Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 961: Luffy broke out, domineering!

Lu Fei and others landed on the square like a savior, but what they are about to face is the overwhelming number of people led by Hoddy, with as many as 100,000 people.


With hundreds of thousands of eyes, Sauron and others jumped off the deck of the Sonny one by one and walked to Bai Xing.

Seeing Luffy and the group about to start the action, some murlocs finally couldn't restrain the doubts in their hearts and asked loudly.

"Boy with straw hat, are you really going to destroy Murloc Island?"

"Why do you want to occupy Dragon Palace City"

"Are you also here to kill the royal family together?"

"Are you the one who kidnapped the murloc?"

"Straw hat boy, are you enemies or friends?"

A voice of inquiries were shouted from the mouths of the islanders. The rumored gang of straw hat boys who did a lot of evil appeared and saved the entire Murloc Island. They found that the facts in front of them were not the same as the rumors. Countless islanders desperately want Luffy Can give them a real answer.


Everyone stopped by appointment. Time seemed to be still at this moment. The inquiries of the surrounding islanders stopped for some reason. The whole square was terribly still. Everyone was holding their breath and waiting for Luffy's answer.

Holding the straw hat on his head that was blown by the breeze, Luffy turned around, facing the hundreds of thousands of islanders in front of him, and said lightly.

"Ask if we are friends or foes, this kind of is advisable to listen to it!!!"

Very plain tone, but exuding a domineering domineering, whether you are framing or praying, I only believe in my own way, do what I want to do, good and evil are evaluated by someone, this is Luffy’s answer .

"Mrs. Xia Li, Straw Hat Road is flying here, he really is here..."

The shout of surprise awakened Mrs. Xia Li. Looking at the straw hat boy in the square, Xia Lifu couldn't help but recall the scene of Lu Fei's destruction of Murloc Island.

But at this moment, at the moment when the fisherman island is about to be destroyed by Hordy, the straw hat boy appears like a savior, even if Mrs. Xia Li is also confused, and can't help but mutter to herself.

"Boy with straw hat, are you the destroyer of Murloc Island or the savior of the world!"

Rubbing his wrist, Luffy suddenly asked, "Jin Ping, Lin Tian, ​​that's it."

Although Luffy had beaten Hoodie to the air just now, Luffy could sense that Hoodie was alive.

Jinping replied: "Although it did not act exactly according to the plan, it doesn't matter anymore, things have developed to this point."

Pointing his finger at Luffy, Lin Tian smiled and said: "Jin Ping, if you hope Luffy will act according to the plan, it is impossible, unless a miracle will be discovered."

"Well, Bai Xing, take it, this is a letter from the Tianlongren", Nami walked up to Bai Xing and gave her letter to Bai Xing.

After receiving the letter from Nami, Bai Xing glanced at it for a while, and then said with joy: "Nami, thank you so much. This is the hope left by the empress to Murloc Island."

"Speaking of Little White Star, why have you never told me about this in the past?" Lin Tian, ​​who was sitting on Bai Xing's shoulder, suddenly interrupted and asked.

Putting away the letter in his hand, Bai Xing turned his head to look at Lin Tian, ​​and replied with embarrassed expression: "I'm sorry, Brother Lin Tian, ​​that's because Father and them all said Brother Lin Tian is a very scary guy, so I want to tell Lin As for Brother Tian, ​​Brother Lin Tian will definitely kill Lord Hoodi, which is tantamount to violating the wish of the Queen."

Hearing this, Lin Tian couldn't help but twitched. King Neptune told Pure White Star what it was, even Bai Xing thought he was a very cruel person.

Seeing Lin Tian not speaking, he thought that Lin Tian was angry because of his own words. Bai Xing waved his hand quickly: "But I don't think that Lin Tian is a cruel person. I think Lin Tian is very kind and treats Bai Xing very well." .

When Bai Xing heard what Bai Xing said, the corners of his mouth twitched next time, and he thought to himself: "Goodness? How could this guy like Lin Tian get along with Kindness? The pirate who died in his hands might not be able to shut down the entire Advance City. ".

After a pause, Shen Ping said: "Bai Xing, you did the right thing. If you tell Lin Tian, ​​he already has his style of work, I am afraid that the entire Murloc Street is gone now."

Jinping just heard it on the road to the square. The guy Lin Tian stayed in Murloc Street for more than ten minutes, and the entire Murloc Street was ruined, with thousands of dead Murlocs.

Nodded, Lin Tian didn't explain anything, and generously admitted: "Xin Ping was right. If Bai Xing told me, there might be no more Murman Street."

Indeed, according to Lin Tian’s previous style of doing things, if he knew about these things a long time ago, the Murloc Street would really be gone. For the past three years away from the navy, Lin Tianshao has seen a lot of pirates’ evil. Lin Tian's killing heart has also diminished a lot.

"I said, coward, it was really dangerous just now," Luffy put his hands on his waist and sighed. Although he stayed in Mecarlo's belly, Luffy still heard something clearly.

"However, I thought you were very timid, but I didn't expect you to be braver than I thought. From today I will call you the timid."

"Thank you, Lord Luffy!"

Unexpectedly, His Excellency Luffy would appreciate him, Bai Xing twitched his nose, and tears flickered in his eyes.

Robin stepped forward and said, "Everyone can and will do it when you encounter a tragic experience and hate each other, just like the man who abused you, but if you are a coward, you can never bear this alone. Hatred, this is not a mistake but bravery. You must be very hard."

"I'm very sorry, I blame myself for burying these in the bottom of my heart..." Bai Xing clenched his hands tightly and looked embarrassed, because he didn't say anything, and everything now happened.

In the pile of rubble behind the square, there was a sudden loud noise, large pieces of rubble were thrown into the air, and thick smoke slowly rose.

A big hand pierced through the thick smoke barrier, and a gust of wind blew away the smoke with a wave toward the side, revealing Hordy with scarlet eyes.

He cursed: "The **** of Van der Dijken IX, originally wanted to use him to get rid of the White Star, but now...".

I thought that the presence of Van der Deeken IX would be able to stop the White Star, but I didn't imagine that the guy was so useless, and made the whole plan go to a path that even Hordy can't control.

"Haha, worthy of being the captain, it seems that es medicine is still there," suddenly a pirate shouted with joy.

Es drugs can not only tap the potential of the murloc body, and double the strength and speed of the murloc, but also make the murloc body tougher and withstand stronger damage.

Doss picked up a pill and put it in his mouth. He chewed and shook his head and said, "This medicine is good, but only that guy has..."

Hearing this, Lin Tian's expression changed slightly. It seems that there are people behind these guys, but they don't know whether they are organizations under the world government, or the Tianlong people, or some underground world careerists.

Strolling towards Luffy and the others, Hordy said with a black face: "It seems that I have been hit by your strategy. I should have thought before, how could a man like you be caught so easily, but you and humans The relationship is still very good."

After being played in front of a monkey for a long time, anyone will be angry, especially the arrogant, self-centered guy like Hoddy, whose heart is no longer angry but murderous.

"Jinping! Whether it's your elder brother Tiger or your growing up partner Aaron, they are all killed by humans, but you guy is still so close to humans, you stupid is like Neptune. and"

"When I become this country, everything will change. The World Conference this year is a perfect opportunity. I want to splash all the human kings on the spot in Marinjoa, and kick off the terrifying undersea kingdom. I To drag the whole world of human beings to the bottom of the sea and make them slaves."

Hordy shouted out his ambition, of course, perhaps this shouldn't be said to be an ambition, but only a fantasy.

Lin Tian smiled disdainfully, and wanted to invade Malin Vatican to kill many human kings, not to mention killing kings, even if it invaded Malin Vatican, even if the entire Murloc tribe was pulled up, it would not be able to break through the Malin Vatican line of defense.

As the ruling center of the world government, there are a large number of powerful people headed by the five old stars gathered here. It can be said that if you want to break through Malin Vando, the three emperors and two emperors in the world, and the five great pirates can do it together, even at this time. The revolutionary army also cannot, unless it uses ancient weapons, breaking Marin Vando will mean the end of the world government's rule of the world.

"Boy with straw hat, you only have ten people. I have an army of 100,000. Look at the appearance of these pirates. He is your future, and I am worthy of being the One Piece!"

Amidst the rampant laughter of Hoddy, the 100,000 soldiers around immediately took action, and the dense crowd came towards Lu Fei and the others like a tide.

"Hey, guys, do you want me to take action?" Lin Tian asked, looking at the crowd coming in.

"No," Sauron immediately refused. Holding the hilt of Hedao's 10,000-character sword, Sauron stepped forward, "If you make a move, Lin I am afraid that these 100,000 people will not Yes, you should sit aside.”

Zhiping nodded in agreement and said, "Well, I also don't think you should make a move."

It is not that these 100,000 people will be solved by Lin Tian at once, but that Lin Tian has been in the habit of not keeping alive. How many murlocs can still leave these 100,000 people, I am afraid it is very few.

At this moment, Luffy walked out without a word, pushed away Jinhei and Sauron who were in front of him, and walked step by step towards the 100,000 crowds in front of him.

In the suspicious eyes of Sauron and others, Luffy strolled into the crowd, as if the 100,000 people rushing towards him seemed nothing.

With a sound, Luffy stopped, and then an invisible wave suddenly dispersed from Luffy's body. The speed had surpassed human understanding, and the invisible wave instantly swept the entire square.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, even the world stopped turning, and the square was deadly silent.

The invisible fluctuations dispersed, and Hordy only felt a terrifying force pouring into his mind, like a mountain pressing on him, his body trembling uncontrollably.

In the next moment, Hordy hadn't realized what was going on. The eyes of the large murlocs and human slaves in his army were white, and without even the slightest scream, they fell to the ground one after another.

In a blink of an eye, the number of 100,000 troops on the square was reduced by half in an instant, and the entire 50,000 troops were solved instantly by Luffy.

Seeing this scene, the hundreds of thousands of people onlookers were suddenly taken aback, and they screamed uncontrollably.


This shock can no longer be described in words, and only a scream can express the horror in the hearts of many islanders at this moment.

This is the domineering power of the overlord!

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