Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 923: The war begins

"Here, the White Beard Pirates are here"

"The Blackbeard Pirates are here"

I saw that in the distant sea, the huge Moby Dick with the flag of the White Beard Pirate Group was sailing quickly towards the deserted island in the distance, and on the other side was a huge pirate ship with the flag of Black Beard flying. It also appeared on the horizon, and its purpose was also the desert island in the distance.

The arrival of the White Beard and Black Beard Pirates is like detonating a huge gunpowder keg, and the shock wave generated by the explosion instantly sweeps across this island of Enda, which is already crowded with many pirates.

The peaceful island of Enda was plunged into chaos and shouts. The pirate boats docked on both sides of the harbor quickly raised their sails, and a famous pirate rushed out of the town and headed towards the sea in the harbor. The thief ship rushed away.

Looking at the two pirate groups that appeared in the distance, Lin Tian put down the wine glass in his hand and said, "After waiting so long, it finally arrived."

Huh, Ace stood up, and looked at the Mobi Dick flying in the distance. Although he was not on board at the moment, Ace felt that he had returned to the days of the year again, and paid back to his friends. The days when the old man stayed with the Moby Dick.

"Everything happened because of me, let me solve it all."

With a soft whisper in his mouth, a breeze blew across the roof of the restaurant, Lin Tian and Ace had disappeared, leaving only a bag of Bailey on the table.



The sturdy hull slammed into the coast. Amid the harsh rubbing sound, the Moby Dick rushed to the coast. At the same time, the Pirate Ship of the Blackbeard Pirates also rushed to the coast.

The small desert island is only thousands of meters in size, and both parties can see the numerous pirates on the other's pirate ship with their eyes.

On the side of the White Beard Pirates, many captains stood in front of the bow, looking at the eyes of the Black Beard Pirates ahead with anger and hatred.

As for the Blackbeard side, Blackbeard has all the cadres standing on the bow of the ship. The eyes of the two sides are like lightning colliding in the void. Blackbeard's face is full of wild smiles. After half a year, there is no more decadence than the war half a year ago. The spring breeze of the face is proud.

The right leg that was cut off by White Beard has also been replaced by a mechanical leg. There are many cadres who have escaped from Pushing City on the side. After a few months of fighting, they all exude a touch of murderous aura.

Bucksjot raised the hip flask in his hand, took a big sip, and said: "This battle that has been in a stalemate for more than a month is finally coming to an end. This man, month battle is really tiring."

His tone was full of arrogance, as if the current White Beard Pirates group could easily solve it without paying any attention to it.

Blackbeard laughed and said: "Little ones, the final battle has finally come. After today, the new world will usher in a new four emperors!"

"black beard!"

"black beard!"


Suddenly, deafening shouts resounded over the entire desert island, and the loud shouts could be heard even on Enda Island not far away.

The faces of the pirates under Blackbeard on the deck were filled with ferocious and excited smiles. Because of Blackbeard's appearance in the war on the top and subsequent big moves in the New World, Blackbeard's reputation has long been famous in the New World.

Especially Blackbeard's brutal way of doing things, coupled with that crazy style of doing things, in a short time, a group of extremely brutal pirates on the Internet have become a hegemon of the sea.

But Blackbeard's ambition was not satisfied. He was a man who wanted to become One Piece, and to become One Piece, at least he had to reach the level of four emperors. This was the first goal that Blackbeard set for himself. Coming down is to dominate the new world, and finally reach the ultimate island of Ravdev, becoming the One Piece, this is the goal that Blackbeard has set for himself.

"Margau, this is the final decisive battle, we must be careful!"

Seeing Margau's fists clenched, his fingertips whitening under the powerful force, Margau's body trembled slightly, everything showed the restlessness and anger in Margau's heart at this moment. Looking at this scene, Bista Remind quickly.

Because of the White Beard's death in battle, in the White Beard Pirates group, whether it is seniority or strength, Margau is naturally doing his part to become the temporary deputy captain of the White Beard Pirates.

Margau had always been calm, otherwise he would not have achieved the position of team captain, but the man in front of him killed the old man and made the Whitebeard Pirates the culprit, Margau couldn't bear the anger in his heart.

Hearing Bista's reminder behind him, Malgau's mind became sober, his anger disappeared a lot, and he took a few deep breaths to calm his excited heart.

Looking back at Bista, Allgau whispered: "Don't worry, Bista, I understand that this time about the future status and survival of our Whitebeard Pirates, I will not be impulsive."

Seeing Margau regained his calm, Bista couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If Margau, as the captain, became impulsive, they would have lost a lot before the battle started.

"Boys, charge, smash the Whitebeard Pirates and win the throne of the Four Emperors!"

Blackbeard yelled, and leaped down first.

"Win the throne of the Four Emperors!!"

With a loud shout, many pirates on the deck naturally leaped out and rushed to the desert island.

Seeing the action of the Blackbeard Pirates, Margau naturally didn't dare to show weakness, and shouted, "The members of the Whitebeard Pirates, avenge the old man, the opportunity to shame for the Whitebeard Pirates, kill Dead Black Beard, clean up the door for the White Beard Pirates."

"Clean up the portal!"

Under the hateful gaze of a member of the White Beard Pirate Group, Margau leaped forward, his hands turned into blue flame wings, and flew into the sky. The captains behind them jumped off the Moby Dick, not to be outdone.

One is to win the throne of the Four Emperors and to be famous all over the world, and the other is for revenge. The two sides can be said to be like a rainbow, not weaker than the two.

From the sky, the crowds on both sides are two huge torrents rushing to the coast, rushing toward each other like a tide.

The frontier sea area has long been occupied by many pirate ships. Many pirate ships stay in the waters around the deserted island. In addition to not wanting to engage in battle, they are also afraid of being affected by the shock waves of the battle.

After all, these two are one of the powerful pirate groups in the New World. The two pirate groups are fighting on a small desert island. The destructive power is definitely not a small desert island that can resist, if they get too close and be left behind. When it hits, it will have to be sad.

"Hey, do you say that the Blackbeard Pirates is more powerful than the Whitebeard Pirates, and who will win this battle?"

"Does this still need to be said? Naturally, it is the Blackbeard Pirates. Captain Blackbeard personally killed Whitebeard and went to war. On the other hand, the Whitebeard Pirates killed even the strongest man, Whitebeard. Many elites have died, how could they be the opponents of Blackbeard's Pirates".

"This is not necessarily true. Although the Blackbeard Pirates are strong, there are many people who made famous in the New World back then, but the Whitebeard Pirates are not weak. They are the strongest Pirates in the world. The lean camels are bigger than the horses. , Many captains are also world-renowned powerhouses"

"Everything is hard to say, one side is a rising force, and the other is an old brand with a strong heritage. The collision between the two sides must be a earth-shattering battle."

At the beginning of the battle, many crew members on the ship were also discussing which side would have the better winning rate in the next battle. Both the white beard and the black beard were supported.

On the other side, the small desert island was already at the speed of everyone and was handed over in a blink of an eye. In an instant, the entire desert island became a fierce battlefield.

The two pirate groups, the white beard and the black beard, were fighting on the desert island, blood splashing, screaming endlessly, and masses of explosive fire and smoke rose on the desert island.

At the moment of collision, no one knows how many pirates fell. The pale yellow desert island was dyed red with blood in an instant, and the entire island shook under the battle.

Soldiers against soldiers, against generals, ordinary pirates under their hands, cadres and captains from both sides jumped over the crowd and instantly formed a group.

"black beard!"

Margau, who was transformed into a blue flame bird, let out a loud roar in the air, waving his wings that turned into flames at an extremely fast speed, and in a blink of an eye he approached the black beard in front of him and kicked out.


Looking up at Margo above, Blackbeard's face showed a wild smile.

This is not the power of the Devil Fruit, and it cannot be absorbed by the Dark Fruit. Blackbeard can only raise his hands to block him, and kick his right foot between the crossed hands.

As soon as a violent force came, Blackbeard flew out in an instant, flying upside down ten meters away, a large area of ​​dust was flying, his feet suddenly stepped on the ground.

With a bang, a huge force poured into the ground, and the surrounding earth trembled, and cracks spread out like spider webs.


He stopped abruptly, and Black Beard's mouth was panting heavily. Although the Dark Fruit was not immune to attacks, it could absorb the damage, but the pain was doubled. People who were not determined might be directly killed by pain.

But who is Blackbeard, who can endure for decades for a vague opportunity, this pain is not difficult for Blackbeard.


Blackbeard looked at Margau floating in the air ahead and laughed: "Margau, you deserve to be the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, your strength is as strong as ever."

"Unfortunately, Margao, you don't have the domineering aura of the old man, and the power that dominates the world. Under your leadership, the Whitebeard Pirates will only grow weaker and weaker until I get rid of the altar of the Four Emperors." .

When Blackbeard mentioned this, Malgau was so angry that he almost fell into a state of rampage. Blackbeard was right. Under his leadership, the Whitebeard Pirates had been going downhill for six months. Guilty, now being raised by Black Beard, his calm mood naturally changed.

But thinking of the importance of this battle, Margau abruptly suppressed his anger, and said angrily: "The future path of the Blackbeard and Whitebeard Pirates is not something you can judge as a traitor. Let him replace the father today. , You will clear the door as a traitor."

"That means you have this strength!"

Blackbeard's tone was slightly The voice fell, and a powerful aura burst out of Blackbeard's body, like a gust of wind flying around, and a large amount of dust and mist suddenly blown away.

Behind, an extremely dark black smoke column quickly rose, and the black smoke column rushed into the sky, and the black smoke column was hundreds of meters high standing on the isolated island.

The dark smoke climbed on both hands, raised the palm of his right hand to face Margau, and the smoke suddenly moved, and the dark smoke gathered and rotated in the palm, like a black miniature windmill that was constantly rotating.

"Dark Water!"

With a soft drink in his mouth, an invisible attraction emanated from the palm of his palm. This attraction directly drew Margau in the flames. Margau only felt an irresistible force to attract his entity, and then he pulled out the illusion of blue. Outside the flames, he flew straight towards Blackbeard.


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