Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 942: 3 people growing up


Seeing the extremely huge octopus blocking the front, the thousand-meter-long yellow tentacles swaying in the sea, only a few meters away from him, Usopp was immediately frightened and fell to the ground.

"Sai-mon, there really is a sea-mon," Ursop fell to the ground with a bang, and Usopp's entire voice was trembling with fright.

Rumor has it that in this seabed that is tens of thousands of meters deep, the sea is flowing slowly and it is pitch black, and in this sea, there is a rumored creature living here, called a sea monster.

Of course, this is just a folklore. In fact, the sea monsters in the rumors are just some extraordinarily large lord-level sea kings. The wide sea is divided into two sea layers, and some ordinary sea kings live on them. The real huge sea kings live in the deep sea layer. , Which is the bottom of the sea.

From the Chambord Islands to the fisherman island, the road has to go through the entire sea and reach the deepest part of the seabed. It is normal to encounter giant sea kings, and the seven-story pirate ship will be destroyed on the way to the fisherman island. Eighty percent of the reason is because these sea kings exist.

"Look, his tentacles are still holding several pirate ships. I am afraid that all the ships that have sailed in the past few days have died in this guy's hands!"

Frankie pointed to the top of the octopus monster's tentacles, and he could clearly see through the water, several huge pirate ships were tightly entangled by the tentacles.

"What should we do, this monster is so huge!" Seeing that octopus monster looked at them, Chopper's face was full of fear.

"Easy to handle, just get rid of him" Lin Tian said very lightly. Although he can't perform his power perfectly in the sea, he can still easily solve a monster that is thousands of meters away.

Besides, it’s not the first time Lin Tian has faced this monster. Lin Tian has been to Murloc Island and can’t say much, but he has been there two or three times. You only need to activate the overlord to give this monster to Shocked away, after speaking, Lin Tian would act.

Standing on the bow of the ship, Lu Fei suddenly turned his head and said with interest: "Lin Tian, ​​wait, I think of a good way. Let's capture it and use it to pull the boat."

Hearing this, everyone on the boat was taken aback, and Luffy's amazing thought directly shocked them.

Usopp stood up from the ground with a whirr and pointed his finger at Lu Fei angrily: "Lu Fei, what are you talking about, tame him? How can it be possible to tame this huge monster? Look, you can see without looking carefully. That guy is huge, how can such a monster be tamed".

"Yes!" Chopper stood in the Usopp camp without hesitation, threatening with a small fist: "Luffy, if you still say this, be careful I beat you up."

Although the words were threatening, with Chopper's cute face, there was no threat at all.

Chopper and Usopp resolutely opposed. Unfortunately, Luffy would not listen to them. With a touch of their hands, Luffy decided, "Okay, that's it, let's tame this monster."

"Ah, it's over, this is all over!"

Chopper's tears burst out immediately. Once Luffy made a decision, no one could stop him. He finally set sail and wanted to do this dangerous thing.

"Good idea, how, Luffy, do you have a countermeasure?"

What Sauron agreed with was not Luffy's idea, but being able to fight against this monster is what Sauron is interested in. After two years of training, Sauron needs a strong enough guy to show how strong he is.

After following Hawkeye for two years, although Sauron has been taught by Hawkeye and also fought with Hawkeye, for two years, no matter how strong Sauron thinks his swordsmanship is, only one loses against Hawkeye. Hawkeye is like An insurmountable mountain stands in front of him.

And the sea monster in front of him was fair enough, able to show his strength.

Dragging his chin, Luffy looked at the Kraken below, shook his head and said: "There is no way, mainly we are at sea, not leaving the Sonny".

"No, no!" Usopp didn't give up, he put his arms around Luffy's neck, pointed at the octopus monster below, and persuaded: "The most important thing is not not to be able to leave the Sonny, but the size of this monster. Who knows him? After living for hundreds of years, that huge tentacle can shoot us to pieces with one blow."

Seeing that the rising guy Luffy came, Na Mei gave a white look and told Frankie: "Frankie, drive southwest, we dive into the sea from the side by the current."

"No, Nami, we are going to rush towards the octopus monster!"

Luffy quickly broke away from Usopp and turned back to object, but he wanted to tame the monster and pull the boat for them.

However, they did not wait for Luffy and the others to discuss whether or not to tentacles this monster. The octopus monster below has already placed the target on them, and the huge body is released. The octopus monster is rushing towards it very quickly under the push of the current. The Sonny, the ten thousand-meter-long tentacles attacked the Sonny.

Don't wait for Luffy to solve the octopus monster, the octopus monster has already killed them.

"We haven't done anything to you yet, so we took the initiative to send it to the door. If that's the case, let me help you to supersede!"

Sauron's body squatted slightly, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked, unspeakably arrogant, his right hand pulled out the word Hedao on his waist slightly, and a dazzling light leaked from the sheath.


Behind Usopp and Chopper did not know when they appeared behind Sauron, and they joined forces to throw Sauron to the ground.

"What, you two guys want..."

"Sauron, you idiot, the soap bubble film will break if it is hit by a large attack."

"Woo... Sauron, do you want us to accompany you to pieces?"


Just as the three were arguing, the octopus monster had already killed it, and the thick tentacles cut through the seawater barrier like a sharp arrow and shot straight at the Sonny.

"Little chicken, run!"

The bow thruster turned rapidly, and the Sonny, under Frankie's control, retreated quickly, avoiding the slap of the octopus monster tentacles dangerously and dangerously.

But evading one tentacle, the octopus monster has more than a dozen tentacles, and one tentacles pierced and pierced through the sea and chased down the Sonny.

"It's impossible to escape. It seems that we have to deal with this octopus monster this time," Lin Tian smiled slightly.

Looking up, behind Lin Tian's eyes, Nami groaned: "At this time, you are still in the mood to make a joke."

Although the octopus monster in front of her was terrible, Nami didn't have much fear in her heart. He believed that with Lin Tian's combat power, a mere octopus monster could not stop them from moving forward.

The active attack of the octopus monster could not stop Luffy's three guys. Reluctantly, Nami had to use a quick-fighting diving suit to get Luffy and the others to fight.

"Ok, let's go"


In response, the three of Luffy jumped out of the Sunny. They put on diving suits and ran fast in the sea, rushing towards the octopus monster in front of them.

"Hey, you guys, help me buy some time. I will use the strongest blow to beat this guy out."

"I'm afraid I can chop this guy to pieces without you," Sauron said lightly. In his words, it seemed as if the thousand-meter-long monster in front of him was a small fish that could be solved at will.

Sauron said this, and Sanji was immediately unhappy, and said: "Just you, the green algae head, this octopus monster, I can solve it with one kick!"

When the voice fell, Sanji's figure flashed, rushing out of soap bubbles, his feet jog in the sea, each time he fell, he could fly more than ten meters away, surpassing Sauron and Luffy in an instant.

"Wow, so fast!"

Seeing Sanji quickly approaching in front of the octopus monster, Usopp let out an exclamation sound.

"Yes, it seems that Ivankov has done this well in the past two years." Lin Tian thought to himself that compared to two years ago, Sanji's growth is also rapid.

It is necessary to know that this is a deep ocean with a depth of several thousand meters. Under such a huge pressure, even a piece of steel can be crushed, but Sanji can explode at such a rapid speed under this pressure, and it will definitely increase exponentially if it reaches the land.

call out…

The right foot quickly turned, rotating at high speed, the right foot was emitting a crimson light, and the whole leg was like molten steel, emitting a dazzling cross light.

"Devil Wind Foot. Grill Fly Kick"

Lifting up his right foot that glowed with scarlet light, Sanji kicked and flew over the octopus monster's tentacles. The blazing high temperature, even the extremely cold sea, couldn’t stop it, and the extremely hot heat burned into the monster’s heart. The tentacles were immediately flushed with flames.

The light dissipated, and the thousand-meter-long tentacles suddenly turned into a pile of charred black powder, which, under the impact of the sea, was like a cloud of black mist spreading out in the water thousands of meters deep.

Seeing that the guy Sanji took the shot, Sauron was naturally unwilling to show weakness, his figure flashed, rushed in front of the octopus monster, pulled out the word Kazuichi from his waist and bit it in his mouth.

Holding the three generations of Ghosts and Qiu Shui with both hands, the dazzling light radiated from the scabbard. Everyone on the Sonny except Lin Tian felt a bright light flashing in front of them, and they didn’t realize what happened. The blow has exploded.

"Three Swords Flow Profound Meaning. Six Dao Officials"


The violent impact current erupted, and two huge tentacles that were thousands of meters long were chopped into several pieces by Sauron, floating in the sea, and under the huge pain, the octopus monster roared with grief.

"It's amazing, I didn't even see his knife skills!" Brook screamed. After two years, Sauron was much stronger than before.

Such fast swordsmanship, Brook has only seen Pluto Raleigh, Hawkeye Mihawk, and Shaking Diska. Their swordsmanship is the same as Sauron. The enemy has been cut in two without even seeing the moves. half.

"The demon galloping on the sea is too weak, I didn't expect it to be at this level", shook his head, Sauron looked very disappointed, and he couldn't even use his full strength.

"Third gear!"

A large amount of air poured into the body and gathered on the right hand. For a while, a fist that was bigger than a giant floated in the sea.

"Armed color domineering, hardened"

The invisible domineering entangled in the fist, a dark light flashed, and suddenly Luffy's huge fist seemed to be covered with a layer of invisible black armor, and the entire fist was pitch black.

"Like a gun!"

The pitch-black giant fist blasted out, stirring the waves of the sea, directly hitting the head of the octopus monster that screamed in grief, terrible power erupted, and the huge monster that was thousands of meters long was blown out by Luffy's punch.

"What, how strong is this guy Luffy?" Nami pressed Usopp's head, shocked.

This is a sea king that is thousands of meters long. Such a huge body can't bear Luffy's blow. It's still in the deep sea. If it is placed on land, Nami can't imagine how terrible a punch will burst. The power of.

Two years later, in the face of the demon galloping on the sea, Luffy's trio once again joined forces, and the burst of power was worthy of the name of a monster.

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