Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1026: World shocked

The next day, the calm sea and people from all over the world were awakened by the news announced in the newspaper.

King Qibukai Don Quixote Doflamingo resigned from Qibukai and gave up the throne of Dresrosa. The Straw Hat Pirates and the Red Heart Pirates united into the Pirate Alliance. At the same time, Kidd Pirates The group, the broadcast pirate group, and the Hawkins pirate group formed the Pirate Alliance at the same time.

The world is like being blown by a storm, and the world is shaken. At the same time, all parts of the world are discussing today's newspapers. This information is really amazing. Fortunately, ordinary people are just about this. The news was shocked.

As for the Pirate World, it is no less than a storm sweeping. Although it is not yet known what happened, every pirate group can feel a serious and nervous anger enveloped in this sea.

"What's the matter, why besides Doflamingo's resignation from Qiwuhai, there is news of our alliance on the top", Frankie was very surprised by the content registered in the newspaper today.

The news of their alliance was only known by themselves, and did not inform the world, but why it appeared in the newspaper, now let the world know about their alliance.

Pointing to another page of the newspaper, Nami said in surprise: "It's not just us, but there are also a few pirate groups. They are all the same evil generation as Luffy."

Why did the pirates form an alliance at the same moment? Nami looked at Luo strangely. Is this alliance negotiated?

Luo got up and stood up and said, "They are them, we are us. We just need to act according to our own plan. We have to focus on Doflamingo."

Now that Doflamingo's resignation from Qiwuhai has become a reality, Luo's biggest goal has been achieved. As for Kidd's three pirates unity, they have nothing to do with them.

Looking at the three pirate groups of Kidd allied in the newspaper, Lin Tian shook his head and smiled. They were really problematic children, not only arrogant, but also sharp, without even the most basic knowledge of strength.

I thought that staying in the new world for two years is enough to understand this world. This world is not so easy to get to the top. I don’t know how many pirates have challenged the throne of the Four Emperors in the past two decades, but now it is the black and white emperors who succeed. They still did it by using the top war.

It's not that Lin Tian underestimated these supernovas, but Kidd and the three teamed up, I am afraid that they are not even qualified to let the three emperors and two emperors use their full strength.

Luo suddenly grabbed Caesar and came to the crowd, and said solemnly: "Now you understand how important the deal yesterday is to Doflamingo. For Caesar, Doflamingo can give up the position he has won over the past ten years. The unique Pirate Predator Permit, this guy is proving to us that he will do whatever it takes to recapture this guy.”

At this moment, the most shocking was the underground world. Countless underground world leaders saw the news of Brother Ming's resignation from Qiwuhai in shock.

Just one day after Lin Tian’s announcement to the world, Brother Ming resigned from the position of Qiwuhai. Many big bosses knew that Brother Ming could become the middleman of the underground world and any transaction could be contaminated. That belongs to Qiwuhai’s plundering license. How much effect did the certificate play?

When Brother Ming gave up the position of Qiwuhai, he actually brought his power in the underground world to its lowest point. Many big bosses who had been prepared are now ready to move, and the war in the underground world is about to break out.

"It's me, I have resigned from Qiwuhai's position." A voice belonging to Brother Ming came from the microphone.

Before Luo could speak, Lu Fei suddenly rushed over, grabbed the phone bug in Luo's hand, and shouted angrily: "Hey, I am Monkey D. Luffy, you are Doflamingo, that The Caesar who did evil in Punk Hassad is yours. Caesar will return it to you as agreed, but next time you come up with something like this, I will definitely beat you up."

"Straw Hat Luffy", Doflamingo came from the microphone with that unique laughter, interested to reach: "I have admired your name for a long time, in these two years of disappearance, where have you been? ".

It’s no wonder that Brother Ming was surprised. In the past two years, Ace, who was determined to have died, was reborn again. He gained the power of the white beard to shake the fruit and became a new generation of sea **** emperor, while the straw hat boy disappeared in the past two years. No, what the straw hat boy with the strongest background is going to do in the past two years is not only Doflamingo, but also many overlords are speculating.

At this time, Lin Tian snatched the phone worm from Luffy's hand and said lightly: "Doflamingo, there are some things you don't know about. We might as well talk about it instead of caring about this. Transaction matter".

"Oh, Lin Tian." Brother Ming came over with a very surprised voice, and then said in a tone of an old friend meeting: "I finally heard your speech, but your move is really huge, now The whole underground world is waiting for my death."

Speaking of this, Brother Ming couldn't help laughing. The laughter was full of sarcasm, not knowing whether it was to himself or to the clumsy underground world bosses.

With a smile, Lin Tian raised his mouth slightly, and said sarcastically: "But those people have all underestimated your brother Ming's importance of life. In order to temporarily solve Kaido's problem, the price you paid may not be light." .

Hearing this, Ming's face on the other side of the microphone suddenly changed, and his frowning brow clearly showed the volcanic anger in Ming's heart at this moment.

Lin Tian was right. In order to quell Kaido, the price Ming paid was too heavy. It was so heavy that Ming Ming’s ten-year accumulation was almost ruined, but it was worth it to get the final result. .

Lin Tian’s words came through the microphone again, "Don’t talk so much nonsense, Joker, according to the agreement, eight hours from now, on the beach southeast of Grimbit, the isolated island north of Dresrosa. , We will throw Caesar there at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, why, do you want to confirm the Caesar you value so much."

"Forget it, I believe you Lin Tian won't do anything like that. If that's the case, I'll see you at 3 o'clock in the afternoon."

In other words, Doflamingo hung up the phone first, with an unknown smile on his face. He looked at the man sitting in front of him and smiled: "At three o'clock in the afternoon, everything will end by then."


Navy Headquarters!

The huge conference room was already full of seats. A large group of lieutenants of the Navy Headquarters sat in the conference room with red dogs standing above them. Everyone was listening to the report of the General Staff Headquarters.

"The so-called Qiwuhai under the king, there are only seven people in the world. They are pirates selected by the world government to obtain a plundering license. The same is the overwhelming strength and popularity. They must be able to form a deterrent to all the pirates in the world. ".

"The world’s number one swordsman, Hawkeye, Qorakir Mihok, as King Dresrosa, but the evil leader Don Quixote Doflamingo, has now become a naval human. Weapon Bassoromir Bear, as well as the King of the Kingdom of the Pirates, Boa Hancock, the mastermind of the Rothward incident in the worst era, the surgeon Dora Falga Luo, the avenger in the moonlight moonlight Oak, as well as the men who have surged in strength in the past two years, the pirate dispatch organization commander, and the legendary male clown king Bucky, there are seven of them."

"But now Don Quixote Doflamingo suddenly resigned from the post of Qiwuhai, and Dora Falga Luo was also deprived of the title of Qiwuhai. Even with the recently joined Qiwuhai Pirate, there are only six."

"As the forces of the Seven Martial Seas, who can be named after the navy and the four emperors, turned out to be what they are now, so full of loopholes, this is not suitable for the navy's strategy."

After a pause, the navy staff took out another document and said: "There is another thing. Lin Tianchao announced that the whole world will seek revenge on Doflamingo. Now it has caused great fluctuations in the new world. Once done, the eyes of many forces are now focused on these two people."

"Although I don't know what Lin Tian deliberately announced that the New World will solve Doflamingo's plan, there must be a very huge secret hidden in this matter. Our navy headquarters must act."

"Ah, I see." Akidog finally said: "Yesterday Smogg has been chattering to me. This time I have dispatched Fujitora to lead the fleet. Let's wait and see for one day. If the situation is not right, Green Bull will also Rush over."

On the other side, Lu Fei and others finally arrived at Dresrosa.

Holding Luffy, who was about to jump down, Lin Tianchao told everyone: "Wait, let me talk about the plan this time. This time we are divided into three teams. The first team is tasked with guarding the Sonny. The second team is the Caesar **** team, and the third team is the destruction team."

"Destruction team? What is that?" Luffy asked curiously, touching his head.

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled and said to Luffy: "This team is the best for The task of the destruction team is to cause destruction. It will make a big noise throughout Dresrosa, as long as it doesn’t hurt. Innocent people, whatever you do in there, you can mess around with no restrictions at all."

Luffy immediately waved and shouted with excitement: "What, this team is really great, I want to go."

"Hey, you must collect this first", Luo walked over and handed the life paper to Nami.

In Nami’s puzzled gaze, Luo explained: “This paper of life points to our next island, Chobu Island. It won’t take long for us to enter Dresrosa, and the whole kingdom will become a battlefield. Eventually, it will happen. We are not very clear about what."

Lin Tian took the conversation and said, "So if the situation is not right at that time, you should leave first and move towards Zhuowu. Then we will meet there."

In order to welcome them, Ming Ge might have prepared everything and can use any means. In order to prevent Nami, Chopper and Brook from being in danger, Lin Tian decided to let them leave first if things were wrong. He didn't care about the safety of Nami and three in the fight.

"Okay, let's go to Dressrosa!!!"

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