Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 940: New world, I am coming!

call out…

Like the sound of a siren, a black shell flew out of the warship, rubbing the body of the Sonny into the sea.


The power of the bomb exploded and set off waves tens of meters high. The Sonny was directly translated several meters away by the impact force, and white waves fell from the sky like a rainstorm.


Nami clung to the railing and screamed, and the unpredictable vibration almost threw it away.

"Sorry, when will the warship come!"

Usopp hurriedly ran to the ship's side and took out a telescope from his pocket to look into the distance. On the sea level, I didn't know when three warships appeared coming towards them. The shells were shot from above.

Orange flares flickered on the pitch-black muzzle, and several dark shells flew straight toward the Sonny. The shell just now was just a test shot to determine the position of the Sonny. This time the three warships were fully fired.

In an instant, dozens of black cannonballs flew, and the continuous explosion sounded in the waters around the Sonny. Although the cannonballs did not hit the Sonny, the force of the bombs blasted the calm sea several meters high. Suddenly fell into a violent shaking.

"The straw hat kid is here? Tell the surrounding warships to gather here and surround the sea port. You must not let the straw hat pirates leave here. It is the absolute justice of the navy!"

In front of the warship, a lieutenant admiral was holding a sharp sword at his waist, his face exuding a touch of murderous aura, which shows that this is also a naval general who insists on iron and blood justice.

"Damn it, navy support is too fast!"

Fei Li controlled the Sonny, which was swaying at sea, and seeing the fast approaching warship, Frankie was indeed surprised at the naval actions.


Lin Tian Feiyue's figure steadily landed on the ground, and with a slash with his hand, he chopped several shells in half.

Hearing what Frankie said, Lin Tian reminded aloud: "Be careful, the G1 branch is not the ordinary branch of the navy. They have been fighting in the new world until they are stationed at Malin Vandor. The opponents they face are all new. World hegemons, even the original Four Emperors, their combat awareness and combat power are not comparable to ordinary branch naval soldiers."

"So, shall we fight back and defeat them?" Usopp turned around and asked quickly.

For Usopp, the attack system on board the Sonny is particularly confident, not to mention that the three naval ships are doubled, and the Sonny is not afraid.

"Captive's Arrow!"

Before Luffy's order, when there was a red pirate ship on the sea, Hancock stood up on the deck, Yuzhi nodded his lips lightly, and pulled out a peach-colored heart-shaped substance.

With a gentle pull with his right hand, in an instant, a large number of peach colored arrows flew out of the red heart, densely covered with sharp arrows covering the sky above the head, a large number of sharp arrows poured down like a rainstorm, and all the naval soldiers hit by the sharp arrows turned into limestone stones.

"Hey, what's that thing?" Chopper stood on the side of the ship and asked curiously when he saw this scene.

Robin walked to the ship's side and explained: "That is the pirate group of Nine Snakes. The captain of this pirate group is the only woman in Qiwuhai. Boa Hancock, who is known as the empress, is also the world's largest beauty. "

After speaking, Robin glanced at Lin Tian calmly. Robin had spent a month on Daughters Island, and he could see the Nine Snake logo at a glance.

Perceiving Robin’s gaze, Lin Tian touched his nose in embarrassment, but a touch of pride rose in his heart. During that month, Lin Tian finally signed a series of unequal treaties, allowing the two women to accept each other’s existence. , And even fell asleep in one night.

"Wow, who is that peerless beauty?"

Usopp screamed, Hancock’s beauty stunned Usopp, and Brooke was even more unbearable. He covered his eyes with his hands and fell on the deck with a bang. His eyes were given by Hancock’s beauty. Liang is blind.

"What, the world's first big beauty!"

Hearing this, Sanji, who had been in a coma due to excessive blood loss, was immediately resurrected with blood. He ran to the side of the ship and grabbed the binoculars from Usopp. When he saw Hancock’s beauty, Sanji was petrified .

At this moment, Lu Fei walked over and saw the Nine Snakes Pirates group blocked by the general ship in front of him, and he was slightly surprised: "Oh, it's Hancock and the others..."


Hearing Lu Fei's familiar tone with Empress Qi Wuhai, the Sanji trio rushed to Lu Fei and almost didn't write the words "give us an explanation" on their faces.

Na Meiqi asked: "Luffy, how did you meet them".

Luffy, who is naturally stupefied, knows everything without saying anything, "I was shot by a big bear and flew to Daughter Island. I was going to be killed by them. In the end, Lin Tian saved it... so I followed them. Become friends".

Then Luffy took himself with the help of Hancock to advance to the city, entered the war on the top, and finally dived for two years on Daughter Island. Of course, Lin Tian did not fall.

Hearing Luffy, this fool, said everything, Lin Tian slapped his face with helplessness and exhaustion.

"What, you guy actually cultivated on Daughters Island!"

Sanji was the first one who couldn't bear it. He rushed forward and grabbed Luffy by the collar, and shouted angrily, Daughter Island is Sanji's dream place, but he didn't expect to let Luffy go.

The most important thing is that Luffy has been cultivating on Daughter Island for two years, and then looking at himself, he has actually practiced on Shemale Island for two years. When he thinks of Sanji, tears suddenly burst out. Why is there such a big gap between people.


murderous look! Lin Tian, ​​who was covering his face, suddenly felt a terrible murderous intent appearing behind him, and quickly squinted his eyes to look back, and saw that Nami, who was full of murderous intent, was standing behind her, with her orange hair in her anger like a volcanic eruption. Stand upside down.

Hearing what Luffy said, if Nami couldn't hear the relationship between Lin Tian and Hancock, then Nami would be an idiot.

"You guy told me that he was recovering from his injuries. I didn't expect to be recovering like this..."

Nami was angry not that Lin Tian didn't tell herself Hancock existed, but that he stayed on Daughters Island for half a year to recuperate, and accompanied this woman all the time, but never went to Sky Island to see himself.

Nami is a girl who doesn't like performance and hides many things in her heart. Since entering the great route, they have defeated many opponents and grew up all the way, but in these battles, Nami clearly recognizes that she is weak and can't help Lin at all. The busy days will drag everyone back.

Nami does not have powerful physical skills nor the power of devil fruit, so she can only rely on her smart brain and use knowledge to make herself stronger, and Nami just wants to catch up with Lin Tian as much as possible.

In fact, Nami didn't know that Lin Tian hadn't been to Sky Island, but seeing Nami working hard to learn about Visalia Island, Lin Tian didn't disturb Nami even though he arrived there.

Aside from anything else, Lin Tianhu hugged Nami and gently stroked her big hands on Nami's waist and abdomen. Those big hands that moved on her abdomen exuded a strange heat, like magic.

The anger on Nami's face, who was still angry before, quickly dissipated, her flying hair also fell a little bit, her clenched fist was loosened, and a flush of shyness flashed across Bai Run's face.

The abdomen is one of Nami's sensitive areas. When she was touched by Lin Tian's warm big hands in front of so many people, Nami only felt her body soft. If she didn't lean against Lin Tian, ​​Nami would probably fall directly to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Lin Tian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he occasionally discovered the weakness of Nami, otherwise it would be difficult to surrender this violent beautiful girl.

Lips were close to Nami's earlobe, Lin Tian whispered: "Nami's specific situation, I will explain to you later, let's get out of the navy for now."


Nami tapped her chin, his face flushed, and he didn't have much energy to find Lin Tian to settle the account, but she didn't think about how many times he was eaten to death by Lin Tian, ​​this guy is his nemesis.

Looking at the three Luffy people who were in a mess there, Lin Tianning said: "Okay, you two, Luffy and Sanji, don't make trouble. Let's set off as soon as possible now.



In response, Franky jumped directly into the sea, dived into the sea, swam all the way to the back of the Sunny, and removed the life-saving bag that was fixed behind the ship.

Suddenly, the bubble stepped on at the foot quickly expanded, and in a blink of an eye, a thin film reflecting colorful light seemed to wrap the Sonny like a roof.

The coated ship has the function of reducing various pressures. Just remove the life-saving bag from the bottom of the ship, and the Sonny will sink toward the seabed due to insufficient buoyancy. As for the film on the side, it can withstand the high strength even at a depth of tens of thousands of meters. Water pressure.

It was originally found that the facilities on the Sonny could dive into the seafloor tens of thousands of meters deep without coating, but Frankie didn't know this. He arrived early in Lin Tian before they even came to coat the film.

With the help of Usopp and Chopper, Luffy immediately escaped from Sanji's hands, clutching his hat, Luffy was suddenly Luffy really couldn't figure out why Sanji wanted this guy. So sad, shouldn’t it be an exciting day for everyone to meet again today?

Of course, he didn't think much about it. Luffy was a bit, and his attention focused on the sailing, raising his hands and shouting.

"Okay, it's sailing!"

As the buoyancy weakened, the Sonny sank little by little, and the azure blue water slowly passed the Sonny.

call out…

Luffy leaped slightly, standing on the bow of the ship with his arms folded, looking at the people on the deck, and said what he had wanted to say for two years.

"Brothers, I'm sorry, although there are a thousand words in my heart at this moment, I still want to thank you, thank you for supporting me, and being wayward with me."

"Two years ago, we encountered the greatest crisis here. In the face of our opponents who had no hope of war, we had to stop, but today, we will set sail again."

"New world, I am coming!"

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