"Where is this?" Looking at those scarlet and cold eyes, his big flowered arms backed away in cold sweat.

How could he suddenly appear in such a place?

It's okay that he didn't move. With this move, those eyes also moved.


The sound of swallowing was endless, and the big flowered arms ran away in fright, "Don't come over, don't come over..."


There was a fishy wind behind him, and he turned his head in horror, and found that a huge ferocious monster was throwing at him.

The monster opened his mouth wide, showing sharp teeth, "Ah—" He couldn't help screaming at the terrifying monster that was approaching suddenly, then closed his eyes and fainted.

"I'm not afraid of eating people, but I'm afraid of hallucinations. As expected, I have done too much at a loss." Lu Yuxiu hummed and drew out the big knife he carried with him, and swiftly threw a blue-violet knife light in the air like lightning, and pierced it directly at the big flower. The Guanyuan acupoint three inches below the navel of the arm is where the energy core of the male supernatural being is located.

Once the nuclear power is abolished, this person is basically abolished.

Death is too cheap for them, and he shouldn't do it.


Xia Chu, who had estimated the time in the space, was busy taking the rope to tie people, and her hand was shaken by the sudden scream, "Soul, scream?"

She turned her head to stare at Big Flower Arm, and she saw Lu Yuxiu drew a knife fiercely, a puff of blood rushed out, and the Big Flower Arm, who was awakened by the intense pain from the hallucinations, stood up and screamed again. His eyes burst and fainted again.

"Dizzy again?" Xia Chu was a little surprised, thinking that it was a group of warriors who dared to eat people, and it was difficult to deal with.

In the end, it was a group of horribly poor counselors, who didn't take much effort to catch them all in one go. It was really easy to save trouble, but there was too much gap.

Fortunately, they even used the pollen, which is a waste.

"Yeah!" Lu Yuxiu replied, and interrupted the limbs of the big flower arm, and then came to help Xia Chu tie people. After everyone was tied up, he looked inside the house and calmly said to Xia Chu, "Let's go. Look at the survivors."

"I guess the situation is not good, and there must be mental problems." Xia Chu hesitated. She was not opposed to saving people, but she was afraid of encountering a group of survivors with mental problems.

"Look first." Lu Yuxiu said decisively.

Okay, then take a look.

The doors of the two houses are wide open, the first house they saw no one, the house is also very clean, the second house...

The situation inside is simply horrible.

The trash was everywhere, and the stench was so bad that the bloodstains that had not completely dried up spread all the way from the hallway. Xia Chu and Lu Yuxiu looked at each other, avoided the trash, walked in cautiously, and surveyed the layout of the whole house. At the beginning of Xia Xia went to the master bedroom with the door closed, Lu Yuxiu went to the kitchen.

This house has a large area, about 180 to 200 square meters. If you want to go to the bedroom, you need to cross the dining room and the living room, but you don't need to go to the kitchen.

The kitchen was semi-open. Lu Yuxiu walked in and saw a scene of blood-sparkling separation of flesh and blood.

The ground, the stove, the cutting board, and even the small dining table are all in a mess. There are scenes of flying flesh and blood everywhere. On the marble board next to the stove, there is also a leg bone with flesh and blood remaining. Head with eyes wide open.

The victim was a female, who was in her thirties. She still had a look of horror in her long-dead shiny eyes. Her blue-gray face and facial features were highly distorted. At first glance, she knew that she had suffered an extremely unbearable pain before her death. .

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