Rebirth In The Last Days

Chapter 1461 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

#1461 said you may not believe

Little Big sis was said to be dumbfounded at the time, and the expression on his face was wonderful.

However, this is not the end. Her brother, a guy who doesn’t look at people’s expressions, actually talked earnestly and persuaded Little Big sis, saying that the youthful years of youth should not be wasted on men’s faces, and to have a connotation. People who are deeper than the country and benefit the people...

She couldn't remember her mood at the time, but the little Big sis broke down and took the schoolbag and smashed her brother and said that he was crazy. She still remembers the scene.

Later, her brother entered the military academy. Although she is of Eagle Yuan nationality, her mother is also a person who pays attention to domestic news because she returns to China every year. She doesn't know much about the domestic situation, but she is not unfamiliar.

The military academy in Dingguo is a fully enclosed school.

More men than women.

With her brother's temperament, she couldn't make a girlfriend at the private school of nobles and celebrities.

Before Chu Chu's sister-in-law appeared, her mother was screaming and worrying about her brother's other half in front of her and daddy.

As a result, he actually found a sister-in-law for her.

She is also a beautiful and powerful sister-in-law who is able to subdue upgraded creatures.

"Brother, how did you abduct your sister-in-law?"

Lu Yuxiu didn't rush to answer. Instead, he looked at Xia Chu, saw her smiling and did not speak, and asked Jiannuo, "Your sister-in-law didn't tell you how we met?"

"No, sister-in-law asked me to ask you." Jian Nuo looked curious.

Uncle Jian Aunt Jian was also curious, looking at him with two pairs of eyes burning. Obviously, they also wanted to know how Lu Yuxiu and Xia Chu got together.

Even Duanmu Sang, the posture of the people eating melons and their ears were raised.

Lu Yuxiu cleared his throat, and said to his heart that there was an opportunity to show off his masculine charm.

"My encounter with your sister-in-law..."

After a slight pause, he looked at the four pairs of curious eyes with a pair of smiling eyes, and said proudly, "You may not believe it, but I tell you it is true.

Your sister-in-law is my daughter-in-law who descended from the sky, and is destined. "

As he said, he looked at Xia Chu with a solemn expression, "Daughter-in-law, am I right?"

Xia Chu looked at him with a faint smile, and when Lu Yuxiu was a little uneasy when she saw him, she slowly responded, expressing acquiescence.

The atmosphere quieted down instantly.

After a long silence, Uncle Jane, who had a hard-to-speak expression on his face, said, "Did Xia fall from the sky? She is not a Blue Star person, she has traveled from another world?

What is Xia Yuan’s world like? Fantasy, magic, supernatural, ancient..."

"Stop it."

Now it was inexhaustible to say that it became Lu Yuxiu, he coughed, "Uncle, this falling from the sky is not falling from the sky as you think it is, it is a metaphor, a metaphor."

Uncle Jane was stunned, "Magical? How did Xia appear?"

After that, how could he forget that his uncle is a living one hundred thousand or something.

Lu Yuxiu looked collapsed, and took Uncle Jian's shoulders and changed the subject wisely, "Are you hungry? Let's stop talking here. Let's go back to eat first. When we are done, we will talk slowly."

"Yes, I want to eat the food you cooked."

Speaking of eating, Uncle Jane's attention went away. He said, "Xia's cooked food is delicious. We had hot pot and pineapple rice last night. It is delicious!"

"I still want to eat it. You can do it. I want to eat crayfish. I like it."

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