Rebirth in the leisurely life of the red age

Chapter 432 No matter how grandpa looks at you, you look like the God of War Emperor Zhu Qizhen! (Te

Hong Kong Island in April is very noisy.

At the beginning of the year, just after the incident in which the film of "Family Happiness" was stolen, many gangsters robbed gold shops and jewelry stores.

In the Flying Tigers movie, he was so outrageous that he was beaten to the point where he was unable to fight back and had to seek help from the mainland.

The north sent elites to cooperate, but Pu Ta's mother was used as cannon fodder to die, which made the family very unhappy.

But Hong Kong Island's arrogance seems to have their own confidence.

In 1992, Hong Kong Island entered a golden age of prosperity and economy. Hong Kong Island's annual economic aggregate reached US$104.3 billion, twice that of Singapore!

This year, Hong Kong's GDP accounted for 5% of global GDP, making it one of the most competitive cities in Asia and even the world.

The total market capitalization of Hong Kong's stock and bond markets has reached HK$3.5 trillion and HK$2.5 trillion respectively, making it one of the most important financial centers in the world.

In terms of trade, Hong Kong Island's total import and export volume reaches US$300 billion, accounting for 6% of the total global trade.

The median entry-level income of college students in Hong Kong reaches NT$17,543. This figure will be far out of reach even for Chinese college students thirty years later.

At present, the salary of an ordinary temporary worker in Sijiucheng will not be more than fifty yuan, and even a Huaqing graduate will not earn more than eight hundred a month.

Why do urban people look down on farmers?

Isn’t it just that workers earn more and farmers earn less?

If a car accident occurs in the same car, the compensation for the life of a city citizen is much higher than that of a farmer.

this is the truth.

However, Hong Kong Island is also confused. Why are they so arrogant when they are asking for help?

The food in eastern Guangdong was not as good as pig food, so he returned to the mainland angrily.

After a few heads were knocked off by the brave veterans again, Hong Kong Island finally recognized the reality and once again asked the Guangdong side to dispatch...

Tsing Yi Island, Lee's Manor.

By the corridor, Li Yuan and Mei Changning were sitting, watching Li Rui and Li Zhi driving the lawnmower and weeding the huge lawn.

Mei Changning looked at Li Yuan and said, "Has your famous star come to see you?"

Li Yuan smiled and shook his head. Mei Changning was talking about Jet Li. After his contract with Jiahe Films expired this year, he did not choose to renew it. Instead, he established his own film company and made his first film, "The Bodyguard of XX Sea".

For this reason, Zhou Huaian, who was originally cast to play him in "New Dragon Inn", became Tony Leung Ka Fai.

But that's not the key. What's important is that after Jet Li refused to renew his contract, Cai Ziming, the manager who helped him break free from Jiahe's chains, was shot to death.

The evil of the society is evident.

Mei Changning was surprised: "He didn't come?"

Li Yuan said with a smile: "Why is he here?"

Mei Changning said: "He wrote letters to some old men in the mainland. When he was famous as a martial arts champion, he had met all the old comrades except the old man. He also wrote to Gu Gu, and Gu Gu returned him a reply. This time Write a letter to complain, and someone above suggested that he come to you."


Li Yuan laughed and scolded: "Why come to me? He didn't sign in Datang."

Mei Changning glanced with contempt and said, "Do you still care about this now?"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Don't put a high hat on me. How is the Li family in Hong Kong Island? Others don't know, but you don't know? Four words: behave! Datang Cinema is indeed the largest hospital on Hong Kong Island. Line, with 69 theaters, accounting for 70% of the original theaters on Hong Kong Island. In the Datang Cinema Line, films with community backgrounds are not allowed to be screened. However, Datang has never interfered with other people's establishment of theater chains, and has not controlled movies with community backgrounds. The movie was released in other theaters. Datang acted in a righteous way on Hong Kong Island, but not overbearing. If others don't come to recruit me, I am not a saint in the world who rewards good and punishes evil. Why should I care about the life and death of other people? Besides, that kid behaves in his own way. It’s not very clean either.”

Mei Changning laughed loudly and said: "Don't you think those ghost guys won't be shocked by you like this?" After speaking in a Hong Kong accent, he added: "Yuanzi, after the battle over Laoshan, a lot of experiences Veterans who have gone through bloody fires are out. You also know that the country's economy is not well arranged for work and life after retirement. In addition, when people from your side continue to go back to visit relatives, the situation here is spread, so go here There are a lot of people smuggling across the border. One-third were intercepted by you, one-third were deported, but the other third overflowed, which put a lot of pressure on Hong Kong Island and my family."

Li Yuan shook his head and said: "Aning, Datang now has a delicate balance with the Hong Kong government and HSBC. They have no interest in manufacturing, and finance and real estate are enough for them. In addition to their own Apart from building employee welfare housing, it has not entered the real estate industry. Except for the Hang Seng headquarters bank, it has not established new branches and branches on Hong Kong Island. It is equivalent to not having any involvement in either place. Datang has a certain influence on Hutchison, but the number of Tiao Sihe The gang is not weak either. Datang has TVB, and the pro-British forces also have ATV.

In short, I have not done anything to perfection, which is the fundamental reason why Datang did not have violent conflicts on Hong Kong Island. It's not that I'm afraid, it's that Datang needs peaceful time to develop. If I mobilize troops to help you suppress the bandits, the Hong Kong government will be the first to turn their guns against me. At the very least, it would be even more difficult for Datang to apply for household registration for those who smuggled themselves over from the mainland. "

Mei Changning said: "Then if Jet Li signs a contract with your company, you won't care?"

Li Yuan shook his head and denied: "Datang will not sign him. It would be better if he came to pay homage to Shanmen from the beginning."

Mei Changning laughed and scolded: "That's right!"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "It's not the same thing. If he were from the Tang Dynasty, no one would dare to treat him like this. But the young man is very arrogant. He may be afraid that he has just escaped from the shadow of Jiahe and does not want to fall into the tree of the Tang Dynasty again. Under a bigger tree, that's why Jet Li set up his own business. Don't think too noble of those who are in the fame and fortune circle, no matter who they have met before. The incident of "Happy Events" being robbed of negatives caused an uproar, eight out of ten Nine is a big marketing move.”

Mei Changning was surprised: "Why do you say that?" He really hadn't paid attention to this aspect.

Li Yuandao: "Huang Baiming himself has a strong social background. His cousin Huang Langwei is the leader of Tiaosi Hall, and his other cousin Huang Langhui is the famous Double Flower Red Stick in Tiaosi, with a group of killers under his command. What kind of stupid thief would do it himself? Looking for negatives? After this overwhelming marketing, "Happy Events in the Family" sold for 50 million, and everyone could eat all they wanted.

As for Jet Li, he didn't even ask why Shaw Brothers judge Zou Wenhuai had been at odds with a Hong Kong tycoon like Uncle Liu for decades. He is a newcomer from mainland China. After becoming famous with Jiahe's "Once Upon a Time", he wants to start his own business. How can Zou Wenhuai swallow this? What’s even more ridiculous is that it relies on Cai Ziming’s association methods. Most of Cai Ziming's killers are from mainland China. "

Mei Changning smiled and said, "You know so well?"

Li Yuan shrugged and said, "When Uncle Six handed over TVB, he made a request that I should keep an eye on her for two years. He was worried that Ah Zhi was a female prostitute and would not be able to control her. So I kept one eye open and kept an eye on her. "

Mei Changning said: "Hong Kong Island's film and television industry has become popular throughout Asia. If you put this cultural industry in a good place, it will be a good thing that will last forever. Why don't you clean it up?"

Li Yuan shook his head and said: "Once it becomes a monopoly, it will soon change. As long as Datang insists on making good films and TV shows, the flag of Hong Kong Island will not fall. Don't just talk about me. What do you think? I heard that you and Is the game in the UK very intense?"

After Mei Changning was silent for a while, he slowly said: "When the country is weak, it will always suffer losses on the external front. Your ability to keep a low profile and bide your time has surprised many people, but it has also won the respect of many people. I am not as good as you."

Li Yuan rarely said something nice, and said: "You guys are at the front, so I have a way out and can hide. But seeing how hard it is for you, I will reveal someone to you, so keep an eye on me." According to the information I got, this bastard has a big problem."

Mei Changning's eyes lit up when he heard this and said: "Who?"

In 1990, someone almost succeeded in defecting, but it was Li Yuan who gave him a heads-up, which turned the disaster into a great success in an instant.

After Li Yuan whispered a name, Mei Changning's face instantly turned pale and he looked at Li Yuan in disbelief, but Li Yuan stopped looking at him.

Obviously, this is all I want to reveal.

Mei Changning clenched his fist and beat his chest, and said, "Thank you, let's go."

After that, he got up and left.

If this person really has a problem, then it is a huge problem for them!

Li Yuan didn't even get up to see him off. The news he provided was enough for this kid to be grateful.



The two grandsons ran over after finishing their work. Li Yuan looked at the two energetic young men, raised his chin, asked them to sit on the grass, and asked, "What books are you reading recently?"

If Li Xing and Li Yuan are 70% the same, then Li Rui is only 50%, and Li Zhi is even less, 30%.

Li Rui said: "Grandpa, I am reading "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" recently."

Li Yuan shook his head and smiled: "It's a bit early. But it's okay to read."

Li Rui had long disliked reading dry and dry history books. The novel was so good, so he hurriedly asked: "Grandpa, what book do you think I should read?"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "At your age, you should read more story books."


He is truly a grandfather!

With Grandpa's words, Mom didn't dare to force him anymore. Li Ruixi grinned from the corner of her mouth to the back of her ears and said, "Grandpa, what story book should I read?"

Li Yuan said lovingly: "Ask your mother to find you a story book about Zhu Qizhen, the God of War and Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Just say, no matter how grandpa looks at you, you look like Zhu Qizhen, the Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty. Listen to the temple name, Emperor Yingzong, how nice it sounds. I I heard that you are determined to engage in finance in the future and want to learn from me? What a great grandson, you really look like grandpa."

Li Rui couldn't help it anymore. He laughed loudly and felt a little embarrassed. He said coyly: "Grandpa, I'm still far away. However, I will definitely work hard in the future!"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Okay, okay! Go ahead, go ahead."

Li Rui sprinted at a speed of 100 meters to go to his mother Cao Yongshan to ask for a story book. He wanted his mother to see how wise and powerful he was in his grandfather's heart!

Li Zhi was a little depressed, but he didn't show it on his face and asked with a smile: "Grandpa, what about me?"

Li Yuan thought for a while and said with a smile: "You look like Zhu Qiyu, the Ming Dynasty Zong, a good emperor. Tsk, what a great guy."


Li Zhi's jaw almost dropped in surprise and he trembled.

He's also an emperor? !

He had long been dissatisfied. He was an old man, so why was he born half a year later and so much worse than his brother?

In a wealthy family, a ten-year-old child already knows a lot.

Furthermore, many people taught him...

Li Yuan said lovingly: "Of course it's true. I heard that you like to play at your grandpa's house and you even learned two tricks? You are such a smart boy. Go ahead and ask your mother for a storybook."

"Well! Grandpa, I must study hard!"

Li Zhi ran away.


Not long after the two good saints left, a car drove over. It didn't dare to step past Li Yuan. It stopped ten meters away. A half-year-old boy wearing a jersey walked down, holding a football in his hand. He shouted with a smile.

Li Yuan happily looked at his third grandson, Li Ying, who was the son of the second child and Zhao Yazhi. He inherited more of his mother's looks and was a handsome boy. He asked, "Are you playing football with the Huo boy again? You won. Or did you lose?"

Li Ying raised her face and grinned: "Win! Five to three, I scored three goals! Everyone praised me..."

Before he finished speaking, he quickly shut up, opened his eyes wide, and rolled his eyes.

As long as he can remember, his grandmother and parents have taught him to speak Mandarin at home.

Li Yuan was tolerant, smiled and said, "Have you been studying recently?"

Li Ying nodded repeatedly and said: "I'm reading! Grandpa, I'm reading "Journey to the West"!"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Then which character do you like best? Sun Wukong or Zhu Bajie?"

Li Yingdao: "Grandpa, I like Tathagata Buddha!"


Li Yuan asked: "Because he has a football head?"


After a burst of laughter, Li Ying gave his answer: "Because with a few words, everyone got busy, just like you, grandpa. However, I don't like making medicine, I want to be a Tathagata in the football world." Buddha!"

Li Yuan gave a thumbs up and said: "You are a good person. Go ahead, study hard and play football. In the future, you will be a football Buddha. Grandpa will rely on you to win glory."

Li Ying also ran away.

Seeing this kid running away, Li Yuan became happy, and the next generation was very lively.

I saw two big boys coming in one after another.

"Mommy, grandpa just praised me!"

In front of his loving grandmother and mother, Li Rui was much more lively and said proudly.

A group of women were all happy after hearing this. Lou Xiao'e said lovingly: "Why did grandpa praise you?"

Li Rui's eyebrows were beaming and he said: "Grandpa said that I am good at reading, but I shouldn't read a book as deep as "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" first. Let me read the story book first."

Cao Yongshan hesitated after hearing this, then nodded and said, "Okay... did grandpa choose some books for you to read?"

Li Rui nodded and said: "I have chosen! Grandpa asked me to read more stories about Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Qizhen. Grandpa said that no matter how he looks at me, I look like Zhu Qizhen, the God of War Emperor of the Ming Dynasty!"

After saying that, I felt something was wrong. Why the hell was he shaking...

Lou Xiao'e is still laughing, so happy!

Lou Xiu's expression turned ugly. Liu Xuefang, who was standing next to her, saw something was wrong and asked Gao Weihong, "Isn't this emperor a good person?"

Gao Weihong was a little angry. How could anyone talk about his own grandson like this? He was still his eldest grandson!

Lou Xiao'e only realized when she saw Cao Yongshan wiping away her tears. She turned to look at Gao Weihong and said, "Wei Hong, this God of War Emperor... sounds so majestic. What's wrong?"

Gao Weihong said helplessly: "He is just a prodigal son who led an army of 500,000 to conquer the grasslands and completely destroyed the family fortune accumulated by generations of emperors. The Ming Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline, and he himself was captured first."

Lou Xiao'e: "..."

She looked grim and shouted to Cao Yongshan: "Don't cry yet! Ask me clearly what's going on? I'll settle the score with your father later!"

After speaking, he asked Li Rui, who looked confused: "What did you tell your grandfather?"

Li Rui was speechless. In his grandfather's mind, was he just like that?

Li Zhi helped from the side and said: "Grandma, my brother told grandpa that he will follow his grandfather's example and do financial stock trading in the future."


I see.

Cao Yongshan was trembling with anger, raised her hand and slapped her, but it was not enough, she slapped her again, and then she was stopped by Lou Xiao'e, who said angrily: "What are you doing?"

Cao Yongshan said angrily and aggrieved: "Dad has long said that under him, whoever does the stock market or foreign exchange market in the Li family will get out. Xiao Rui, he is really going to make me mad!"

Lou Xiao'e said: "Then just teach him. As for such a big reaction? If your father really wants to take it seriously, will he let him read story books?"

Cao Yongshan was speechless. There was no need to be serious about this kind of thing. A bad impression would have a lifelong impact.

He Pingshi looked at Li Zhi and said, "Why are you smiling so weakly? Grandpa asked you, didn't you?"

Li Zhi nodded and said: "Asked! Grandpa said I look like Zhu Qiyu, the Ming Dynasty sect. Grandpa said, this is a good emperor!"

He Pingshi didn't believe it and looked at Gao Weihong: "Aunt Weihong, is it true?"

Gao Weihong began to curse in her heart and didn't know what to say.

He Pingshi knew something was wrong at the first sight. She put down the silk in her hand and asked, "Aunt Wei Hong, how are you doing?"

Gao Weihong rubbed his eyebrows and said: "Xiao Rui was... No, I was so angry. After Ming Yingzong was defeated and captured by Wala, Zhu Qiyu ascended the throne and became the emperor. He did a good job, but... he was useless. The prince of Zhu Qizhen made his own son the prince, and his son died first, and then he died too... a short-lived ghost."


Too much.

He Pingshi shuddered, turned to stare at Li Zhi, and said, "What did you say to grandpa?"

Li Zhi was always smart and thoughtful. Now he was shocked by Zhu Qiyu's fate. He wanted to avoid the truth and just said a few words. But being stared at by his mother, he knew he couldn't hide it, so he just said a few words. Truthfully said: "Grandpa said that he heard that I like to go to my grandpa's place to drink tea... Mommy, I didn't want to go there myself, grandpa sent a car to pick me up. Grandma also taught me how to play dice." …”


After being slapped in the face, He Pingshi was furious: "Pu, which hand shakes your mother's dice?"

Look left and right for scissors.

Lou Xiao'e was startled and shouted: "Don't do this nonsense!"

He Pingshi couldn't find it and walked out trembling all over.

Lou Xiu said hurriedly: "Pangpang, what are you doing?"

"Mom, I'm going to kill someone!!"

Li Yuan did not join in the excitement at home, but went to Robinson Road and the Kadoorie family.

Old Roland has lost his appearance, but he is still in good spirits.

After listening to his pulse, Li Yuan smiled and said: "It's not bad, it won't be a big problem after another year. How about it, the money was not wasted, right?"

Old Roland smiled and nodded, patted Li Yuan's arm and said, "Li, although I have said it many times, I have to say it again, our family is lucky to know you."

His speech was slurred and his breathing was not very steady.

The ninety-three-year-old man is already too old.

Li Yuan smiled and said: "You also helped me a lot. Most of Li Xing's management skills were taught by you and Mi Gao."

Old Roland shook his head and said: "The Six Sigma management system he has developed now is very sophisticated and can be continuously advanced. We have also introduced it, and the effect is good. The company's efficiency has improved a lot. Li, the debate in the media has become more and more intense." You are angry, but you are not in a hurry?"

Li Yuan said helplessly: "There are nine truths and one falsehood in newspapers. Although their descriptions of the situation in mainland China in recent years are a bit exaggerated, generally speaking, they are not considered rumors. What's the use of me being anxious? Many people are looking forward to me. They fought hard and made me domineering and arrogant, creating a situation where the Li family ruled Hong Kong Island. Of course I can't be fooled by them."

Maybe it was because old Roland's health really couldn't last much longer, and Mi Gao was no longer as naughty as before. He crossed his hands in front of him and said, "Your company is really too hateful. You live in low-cost apartments for your employees. So, then The rent for a good house is cheaper than a subdivided house in Sham Shui Po. As long as you work for five years and accumulate enough points, you can apply for a 400-square-foot apartment. As long as you don't leave the company, you can live in this apartment for as long as you want. Until death. Based on this alone, Datang has tens of thousands of die-hard employees. There are also countless employees who yearn to work in Datang, including us at China Electric Power."

Li Yuan said proudly: "That's not all. Datang employees enjoy free electricity and natural gas on a tiered basis. Generally speaking, as long as the electricity and natural gas needed for normal life are basically free. The clothes distributed every year, including clothes for family members, are also free. You can apply. And outstanding employees every quarter will have the opportunity to take their families to travel to the mainland."

Actually, I learned it all from state-owned enterprises.

But even so, relatively speaking, the welfare is still far inferior to that of some state-owned enterprises in mainland China, especially some advantaged government agencies.

Due to the Six Sigma quality management system and the pursuit of performance assessment and evaluation, the work intensity and pressure are more than ten times greater than that of state-owned enterprises.

All in all, they are still evil capitalists.

However, relying solely on the support of its peers, Datang has become a magical unit on Hong Kong Island, and is increasingly able to attract outstanding talents from other companies.

The media and public opinion in Hong Kong failed to criticize the mainland system overwhelmingly, and Datang played a big role.

Mi Gao was a little angry and helpless, and said: "Although everyone knows that Datang's management practices are brilliant, others can't learn from them. Datang's land and buildings were built every year in 1972, 1982, and 1987. I bought it when the stock market crashed and the real estate market halved. Is the cheapest one 200 yuan per square foot?"

Li Yuan nodded with a smile and said, "Absolutely."

Mi Gao said: "It's now over ten thousand and one square feet, and it's still rising. Even if CLP Power is sold, it can't afford housing for so many employees."

Li Yuanle said: "Then you can't blame me."

Old Roland said: "On this basis, Datang has firmly established its foothold."

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Nowadays, Datang Mingyue employee clothing is selling very well. Young people looking for a partner like to buy a Datang employee uniform and go out on a blind date. The effect is better than Pierre Cardin. In fact, the Kadoorie family can also slowly follow suit. , you already own land, and when the next round of economic crisis comes, you can get more land and buy properties."

Mi Gao shook his head and said: "No matter what, the cost is too high and the best opportunity has been lost. And, to be honest, I don't think ordinary employees need to be given such generous rewards. It is completely unreasonable."

Old Roland looked at Li Yuan sadly and said, "This is the price of raising a stupid son. Li, we must educate the next generation well."

Li Yuan laughed and said: "Yes, you must educate yourself well."

Michael said "Fake" and said: "Li, I know you are not just calculating economic accounts, but the Kadoorie family does not need to do this. The Kadoorie family does not have such big ambitions and does not need to make Hong Kong Island a The city of the Kadoorie family.”

Li Yuan chuckled and said, "I don't need it either."

Mi Gao reminded: "Li, before 1997, the stronger you were here, the happier the mainland would be. But after 1997, the stronger you were here, the more worried the mainland would be. No matter who it was. it's the same."

Li Yuandao: "So, Datang will not monopolize any industry. Anyone can play. If you can't play, you can't blame me."

While chatting, Betty came over and smiled at Li Yuan: "Li, Xiao'e called and asked you to go home."

Li Yuan refused: "Tell her, I'm going to have a big drink with old Roland and Michael."

Betty said angrily: "Please, this is a ninety-three-year-old man, how can he drink so much?"

Michael couldn't help but said: "Li, did you get into trouble at home?"

Li Yuan felt no shame: "No! I don't care about anything at home, what trouble can I get into?"

Just as he was talking, Fugui came in with a look of helplessness, looked at his father and said with a smile: "Mom asked me to call you home."

Li Yuan said: "What are you urging me for? I haven't drank yet."

Fugui smiled and said, "Sister Shi led a group of people to fight in Repulse Bay and beat the new concubine. After hearing the news, her father came and was furious. He spoke a little unpleasantly, and was beaten by Jiu'er again. Now Sister Shi's father is running away. Let the family seek justice..."

Li Yuan didn't understand: "How dare he come here to seek justice?"

Fugui chuckled and said, "He would have thrown him out a long time ago, but he sat there and kept wiping his tears... After all, he is also Sister Shi's dad, and Xiaozhi and Yunchu call him grandpa. We are younger, so we don't have There is no way to deal with it, the elder brother is still beating Xiao Rui. Dad..."

He had a look of hesitation and helplessness.

"Get out of here!"

Li Yuan was annoyed and asked him to disappear, and then said to old Roland: "Old Roland, whose son is not a loser? There is an old saying in China, a man who has conquered rivers and seas with a gun in his hand has done nothing but raise a good-for-nothing son."

Mi Gao couldn't bear it any longer, so he flew up with a kick. Li Yuan dodged lightly, and he fell to the ground with a split, and his whole soul was about to leave his body...

Li Yuan laughed and kicked him on the hip before he was corrected, and then went home with Fugui.

"Hey, isn't this the little God of War and the Emperor of our old Li family?"

Returning to the manor, he saw Liu Xuefang at the door having a heart-to-heart talk with Li Rui, who looked hopeless. Li Yuan said with a smile.

Liu Xuefang turned around and punched her a few times: "Get out! Why are you so annoying!"

Doesn't he know that this nickname will cause a devastating blow to a ten-year-old child?

Li Yuan laughed and walked in, and saw Gao Weihong talking to Li Zhi behind the door. Before he could speak, Gao Weihong shut him up with her eyes.

Fugui rubbed Li Zhi's melon-skinned head into a mess, and then ran away with his head in his arms while Gao Weihong frowned.

"Jiu'er, why are you standing here?"

Li Yuan saw Xiaojiu standing there at the door of the living room with his eyes closed slightly, his hands and fingers changing his fingers from time to time, a bit like the road numbers on the snowy mountain side. Putting aside the nagging of the gods, for Jingxin and concentration, , There are indeed some benefits, he asked warmly after Xiaojiu put down his hands.

Fugui looked up at the ceiling, his attitude was so different...

Xiaojiu opened her eyes, looked at her father and smiled: "It's okay, Mommy asked me to stand here. That's fine, I want to give Sister Shi some face."

He Pingshi came out just in time. She called "Dad" first, and then quickly said: "I don't need this face. Today Jiu'er went to protect me, so I have to give her face."

The family has long recognized that Li Yuan's most precious daughter is now her.

It didn't matter if He Pingshi offended other people, Li Yuan wouldn't take it to heart at all. If he wronged the two sisters-in-law, especially the youngest, he would be severely punished.

What's more, today's matter has already reduced a lot of points.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't teach Xiaozhi well. I didn't know she would do such a thing..."

Looking at his daughter-in-law who could not hide his anger again, Li Yuan smiled and said: "Pangpang, it's not as serious as you think. Children are playful, so it's okay to gamble a few times. His grandpa is the god of gambling..."

When Nie Yu came out and heard the words, she was funny and angry. Seeing He Pingshi crying again, she patted Li Yuan and said, "You still say it! Go in."

Then he laughed and hugged He Pingshi and said, "It's not like you don't know dad. He likes to joke. It's okay."

Li Yuan walked in with a smile, and saw his father-in-law sitting on the sofa, wiping his eyes with a tissue, with a sad and aggrieved look on his face. It was really...disgusting.

Lou Xiao'e glared at Li Yuan and winked at him.

Li Yuan sat down in front of his father-in-law, helped put the tissue box in front of him, and said calmly: "Originally, I was going to kill you directly, and then throw that slut to the sharks. Finally, I thought about it. , forget it, why are you so angry? I have to give Pangpang some respect. After all, he started calling me daddy when he was three or four years old. He was not born by me, but he was raised by me. He is no different from his biological daughter. As for the little one, Zhi, it doesn’t matter if you really like to gamble with both hands. The worst thing you can do is retire early and let him take over your territory. Rich families compete for property, who can compete with my grandson? Who dares to compete with my grandson, eh? Just the few pieces of small ocean you have at home ginger?"

The old man was dumbfounded when he heard this and looked at Li Yuan blankly.

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Why, what a surprise? Lao He, do you want to make a will now? Yes, it is almost the same. He is over seventy years old, and he has found a dancer who is more than forty years younger. , it’s time to think more about what’s behind you. Come on, come on, I’ll get you a pen and paper, you can write now..."

Old Man He was a little panicked and said hurriedly: "No, no, no, no, now, there is no rush now. Dr. Li, I have something else to do, so I won't bother you anymore. I'll say goodbye. I'll think about it when I go back, think about it when I go back..."

Of course he is not afraid of ordinary people, but are his in-laws ordinary people?

If he were really forced to write a will here, or even a suicide note, wouldn't that be the end of it?

This kind of thing is not unheard of in the world.

Wang Dehui of Chinachem Properties was kidnapped once in 1983 and was ransomed for US$10 million.

He was kidnapped again the year before last and paid 60 million US dollars. However, when the criminals were caught, they said that he had been thrown into the open sea and fed to sharks. It is still an unsolved case.

But there has always been a saying in the wealthy world that the person behind this may be Wang Dehui's in-laws... Of course, there is no evidence.

However, after Wang Dehui died, who took over the 40 billion property?

But no matter what, can those people compare with Li Yuan?

Once Li Yuan has this idea, it will be a disaster.

In the past, the He family never worried about this, because he could feel Li Yuan's heartfelt contempt and disgust for the He family's property.

He didn't expect that such a change would happen...

After the old man He left, Lou Xiao'e said angrily: "When you find a problem, just say no to Tangyuan, Angel and Pangpang. Why scare them?"

Li Yuan looked around and said, "Where is Li Xing?"

Nie Yu pushed He Pingshi in and said happily: "I was beaten away by Ezi."

Li Yuanle said: "Why did you hit him?"

Lou Xiao'e said angrily: "Hitting Xiao Rui and Xiao Zhi is like a lunatic. I can't beat him?"

Li Yuan said "angrily": "Hit! It should be beaten! I have never laid a finger on one of their brothers since I was a child. Why should he hit my grandson? My grandson is so good!"

When Lou Xiu came downstairs with Cao Yongshan, whose eyes were swollen from crying, Liu Xuefang and Gao Weihong also brought Li Rui and Li Zhi in. Li Yuan smiled and said: "It's not, it's not. If it's really that serious, just do it directly Just send them abroad and let them work with his second uncle. Anyway, you are still young, so it's not like you can't have children."

Yes, Cao Yongshan and He Pingshi cried even harder.

As he was talking, he heard the phone ringing. Li Yuan picked up the phone and said, "Ah Zhi, it's me."

After listening to a few more sentences, he smiled and said: "Okay, I understand, Kowloon Seaside Bar. You can rest assured that you can film in the mainland... Li Ying, come here and have a few words with your mother."

After Li Yuan handed the phone to Li Ying, he looked at He Pingshi and said with a smile: "I'll give you a place to vent your anger. At the Kowloon Seaside Bar, the owner of Tiao Si beat Anita Mui and kept her from leaving."

After He Pingshi left with gritted teeth, Li Yuan said to Fugui: "Call Sheng Haizai and ask him to identify the people related to Huang Langwei. Let him take care of the Huang family's gang members, and send the others to Java. Let’s add some manpower to Brother Cheng.”

Fugui smiled and agreed to go down and make a phone call, and then took people to follow him to Kowloon.

Lou Xiao'e wondered: "How come there are still people from the society who provoke our family?"

Li Yuan said with a smile: "I must have drunk too much. Besides, it's so easy to make money in the movie industry. If you find a few big names and come up with a movie title, it can sell for hundreds or even tens of millions. Those bad guys will fight to death." It takes a month to get tens of thousands of dollars. Now the most popular female stars are Anita Mui and Stephen Chow, who are all signed by Datang Agency. Seeing the gold right in front of them, but unable to get it, how can they endure until today? It’s hard enough to go crazy.”

Vivian Chow had just finished coaxing her youngest son to sleep, and went downstairs to hear the words: "It's really chaotic now. Andy Lau was held at gunpoint while filming, and he was promised a salary of five million, but in the end he didn't get even a penny, and he was beaten and slapped." . Jackie Chan is the same, and many stars are like this. Nowadays, many people want to sign with Datang Agency, but some people have club backgrounds and there is really no way to help them. We only accept innocent people. Aunt Mei has been interceding for Andy Lau, We are already going through the process.”

Nie Yu smiled and said: "Anita Mui also had a club background before, right?"

Zhou Huimin smiled and said: "She is very lucky. When Datang Agency was established, she was the first to sign up and became the eldest sister. But now there are too many people and there is no way. We don't want to cause too much trouble."

If everyone takes it, it won’t be valuable anymore.

Over there, Li Ying was calling Zhao Yazhi: "Sister went to grandma's house. I played football with Huo Gang and Huo Shan today and didn't go. Sister has someone with her. She is very smart and has always taught us. Absolutely Don't throw away the bodyguards around you, otherwise the bad guys will beat us to death, and she will beat us to death. I always bring Uncle Feng and the others with me when I play football. Mommy, grandpa asked me what book I read today, and I said "Journey to the West" , I like Tathagata Buddha and will be the Tathagata Buddha of Hong Kong Football in the future. Grandpa praised me. Well, I understand. Mom, take care, there is still a baby in your belly, so be careful when filming. Okay, I know, I won’t disturb you. Grandpa, if I have anything to do, I will talk to my aunt and uncle. Well, aunt and uncle are very kind to me and my sister, okay... Goodbye, mommy."

After hanging up the phone, Li Ying called people around again and finally said: "Mommy asked me to say hello to everyone on her behalf."

Cao Yongshan stared at Li Ying for a long time, then suddenly looked at Li Yuan and said: "Dad, I don't think we should instill wrong ideas into Xiao Rui and Xiao Zhi. The family fortune does not necessarily have to be inherited by the children of the big family. There are so many children in the family. "In the future, the person who is the most filial, the most brotherly, the most sensible, and the most capable should let the other person have his say."

Ability is something that sounds fictitious, but is actually real.

Let him handle things on his own, and see how wise his methods are, and his ability will be clear at a glance.

Li Yuan smiled and said: "You are the eldest daughter-in-law. You sisters-in-law can discuss it among yourselves and come up with feasible and effective rules and then tell us. There are still fifty or sixty years left in the world. My son is really useless, so can your grandchildren. .Take your time, don’t rush.”

Cao Yongshan said firmly: "That's it. The less burdensome a child is, the more sensible and sunny he will be. I don't expect them to be outstanding now, but they must learn to be a human being first and grow up aboveboard. They can't be young. Just think too much and calculate the gains and losses.”

Lou Xiao'e smiled and said: "I support you."

Lou Xiu and Nie Yu also laughed: "Angel, we all support you."

Li Yuan looked at the two great saints with sympathy: "What a tragedy, you two emperor brothers have been deposed." Then he looked at Li Ying and said, "What do you think?"

Li Ying scratched his head and said: "Grandpa, I really only like football. I want to be the top football club in China."

Li Yuan gave a thumbs up and said: "That's right! You should stick to doing what you like to do, just like your eldest brother likes to engage in finance, and your second brother likes to be a god of gambling. In fact, they are both great, there is nothing wrong with them."

Li Rui: "..."

Li Zhi: "..."

On this day, Li Rui and Li Zhi experienced the love from their grandfather for the first time.

so good……

PS: I didn’t expect that I would persist for another day. Come on, Adu!

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