After leaving the brigade, Tang Jiu put all the food into the space, and then took Qiao Bei's bicycle back to the compound.

However, when she arrived at the compound, she found another opportunity to put the food on her bicycle and swaggered into the compound of the transport team.

Everyone looked at the food that the two of them brought back, and their envious eyes were almost green, especially Aunt Tao opposite.

"I'm back with the food.

Old Mrs. Chen watched with envy Qiao Bei carrying two bags of grain upstairs, and Tang Jiu replied with a smile.

"Yes, auntie, the brigade has just distributed food, and my work is still in the brigade, which is different from you. "

Some of them are registered in the city, and they receive commercial grain according to the month, of course, it is different.

"Watch out for the other side.

Old Mrs. Chen glanced at Aunt Tao, who was sticking out half of her head on the opposite side, and kindly reminded her, and Tang Jiu bowed slightly to indicate that she knew.

Then he and Qiao Bei entered the house, afraid that someone would be a thief, Tang Jiu only left a small half in the house, and put the rest into the space.

Qiao Bei didn't care, "I've been a little busy these two days, how careful you are at home." "

The transport team is the same as other work, the more the New Year is celebrated, the busier it becomes, and Qiao Bei has been busy in the past two days.

Tang Jiu was not angry, but said considerately: "Don't worry, I can take care of myself." It's

winter vacation, and she doesn't have to go to class, so she nests in the space every day to grow crops, and now there are a bunch of things in the space.

Even though Qiao Bei was not at ease, he had no choice, so he left in a hurry the next day, this time he was going to a farther city, and he might not come back for several days.

Although Tang Jiu was reluctant in his heart, he also knew that this was his duty, so he naturally didn't care.

Bored at home, Tang Jiu went to Zhou Quan's side to count a batch of goods.

Looking at these things, Zhou Quan was even more sure that it was his Qiao Beige's ability, and said with a smile:

"There are many people who want good things for the Chinese New Year, sister-in-law, you should ask Qiao Beige to pay more attention." "

Brother Qiao Bei has the ability, but there are many greedy people, and Zhou Quan, this brother is a righteous person.

Tang Jiu smiled and nodded, "I know, you can sell these first, in case it's not enough, let's find a way."

"Enough is enough, sister-in-law must not let Brother Qiao Bei take risks."

Zhou Quansheng was afraid that Qiao Bei would do speculation and ignore himself, so he specially admonished.

Hearing that Tang Jiu was just smiling mysteriously, he naturally wouldn't say anything more.

Back and forth, Tang Jiu cleared the inventory a few times, and there were many more tickets in her hand, so she hurriedly went to the post office in disguise to buy some stamps.

In addition, she also found that the true goodness of this era was actually worth a little points, so she searched back and forth.

The points of the space skyrocketed again, she couldn't be happy, and when Qiao Bei came back, she must have a fat year.

Huanhuan returned to the transportation compound, Tang Jiu's face suddenly changed after going upstairs, looking at the half-picked lock, Tang Jiu pushed open the door with an angry face.

The house was a mess, apparently looted, but luckily she had a habit of hiding all the good stuff in the space.

But... There were her and Qiao Bei's clothes on the ground, and even some of their daily necessities.

She rose angrily, took a cursory look, and found that she had lost more than a dozen catties of food outside, as well as the small snacks she usually ate.

In addition, there were more than a dozen yuan of money tickets, and even a piece of soap that was put outside for Qiao Bei to bathe was lost

! This is a thief

in the house! She looked at the messy house, walked out in a few steps, the weather was cold, and everyone was sitting at home to bake the fire at this time, and no one came out.

Tang Jiu went straight to the security room of the transport brigade with a menacing attitude.

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