call out…

There was another air-breaking sound. Immediately after the launch of Power Rock, Usopp attacked Doflamingo who was far away in Greenbit.

This time, Brother Ming had learned well and didn't use the bouncing line to smash the shot objects, and the figure would dodge as soon as he flashed.

Usopp, who was far away in Dresrosa, watched this scene through a high-range telescope with domineering, and couldn't help but smile, "Do you think I will use the same attack method? That's stupid, let you see the explosive grass. power".

As soon as Brother Ming made a move, the flying object suddenly exploded. The impact of the explosion hit Brother Ming's chest, and Brother Ming immediately retreated.

And at the moment when Brother Ming retreated, Luo, who had been held tightly by Brother Ming, suddenly moved.

"Room. Chaos space!"

In the next second, the invisible space quickly dissipated. In Doflamingo's surprised eyes, Luo's figure flashed beside Lin Tian, ​​his right hand grabbed into the void, and the ghost crying that fell in the forest suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

Pulling out his hand and crying, Luo apologized: "It seems that I was wrong before. This time I really want to thank Long Nose for being the master."

When formulating this plan earlier, Luo strongly disagreed, because Usopp hid in the Dresrosa Heights to attack this link.

In Luo's opinion, how could someone be able to hit the target accurately and accurately at a distance of nearly ten kilometers apart. This is impossible, but Usopp's just sniper technique has proven himself to Luo.


Brother Ming squeezed both fists and immediately shouted angrily. At this moment, Brother Ming still didn't understand that they were stupid in Lin Tian's calculations.

The Fujitora beside him exclaimed: "Unexpectedly, the old man became someone else's **** from the beginning."

As early as when he arrived in Dres Rosa, Lin Tian had already used his sight and dominance to cover the entire island, so Ming had his subordinates who could see everything within 4000 kilometers to monitor Lu Fei and others. In fact, how could Lin Tian taste it? Not monitoring Ming Ge and the others.

Everything that happened on Dresrosa was in Lin Tian's mind, even the instructions from Ming Ge to those subordinates, including all the plans, clearly appeared in Lin Tian's mind. This is why Lin Tian was able to plan everything, because the whole German Res Rosa is a huge game, and he is the only player on this board. From the moment he set foot on Dres Rosa, Doflamingo who thought he was in control had actually become Lin Tian. Chess pieces in hand.

"I'll go get that guy Caesar back," Luo already said to Lin Tian in a voice that only two of them could hear.

In the next second, Luo's figure flashed, using his ability to disappear into the forest, and rushed towards Caesar, who was under pressure by the numerous navy.

Seeing Luo flying in the direction of Caesar, Brother Ming did not start an action chase. Things have developed to this point. Brother Ming has already figured it out clearly. No matter how Luo these guys are making trouble, they are just some clowns. Solving, the real difficulty is Lin Tian this guy.

Only when Lin Tian is resolved, the whole matter will come to an end. As for Luo and others, they will knead as they wish.

Brother Ming turned his head to one side and shouted to Fujitora, "Fujitora, as an admiral, you should know more about Lin Tian's threat than I do."

Raising his sword in front of him, Fujitora faintly replied: "Your Excellency Ming, you don't need to say more, the old man naturally understands that as the navy, our cooperation with Qiwuhai belongs to the treaty."

Hearing Fujitora's answer, Ming Ge showed a smile on his face, and immediately looked at Taotu who had been silent on the side.

Upon seeing this, Taotu knew that he could not avoid it. As Fujitora said, as a navy, he must abide by the treaty, and he was very unwilling to pull out the famous sword Jinpilu from his waist.

Seeing that Fujitora and Taotu both made a choice, the corners of Ming's mouth were slightly cocked. He didn't believe that Lin Tian could not be solved with the three of them working together. Now he wants to see what Lin Tian has. Method.

However, out of the expectations of the three brothers Ming, Lin Tian smiled slightly, and suddenly the figure merged into the void, disappearing, leaving only a speech echoing in the air.

"Doflamingo, this is the end of the Grimmbitt battle. The real battlefield is in Dresrosa."

Upstairs in the tower of Dresrosa, seeing Lin Tian disappeared, Usopp also quickly packed up everything and retreated to the position below the tower. According to Robin's plan, someone had already picked him up under the tower and rushed to the flower field.


On the Sonny.

The disappeared Lin Tian has appeared on the Sonny, along with Luo who captured Caesar again.

Looking at the edge of Sanji, Lin Tian immediately ordered: "Sanji, Greenbit is only the beginning of the battle, and the final battle is the next. However, Nami's strengths are not suitable for being involved in such a battle. According to our plan, you will **** Nami to Zhuowu first."

Sanji nodded and responded. Although he wanted to join the battle, Sanji also understood that the safety of Nami is more important. If he is not protected, let them go to Zhuowu and don’t know what will happen on the road. thing.

If Nami and others stay in Dressrosa, they will only become a bargaining chip in the eyes of others. As Lin Tian said to the Ming brothers in the end, the real decisive battle is Dressrosa, and the next ones will be hidden. appear.

"Lin Tian, ​​be careful then", holding Lin Tian's hands tightly, Nami was worried about Lin Tian's safety, but she knew that their continued stay here would only become a burden to Lin Tian and the others.

Suddenly, Lin Tian took out an envelope from her pocket and handed it to Nami, and reached out to take the envelope. In Nami's puzzled eyes, Lin Tian explained: "There is a tape in it, which contains some things I explained, including Plans for the next few things".

As he said, Lin Tian looked at Momanosuke, stretched his head to Nami's ear, and whispered: "Remember that there are two tapes in there. You can listen to one with Sanji and the others. Zhang can only be heard by you and Brook, but Momanosuke can never hear anything in the two tapes."

Holding the two envelopes in her hand, Nami looked confused. Why did Lin Tian tell me so that Tao Zhi’s hearing aid Nami could not understand. After all, Lin Tian was not lukewarm to Tao Zhisuke from the beginning. Everyone Knowing that Momanosuke and Kinemon must have hidden something from them.

But if you don't tell Sanji and Chopper, Nami can't understand, even if there are some important things in it, they won't be hidden from them.

But thinking of Lin Tian's serious tone and deliberately focusing on the explanation, Nami quickly put away the envelope in her hand, Lin Tian's command must have deep meaning.

"Hey, Luo!" At this moment, Sanji smoked a cigarette and shouted at Luo: "Although I know that Caesar has a very important role for us, since our ultimate goal is Kaido, then Deres Rosa is just us A transition in the goal, why are you so persistent in dealing with Doflamingo".

Sanji couldn't figure this out. According to Luo's life, they can actually retreat now. As long as Caesar is in their hands, Doflamingo will be destroyed by the beast Kaido.

But Luo did not hesitate to fight with Doflamingo to the end so that Sanji felt that Luo must have hidden some things from them.

At this time, Lin Tian, ​​who was good at Nami, was told to come over, "Well, Sanji, Luo does have a deep relationship with Doflamingo. These things are not clear in a few words."

"However, Luo, are you sure? To resolve the grudge 13 years ago with Doflamingo alone."

Clutching the ghost and crying in his hands, Luo gritted his teeth and replied: "Since that day 13 years ago, I have not lived for myself, and many things have to be solved by today."

On the other hand, Sanji listened to the conversation between the two with a dazed expression. What 13 years ago, he didn't understand at all. It seems that there is still an unknown story between Luo and Doflamingo that Lin Tian told.

Shaking his head, Sanji walked towards the position of the helm. Now that the plan has been worked out, then do what you should do. Don’t worry about those guys who have Lin Tian in there. Take Nami and others to Zhuowu first. .

"Luo, you guy dare to betray the young master, the young master will definitely not be able to spare you," Qiaora, who was held by Luo's hand, shouted angrily.

Looking at Qiao La, Luo Leng snorted and said lightly: "Worry about me instead of worrying about yourself. Next, let me see where the so-called Young Master and others put you in your mouth."

After finishing speaking, Luo's figure flashed, and he led Qiao La to the iron bridge shrouded in thick fog. He looked at the naval warship flying from Greenbit in the distance. Lin Tian's figure disappeared, always for Sonny. No. Leave to buy some time.

"Lei Ying. Wan Leishan!"

Over the navy battleship, Lin Tian turned into a thunderbolt and appeared. The right hand exuding thunder and lightning pressed downward, and the calm sky changed drastically.

In the sky, dense clouds of thunder and lightning fell from the sky, and the sky full of thunder and lightning covered the sky and the ground, like a storm, except that it was not rain but thunder.

Seeing this kind of destructive scene, many naval soldiers on the deck were already scared to flee, and the thunder and lightning was enough to wipe out the entire battleship.

On the deck, Fujitora, who was eating ramen, had no choice but to put down his hand ramen, "It really made the old man uneasy to eat noodles, but the devil fruit ability has awakened. It seems that Mr. Lin Tian is serious."

Pulling out the sword in his hand, Fujitora slashed towards the sky with his backhand, and immediately centered on Fujitora, and the gravity that wrapped the entire warship dropped rapidly.

Suddenly, a scene that was more shocking than Lintian’s thunder and lightning I saw that in the tumbling sea, a series of thick currents of the Sonny were set off from the sea, surrounding the naval battleship, a total of ten The Tao rises like a serpent-like water column.

Under the control of Fujitora, ten water columns converge and form a hemispherical water wall shield, perfectly enclosing the entire battleship.

"Water Front!"

The sky full of thunder and lightning fell on the water wall, and amid the continuous rumbling, water sprays tens of meters high rose. Unfortunately, even if the sky full of thunder and lightning continued to fall, there was no sign of the water wall being broken.

"Using the characteristics of water to conduct electricity, it is really an eye-opening method of fighting to draw most of the power of thunder and lightning into the wide sea." Looking at this scene, Lin Tian did not hesitate to praise.

Step on...


Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps in the water wall, and I saw the beautiful figure of Taotu rushing out of the water wall, waving a sharp knife in his hand and slashing towards Lin Tian.

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