After the lottery, Lin Tian and Luffy were already headed, and the exploration team accompanied by Robin, Sauron and Usopp set out.

On this ice and fire island, where no humans would survive at all, a distress signal appeared, and everything felt so wrong, as if a huge black shadow shrouded the island.

Entering the island, the hot waves rushed in. Everyone quickly took off their coats as soon as they stepped onto the island. Even Robin took off his hip-wrapped sweater, revealing the low-cut clothes exposed below. It's too hot.

Just as everyone saw from the outside, the buildings here were all turned into ruins, the symbols of the world government and navy were everywhere, the whole town was shrouded in flames, and there were burning flames everywhere.

Looking at this scene, Usopp beside him couldn't help sighing: "As expected, the Marshal Red Dog of the Navy Headquarters has turned a town into a huge sea of ​​fire all year round."

"It's really hot here, it's just like a big stove." Luffy reached out and touched the sweat on his face. It was too hot here. Just wiped it off, more sweat kept shed.

Looking at the surrounding buildings, Robin said: "From the perspective of the buildings here, they are not like ordinary residential buildings at all. They are all military installations. It seems that this is a huge military base as Lin Tian said."

At this time, Lin Tian dragged his chin and said in doubt: "It stands to reason that after that incident, this place should be deserted and there can be no humans. That's why the green pheasant and the red dog were used as the final battle site, and it became like this. , But why is it blocked again?"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Robin turned his head and looked at Lin Tian curiously, "By the way, Lin Tian, ​​what exactly was the incident you said earlier? Is it the weapon that destroyed the entire base?"

Asked by Robin, the pensive Lin Tian suddenly woke up and replied: "Well, forget it, it doesn't matter to you."

After thinking about it, Lin Tian decided to tell them what happened back then, "At that time, the island was still an island in the spring season, but due to the leakage of the poison gas weapon researched by naval government scientists, all creatures on the entire island were killed by poison gas. Not only that, the poisonous gas emitted has been enveloped over the island for many years."

Hearing this, everyone's complexion suddenly changed. They did not expect that the terrible weapon Lin Tian said was actually a poison gas weapon. To know that this kind of thing is explicitly prohibited by the world government, but they did not expect that the world government's scientists are secretly Research this kind of thing.

Robin immediately heard something wrong in Lintian's words, and speculated: "In other words, the island should be enveloped by poison gas, and it is not suitable for human survival, but from our perspective, there is nothing on this island. Poisonous gas, and people were hunted down on it."

Speaking of this, Robin can also feel a huge shadow appearing above the island, and what is hidden under this seemingly peaceful island.

Touching the sweat on his head, Usopp gasped and said: "I don't think we should think so much now. According to Lin Tian, ​​there is nothing on this island. Let's go back. It's too hot here. I think it’s going to be burnt.”


As soon as the voice fell, a roar resounding like a beast reverberated out of thin air, shocking everyone who was talking.

With a cry, Usopp rushed to behind Lin Tian and said in horror: "Ah, what's going on, what is this voice, I just said I shouldn't have come to this island."

Suddenly, a huge black shadow in the flame in front of him appeared without warning, and then a gust of wind blew out of the flame. Under the gust of wind, a scorching hot wind rushed toward his face, and the sweat suddenly couldn't stop blowing from everyone's faces. Out.

Looking up at the huge black shadow, Luffy guessed: "What is that? Is it so huge, is it a giant?"

"Idiot, how is it possible?" Without even thinking about it, Usopp directly objected: "How could a giant live in flames..."

"This may be an unknown and terrifying fire creature."

Robin's curious words suddenly came, and Usopp was startled immediately, and he quickly grabbed Lin Tian's clothes.

"What the **** is it? Just split the flames and see if you don't know it?" Sauron had put his hands on his waist and on the hilt of Daoyi, and the sharp blade came out of the sheath little by little. Unplug.

Just when Sauron was about to take action, the huge black shadow in the flame suddenly moved, and the huge black shadow stood up little by little, and then a continuous sound came from the flame, like something fell. The muffled sound of falling on the ground.

Suddenly, Sauron couldn't help but stop his movements and looked forward. The next second, the black shadow moved, and the black shadow broke through the flame barrier with a cry, revealing that huge figure.


At the moment when he saw the dark shadow, everyone except Lin Tian was taken aback.

After a while, Luffy was shocked and said: "I didn't expect this kind of thing to actually exist."

Sauron took his right foot even more, and he pulled out Hedao in his hand with a slur, and said, "No, this is not necessarily completely fictitious, but how can this kind of thing exist".

Looking up at the huge monster that appeared in front of him, Robin was extremely nervous and said: "Although it is a bit unacceptable, this does exist."

As for Usopp, at the moment when the black shadow appeared, he was frightened into a coma, lying behind Lin Tian.

I saw a huge red dragon looking down at everyone in front of them. The huge lizard-like body, two wings like bats, plus the long, winding and spiked tail, undeniably appeared in them. In front of him is a legendary dragon.

Before everyone could accept the existence of this dragon, they saw the dragon who appeared in front raise its huge head, and a burning flame came out from its mouth.

Seeing this scene, Robin's face changed suddenly. This scene made Robin think that the legendary dragon not only has a huge body, powerful strength, solid scales, and flames that can burn everything.


The red dragon moved, and a mouth was burning with flames. Just as Robin had imagined, a huge pillar of fire spouted from the dragon's mouth.

In the face of the incoming flames, everyone was about to dodge. Lin Tian, ​​who had not spoken all the time, suddenly moved. A light blue arc flashed on his body, and his entire right arm turned into lightning.

"One hundred million volts. Thunder Zhu!"

With a soft drink, Lin Tian slowly raised his right hand. In the next second, an extremely strong pale blue thunder pillar shot out of Lin Tian's arm, and a dazzling blue light flashed in front of everyone.

When the lightning pillar collided with the fire pillar, the final outcome was naturally that the lightning pillar was even better. The high-intensity current contact immediately dissipated the fire pillar, and the unabated thunder pillar directly hit the dragon's body.


A earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the earth trembled. The impact of the explosion lifted the surrounding ruins, and the impact caused smoke and dust to spread out in all directions.

Seeing the oncoming wind, everyone couldn't help raising their hands to block them, and the dust and mist from the explosion dispersed little by little under the heat wave.

Such a huge movement, coupled with the blue light rising into the sky, even Nami and others who were far away on the sea could clearly perceive it.

With a click, Nami, who was still very casual before, put a cold drink in her hand on the table, quickly got up and stood up to the side of the ship, holding binoculars in both hands to look far away, but in front of a sea of ​​fire, except for the burning flames, she can see everything Not sure.

Putting down the binoculars, Nami said worriedly: "What happened on the top? Even Lin Tian took action. It seems that this island is really not that simple."

While Nami thought about it, she didn't even realize that more than a dozen dark shadows were hiding under the sea, approaching the Sonny.

On the other side, the billowing smoke caused by the explosion finally dissipated under the heat As for the dragon that just showed up, it was solved by Lin Tian with one move before it showed the power of the dragon to Luffy and others. .

Stepping forward to the dragon, he stretched out his hand and patted the dragon that turned into a ball of coke under Lin Tian's lightning. Lu Fei turned around and complained: "Lin Tian, ​​you are too fast. Kill it. Originally, I wanted to roast this giant dragon and eat it. The meat of the giant dragon is probably delicious. I have never eaten it before.”

With that said, Luffy couldn't help but imagine the scene of the whole dragon turning into a barbecue, and the saliva could not stop flowing out of his mouth.

Usopp, who was awake, walked carefully to the side of the dragon, stretched out his feet and kicked both feet gently. After confirming that the dragon was really dead, Usopp breathed a sigh of relief, "It really scared me to death. Fortunately, Lin The sky is timely, otherwise we will all be burned to ashes by that terrible flame."

Hearing Luffy's complaint, Lin Tian, ​​who walked over, said with a smirk: "Luffy, I advise you not to eat this dragon's meat."

Turning his head, Luffy asked doubtfully: "Why?"

"Because this dragon is man-made, if you roast this dragon and eat it, something that shouldn't happen will happen."

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