"Tang Caowa is punching!"

Jinping clenched his right fist tightly, and blasted the fish people forward with a fist. In a short time, a strange force drew the moisture in the surrounding atmosphere, forming an invisible 360 ​​non-dead-angle shock wave spreading around.


Amid the screams, large swarms of murlocs were knocked into the air by the impact and fell heavily to the ground. One by one, they passed out and completely lost the power to fight again.

For many residents of Murloc Island, Jinping is not only the boss of the mouths of many Murlocs, but also the strongest on Murloc Island and the legend of Murloc Island.

As the first man in the history of the murlocs to be recruited by the navy to become the Qiwuhai, Jinping's strength is conceivable, but the rumors are rumors. After experiencing it personally, they understand how powerful Jinping is. It is not the ordinary murlocs who can. Deal with.


After killing the guy who claimed to be the number one swordsman on Murloc Island, Sauron once again joined the battlefield. Although these ordinary Murlocs could not make Sauron warm up, they at least provided a little bit of fun for this boring battle. .

Sauron went crazy all the way in the dense crowd. I don’t know how many murlocs died under Sauron’s sword. Fifty thousand murlocs were crowded in the small square. He closed his eyes and swung a slash without knowing how many murlocs could kill. Ten or hundreds of murlocs.

Wherever he went, no murloc was able to stand on the ground, and the ground under his feet was stained red with blood, and he finally stopped when Sauron cut to no one.

Turning around and looking back, the ground is full of murlocs lying on the ground in a coma, at least thousands of them.

Seeing so many murlocs being solved by himself, Sauron showed a smile, and said proudly to Sanji who had just solved his opponent on the side: "Hey, Mr. nosebleed, how is it? It seems that I still have the upper hand at your speed. Let's hide in a quiet place and spray nosebleeds."

Hearing Sauron's mocking voice, Sanji hurriedly turned around and looked at the opponents that they had resolved. There was no need to point them at all. Sauron was obviously bigger than himself.

"Damn, you green algae head, don't be proud, there are still tens of thousands of murlocs, it's too early to decide the final outcome."

After speaking, the stimulated Sanji suddenly rushed into the crowd. In order to solve more opponents than Sauron and let this green algae give up, Sanji showed 200% passion.

However, the fish people were bad luck. Sanji was like an angry tiger rushing into the flock. Although the number of flocks is huge, no amount of sheep is a fierce tiger opponent.

Every time Sanji kicked out, several murlocs were kicked off, and a large number of murlocs fell under the attack of Sanji. In a blink of an eye, hundreds of murlocs were solved by Sanji.

Seeing the guy Sanji's actions, Sauron was immediately stimulated. In any case, Sauron couldn't tolerate losing to the guy Chlorella.

Holding a sword in both hands, Sauron followed Sanji Fei and rushed into the crowd. Sauron and Sanji are like the gods of death carrying the death sickle, and every life is harvested wherever they go. For many murlocs They are the real demons.

At this moment, the big octopus that suddenly appeared when heading to the fisherman island brought the battle of the entire battlefield to a climax.

The murloc rebels who thought they were powerful, did not expect that this huge octopus had already been tamed by Luffy, turned around and threw into Luffy's front line, and launched an attack on the murloc rebels.

With the huge body of the squid, just moving slightly on the square, thousands of murlocs were crushed into a ball of meat sauce.


Suddenly, Hodie’s flat screams from his seat startled Xiao Squid. As he moved, he instinctively stopped with cold sweats on his head.

"As far as you are concerned, it is considered to be a good job. You finally succeeded in blending into it and got close to Bai Xing. Just squeeze her down like this."

Hearing that, Lu Fei and the others' complexions changed suddenly, and everyone couldn't help stopping their movements, their eyes focused on Xiao Squid, everyone was waiting for this octopus to comply with Hordy's order.

Hordy's words continued to sound: "Your brother is still living a peaceful life in the North Pole. I know where he is. We can rush to kill him at any time."

After listening to it, everyone suddenly realized it in their minds, and they understood why Xiao Squid had to obey Hoddy's orders, but did not dare to resist the slightest. It turned out that Hoddy was holding the handle of Squid in his hand.

The controller of the whereabouts of Squid's brother, once Squid does not obey his orders, Hordy can easily kill Squid's brother. It is also because of this that Hordy can control Squid. I think that Nami feels a little sympathetic to her. Squid is here.

But sympathy goes to sympathy, understanding goes to understanding, but the situation hasn't changed at all. If Xiao Squid is threatened by Hoddy to make a shot at Bai Xing, then Sauron will do it mercilessly.


Electric arcs flickered in Lin Tian's hands. Although Lin Tian didn't take any action, he was guarding against the octopus in front of him. Once it had any action against Bai Xing, Lin Tian would take care of this guy without hesitation.

Holding his head with one hand, Hordy continued to threaten: "You are all legendary species. Even the corpses should be able to sell for a good price. Why, Siren, don’t you start to act? I’ll say it again. Beheaded".

In the end, the siren still surrendered to Hordi's threat, a tentacle stretched out at lightning speed, and went straight to the white star. Seeing that the siren had done what he said, Hordi suddenly laughed.

At the same time, the thunder and lightning flashed on Lin Tian's arm, the dazzling thunder and lightning gathered in Lin Tian's hand, and finally turned into a thunder sword made of thunder and lightning.

Lin Tian said indifferently, "It seems that we should not believe in any sea monster. Since it abandoned us when we entered the fisherman island, it is not impossible to do so now."


At the moment when Lin Tian was about to kill the squid, Lu Fei who was sitting on the squid let out a loud roar, and the squid could not help stopping his actions.

But after seeing Xiao Squid stop his action, Lin Tian stopped his action after looking at Luffy.

Luffy lowered his head and said without any color, "It turns out that you are obedient to him because of your brother. Of course, you want to protect him. After all, he is your brother."

With that said, Luffy leaped from Xiao Squid with his hat in his hands and steadied his steps. Suddenly Luffy grinned and said, "But, in that case, let me protect it with you. After all, are we friends?"

Seeing Lu Fei's sincere smile from the heart, Xiao Sou's flashing eyes could be seen moved, and the outstretched tentacles retracted little by little.

Lin Tian smiled faintly. At the same time when the squid stopped, Lin Tian's thunder and lightning disappeared immediately. He was surprised to think: "This guy Luffy sometimes was really unexpected. He took this octopus in just a few words. The monster is solved."

After speaking, Luffy clenched his fists in both hands and walked straight to Hoodi's position. The little squid's affairs made Luffy angry and his face was calm and terrifying.

"The straw hat boy, come here, stop him for me, don't want to go to the captain, die for me"

Before Hordy's order, the cadres of the new murloc pirate group around Hordy rushed out first to stop the Luffy boy. How could he let Luffy attack his boss like no one.

More than a dozen murloc cadres pounced on Luffy, but Luffy who walked along didn't make any movement, as if these guys didn't exist.

Bang...bang bang...

Two streamers rushed to both sides of Luffy, and it was Sauron and Sanji who came quickly. The two burst out with powerful power and knocked out all the more than ten murloc cadres.

"Our boat is not long..."

"You can stop a character like this!!!"

"Second gear!"

With a soft drink in his mouth, Luffy's figure disappeared directly in front of the crowd of murlocs. Luffy's speed was too fast, and it exceeded the speed of the naked eye.

In the next second, Lu Fei passed the many murlocs in front of him, and appeared above Hodi's head. When Luffy appeared, Hodi reacted.

"Rubber rubber pistol!"

But even if Hordy swallows a large amount of es drugs, it is dozens of times stronger than in the past, but in the face of Luffy’s speed that exceeds the speed of human eyes, it is difficult to keep up with the domineering Hordy without awakening, not to mention the two faced by Hordy. Luffy's combat power has doubled in gear.

I saw a fist quickly zooming in in his eyes, and it was too late when Hoodie reacted, and Luffy's fist had hit Hoodie's chest.

A terrible force poured into Hoddy’s body through Luffy’s fist like a tide, just like hitting a high-speed train, Hoddy’s body arched high like a cooked shrimp~www.wuxiaspot .com~ 噗呲...

A mouthful of blood spurted out, severe pain came from all over his body, and his whole body fell apart. Hordy could hardly control his body and flew out.

Bang... bang...

The body rolled ten times against the ground, arousing a large amount of smoke and dust, until the impact of Luffy's fist dissipated, Hoddy finally stopped.

"That's amazing, the straw hat boy, the strength is too strong, I haven't seen how he makes moves."

Cheers rang out from the mouths of many islanders around. On the contrary, the murloc rebels had only fear.

"The captain took so many es drugs and turned into a monster, but he was still knocked into the air so easily. This is the real monster."

The flying dust and fog were blown away, but Hordy's figure stood up from the pit as if nothing had happened, looked towards Luffy in front of him, and Hordy mocked: "Sorf hat boy, is this your strength? It's too weak. ".

With a scream, Luffy's figure flashed, and once again rushed in front of Hordy, his fists were slammed out at extreme speed. Due to the high speed, the high-speed fists seemed to have turned into afterimages and disappeared.

"Rubber Rubber Machine Gun"

In the low voice, the sky full of fist shadows shot out like a violent storm, and the endless fists fell on Huo Di. In front of this sky full of fist shadows, Huo Di had no backhand power.


Hodie was knocked into the air again, like a cannonball from a gun barrel. He slammed into the cliff behind him, blasting a pit several meters wide, cracks spread like a spider web, and large pieces of rubble fell off. Falling, the cliff collapsed in a thunderous sound.

This is not a fight at all, but a torture. Facing Luffy, Hoddy is like facing an adult with a stick, and he is just a child with no possibility of winning at all.

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. VIP Chinese_Benquge Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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