Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 953: Goodbye Jinping

Thinking that the research institutes of the world government had studied medicines related to enhancing human strength, Lin Tian's heart sank slightly.

At that time, as the chief of the scientific force, Lin Tian knew a lot about the various research institutions of the world government, including the research content. The research institution was led by Begapunk and finally produced the finished product. Although it can improve the strength of the human body, the sequelae are too great. However, if it is promoted on a large scale, the gains will outweigh the gains, and the harms outweigh the benefits. Therefore, neither the world’s top government officials nor Begapunk agree.

And now that the medicine with the same effect, or specifically for the use of murlocs, appears on the murloc island, the implications behind this are very huge.

If as Lin Tian thought, then this rebellion is not as simple as it seems.

Some people have already started operations in secret. In this case, Lin Tian must maintain sufficient vigilance. Since someone secretly promotes the rebellion of Hodi and others, it is impossible for the other party to miss this kind of rebellion.

In other words, there is really a behind-the-scenes man behind this, so he is very likely to be in the fisherman island at this moment, not knowing where he is hiding.

For this reason, Lin Tian and Sauron were divided into two groups. Sauron and the three rushed to the execution of King Neptune temporarily. It was also the place where all the insurgents gathered, Gironde Square!

Lin Tian gave them instructions to ensure the safety of King Neptune and the three princes anyway. Once King Neptune happens, the consequences will affect the life and death of the entire Murloc Island.

On the other side, Lin Tian rushed in the direction of the sea forest. The guy Luffy ran out with the white star privately, but with the idea of ​​the white star, she would definitely go to a place that was the sea forest.

Because there is the cemetery of Queen Bai Xing, Princess Yi Ji, Lin Tian usually takes Bai Xing out to play, Bai Xing must go back to the cemetery to worship his mother.

After a gallop, Lin Tian crossed most of the fisherman island and finally came to the submarine forest northeast of the fisherman street.

The submarine forest is also known as the "cemetery of the ship" because many shipwrecks in the sea are transported here along the flow of the tide. Because "Sun Tree Eve" transmits the sunlight on the sea to Murloc Island, many beautiful corals grow here, and fish and whales will also feed here. The underwater forest is also a very beautiful place on Murloc Island.

But the location is remote, and there are a lot of sunken ships piling up here, so murlocs rarely come here in normal times.

When Lin Tian rushed to the sky above Fishman Island, he saw the Sonny in the middle of the coral forest.


Sanji, who was smoking, felt a familiar atmosphere approaching in the sky, and when he looked up curiously, he immediately found Lin Tian descending from the sky.


The leader of the rebel army, Hordy, used the huge screens placed in various places on the fisherman island to announce his declaration and goals to the entire fisherman island, and three hours after the announcement to the fisherman island, he would beheaded. The head of King Puton became the ruler of the entire country.

At the same time, this crazy guy actually issued a challenge to Lin Tian and Luffy, and even threatened to kill Lin Tian and Luffy, so that the world could see the greatness of the noble murlocs.

"Is there 400 million in my bounty? When did it increase."

Hearing that on the screen, the guy named Huo Di took out his bounty ticket of 400 million yuan, Luffy was excited.

Bian Shang even replied flatly: "During the Marin Vando Top War, because your identity was leaked, you are now known to the world. After the bounty exceeds 300 million, it will not be so easy to promote."

Indeed, the grandson of Karp, the strongest naval soldier of the navy, and the son of Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, and his brothers are the gods of death Lin Tian and Baidi Aisi, and the terrible life experience of Yang Zhuo Lu Fei is said to the whole world.

It can be said that with Luffy's life experience, even any pirate force including the New World Three Emperors and Two Emperors, no force would dare to kill Luffy, because none of them could afford the revenge of the relatives behind Luffy.

With his fists clenched, Luffy said in a battle: "But since that guy provokes me, then I have to fight."


The beautiful white star princess suddenly yelled, and the shark Merkaro on the side flew over. White star quickly climbed onto Merkaro's body and was about to go to Gironde Square in Mikaro.

"I have to save my father!"

Seeing this scene, Jinping leaped quickly and stood in front of the advancing Mecarlo, persuading: "Wait a minute, Princess White Star, you can't go there now."

"Why can't you go, Mecarlo, take me and Bai Xing with you."

At this moment, Lu Fei suddenly jumped up, standing on the shark Mecarlo, going to Gironde Square with Bai Xing.

"I told you to wait. I said that you can't go to war with Hoddy, brother Luffy! You can't go to war with Hoddy, or else the murloc remnants will hate humans. Let's leave it to the old man. You are here. Let’s wait for Lin Tian to come here.” Lu Fei’s sudden rush made Jinping feel a headache, but Jinping still persuaded him.

With that said, Jinping walked up to Luffy and stretched out his hand to block Luffy's progress.

Unfortunately, Jinping didn’t understand that Luffy was the kind of person who would never change once he was determined. Luffy covered his hat and said impatiently, “It’s so boring. If you want to stop me, try it.” .


Seeing the firmness in Luffy’s eyes, I really understand that if you want to stop Luffy from going to Gironde Square this time, there is only one way to speak of it, and that is battle. Only by defeating Luffy can he stay well. Here.

With his right foot backed slightly for a half step, Jinping raised his hands and said in a condensed voice: "Perhaps I have always regarded you as a partner in the fight together. I am a little careless. You have inherited that terrible blood. If you don't want to stop. , Then I have no choice."

Starting from the hero Kapu, to the leader of the revolutionary army, Luffy and his family are the top two generations in the world, and Luffy also has the potential to become the world's top power. It can be said that the Luffy family is known as the world's strongest family. Not an exaggeration.

"Hey, this idiot!" Seeing that Luffy was going to fight Jinping, Nami patted her forehead helplessly. Before Hoddy could solve it, the civil war began on their side.


Sanji, who was smoking a cigarette, suddenly noticed a familiar breath. When he looked up curiously, he saw Lin Tian descend from the sky.

He couldn't help but say: "Now someone can finally take care of this messy guy."

On the whole ship, the only one who could make Luffy listen to the conversation was probably only Lin Tian who had lived with Luffy since childhood, as Luffy's eldest brother.

Not only Sanji, but Luffy and Jinping, who were about to go to war, found Lin Tian falling from the sky, and Qiaoba and others, who reacted slowly, also spotted Lin Tian. Everyone showed a touch of joy.

"Great, Lin Tian is back," Chopper shouted happily.

"Falling from the sky, it's still super pulling wind as always", Frankie envied Lin Tian's ability to fly freely.

Finally there was someone who could decide things. There was no way to call the captain a fool. Sometimes he still had to rely on Lin Tian, ​​the deputy captain.

"Lin Tian, ​​where did you guy go? Too many things have happened in just a few hours, and now the three Sauron guys have also been caught." As soon as Lin Tian fell to the ground, Nami ran over , Hugged Lin Tian's arm tightly and complained.

From entering Murloc Island to being invited by King Neptune, then being arrested, and then Murloc Island rebelling, Nami wondered if they were too unlucky. Why did they encounter Murloc Island when they came to Murloc Island? Such a messy day.

But fortunately, now that Lin Tian is back, as long as he is by his side, no matter what danger will happen next, he will be perfectly blocked by Lin Tian.

Touching Nami's smooth hair, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have rescued the three Sauron guys before looking for you."

"Yeah, it's really great." Chopper jumped up with joy.

"That way, I almost couldn't make it to save them." Luffy touched his nose, found a place to sit down everywhere, no longer the eagerness he had previously.

"Brother Lin Tian, ​​it's really nice to see you."

A very beautiful voice came from behind, Lin Tian quickly turned around and saw that Bai Xing was looking at him with excitement.

Having not seen Lin Tian for three years, and seeing Brother Lin Tian again, Bai Xing was naturally excited.

"Oh, three years of absence, Bai Xing, you have changed a lot than in the and you are even more beautiful." After three years of absence, the change of Bai Xing shocked Lin Tian.

Compared to three years ago, Bai Xing's body size was more than twice that in the past, and even King Neptune, as his father, couldn't compare to Bai Xing.

However, think about it, it is hundreds of years for the White Star to have a mermaid princess. In some respects, it is normal for people to understand mermaid. Even if the size of the White Star has increased a lot, it will be more beautiful.

With long wavy and flowing pink hair, watery blue eyes, beautiful appearance, plump upper circumference, and shades of pink fish tail, the skin is whiter than winter snow, and better than the best suet jade Also lubricate.

The beautiful face is a cheek that is all over the country. In terms of beauty alone, Boa Hancock, who is called the world's most beautiful woman, is not as good as the white star, and is slightly weaker.

Even when Lin Tian saw Bai Xing, he was a little lost.

"Lin Tian, ​​long time no see," Jinping walked over and greeted Lin Tian.

"Oh, Jinping, you are here too!" Lin Tian was surprised that Jinping was also here, "I heard that you are not traveling in the new world recently?"

Since the war on the top, Jinping has gone on a lonely seaman journey after recovering his injuries. During the past two years, he has traveled all over the great route. The latest news is that Jinping has taken care of a pirate three days ago. Tuan, I didn't expect that Shin Ping would actually be here now.

Jinping replied: "This time, I am here because I understand that these days are the date you will arrive at Murloc Island. In order to prevent you from beheading Hodie and his gang, I rushed to Yu Yu. People Island came to stop you."


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