Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1024: Artificial fruit

Quiet! Deathly silence!

There was only a faint cold wind whistling in the sky, white snowflakes fell from the sky like beautiful elves, and the world seemed to stop turning at this moment.

A whole number of ten pairs of eyes stayed on Doflamingo. The question of the green pheasant was like a storm that swept everyone's minds, shocking everyone and wondering how Ming Ge answered.

Doflamingo, the biggest middleman in the underground world, had naturally seen the announcement. While he was extremely angry about it, Ming was also changing his policy.

The silence lasted for a few seconds, and the strange laughter of Ming broke the silence in the court.


Brother Ming stopped and turned around to look at Qing Pheasant and said, "Afraid? Just rely on him Lin Tian? It's still the announcement. What is this? He, a deputy leader of the revolutionary army, also went to join the underground world. This world is not It's so simple on the surface."

"There are many timid people in this world, but there are also people who have a deep hatred with Lin Tian. Does Lin Tian think he can control the world? He is too high on him."

After finishing speaking, Ming stopped for a few seconds, staring directly at the green pheasant and asked: "Kuzan, compared to this, what makes me more curious is what identity you are now drifting in this sea."

The howling cold wind blew the green pheasant's clothes loudly, and the snow all over the sky began to fall. Facing Ming's inquiry, the green pheasant did not answer, still keeping his hands in his pockets and facing his back.

After a while, seeing that the green pheasant didn't answer, Ming Ge didn't continue to question either, and walked away instead, leaving only a faint voice floating in the air.

"I haven't heard any good comments from you. Together with Lin Tian, ​​he killed his own teacher and became a super pirate with a bounty of more than one billion yuan. The former admiral of the navy became the most wanted man in the navy. Irony, eh eh eh..."

As for these **** navy rumors, Ming brother would naturally not believe that, and Ming brother would not believe that the green pheasant is now just a lonely wanderer. The face of pure wanderers is completely different from those who are determined to do big things. .

As Ming Ge left, the words echoing in the air gradually dissipated, and the green pheasant knelt down and shouted the surrounding navy soldiers to bandage Smogg.

Sitting next to the bandaged Smoger, the green pheasant said lightly: "From the beginning, I didn't think that the world government is everything. This is very similar to that guy Lin Tian, ​​and maybe that's how we recognize us. Will become friends".

"Just like what Lin Tian said, some things can only be seen clearly after you leave the navy."

Looking up at the sky above his head, Smogg said with emotion: "Just now, I lost my life."

Hearing this, the green pheasant suddenly laughed and said, "I can come here as a kind of fate. I happened to be on the side and heard the announcement of Lin Tian again, so I came here to take a look. Saved your life".

Turning his head, Smogg looked at the green pheasant and asked, "That is to say, you have a relationship with the underworld, what have you been planning recently? You are not the kind of person who can be quiet."

Many navy soldiers on the side were taken aback. Admiral Tangtangyuan actually got involved with the underworld, and it must have shocked the world.

After some silence, the green pheasant said calmly: "I am me, Small, many things are not as simple as they can be seen on the surface. In short, you have to stare at Doflamingo. Lin Tian's declaration is already in the world. As we all know, Brother Ming will not wait for Lin Tian to get revenge, and he will definitely launch an action recently."

"However, I don't have confidence in Ming Ge. This time he is likely to fall from the position of King Qi Wuhai. Tell that guy Sakaski."

"The death of Brother Ming, the underground world will become the starting point of war. The world trend is unstoppable. The deadlocked balance is about to be broken. Let the generals prepare. The worst is here, and the gears of the times will collapse one by one. This will be the most serious crisis since the establishment of the new Sakaski navy headquarters."

With that said, the green pheasant got up and stood up. After confessing to the navy soldiers on the side, he left Punk Hassad with his new pet.

At the same time, the naval fleet with General Fujitora boarded the land of Punk Hassad, and before them was the third research base divided into two, as well as the dead naval soldiers and pirates.


"Seven Wuhai, Don Quixote Doflamingo, known as the clown in the underground world, is also the king of Dresrosa, and is eligible to participate in world government meetings."

Lin Tian lay on the seat around the main mast, with his head half on Robin’s slender thighs, telling some basic things for the guys like Luffy. These guys in the province didn’t even know the most basic things about their opponents. .

"Dres Rosa", Nami dragged her chin to the meeting and said: "I've heard the name of this country. Back then, newspapers often reported that you Lin Tian chaotically rushed to the world government to join the country to cause conflicts. That guy is Dre. Throsa".

"In other words, Lin Tian, ​​did you have a relationship with Doflamingo early on?" Sauron asked curiously from the side.

Lin Tian replied softly, and then explained: "I hated the fellow Doflamingo, and it will be pursued ten years ago. At that time, because of the heavenly gold incident, that fellow sent a cadre to seriously injured me and almost died. It's not that my life was saved."

Although Lin Tian spoke very calmly, everyone could still feel what kind of crisis Lin Tian was enduring at the time, and even Lin Tian almost died.

No wonder everyone in the world is rumored that Lin Tian and Doflamingo have a life and death feud, everyone now understands why.

Just listen to Lin Tian continue: "Although there were reasons for my hatred with Ming Ge, but there was another reason for going to Dresrosa many times. As a pirate, why Ming Ge suddenly became a king? I always wanted to understand that at the time I knew what secrets were hidden in the country of Dressrosa, but because of being a navy, I couldn't do many things."

Bian Shang Luo suddenly agreed. He knew Ming Ge very well, "Yes, there is Ming Ge's most important secret hidden in Dres Rosa, and it is also an important item he can trade with Kaido."

"Beast Kaido, are we the four emperors we are going to defeat together?" Sauron was very excited while holding the Hedao text.


Hearing this name, Jinweimen and Momanosuke's expressions were on the same side, and a murderous look flashed in their eyes.

Feeling the existence of murderous intent, Sauron's eyes sank, and he silently scanned the two behind him, thinking in his heart that hearing Kaido had such a strong murderous intent, it seemed that the two of them had concealed a lot of things from them.

Although he was suspicious, Sauron didn't say it. Lin Tian, ​​who knew everything, took them on the boat, and naturally had his plans.

With a bang, the angry Momanosuke suddenly turned into a pink dragon. This sudden change shocked Kinweimen. He didn't expect that Momanosuke would have eaten one during his disappearance. Devil Fruit.

Ignoring the two of them, Luo continued: "Now we are in an alliance, and to defeat Kaido, what we have to do is to reduce its combat effectiveness. Now Kaido has bought a lot of animal-based artificial devil fruit smiles from Ming."


When Usopp, who was repairing the weather bar, heard this, he was shocked and couldn't believe it: "How is it possible, can that kind of thing be man-made? Then the whole world is not messy."

The power of the devil fruit is well known to everyone. The whole world knows that the devil fruit is born on the bottom of the sea. It takes a lot of luck to get the devil fruit. If this kind of thing can be artificial, the world will be messy.

"Don't say it is so simple," Luo Drink said lightly in the hot tea in his hands: "This kind of thing must bear a lot of risks and uncertainty, otherwise the clown will use it by himself and will not sell it to Kaido. However, even so, there are as many as 500 people under Kaido."

"Five hundred!" Usopp jumped in shock.

A person with devil fruit ability is already very terrifying, what kind of power would be like five hundred devil fruit ability, Usopp can hardly imagine.

"What is the artificial devil fruit?" Robin, who was massaging Lin Tian, ​​lowered his head and asked curiously.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Tian explained: “These should have something to do with the old man Begapunk. In the past few years, Begapunk has researched the lineage factor related to the essence of the devil fruit and understood the ability of the devil fruit. It is based on these studies that sad, the materials used to make artificial fruits, but only animal devil fruits can be made."

As he said, Lin Tian stretched out his hand to Taozhisuke, "For example, that guy, he turned into a devil fruit made by Begapunk, but he ate a failed devil fruit, so it’s not very good To control its own ability to change".

"It turns out that this guy Caesar is actually just using Begapunk's research," Sanji turned around and looked at Caesar with disdain.

"It turns out that all the credit is to suddenly realized.

Brooke even shook his head directly, mocking: "This guy is at this level, and he claims to be the world's first scientist."

Caesar was immediately irritated by these guys. Caesar hated that others would compare him with Vegapunk, because once so, the whole world would only praise Vegapunk, and Caesar would only become a foil.

"Shut up, can you guys make it? Don't be babble here, idiots," Caesar scolded angrily at the three of Sanji.


Sanji suddenly flew up and kicked Caesar's face, kicking Caesar several meters away, "What right do you have to call us idiots, stupid scientists".

Suddenly, Lin Tian, ​​who was lying on Robin's lap, opened his eyes, looked at the direction of Punk Hassad not far away, and whispered in a voice that only he could hear.

"Green Pheasant?!"

The voyage is still going on, but on this ship, there are three more companions.

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