
Seeing Margao who was knocked out again, Bista couldn't help but shout out of fear in his heart. Blackbeard had two demon fruit abilities, which far exceeded their expectations.

It was this shout that distracted Bista who was fighting, and a blood-red cold light flashed behind him.

"When I was fighting with me, I was still in the mood to take care of other things. I would not take me seriously," said a cold voice from behind.

Perceiving the murderous intent behind his back, Bista's face changed slightly, without even thinking about it. Under the instinctive reaction formed by years of fighting, Bista raised his two swords to block behind him.

File clang!

With all the piercing sound of collisions, a sharp sword glowing with blood-red cold light was blocked by Bistar's double swords. Since it was a hastily launched defense, although the slash was blocked, the powerful force it carried was like a boulder bombardment. In Bista's hands, Bista was shot and flew out.


Immediately beheading a pirate who had attacked him, Joz saw the scene of Bista being knocked into the air, his face changed, he was about to rush towards Bista to support him.

"Hahaha...Whitebeard Pirates Third Division Captain Diamond Joz, your opponent is me, let Lao Tzu break your incomparably hard body"

There was a wild smile behind him. It was Blackbeard's most trusted subordinate Bashas. At this moment, he lifted a huge boulder and leaped up, straight to Joz's head.

Perceiving the sound of breaking through the air coming from behind, Joz had to stop. As soon as he looked back, he saw Bashas holding a huge boulder and zooming in his eyes. The bang hit Joz's head, the huge gravel. Suddenly burst, smoke and rubble flew.

Withdrawing and looking at the smoke in front of him, Bashas laughed triumphantly, "I thought the captain of the Whitebeard Second Division had some powerful power, it turned out that he was such a guy, a handicapped disabled person."

Hearing the undisguised ridicule and verbal abuse in Bashas's mouth, the several white beard pirates around to solve their opponents are about to take action against Bashas.

"You dare to mock the captain of our second division team even with your role"

"go to hell!"

But at this moment, a bright light in the smoke ahead rose and hit Bashas's eyes directly. Under the dazzling light, Bashas couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly.

A figure flew out of the smoke, and the whole body exuded bright light. It was Joz who was hit by the front of the boulder, but at this moment Joz has turned his whole body into a hard diamond, which reflects the dazzling light, rushing forward, under his feet. The earth trembled.

Bashas only felt a bright light flashing in front of him. Before he realized what was happening, Joz had appeared in front of Bashas, ​​raised the diamond's changing right hand, and Joz hit Bashas's face with a diamond fist.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, half of Bashas's face was smashed inward, the corners of his mouth were cracked, the bridge of his nose was broken, the blood flowed unstoppably, and more than ten teeth flew out of Bashas's mouth. , Anyway, even if Blackbeard stood in front of him, that face would not be recognized.

"Really fast!"

Bashas, ​​who was flying upside down, had only time to say this in his mind. His eyes turned white and he went into a coma, as if a flying cannonball fell heavily into his back, a huge plume of smoke flew up, and Bashas lay in a deep pit.

One blow, just one blow to solve the cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates! The members of the pirate group who belonged to the black beard were shocked, and the white beard fourth team captain Diamond Joz was terrifying.

Glancing at Bashas, ​​who had passed out into a coma underground, Joz snorted and said with disdain: "It seems that Blackbeard's subordinates are all such arrogant people who can only speak big words without much combat power."

After that, Lin Tian didn't even look at Bashas again. An opponent of this level didn't have the qualifications to let Joz pay attention.

Although Bashas is a cadre under Blackbeard, it can be said that Blackbeard’s combat power can be said to be the lowest of Blackbeard’s cadres. Even Krokdal of Qiwuhai can hardly defend against being injured by Joz’s attack, not to mention other areas. A Bashas.

However, I don't know if Bashas is affected by Blackbeard, his strength is not very good, but he is rampant. This kind of person can live to this day, I have to say that he sighs his luck.

The feet rubbed ear-piercingly on the ground, smoke and dust flew up, and two gullies several meters long appeared under Bista's feet.

Steady his retreat, Bista's hands trembled, and a faint blood stain came out of the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that he had just rushed to fight, and even though he blocked the attack, Bista was still injured.

Looking up in front of him, with a cigar dangling, wearing a push-to-city hat and holding a blood-red light full of murderousness in the hands of Shiliu leaving home, Bista showed a rare dignity on his face.

"Advancing to the front of the city, the commander, the strongest swordsman in the navy, Xiliu of Rain, is indeed a well-deserved reputation", Bista looked directly at Xiliu in front of him.

"Unexpectedly, the world-famous double-blade swordsman actually knew my Xiliu's name", Xiliu was slightly surprised when he heard Bista pronounce his name, but he stayed in the city all the year round.

As a swordsman who is famous in the new world, Bista has a little understanding of the powerful swordsmen in the world, no matter how many swords they are.

Although Shiliu was the chief guard who was advancing the city and was not outside all year round, the swordsmanship comparable to the admiral's level was also spread throughout the world.

Gently inhaling the cigar in his mouth, exhaling a faint smoke, Xiliu narrowed his eyes and said: "The name of the foil Bista is indeed well-deserved. In the case of distraction, it can actually block my slash. The sea in this new world is where the real swordsman should come."

As he said, Xiliu shook his head, "Unfortunately, a generation of world-famous double-sword swordsmen have survived the war on top, but they can hardly survive today."

Hearing the frenzied words in Xiliu's words, Bista's lips curled up slightly, disdainfully said: "Just because you dare to threaten to destroy our Whitebeard Pirates, it seems that the new Pirates are becoming more and more frantic." .

Although Xiliu has combat power, as far as the pirate generation is concerned, it is not an exaggeration for Xiliu to say that he is a newcomer with Bista drifting in the sea for decades.

"If you can do it, you'll know later."

Without explaining too much, Xiliu raised the blood-red cold blade in his hand, stepped out quickly, and rushed straight towards Bista.

Not to be outdone, Bista stepped out, holding the sharp blade in his hands and rushing forward.

File clang... File clang... File clang...

The sharp blades collided, the body of the sword trembled slightly, and the sound of a humming sword sounded. The figures of Shiliu and Bista flashed in the field, and there were dozens of strong collisions every second.

Both of them are world-renowned swordsmen. The swordsmanship of the double-sword style and the one-sword style played at the top level in the world. For a time, the swords of the two played against each other, and no one dared to go deep within ten meters. The battlefield where people fight.

The two fought closely for a while, and the venting sword power cut deep ravines on the surrounding ground.


The slender barrel provides a more stable trajectory and speed for the bullet, and the scope of the gun provides a precise vision. With that powerful domineering, Van Oka is really a ghost hunting the enemy on a terrible battlefield.

Every time Van Oka pulls the trigger, it means that a life disappears in the world, standing outside the battle, and Fan Oka mechanically pulls the trigger in his hand.

call out…

There was a crack in the sky, and it was a rocket with a flame at its tail falling from the sky towards Van Oka who was hunting down members of the White Beard Pirates.

Without dodge, Van Oka raised the spear in his hand and pulled the trigger in an instant. In this short moment, the three actions of raising the gun, aiming, and firing seemed like flowing water.


The orange bullet cut through the sky and accurately hit the cannonball from above. When the two sides collided at high speed, the small bullet directly hit the cannonball. The gunpowder inside was detonated. A deafening explosion sounded and the orange fireball rose high in the sky. Up.

Putting down the spear in his hand, looking at the man who fired the rocket at him, Van Oka's eyes were slightly condensed, and said: "The Captain of the 10th Division of the White Beard Pirates, Kuliair, finally has a worthy fight. Rival".

Although it is ranked tenth among the many captains of Whitebeard, each of the captains of Whitebeard has become famous in the world. In the top war, Kuliair was alone against Moonlight Moria of Qiwuhai without any injuries. Visible that Kuliel's powerful strength.

For opponents of this level, although Van Oka has confidence in his spear skills, he also feels a bit tricky.

Without saying too much nonsense, Culiair's double-vision gun quickly pulled the trigger in his hand, and an orange-yellow bullet rushed towards Van Oka.

Raising the rifle in his hand, Van Oka leaped forward and dodged all the bullets shot by Culiair.

After a blast, the bullets of the two guns were quickly shot out. Kuliair's hands lightly touched his waist, and the two short guns appeared in Kuliair's hands somehow.


Before Kuliair took another shot, Van Oka had launched an attack, and bullets shot through the sky.

When he stepped on his feet, Culiaire turned over and jumped up to dodge the incoming bullets, and backhand picked up the cannon behind his back. The orange flame rose, and a rocket burst out of the barrel and shot towards Van Oka.

In the face of the seemingly useless guns of the strong, Kuliai and Van Oka exerted a power beyond the world. ’

The entire desert island has become a mess, and large swaths of pirates on both sides are fighting, and there are explosions from time to time, and orange fireballs slowly rise.

A small desert island a few square kilometers in size turned into a land of destruction and a mess before the battle started.

If you continue at this speed, I am afraid that after the battle, the small desert island will be completely destroyed and disappear on the map.

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