Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 956: Goodbye Kelena

"No, Luffy, Lin Tian!"

Jinping stood up again and prevented the actions of Lu Fei and Lin Tian. If their human identity prevented this rebellion, it would have caused even more immeasurable consequences.

"Jinping, why are you so long-winded, no matter what the details, I must go and beat that guy anyway," Luffy clutched his straw hat with an impatient look on his face.

Unlike Luffy, who did things completely by instinct, Lin Tian must have some special reason to stop them so reluctantly.

Looking at Jinping, Lin Tian asked, "Jinping, what the **** is going on, why must we stop us from going? Is it because we are humans?"

Ignoring the quarrel between the three, Nami loosened Lin Tian's arm, and suddenly walked over to the crying Bai Xing, and asked, "Ah, you are called Bai Xing...".

Hearing Nami's name, Kemi's face changed, and he quickly reached out and counted: "Ah, Miss Nami, Lord White Star is a princess, you can't just call her by name like this."

"It's okay," Bai Xing said dismissively: "Yes...I'm very sorry, I couldn't help crying when I recalled my mother's affairs, sister Nami, are you Lin Tian's girlfriend?"

When asked by Bai Xing in this way, Nami's face changed slightly, and a blush flashed across her beautiful and pretty face, and she nodded her head to confess.

Seeing Nami's shy look, Bai Xing couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling. Bai Xing suddenly lowered her head and approached Nami and smiled: "Sister Nami, we obviously met for the first time, but I have a kind of friend who has been playing since childhood. Feel relieved".

Nami was slightly taken aback. It turned out that not only she felt it, but even Bai Xing was aware of it. It was the first time she saw Bai Xing, but Nami felt very familiar.

Jinping explained to Lin Tian: "Yes, you can't make a move, otherwise you will make the Murloc remnants hate humans, especially you Lin Tian. If I guess right, you might be holding everyone to rebel. The idea of ​​people killing".

Lin Tian shrugged and confessed generously: "Yes, the most hateful thing in this world is betrayal. Since those murlocs have already betrayed, they have already been prepared. Don’t let the murlocs let them continue to stay like a time bomb? Murloc Island, don't know when it will explode?"

Lin Tian himself is a person who hates traitors very much, and these rebellious murlocs are people who hate humans. If the murloc island is to cooperate with the revolutionary army, the existence of these murlocs adds too much uncertainty.

"That's why I want to stop you. If you let you mess around on the Murloc Island, every time the Murloc opened up to humans, humans would appear to destroy them. Humans are cruel creatures. Humans discriminate against murlocs, and this concept is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

"If you do what you think, even if you defeat Hodi, it will remind many residents of Murloc Island of that unalterable history."

At this moment, Sanji suddenly stood up and said calmly: "It is very peaceful, but this is your country and one of the reasons why our captain fights. When our captain was killed, didn't you help us? In other words, you are a great benefactor of nothing, and since Luffy thinks so, then we are the same, because we also have a reason to fight."


Lin Tian suddenly yelled, and the coral bush where he looked trembling, and then a black shadow flew out of the bush and fled towards the depths of the coral forest.

Lin Tian's shout naturally awakened everyone, and everyone immediately saw the black shadow fleeing. Everyone did not expect that someone would eavesdrop on their conversation.

"No, I can't let him run away. If he is known by Hoddy, I will suffer." Jinping's face changed and he was about to chase the shadows. The things they just talked to were too much involved, concerning the safety of the entire Murloc Island. , Never let the eavesdropper escape.

Needless to say, Lin Tian had already acted. At the moment when the black shadow fled, Lin Tian chased thousands of people into a streamer and rushed into the coral forest.

Although it is not clear who the eavesdropper was, Lin Tian quickly caught up with the eavesdropper by virtue of Lin Tian's extreme speed. From behind, it was a mermaid, and the specific appearance was not clear.

Perceiving the Lin Tian behind, the murlocs were swimming in the dense forest, and disappeared in the light in front of them after only a few wobbles.

"It's impossible to escape from my hands!"

Both feet stepped on the coral trees under their feet and suddenly stepped on them, and Lin Tian shot out at an increased speed, rushing into the bright light ahead.

Stopping his footsteps, what appeared in front of Lin Tian was a deep pit. Inside, there were broken ships of various kinds. The whole thing was like a tomb of a ship. A large number of ships washed into the forest of the sea by the current were piled up. Here, the eavesdropper is hiding in the wreckage of countless ships in front of him.

His gaze swept quickly, but he didn't find a figure, but Lin Tian couldn't help it. The corner of his mouth was slightly raised: "Do you think you can escape me by hiding in the wreckage of the ship? That would be a big mistake."

As Lin Tian's voice fell, seeing and hearing the domineering color instantly covered the entire ship graveyard like a tide, and everything invisible to the naked eye was presented to Lin Tian, ​​including the person hidden in it.

"it's here!"

As soon as his figure flashed, Lin Tian rushed directly into a broken ship in front of him, raised his fist and slammed into the hard deck. With a bang, the broken wood was flying, and the deck was blasted out of a big hole.

Lin Tian pulled his right hand along the big hole towards the outside, and suddenly a struggling figure appeared in Lin Tian's hand, and was pulled out of the big hole by Lin Tian.

When he saw the figure in his hand, Lin Tian was stunned. This was not just coming to the fisherman island to frame him, and finally gave him a very valuable ancient scroll.

"Let go, let me go, you bastard!" The beautiful mermaid in his hand kept struggling, and he kept cursing Lin Tian bastard.

It is a pity that with her strength, how could Lin Tian's opponent be able to break free and get Lin Tian's palm.

Looking at Kelena who was struggling in his hand, Lin Tian said with joy: "I just thought about how to find Kelena, but I just sent them to him by myself. It's really no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere." .

With a bang, Kelena, who was released by Lin Tian, ​​fell heavily on the ground before she could react. There was a tingling pain in her butt, and Kelena let out a scream.

Lin Tian couldn't help laughing at the scene where Kelena was holding her **** and her face was painful.

Hearing Lin Tian's laughter, Kelena stood up from the ground with a cry and looked at Lin Tian in front of her with a look of angrily. She leaped on to bite, but was easily restrained by Lin Tian with both hands.

Holding Kelena with both hands, Lin Tian's face has completely calmed down, and he said solemnly: "Just listen to our conversation, you should know who I am."

Hearing this, Kailena's face suddenly changed, thinking that the human being she had calculated before was the Killing God Lin Tian, ​​Kailena couldn't help but tremble.

According to the rumors, the killing **** Lin Tian looked terrifying, and the number of pirates who died in his hands was unknown, and he would be killed if he angered him.

Thinking of Lin Tian's terrifying reputation, and now that she was grasped by Lin Tian personally, Kailena's anger disappeared instantly, her eyes full of fear did not dare to look directly at Lin Tian.

Muttering his mouth, he whispered aggrievedly: "I didn't mean it before. Who told you to die."

With that, Kelena's eyes flickered with tears, how could she be so unlucky, this time being caught by the **** of death, Lin Tian, ​​might be killed.

Upon seeing this, Lin Tian suddenly smiled, is he so scary? I was saying that the innocent should be me. Walking on the street well, I was attacked by the murlocs.

However, Lin Tian just thought about it in his heart, and didn't say it. Kelena's fearful mood is more suitable for Lin Tian to ask something.

With a light cough, Lin Tian pretended to be serious: "Okay, don't cry. I don't need to pursue the previous things, including everything you just heard, I can treat it as if I didn't see it, but there is one thing you must tell. Where did I get the ancient scroll you gave me earlier?"

Hearing Lin Tian's assurance, Kelena was taken aback, and then her face was filled with joyful smiles, it was great that she didn't have to die.

Raising her head, Kelena looked directly at Lin Tian, ​​and asked in disbelief: "Really? What you said is true? As long as I answer your question, you will not pursue everything and let me go."

The rumored Lin Tian was an extremely cruel guy, how could she let herself go suddenly? Kelena was a little worried that Lin Tian was lying to herself.

Nodded, Lin Tian promised: "Don't worry, Lin Tian will do it when I say As long as you answer my question, I will let you go. Besides, you have nothing to cheat me. of".

As he said, Lin Tian suddenly raised his hand and dragged his chin, his gaze swept across Kelena's body, with a faint smile on his face.

The voice changed, "But it's not right. A beautiful mermaid like you can also be caught on the boat. It happens that we..."

Before Lin Tian could finish, Kelena screamed, put her hands around her chest, looked at Lin Tian with a vigilant face, and shouted in her mouth: "Why are you doing this? You just promised me that I answered the question. ".


Seeing Kelena's frightened face, Lin Tian couldn't help laughing. At the same time, a feeling of revenge joy rose in his heart. This mermaid had previously let himself harass Murloc Street for no reason, so it was okay to scare her by himself.

"Okay." With a wave of his hand, Lin Tian returned the topic to the main topic, and asked: "Let's talk about it, where did you find the ancient scroll before?"

There is a big secret recorded on the ancient scroll, which Lin Tian urgently needs to know.

When Lin Tian asked where to look for the ancient scroll, Kelena was taken aback. Obviously, she didn't expect Lin Tian to ask this question. Could it be that there is something important on the ancient scroll that even a powerful person like Lin Tian valued. It must be some important treasure.

Thinking of this, Kelena was secretly delighted. She didn’t expect that the treasure she found casually recorded the great treasure. Unfortunately, when the ancient scroll was found, she was chased by several murlocs before she could read it. It's all bad.

"Well, I found it on that ship." Kelena stretched out her finger to show Lin Tian the direction.

Looking along the fingertips, that is the highest and the most central place in the entire wreck pile, where a huge sunken ship is docked.

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