Bang... bang...

Amid the roar of artillery, under the bombardment of the shells, the ice blocking the river channel in front of them shattered, exposing the back passage.

Standing on the bow of the ship, Smogg's face became darker and heavier. These ice blocks in the river channel did not appear to be naturally formed at all, but rather artificial.

That is to say, just as Smogg had just guessed, the scene they saw when they arrived on this island was probably shown to them in secret in order to force them to leave.

The more ice blocking the road, it means that the other party values ​​this place more and is afraid of being discovered by the navy. Although he doesn't know what happened, Smaller is more certain of his determination to board Ice and Fire Island.

After thinking about it, Smogg ordered: "Activate all the cannons and use the maximum firepower to smash the ice blocking the road in front of you."

Following Smogg's order, the continuous sound of ship shelling sounded in the blizzard. As the ice blocking the road was shattered, the warship approached the island little by little.

Finally, the warship reached the original naval research base through the river, and the huge research base was looming under the snow.

咻... 嘭...

The huge iron anchor was dropped from the bow of the ship, and Smogle took the lead in jumping off the warship with a sound. The rest of the navy also quickly followed and stepped onto Ice and Fire Island.

Looking up at the huge base in front of him, a soldier suddenly said with emotion: "It's finally here, it's really a loss of life."

In order to get here, they shelled continuously for half an hour, and the number of shells on the entire warship was reduced by half, no less than a naval battle. Many soldiers now have weak hands and are half dead tired.

"We've just landed on the island, cheer me up," Da Siqi squinted at these guys on the side and yelled softly.

Facing Da Siqi, these naval soldiers had long lost their face, and waved their hands: "Don't say such things, we have all worked so hard, hurry up to comfort us, Sister Dazuo".

Ignoring the tricks of these guys, Da Siqi has never heard of such words how many times.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Smogg suddenly stretched out his hand to remove the gas mask from his face and threw it on the snow. Seeing this scene, Dasqi was taken aback, and then quickly persuaded: "Lieutenant General Smogg, now We haven't determined whether there is poisonous gas around, how can you...".

He waved his hand and motioned to Da Siqi not to speak, Smogg took a deep breath, and the cold air flowed through his nostrils into his lungs.

After waiting for a few seconds, Smogg said: "Okay, it doesn't matter, there is no poison gas here, you don't need to wear a gas mask."

Hearing Smogg's words, Da Siqi quickly took off the gas mask. Sure enough, there was no poison in the air, and many naval soldiers behind him also took off the mask.

Breathing the cold air, Da Siqi looked puzzled: "How could something like this happen? When we came in, there was still such a strong poisonous gas outside the island. It stands to reason that the poisonous gas on the island should be stronger, but now why there is nothing. ".

The soldier who took off the gas mask was also a little bit unbelievable, and said, "It's true, there is no poison gas here, so what's the matter when we encounter poison gas at the entrance?"

"Then you should ask the people inside. It seems that some people do not welcome us."

Smogg's dignified gaze looked at the huge base covered in snow in front of him. There was no poisonous gas on the island, which made Smaller affirmed his guess that the poisonous gas and ice in the previous entrance were man-made, and they Do those to stop them.

It is not yet clear who exactly is doing what on this island, but one thing is certain, this island hides things that the navy cannot know.

Taking a step forward, Smogg led many naval soldiers toward the steel gate of the entrance. At this time, all the navy soldiers including Smogg had no spare money and relaxed mentality, and they scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

The other party didn't even welcome them here, and now they have landed on Ice and Fire Island, maybe the other party will suddenly attack them in order to defend the secret.

Looking up at the sign that belongs to the world government and navy headquarters on the gate, Smogg said with emotion: "The Dr. Begapunk research base is just the original. After that incident, it has been abandoned and should be an empty building. However, due to the poisonous gas, the facilities inside should be kept intact, and some systems should still be operational."

With that, Smaller had walked to the front of the gate and pressed the doorbell on the side of the door. Just as Smaller had said, the doorbell rang.

After pressing several times in succession, only the door bell was reverberating, but the closed door showed no sign of opening, so that the naval soldiers behind them, known as ‘pirates’, became impatient and shouted.

"Hey, who is in it, come out quickly"

"Come out soon, what's the matter, are you afraid of us?"

"Get out, this is a military base, no matter who it is will be arrested, come out quickly"

"Boss Smoker, there is no need to ring the doorbell in such a way that we can open a door like this with naval guns."

"Yes, boss smoker, leave it to us, we have done this kind of thing many times."

With that said, several soldiers ran towards the warship, preparing to move the cannon on the warship.

Suddenly, a sound of metal rubbing sounded, and the many soldiers who were arguing could not help stopping and looking at the gate. The gate covered by ice was moving, revealing a gap of a half meter.

What followed was a faint sound of footsteps. Looking through the gap in the door, I saw a dark shadow slowly approaching.

Under the gazes of hundreds of soldiers, the black shadow appeared in front of everyone little by little. When the black shadow walked out of the gate, many soldiers were suddenly scared and let out a cry of exclamation. Both eyes widened, almost afraid Believe in the people in front of you.

Furry winter hat with leopard spots, personalized black eye bags, black sleeves and hats matched with a black knee-length wind and rain, looking at a long knife wrapped in a black scabbard, the person in front of him In addition to the current Qiwu Hai Trafalgar Luo, who else?

Stopping his footsteps, Luo lightly leaned on the door, and smiled slightly at Smogg: "What is your responsibility to come to my villa, White Hunter is the head"

"How...possibly, how could you..." Seeing Luo appear, the soldiers who had been frantic before were too scared to speak.

Da Siqi said solemnly: "The newcomer who originally offered a bounty of 440 million yuan, now it is with Hawkeye Mihawk, the pirate girl Boa Hancock, the **** of death Locke in the moonlight, and Doflamingo Wait for others to drive, the recognized pirate of the world government, Qiwuhai".

As Da Siqi's voice fell, many surrounding naval soldiers quickly withdrew a few steps backwards, pointing to Luo in front of the door and said with fear.

"I don't want to deal with this guy, let's go back."

"Lieutenant General Smogg, you know, this guy is a lunatic"

"In order to become Qiwuhai, he was a madman who sent a hundred pirate hearts to the navy headquarters"

Ignoring what the men behind him were saying, Smogg fixed his eyes on Luo and asked: "Why are you here? As Qiwuhai, you should know that no pirates or the navy are allowed to enter here."

"Then I will be with each other." Luo said all the other way around. Your navy shouldn't enter here either. Everyone is the same.

Da Siqi on the side shouted directly: "Trafalgar Luo, even if you are the King Seven Martial Sea, you should not be here, we know that there are others on this island."

Hearing this, Luo's smile disappeared, and he couldn't help cursing inwardly. Didn't those idiots think of hiding when they did things? Now being discovered by these pirates, it is troublesome to let them leave.

The atmosphere in the field suddenly solidified, and Smogg could be sure that there was something hidden in the research room in front of him, so Luo would come out to stop them.

And Luo also understands that these navies must not be allowed to see what is inside, but the navy has no idea of ​​retreating, and Luo does not want to solve all of these navies. After all, there are hundreds of navies in front of him, and there is a lieutenant admiral. If there is a problem with people, the Navy will not let it go.

At that time, it may be the arrival of the lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters, and even the admiral of the navy will appear. After all, the death of a lieutenant admiral is a major event, enough to alarm the entire navy.

Suddenly, Da Siqi took out a black phone worm from his pocket. This is a special wiretapping phone worm. Then, the black phone worm heard the cry for help that Luffy had heard The voices of Luffy and others appeared in the back.

Luo's face changed drastically when he heard Luffy's voice. He rescued Luffy when he shot on the top of the war, and he has also reached Daughters Island. Luo also probably knows about Luffy and others hiding for two years to increase their strength. Because of staying here, Luo didn't know something that happened recently. Calculating the time, Luffy and others have indeed started to act.

At the same time, Luo finally understood why Smogg would come here suddenly, it turned out that he was tracking the master of Straw Hat.

Luffy was okay. It was Lin Tian that really made Luo's attention. Since the Straw Hat Master was also here, it naturally meant that Lin Tian was also there. Thinking of this, Luo had a rough plan quickly formed.

After playing the recording in the phone worm, Da Siqi said: "The owner of this voice must be a signal from this island. Although I don't know who is calling for help, the straw hat boy must be on this island."

With an unknown smile on his face, Luo lightly replied: "This island is now my villa. As for whether the Straw Hat Master is on this island, I don't know."

Smogg, who had been silent, suddenly said: "You know the straw hat boy, and your relationship seems to be good."

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