The dark, silent sea!

The Sunny, shrouded in light, is like a small light bulb in the endless darkness. Under the shining of the light, the beautiful seabed scenery hidden under the sea for thousands of meters clearly emerges in front of everyone.

The fisherman island rebellion has been resolved, and the Sonny has also been coated with the help of the fisherman. There is no reason for everyone to stay on the fisherman island and set sail again!

After leaving the fisherman island, the ship finally sailed into the second half of the great sea route, floating towards the new world, the strongest sea in the world.

"Yeah, done!" Usopp raised a huge hook and cheered.

Looking at the huge fish hook in Usopp's hand, Luffy sitting aside was even more excited, his feet clattering on the side.

At this moment, Lin Tian, ​​who had just taken a shower, walked out of the room and heard the cheers of Lu Fei and others. He couldn't help but walked over. Looking at the huge iron hook held in Usopp's hand, Lin Tian was a little uncomfortable. "What are you guys doing? Are you going to fish?"

"En!" Nodding his head, Luffy said with excitement: "I was full of brains and looked forward to looking forward to some interesting places in Murloc Island. I forgot about these. This time we must catch a lot of deep-sea fish. In the world, Sanji will be able to make us eat."

With that said, Luffy's saliva flowed down involuntarily when he thought of the delicious dishes prepared under Sanji's superb cooking skills.

Robin also walked out of the room, holding a white towel in his hand and handing it to Lin Tian. Lin Tian had just finished taking a shower and the water on his head had not been completely wiped off. Robin specially found a white towel to wipe Lin Tian's hair.

He smiled slightly and said, "What? You guys have now figured out what to do to reach the new world."

Sauron wiped the black knife Qiu Shui in his hand and said, "Cooking? That's not bad. It's just a good place to celebrate our arrival in the new world."

"Okay, let's tackle this big guy first!"

With all the preparations done, Usopp stood up holding the huge hook in his hand. Their target didn't need to be locked at all. Every second, one or two deep-sea fish would pass by the Sonny.

Looking at these guys who were fishing, Lin Tian shook his head with a helpless expression. None of these guys could sit quietly for a while.

No matter how many people were there, Lin Tian found a place near the main mast and sat down at will. Robin also sat on the edge of Lin Tian, ​​stretched out his head and leaned quietly on Lin Tian's shoulders. This feeling of peace and tranquility This is what Robin hopes most in his heart.

I have to say that in this silent deep sea, surrounded by darkness, you seem to feel derailed from this world. Everything that happens in this world has nothing to do with you. You don’t have to think about anything, you don’t have to do anything, just sit quietly. , A sudden relaxation from the inside out in my heart.

Robin closed his eyes and leaned on Lin Tian's shoulders, and suddenly opened his eyes and said, "By the way, Lin Tian, ​​I just received the latest news from the Navy Headquarters regarding the tea party for Auntie."

"Oh, what's the news?" Lin Tian immediately sat upright and asked curiously.

The information about the revolutionary army intelligence agency investigating the tea party was an order issued by Lin Tian. Why must the aunt invite herself to go there, and what did the aunt's mouth say that had something to do with her? These two questions kept revolving in Lin Tian's mind like two bees, giving Lin Tian a premonition that he was not very good, so Lin Tian hoped that the intelligence agency could investigate some clues.

After a pause, Robin replied, "This tea party is more grand than the previous tea party, not only because of the aunt's preparation, but also the number of invitations and status are much higher than before."

"It's not just that, this time in the list of invitations to the aunt tea party, there is actually the Vinsmok family."

Hearing this, Lin Tian's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes quickly gathered on Sanji. His eyes flickered for a few seconds before Lin Tian retracted his eyes.

He dragged his chin and meditated: "How could this happen? Why did the Vinsmok family suddenly accept the invitation of the aunt? Isn't their activity area limited to Beihai? Now they are participating in the aunt's tea party, Vinsmok What is the family thinking?"

Shaking his head, Robin was also very puzzled about this. "Why did the Vinsmoke family participate in the aunt tea party? We still don't know the specifics, but the Vinsmoke family has been in crisis recently, and it may be related to this. ."

As the time was only one day, it was too hasty, so even the Revolutionary Army intelligence department did not investigate too much. I am afraid it will take a while to get specific information.

"Crisis? That is to say, now that the Vinsmoke family is participating in the aunt's tea party, it is actually seeking strength from the aunt to relieve their crisis?" After thinking about it in his mind, Lin Tian speculated.

Lin Tian also knows about the Vinsmoke family. Although the Vinsmoke family is the royal family of the North Sea, it is different now. The family that was famous in the world has lost even the most basic territory at this moment. The head of the family is a very ambitious guy.

It's just that the Vinsmoke family in the North Sea actually cooperated with the aunt. This news is no less than the throwing of a stone in this chaotic pool of Tan Ben Tan.

Seeing Lin Tian fell into silence, Robin thought for a while and suggested: "Lin Tian, ​​would you like to send Shadow to investigate what the Vinsmoke family has done recently in Beihai?"

After a little thought for more than ten seconds, Lin Tian nodded and said: "Yes, the Shadow Team 3 will immediately set off to the Vinsmoke family, and investigate the recent actions of the Vinsmoke family in the North Sea clearly, and tell Al that I will only give him four. Days."

Having said this, Lin Tian suddenly stopped, glanced at Sanji on the side, and then added: "In addition, I told Al to focus on investigating the matter of Vinsmok Sanji, the third son of the Smok family."

Hearing that Sanji was going to be investigated, Robin couldn’t help being stunned, but thinking of Sanji’s identity, Robin suddenly understood Lin Tian’s thoughts.

"alright, I understand!"

After speaking, Robin immediately got up and stood up and walked towards the room. Next, he would notify Al of Lin Tian's order.

For this kind of thing, Robin has been familiar with it in the past two years. In the past two years in the Revolutionary Army, Robin was also in the middle of the staff, but it was just a temporary post. In fact, what Robin did was equivalent to the secretary beside Lin Tian. Lin Tian processed some documents and announced orders.

In the dark deep sea, time passed very quickly, and a faint light reflected on the body of the Sonny.

Step on...

Luffy rushed to the bow of the ship and looked up, only to see a ray of light shining down. Under the sunlight, the beautiful seabed scenery appeared in front of everyone.

"Then above is the last sea, the new world!"

Calm words can hardly conceal Lu Fei's excitement at this moment. After two years, they finally set foot on the last sea, the onepiece in the rumors is here.

Taking off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, Frankie was very excited and said: "It's really exciting!"

At this moment, everyone on the Sonny stopped their movements and looked up at the sea that was getting closer and closer. In addition to excitement, everyone was looking forward to it.

From the moment they set foot on sailing, they went through many difficulties and dangers, and finally came to the rumored new world.

Now we are about to enter here. In addition to being excited, everyone can't help but recall the time they spent together. For this day, they waited for two years. These two years are too long.


Taking a deep breath, Luffy raised his hands and shouted loudly.

"Brothers!!! Thank you for waiting with me for two years, today! A new adventure will finally begin!!"

"it is good…"

Everyone immediately replied in There was a smile from the heart on their faces at the same time.


In the sound of the countdown, the Sonny broke through the blue sea like a sharp arrow.

Crackling... Crackling...

The deafening thunder sounded across the sky, and the thick thunder and lightning pierced the sky like a silver snake, and the dark clouds seemed to block the sky.

Entering the new world, what greeted Lu Fei and the others were not windy days and sunny days, but violent storms, dark clouds, and thunderclouds rolling like a scene where the power of heaven and earth was displayed so clearly.

At this moment, they finally set foot on the waters of the new world, and more exciting adventures await them.

The dark and turbulent new world will surely sound a violent storm with the arrival of Luffy and others. The rumored new era is coming, the gears of the era will be broken, and the chains that imprison the monsters of the world are about to break. The most tragic moment of this era coming soon.

Three emperors or two emperors, these five overlords who dominate the world like emperors, or the world’s numerous careerists hidden in the dark, or the revolutionary army and the world government that are now confronting the new world, and the surrender to the times Generations.

The tide of the times is unavoidable. The balance that is barely maintained will be broken from today. The monsters who have been silent for twenty years will wake up, and the rising newcomers will grow up. This collision between the times will formally from this moment. Unfold.

And all of this is because the real king finally arrived in this sea area, and once all the achievements are made, this king's road will be forged by the blood of countless strong people.

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. VIP Chinese_Benquge Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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