Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 959: Pray! Straw hat kid!


In a low voice, Hordy waved his hand towards the hanging Neptune. The water droplets emerging from the palm of Hordy's powerful wrist wave, the round water droplets turned into sharp arrows and shot out directly. The hit was in the abdomen of Neptune.

The soft water droplets exploded with strong penetrating force, and in the deep scream, Neptune's abdomen was covered with blood in a blink of an eye.

"Master Father!"

The white star lying on the ground yelled with worry, struggling desperately, trying to rush to the father's side, but the chain made of steel on his body was very strong and could not be broken away without relying on the power of the white star.

Turning around, Hoddy faced the many fish people on the island and said loudly: "Idiot, don't be alarmist here. We are not comparable to the lowly human race. We are the noble and powerful murlocs." .

"There are now a hundred thousand troops on this square. He is a strong Lin Tian, ​​how could he be my opponent for one hundred thousand troops!!"


When Hordy's voice fell, the cheers of 100,000 people around him sounded. Deafening cheers resounded over the square. A total of 100,000 criminals brandished weapons in their hands. They couldn't wait to rule the country.

Looking at this scene, I don't know how many murlocs were scared back, their faces full of fear and fear.

"Yes, it's a hundred thousand people!"

"Even if that guy Lin Tian is stronger, it's like a legend..."

"But how could he be an opponent of 100,000 people..."

At this moment, I don't know how many murlocs said that although Lin Tian was called a legendary man, he was a hundred thousand people. At this time, many murlocs had no bottom in their hearts.

With his fists clenched, Hordy faced the entire residents of Murloc Island and declared: "The new era of Murloc Island is coming. Only I can destroy this weakened country and bring it to the top. Because I have such power"

"Look, 100,000 people, this scale is my strength, and these 100,000 people are just the beginning, and then I will double this number and let more and more humans become slaves to the murlocs."

"I have been preparing for this plan for ten years. No one can stop me. Let me tell you..."

Speaking of this, Huo Di gave a slight pause, and then said very proudly: "It is me who killed this princess Otohime who is loved by most people!"

Quiet... The square that was still noisy before was deadly silent. Hearing this news, the entire square was shocked, not only the residents on the side, but even the 100,000 army of Hodie around.

Although Princess Otohime hopes to live in peace with humans and has a different concept from these murlocs, even these criminals have respect and love for Princess Otohime from their hearts.

The killing of Princess Otohime by humans once aroused countless murlocs’ hatred of humans, but what they heard today, Princess Otohime did not die by human hands, but was killed by Hordy. Wan-eyed stared at Hodie, who had spoken these words by Lieutenant General in the square.

"Hoody, what are you talking about?" Jinping stared at Hoody in front of him, his anger was like a volcano about to erupt.

Princess Otohime is one of Shiping's two most beloved people in this life, but what he heard today, Princess Otohime did not die by human hands, but by the hands of the same kind, or the guy standing in front of him.

"What's going on... Well... not at that time..."

The many murlocs around were unacceptable. At that time, they all saw Huo Di holding up the human being who slaughtered Princess Otohime and appeared on the scene.

Looking at the shock, helplessness, and unbelievable on the faces of countless murlocs around... the smile on Hodie's face is even worse. Hodie likes this feeling, likes the feeling that countless people are scared by their own feats.

Putting down his hand, Hordy said proudly: "It was the night before ten years ago. I found a human being and asked him to light the signature box. Then on that day, the fire burned the signature box, taking advantage of the chaos. Under the circumstances, I personally shot the hateful woman of Princess Otohime and pushed everything to humans."

" guys are all deceived by me!"

After listening, there was a commotion among the crowd around the square. Even if everyone could not believe it, they would not accept this fact. Many murlocs shed painful tears in their eyes. They were actually given to by the murderer who killed Princess Otohime. After deceiving for ten years, he even regarded it as a hero who killed the human murderer of Princess Otohime.

Hoddy continued: "The hateful woman Otohime took revenge against humans as a sin, and walked everywhere in order to be able to live in peace with humans, and her trickery was about to succeed. I really treat her. It's the explicit hate."

"For me, your mother’s death was deserved, so I didn’t simply kill her, but cleverly used her death to provoke countless people on Murloc Island to hate humans again, whether it’s Otohime or The ridiculous dream of the islanders can be broken in an instant..."

Listening to Hoddy's statement, Bai Xing lowered her head a little, her huge body trembling a little.

Looking at this scene, Jinping yelled at Hodie: "Damn it, Hodie, you bastard, don't tell the princess!"

But how could Hoodie listen to nothing? The appearance of Bai Xing is what Hoodie likes to see. At this time, Hoodie was anxious that the whole world would know that he had perfect plans.

"That is to let humans kill Otohime and blame everything on humans. Then the islanders’ anger towards humans will rekindle. I didn’t expect the plan to be executed so perfectly. For my performance, you would accept everything. It’s really worthwhile for me to kill it, right, Bai Xing.”

"It was either a human or a murloc who killed your mother. Now standing in front of you..."

Before Hordy could finish the last word, Bai Xing suddenly raised his head, his eyes flickering with tears, and his voice trembled.

"I know…"

With just these three words, Huo Di was taken aback, and the triumph on his face instantly turned into shock. Not only Huo Di, including Jin Ping, even the many murlocs on the side were frightened by Bai Xing's words.

"Haha..." Huo Di, who reacted, laughed and said in disbelief: "How is it possible, Bai Xing, if you know, why don't you tell me..."

King Neptune, who was hanging behind him, couldn't keep his peace at this moment, and asked excitedly: "What is going on, Bai Xing, why didn't you tell us..."

Neptune felt guilty for Otohime's death for a lifetime, but the human who killed Otohime has already died, but today Hoddy’s statement made King Neptune realize that he was deceived for ten years and hated him for ten years.

But what Neptune couldn't accept was that since Bai Xing knew the true enemy of the queen who killed his mother, why didn't he tell himself, let himself kill Hodie, and expose this scam.

Pursing his mouth, Bai Xing said with a sad expression: "This is what Mecarlo told me a few years after the tragedy, and he saw that scene with his own eyes."

Jinping, who was also **** on the side, couldn't help asking: "Then, Princess White Star, why didn't you tell us before..."

If Bai Xing had told him that he had a very calm temper, Hodie would have no longer existed in Murloc Street.

Bowing his head, Bai Xing cried and said, "Because I know that if I say that, then many people will resent Lord Hoodie. This will only make the queen of Jiuquan sad. This is an agreement made by me and the queen. You must not resent because of who the prisoner is."

After hearing what Bai Xing said, they were shocked as elder brothers. They were there at that time, but they did not expect that Bai Xing would hide this matter because of the agreement ten years ago and stay alone in the hard shell tower forever. in.

Looking at the crying Bai Xing, Jinping was stunned, his eyes flickering, even though there were a thousand words in his mouth, facing the Bai Xing at this moment, there was no right to say those words.


Hodie’s rampant laughter sounded, "This is really the funniest thing I've ever heard. Listen, Bai Xing, your behavior is called stupid, just because you don’t hate me, this country will usher in destruction next. Because of your fault, your emperor brother and father emperor will die in my hands, and you and your citizens will die in Huangquan."

How could there be such a stupid person in this world? Hodie was shocked and at the same time felt lucky. Fortunately, it is Bai Xing who knows the secret, otherwise his plan will be dead. It seems that God loves me and wants me Realize the plan and lead the murlocs forward.

Biting his lip, Bai Xing's tears sparkled with crystal tears. The beautiful face and the sadness made people feel a sense of care. Did he really do something wrong? Bai Xing couldn't help asking in his heart.


A blast of water would come out, interrupting the pillar hanging behind King Neptune, and with a bang, King Neptune fell heavily to the ground.

Taking a sharp sword from the murloc on the side, Hodi stepped towards King Neptune, "I have lingering fears of Bai Xing and Jinping have been caught, now there is only the straw hat group, there is no reason to follow the original The execution is planned, and now I am going to execute punishment on you boring royal families."

With that said, Hordy raised the sharp sword in his hand, facing the top of King Neptune's head, and was about to slash it down.

"Hey, boy with a straw hat, if you want to destroy this island one day, come on! Come from here now and make a big mess."

"Yes, did you hear that, straw hat"

"If you are somewhere on the island, hurry up here!"

"Straw hat...Straw hat!!!"

Deafening shouts, without warning, sounded from the mouths of countless islanders around the square. Now it can stop Hoodi’s crazy behavior. There are only straw hats on the entire Murloc Island. Only their strength can stop these ten. Ten thousand army.

At this moment, Luffy has become the savior of hundreds of thousands of islanders! ! !

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