kept everyone outside in order not to be disturbed, but he forgot a very important thing.

That is, in the crowd, in addition to Robin, there is also a Hancock. For his many women, Lin Tian has always maintained an attitude of delaying as much as possible, especially regarding Hancock.

To know that Hancock is the world's number one beauty among the many women, and the only empress in Qiwuhai, especially with the extremely arrogant personality of the empress, it makes Lin Tian a headache.

It would be a terrible thing to make Hancock to any woman, this is not just Lin Tian's speculation, but this kind of thing happened in front of Lin Tian with his own eyes.

That was when Lin Tian was still in the navy. At that time, Lin Tian had not yet become a lieutenant admiral of the G1 branch. He had been stationed at the navy headquarters. Naturally, Ai Yin had been with Lin Tian, ​​not only accompanied Lin Tian anytime and anywhere , But also take care of Lin Tian's daily life.

As the Empress of Qiwuhai, Hancock naturally has the right to enter the navy headquarters at any time, so Hancock did not miss Lin Tian at the navy headquarters.

At that time, Lin Tian was a man in the navy headquarters, not only because of his identity, but also because of the romantic past that spread throughout the navy headquarters. Lin Tian will not lack beautiful women to accompany him anytime and anywhere, not Hancock. It is Ayn.

It should be understood that the navy headquarters is the most elite soldiers stationed in the world government. More than 90% of them are big men, only a few women, and most of the navy are female men. Therefore, Lin Tian was in the navy headquarters. I am envious of others, I don't know how many soldiers are jealous and hate, if not for the strength, I am afraid that Lin Tian would have been dragged out and killed.

But with Hancock’s arrogant habit, and encountering a woman like Ai Yin who looks soft on the outside, but hard at heart, it is completely sparks hitting the earth between the two.

Even when the two first met, they started a duel directly on the square in front of the Navy Headquarters (only Hancock would propose this).

The duel of the two big beauties can be said to have attracted the attention of the entire navy headquarters. At that time, the entire square was crowded with navy soldiers, and even the surrounding battleships were full of people.

Even the guy from the Warring States period was just idle, he was a referee once, three generals, and many lieutenants were all present. It felt more excited than the New Year, and the thick gossip fire instantly burned the entire Malin Fanduo.

In that battle, the two women fought a real fire, and the final result was that Lin Tian was seriously injured. From that day on, Lin Tian decided that Hancock should not be allowed to meet a woman without any other means.

Unfortunately, Lin Tian, ​​who was trying to save Ace as soon as possible, had obviously forgotten this point and left Robin and Hancock outside together.

Not long after Lin Tian entered the ice cellar, Hancock focused his gaze on Robin, and Robin naturally focused his gaze on Hancock.

Both of them are women, and they are still extremely good women. In fact, when Lin Tian just arrived at Nine Snake Island, the two women had already realized the existence of each other when they met each other.

Even if Lin Tian deliberately didn't introduce it, they had long associated the identity of the other party in their eyes, not only the sixth sense of a woman, but also the love in Lin Tian's eyes when they saw Lin Tian.

Although the two women didn't say much, they actually focused on each other long ago, paying attention to each other from time to time.

Speaking of it, Hancock and Robin are still very close to each other. On Secco Island, Lin Tian helped Hancock and others escape the navy's pursuit, and just after Hancock left, Lin Tian also met at that time With Robin, the three people actually met only a few hours apart.

It's just that Hancock and Robin had only heard of each other's name before today, and it was the first time that they were actually facing each other.

At this moment, the two people's eyes converged, as if two lightning bolts shot out from their eyes, they collided fiercely in the void, and sparkles appeared. Before the two spoke, they had an invisible confrontation.

Hancock is the Empress of Qiwuhai and the world's largest beauty, so naturally it goes without saying. Although Robin wants to fall behind Hancock in beauty, coupled with his own noble scholarly temperament, he is no more than Hancock, and neither of them can compare to others in terms of aura.

Robin took the lead in breaking the silence in the air and introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Nicole Robin, Lin Tian's woman".

Robin has stayed in the underground world for more than ten years. Naturally, he is far ahead of Hancock in this kind of competition, and he is the first to speak and say his identity to seize the opportunity.

When Robin took the lead, Hancock's face changed slightly. For Nicole Robin, Hancock was able to pay attention to it a long time ago, and it stands to reason that Hancock’s personality would not pay attention to these at all. , Had it not been for the exposure of the Judicial Island incident, Hancock would not have noticed Robin's existence at all.

As the empress Hancock, he has never been treated like this before, and that arrogant personality burst out at once, when it is necessary to show the imposing manner of the empress.

Hancock suddenly realized that if he was now facing Nicole Robin in an arrogant manner, then she would fall into a disadvantage in front of everyone.

Maintaining the calm on his face, Hancock pretended to be questioning on his face and asked: "Really? Nicole Robin, how come I have never heard that Lin Tian still has a woman like you".

Upon hearing this, Robin's heart sank slightly. This woman is not simple, she must know that she exists in her heart, but pretending to be puzzled that she is not sure of her identity. He also carried out that Lin Tian didn't tell himself. Not only was he expressing his identity with Lin Tian, ​​but he was also showing that he was the identity. The meaning was clear. At the same time, Robin was overwhelmed by his identity.

But it’s right. After all, Hancock is the female emperor of the Seven Martial Seas. Although she is arrogant and self-willed like a child, we can’t underestimate Hancock’s intelligence, otherwise Hancock will not grow up as a slave to the dragon. To the point of today's maritime overlord.

It's just that Robin won't be afraid of Hancock Qiwuhai's identity, she and Lin Tian have already taken the last step.

With a faint smile on his face, Robin stretched out his hand and slightly stroked the ends of his hair that was fluttering in the breeze, and said: "Since we all like Lin Tian, ​​then we will get to know each other, Nicole Robin, a historian and also A member of the Straw Hat Pirates."

The other party showed such magnanimity, Hancock naturally did not dare to show weakness, put down his hands around his chest, introduced herself: "Boya Hancock, the concubine is the pirate female emperor of Qiwuhai."

As the voice fell, the two women looked at each other, their sharp eyes clashing in the void, colliding invisible sparks.

The two women's imposing collision, to Lei Li and others on the side, couldn't feel it, especially the dull and depressive atmosphere in the air, and the surrounding fell into silence.

Lei Li and the others scanned the surroundings. Except for the big men, the rest were all women. The big men were among dozens of women, so they naturally felt out of place.

But the weird atmosphere in the air at this moment made the retiring Reilly and others have to stop and stand silently, with no sound or movement, just watching silently.

This is a war between women!

Raleigh has never experienced anything more embarrassing than this when he has lived until now. Their men are so redundant at this time.

Seeing the silent confrontation between Hancock and Robin, Shi Zhihao thought in his heart that no one is easy to make a beautiful woman, but Lin Tian is also great and can make two such outstanding women fall in love.

"Could it be that the same thing as in the navy headquarters will happen again? See what Lin Tian is going to do when the time comes, there will be a good show," this is the green pheasant's inner gloating idea.

"Hey, what is this called, harem fight?" Al, who was near to the side, said softly

In fact, Al is still excited to see such a thing. Al naturally knows how many women the instructor has, but it is the first time that the instructor’s women are fighting. Is there anything more interesting than this?

Diska squinted at Al and replied softly: "Don't worry about so much, it's not our business, we can just watch it quietly on the side, and it will be resolved when the instructor comes out."

Cod also said immediately: "I advise you two to keep your mouth shut. This is the instructor's housework. If you accidentally join in, you will suffer."

After being said by Cod like this, Al and Diska naturally understood what Cod meant by "you feel", and immediately closed their mouths. They didn't want to be worn by the instructor.

As time passed, Robin and Hancock stopped talking, and the entire open space fell into silence. No one wanted to mix in the muddy water, and the surroundings were enveloped in a strange atmosphere.


The huge stone gate slowly moved to the left and right, and the door of the ice cellar finally moved open. The strange atmosphere was also broken at the same time. Everyone looked forward to the door and wondered if Lin Tian succeeded and whether Ace was really resurrected.

Slight steps came from the dark passage, Lin Tian's figure appeared little by little, but everyone's eyes gathered behind Lin Tian.

Ace, who was already dead, was standing behind Lin Tian. Everyone’s eyes widened for a while, and the word shock was almost written on their faces. Although Ace was already known to be resurrected, when the dead Aceman was A smile appeared in front of everyone, and the preparations in my heart had already disappeared completely.

Really resurrected!

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