Above the Mermaid Island, in a soap bubble smaller than the giant Mermaid Island.

In the dazzling and beautiful, dreamlike palace hall, an extremely huge murloc sits on the high throne, and a general under the throne is kneeling there, but the general’s face is filled with lightness. The color of anxiety and fear.

"King Neptune, we just received a piece of news on Murloc Street. Three Murlocs were beheaded on the Murloc Street, and blood donations spread all over the street."

Upon hearing this, King Neptune, the giant murloc seated on the throne, squinted his eyes suddenly and seriously, and said in surprise: "Well? This kind of thing happened."

Murloc Street is the most chaotic place in the entire Murloc Island, where many illegal groups gather, especially the conflicts between Murlocs and humans. It often happens there, and there are also many fighting between Murlocs and pirates who came to Murloc Island. , King Neptune was also very distressed about this problem.

However, the Murloc is very difficult to deal with, and it is still an orphan shelter. Even if King Neptune wants to deal with it, it is a very difficult thing. Often, pirates are injured and killed because of conflicts with the forces on Murloc Street.

King Neptune asked: "The three murlocs died. How is that human being? Is it killed?"

Although there are conflicts between humans and murlocs in Murloc Street, the murlocs who win in the end are basically Murlocs. After all, this is Murloc Island, and there are a lot of racially discriminatory Murlocs in Murloc Street.

"Do not!"

Shaking his head, the general said with a hint of fear in his tone: "King Neptune, that man easily left Murloc Street after beheading hundreds of murlocs and destroying most of the streets."

If it were a simple human being killed, how could this general come to the Dragon King’s Palace to report such trivial things to King Neptune? It is true that the man caused too many consequences, and the general alone cannot handle this. thing.


King Neptune was shocked by the news and straightened his body, his eyes fixed on the general below, his eyes revealing incredible gazes.

Hundreds of Murlocs died and most of Murloc Street was destroyed. This kind of thing has not happened in Murloc Island since he became king.

King Neptune asked quickly: "Speaking of what is going on, and who is that human being, who can possess such terrible power is which powerhouse in the human world".

"We haven't investigated the specific cause of the incident yet, but we have determined the identity of that person. He is the deputy leader of the revolutionary army, the killing **** Lin Tian!"

"It's actually this guy."

King Neptune stood up with a cry, his heart was no longer surprised, but shocked. King Neptune did not expect that Lin Tian, ​​the killer god, came to the fisherman island and caused such a big thing.

It happened half an hour ago!

Lin Tian applied lightly, and the powerful force easily chopped off the murloc neck in his hand. Watching the murloc dead in his hand, Lin Tian threw it away, and the murloc who was thrown away banged against the wall. Even the hard wall hit a big hole.

After easily solving the three murlocs, Lin Tian clapped his hands and was about to leave, but the situation was a bit wrong. I saw that the murlocs on the street did not know when Lin Tian surrounded him.

His gaze swept quickly. There were angry murlocs on both sides of the street. Lin Tian's eyes narrowed slightly. At the same time, he was wondering why these murlocs were all directed at him suddenly, and he did not provoke them. Is it because those three were caught Murloc killed by himself.

At this moment, a sturdy murloc walked out of the crowd and said angrily: "Insignificant human, what did you just say, you dare to mock the noble blood of our murloc, you are a lowly race Humanity".

"Kill him, this tiny human dared to laugh at our murlocs"

"Let him know the power of our Murlocs and hang his head at the corner of Murloc Street"

In an instant, a burst of angry killing sounded, all aimed at Lin Tian in the field.

At this moment, Lin Tian finally understood why he was surrounded by so many murlocs. It turned out that the murlocs were insulted because of what he had just said. Naturally, these murlocs who thought they were noble blood could not bear it.


With a cold snort, Lin Tian said lightly: "Not only these three, it seems that there are a lot of guys who think that the murlocs have noble blood and are number one in the world. I think I should have come to the most chaotic murloc street on the island. ".

I have been to Murloc Island several times. Although I don't know much about it, I still have a general understanding of Murloc Island. As an illegal area of ​​Murloc Island, most of the Murlocs here have serious discrimination against humans.

"You actually know our fisherman street, so it's not the first time you have arrived at the fisherman island, but today, no matter what, you can't leave here. Anyone has to pay for what they have said." A murderous man The murloc walked out of the crowd holding a several-meter-long mace, raised the mace with one hand and pointed it at Lin Tian.


Lin Tian dismissed his lips and said, "Next, I will let you know what it is to watch the sky from a well, and I don't know how big the world is."

"Sit on the well and watch the sky? Tiny human beings, this sentence is used to describe you guessed right, how do you who occupy the land know the power of our deep-sea murlocs".

Amidst the angry shouts, the murloc holding the mace stick strode out, raised the mace in his hand and slammed it down towards Lin Tian’s head. The huge mace iron rod cut through the sky and brought gusts of white wind around. On the mace, the sharp iron thorn hadn't hit, and the strong wind had already killed it.

Facing the attacking mace, Lin Tian didn't make any movement, that calm face was the biggest mockery, the murloc shouted, his feet leaped, and he lifted the mace and fell from the sky.


The spiked iron rod was hitting Lin Tian's head, and a hurricane immediately dispersed around the two of them, and the hurricane lifted dust, fog and rubble on the ground.

"Unexpectedly, this arrogant human being must die now."

"Our murloc clan's wrist strength is ten times that of ordinary people. Not to mention a human being, even a boulder will be smashed to pieces."

A shout of joy suddenly sounded from the crowd.

The smoke dissipated under the strong wind, and when seeing the situation in the field, the sarcasm of many murlocs suddenly stopped, staring at the scene in front of them dumbfounded.

I saw Lin Tian standing there under the wolf-fanged giant stick, let alone smashing Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian's head was not broken at all, and even the ground under Lin Tian's feet was not damaged in the slightest.

"How is this possible? How can you hold it, it must be fake, fake..." The murloc holding a mace, shook his head and couldn't believe that the scene before him was real.

Even a boulder was smashed to pieces by one's own spiked iron rod, let alone a human head, how could it withstand the impact of a few meters long spiked iron rod.

Lin Tian's ironic voice suddenly sounded, "This is scary, it seems that I still overestimate you, ten times the strength of human wrists..."

As he said, Lin Tian raised his fist and blasted the mace above his head. The invisible armed color was domineering covering Lin Tian's fist, like a layer of dark armor.

Click... Click...

"My wrist strength is a thousand times that of an ordinary person!"

A strong wind swept out along with the shock wave, the hard mace iron rod cracked one after another, and a bang of the mace iron rod directly exploded. The mermaid let out a scream, flew out, and ran through continuously. A dozen houses finally stopped.

"Is this guy still a human? How could he be so strong."

"A thousand times the wrist strength, how can it be possible, isn't human being a very thin creature?"

"Don't be afraid, no matter how strong he is, we have thousands of people here."

"Yes, we have thousands of people, enough to kill this guy, don't be afraid to go together!"


In the shouting, thinking that there were thousands of them, the fear in the hearts of many murlocs was quickly suppressed, holding various weapons and killing them like a tide.

Looking at the swarming murlocs, Lin Tian didn't have the slightest fear, but smiled: "It's been a long time since this has happened. Do you want to drink up the blood of these murlocs?"


The chasing wind trembling violently behind him, as if responding to Lin Tian's inquiry, pressing the trembling chasing wind behind his right hand with his right hand, Lin Tian flashed a bloodthirsty red light in his eyes.


A dazzling cold light flashed by, and a sharp slash cut through the sky and entered the crowd. Amidst a croak, dozens of heads flew up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Pillars of blood spurted from their necks, sprinkling blood. It's like just raining blood from the sky.

"Now is the real killing time."

With his feet on the ground, the ground under his feet was broken inch by inch under the force of Lin Tian's gushing force. With the help of this reaction force, Lin Tian turned into a streamer and burst into the crowd directly.

The blade of the chasing wind slid past, blood splashed wherever it passed, and a famous murloc did not realize what was happening, their heads were chopped off by the chasing wind and rolled to the ground. There seems to be nothing in this world that can stop chasing. The wind is sharp.

This densely crowded crowd seems to be very crowded, but it is like a flock of sheep, and Lin Tian is a tiger rushing into the flock. Any murloc is his prey, and no amount of sheep is a Only a tiger opponent.

At this moment, Lin Tian is like a godhead holding a death sickle. With a light swing of the sword in his hand, several lives disappear into this world.

In just a few seconds, most of the densely packed crowd was lost. The ground was already red with blood, and the place under his feet was covered with sticky blood. The sky was raining with drops of blood from time to time, as if even God couldn’t bear to watch. To kill here, shed blood and tears.

The ground includes the surrounding houses, and wherever the eyes pass, there are murlocs with mutilated limbs everywhere. This kind of miserable scene is the most kind words to describe in Shurachang. If ordinary people see it, they will be scared to death.

A murloc looked at the street turned into a Xiuluo field, with a clam of a weapon in his hand, and dropped to the ground, shouting: "How can he be so strong? He is not a dead man, he is a **** of death, the real **** of death".

From that look, this murloc has obviously been completely frightened by the scene in front of him!

death! The death of the whole street seems to be the only rhythm! ! !

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