Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 968: Crisis, brave white star

Over the fisherman island, Noah, the boat of promise, came step by step, just like the meteorite that fell from the sky. If the ship is allowed to hit the fisherman island in this way, it can be said that there is only one destiny for the fisherman island in the end.

Looking at King Neptune’s panicked look, the Prince Shark behind could not help saying: "Father, what happened? Even if the situation is urgent, you don’t have to be so panicked. It’s just the remains of past history. What an important thing".

"No!" King Neptune shook his head quickly, and said in a panic: "This is not only an item left over from history, it has a special fate. In short, the ship can't make any mistakes. It will come on the agreed date in fate. At that time, the ship could only stay there and could not move any minute."

"Father, what are you talking about?" The shark behind heard the doubt on his face.

This is a secret that has been circulating in the royal family for hundreds of years, and only the king can know it, so even Shark doesn't know about this kind of talk.

"Yawu Shark!"

Hordi climbed up from the deep pit, drops of water gathered in his palm. With Hordi’s angry roar, the water droplets on his palm were swung out by Hordy. Under the strong wrist force, the drops of water droplets were like sharp arrows. Has terrible lethality.

The drops of water continued to hit like a violent storm, with piercing noises, but Luffy didn't rush to cover his straw hat that seemed to be blown away by the strong wind at any time.

His feet flickered slightly. In the sky full of water arrows, Luffy seemed to know where the water arrows came from, and his figure dodges slightly, perfectly avoiding all the water drops.

The murlocs around were suddenly stunned, "Can't hit, does he know where he is flying from?"

Sauron, who had solved his opponents on the side, turned around and looked at the scene, and smiled lightly: "This guy has grown a lot in the past two years. He is armed and domineering. He has learned about the domineering and the strongest domineering. ".

In the violent offensive like a torrential rain, Luffy strode lightly like a ghost, and no water arrow could get close to Luffy's body.

Hordy, who was already frightened, watched Luffy approaching him step by step, and suddenly waved water arrows with his hands frantically, but it was like a person who couldn't swim fell into the sea and was struggling, no matter how he struggled his head. Can not escape the fate of death, just doing some useless work.

Quickly rushing in front of Hordi, Luffy raised his already clenched fist and blasted Hordi's chest with a punch, which instantly sank in Luffy's powerful fist.


A big mouth of blood spurted from his mouth, no miracle happened, Hoody was bombarded by Luffy again, and crashed into the cliff behind him like a falling meteorite.

"Your Excellency Luffy, it's so strong!" Seeing Luffy's powerful combat power, Bai Xing covered his cheek and praised.


Realizing that there was no sound from Brother Lin Tian on his shoulders, Bai Xing turned his head to look at Lin Tian in doubt, only to see Lin Tianzheng raised his head and looked up intently.

Upon seeing this, Bai Xing couldn't help following Lin Tian's gaze, looking up, and Noah's extremely huge body appeared in Bai Xing's eyes.

Suddenly, the joy on Bai Xing's face was replaced by horror, and the twinkling eyes could not stop for a long time, why would the huge Noah's Ark appear here.

Noah’s Ark is a little closer to the fisherman island, Noah’s huge hull can even block the sunlight emitted by Eve, the bright sky darkens a little bit, and the dark shadows spread on the fisherman island a little bit. One side was already shrouded in darkness.

Feeling the sky darkening, the tragic battlefield suddenly calmed down, and Luffy, who was about to take the opportunity to solve Hordi, couldn't help but stop moving and looked up.

Hundreds of thousands of people on the square couldn't help but froze, and immediately looked up, and the huge Noah was reflected in the eyes of all the islanders.

In an instant, endless fear spread in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of murlocs like a tide, and the huge ark that could not be described in words fell towards the murloc island, which was a crisis of destruction.

"This... what is this?"

"How could this happen, isn't Noah in Murloc Street?"

"How could it appear here, and who can move this huge Noah's Ark"

I don't know how many murlocs shouted, why this scene happened before, hundreds of thousands of murlocs can hardly accept the sight in their eyes.

I don't know how many murlocs hope this is a dream, but it is real, and it happened in front of all the residents on Murloc Island.

Even Lin Tian couldn't help but shed a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead, and at the same time Lin Tian realized what the life and death crisis he was sensing was the huge ship in front of him.

Clenching his fists, Lin Tian couldn't help cursing: "Which **** was he who put such a huge ship over Mermaid Island? Isn't it necessary for everyone on Mermaid Island to be buried?"

It was the first time that Lin Tian had seen such a huge ship wandering in the world for many years. The most important thing was that the guy who got Noah on top of Murloc Island was either an idiot or a lunatic.

If the ship is allowed to smash down the fisherman island, Lin Tian can conclude that even the soap bubbles outside the fisherman island that can withstand tens of thousands of meters of sea pressure will easily be crushed.

And at the moment when the soap bubble breaks, the pressure of the sea, the force generated by the breaking of the soap bubble, including the power of a large amount of air in the fisherman island and the sea, is enough to crush the fisherman island into pieces in an instant.

In the face of such terrible power, even Lin Tian is not sure that he can resist it, let alone Lu Fei and the others have no resistance at all.

"What the **** is that?" Looking up at the sky, Nami was also shocked. How could such a huge ship exist, and it was still on the seabed at a depth of 10,000 meters.

After speaking, Nami hurriedly shouted to the frightened Frankie next to her: "Frankie, go to the Sonny. If you are hit by this kind of ship, the entire Murloc Island will be torn apart."


Frankie was awakened by Nami's cry, and he reacted and rushed in the direction of the Sonny.

Needless to say, Frankie also understands what kind of crisis they are in, so Frankie needs to go to the Sonny even more. No matter what, he must not sit here and wait for death.

"Although I don't know what's going on, we are going to be done!" Usopp was frightened and scurrying around, but he quickly wondered if there is any way to avoid this.

But seeing Noah's extremely huge body, Usopp was immediately discouraged. Facing such a huge ship, he couldn't think of any way to stop it from falling.

"Hurry up and take refuge in the sea off the island..."

Countless residents of Murloc Island ran towards the exit of Murloc Island frantically. In the face of this situation, many Murloc Island can do just one word, that is, run, the farther the better.

But for the rest of Lu Fei and others, they are ordinary human beings. Without a coated ship, if they stay on the bottom of the sea at a depth of 10,000 meters, waiting for them is only dead.

His eyes condensed slightly, and Lin Tian quickly turned his head and asked Bai Xing, "What is this ship, Bai Xing?"

"Ah!" Started by Lin Tian's anxious questioning, Bai Xing immediately replied: "Brother Lin Tian, ​​this ship is called Noah. It has existed on Murloc Island on Murloc Island hundreds of years ago, but today I don’t know why. It will appear here"

"Damn, this ship has no power, but it can appear on the fisherman island from Murloc Street. Someone must be pushing it behind." Looking up at it, Lin Tian's tone was full of eagerness.


Suddenly there was a shout from the sky, and a black shadow fell from the top of the ark, and fell heavily on the square, and the guy who fell from the top of the ark was the one under Van der Deken that Lin Tian and others encountered Big monster.

"Duncan's Kraken, what is going on?"

"Captain, what is the battle plan?"

In the face of the pressing Ark, Hordy’s rebel army also made a mess. Isn’t the battle plan to cooperate with Van der Deyken to capture Murloc Island? How did it suddenly become a ruined fisherman island.

"Shut up, you useless guys!"

Amidst the angry shouts, Hordy stood up from the gravel, and could stand up even after sustaining so many attacks, even Luffy was shocked.

However, compared with the giant ship above that is about to destroy Murloc Island, Hodie is nothing like that.

Lin Tian clenched his fist, his body exuded a strong murderous aura, "Vander Deyken, it turns out to be that bastard!"

No wonder Noah’s Ark, an unpowered ship, can leave Murloc Street to reach Murloc Island. If Lin Tian is correct in guessing, it must have been Van der Deyken using the same ability to attack the White Noah, the huge ship thrown towards the deep white star on Murloc Island.

However, Van der Deyken's ability can actually push an extremely huge Noah. It is necessary to know that Noah is comparable to half of the fisherman island. This ability is much more powerful than Lin Tian expected, but it is not what I want now. At that time, now that he knew that Van der Deyken did it, Lin Tian suddenly had a solution in his mind.

"Bai Xing, accept my love, Bai Xing, have you heard? I have missed you for ten years since you were a child. The world is so big, but I am the only man who loves you so much. , But why don't you accept my love?"

Van der Deyken’s voice spread throughout the Murloc Island, “Things thrown out with a rake of fruit either collided with other things or killed them, otherwise they won’t stop before this, White Star. It is my love, accept it, and destroy it with the fisherman island, Baixing!"


Suddenly a force came, and Lin Tian, ​​who was sitting on Bai Xing's shoulders, was lifted off suddenly. In Lin Tian's shocked eyes, Bai Xing flew over the fisherman island.

Opening his hands, Bai Xing shouted with great courage: "Master Van der Deken, your purpose is to kill my life. If this is the case, you don't want to engulf the real Dragon Palace Kingdom. I am here now. ".

It was already Bai Xing's great courage to make Bai Xing say such a thing, but at this moment, the huge Noah tilted and slammed into the white star's position.

Looking at Noah, Bai Xing couldn't help closing his eyes. At this moment, a warm hand patted Bai Xing's shoulder. The closed eyes of Bai Xing quickly turned around and saw that Lin Tian didn't know when he appeared. Behind.

"Brother Lin Tian!"

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