After solving Kanjuro's problem, everyone walked around and finally came to the highest point of the town, and the endless icebergs appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the scene where ice and fire coexist, Robin couldn't help but sigh, "I saw it with my own eyes, the scenery in front of me is really amazing."

Sauron and others climbed up the stairs and looked at the white snow-capped mountains in the distance. Everyone was shocked.

Looking at the iceberg in the distance, Usopp was a little scared and said, "Hey, Lin Tian, ​​I don't think we should go anymore. The other side is covered by ice. We will be frozen into ice if we wear this way. There seems to be two Qiwuhai on the opposite side."

The two Qiwu Hai Usopp were not very scared. He was very confident in Lin Tian. Let alone two Qiwu Hai, even three Qiwu Hai Lintian could solve it. What Usopp was really afraid of was the cold weather on the opposite side. They just passed by, probably frozen to death before they found Qiwuhai.

Although Usopp’s words seemed to be ignored, Robin took a few steps forward and quickly scanned the geographical location in front of him. He pointed to the lake between ice and fire and said: "It seems that if we don’t cross that lake Not the opposite".

"The key is how we should pass through that lake," Sauron thought. Half of the lake was boiled by flames and half was frozen by ice, and the temperature was as low as zero degrees.

They had to find a boat if they wanted to go in the past, but everything around was burned clean by the flames, where would they find a boat to ride the lake.

However, this is not a problem for Lin Tian, ​​"This is simple, then I will directly use the ability to send us to the other side."

As he was talking, Lin Tian suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky, his face changed slightly, as if he had found something.

Seeing Lin Tian's actions, Robin asked curiously: "What's wrong? Lin Tian, ​​did you find anything?"

After speaking, Robin also looked up, but apart from the dark clouds, there was not even a bird in the sky.

Lowering his head, Lin Tian shook his head and said: "It's nothing, maybe I feel wrong."

Luffy with Kanjuro's lower body ran at the forefront. Luffy felt very interesting about Kanjuro's lower body, and it was fun to play alone.

Suddenly, several air-breaking sounds rang in Lu Fei's ears, and several dark shadows suddenly rushed towards Lu Fei from the ruins nearby. The sharp sharp blade reflected a cold light flashing in front of Lu Fei.

Although the opponent was prepared for a sneak attack, Luffy reacted very quickly, and his figure dodged the attack in a flash, and at the same time pulled away from the opponent.

"Who?" Luffy asked, stopping his retreat.

Luffy looked at him calmly, and saw several guys in front of him with naked upper body and sweating holding a sharp knife staring at him, and it was these guys who had just attacked him.

Seeing this scene behind him, Sauron was about to rush to help, but Lin Tian suddenly reached out to stop Sauron's movements. In Sauron's puzzled eyes, Lin Tian explained: "Wait, Sauron, these guys are still useful. , We can ask some information from them."

Knowing what Lin Tian meant, Sauron immediately stopped and stood watching, waiting for Luffy to take care of the four attackers.

"Resolve this intruder."

The few guys who broke out suddenly yelled, said something unknown, and quickly rushed towards Luffy. One of them leaped forward, holding a sharp sword in both hands like a big axe.

It's a pity that he was facing Luffy, and he didn't even move half a step. Luffy hit the opponent with a punch. With a few clicks, under Luffy's powerful fist, the guy's entire face sank inward, blood drenched, and he couldn't die anymore.

The death of their companions did not stop the other three assailants. They waved their swords in three directions and flew towards Luffy.

"Rubber Rubber Rotation"

Clutching his straw hat, Luffy got up and leaped to avoid the attack of the three of them. With the horrified eyes of the three, Luffy with a smile on his foot swept out, and the powerful force kicked the three guys out and fell heavily. on the ground.


One of the attackers had a sweet tongue, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. The impact force of the fall on the ground combined with the strength of Luffy's foot, the attacker just vomited blood was not bad, and the other two attackers died directly. , He barely survived because he was better than the other three.

At this moment, the assailant who remained in his mouth had no previous murderous intent in his eyes, but instead had endless fear. They had planned very well, and they had already covered the thunder and killed Luffy who was alone. Then Then solve the four Lin Tian who are talking later.

But it was a Luffy who didn't have the slightest backhand strength. Between the two moves, three of the four died and he was seriously injured.

Holding his chest, the assailant struggled to stand up from the ground, trying to escape from here, but at this moment, a big foot fell from the sky, and one foot was heavily on the assailant's chest.

The sudden heavy blow caused the assailant to spit out blood again, his face turned pale for a few minutes, and Sauron stepped on the assailant's foot and said indifferently: "After the attack, we still want to run."

After speaking, Sauron raised his head towards Luffy and said: "Luffy, good job, I thought you would get rid of all these four guys, I never thought you would have one left."

Clapping his hands, Luffy asked in confusion, "Sauron, what do you keep this guy for?"

"Naturally I want him to tell us about the information here." Lin Tian walked over with Robin.

The assailant lying on the ground inadvertently swept Lin Tian, ​​the pain on his face was immediately replaced by boundless fear, his eyes widened, his open mouth could not be closed for a long time, and his forehead was instantly covered by cold sweat.

"Lin... God..."

From the trembling voice, it was enough to see how scared the attacker was at the moment. He didn't expect that the person he was going to kill was the legendary Lin Tian, ​​the **** of murder.

Thinking of this, the attacker turned his eyes slightly and looked at the straw hat on Luffy's head. Now he finally realized that what they had attacked before was the straw hat boy. No wonder they would be killed by the other party. It is a pirate with a bounty of 400 million.

Feeling the trembling assailant at his feet, Sauron's mouth was slightly tilted and said: "Lin Tian, ​​it seems that this guy has already recognized your identity and was actually scared like this."

Lin Tian didn't know how many times he had seen such scenes. For many people, his reputation for spreading the world was enough to make children stop crying.

Looking down at the attacker at his feet, Lin Tian asked directly: "Let's say, who is your leader? Of course, you can choose not to say it, but you should have heard some rumors about my method."

Speaking of this, Lin Tian not only used threats, but also broke out a touch of murderous aura, but the effect was very good.

For the attacker, Lin Tian’s words are like the ecstatic voice of the messenger of hell. The attacker trembled more violently. Although he had never seen Lin Tian, ​​as a pirate, who would have never heard of Lin Tian No one in the world has seen the bounty list of 1.3 billion yuan.

Compared to offering a reward, Lin Tian’s cruel methods are frightening for the pirates. Rumor has it that even the evil pirates will beg for mercy in the face of Lin Tian. Especially the Lingchi type created by Lin Tian is extremely terrifying. .

There was a saying among the pirates, ‘I would rather die than fall into Lin Tian’s hands’.

Especially Lin Tian's murderous intent broke out in the pirate's heart. The line of defense in the Pirate's heart instantly collapsed. All loyalty and persistence were thrown aside, and he quickly replied in panic: "Lin Tian, ​​our master is the famous scientist Caesar."

"Caesar!" Lin Tian was shocked by the name the pirate said, and even his tone became louder.

Lin Tian didn't believe that Caesar would actually be here, and asked the pirate again: "What you said is true? Your master is the scientist Caesar."

According to Lin Tian's news, Caesar should now be cooperating with the aunt of one of the three emperors and two emperors, as if he was studying what secret weapon would be on this ice and fire island now.

"Master Lin Tian, ​​what I said is true, our master is Caesar", how the pirate dared to deceive Lin Tian, ​​quickly explained.

Seeing Lin Tian was so surprised, Robin asked curiously: "Lin Tian, ​​who is that Caesar?"

Not only Robin, but Sauron and Usopp were also very curious, and everyone's eyes gathered on Lin Tian.

After a pause, Lin Tian replied: "This Caesar's full name is M. Caesar Courant. He is a scientist of the original navy headquarters. He was expelled by the scientific force and wanted by the navy headquarters for conducting various brutal experiments."

"Caesar's character is not very good, but it is undeniable that this guy is a genius. In the past, as a fellow of Begapunk, he also developed a lot of extremely lethal weapons for the but I did not expect this guy. Hiding here."

"But it's right to think about it carefully. Back then, the poison gas weapon was researched out by the fellow Caesar. Only he could solve the poisonous fog that was shrouded on Ice and Fire Island."

Stepping on the pirate under his feet, after hearing what Lin Tian said, the corner of Sauron's mouth was slightly tilted, and he smiled: "He also involved a former Navy Headquarters scientist. Now it seems that the whole thing is getting more and more interesting."

"Such a terrible poison gas weapon was actually developed. It seems that that guy is not a good scientist," Usopp speculated, dragging his chin to the side.

Indeed, unlike other scientists, Caesar could even sacrifice dozens of small babies for an experimental data. It was precisely because of this incident that Bergapunke expelled him.

Later, the navy discovered that the fellow Caesar had used some powerful forces to help him to start his research again, and it became even more severe, so he was wanted by the navy, and now he is offering a reward of up to 300 million Baileys.

Lin Tianzheng wanted to ask this guy more things, but he didn't expect that the pirate was so frightened that his eyes went blank. In addition to his previous injuries, he passed out directly and couldn't ask anything.

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