Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 17 He should control this primitive forest

When the fire in the primitive forest burned for the fourth day, the beasts in the deep forest could no longer endure it. Their homes were destroyed by foreign enemies, and everything within a radius of three hundred miles was buried. Into the sea of ​​fire!

They began to entangle near the periphery of the fire. There were primitive jackals, tigers, leopards, ferocious birds and fierce snakes, all roaring angrily, as if swearing to the arsonists that when the fire was extinguished, we beasts would rampage and trample on them. In the scorched earth of this ruin, we have to dig three feet to find the perpetrator of this disaster and cut his body into pieces.

"Ah, what do you care about me?"

Ming was in a good mood today. After receiving the news brought back by the scout bugs on the front line, Ming didn't care about the gathering of beasts or the roar of beasts. He only knew that as time passed, his Zerg would only become stronger and stronger, which was a good thing!

In short, thousands of ordinary bugs will hatch every few days.

Moreover, the weapon bugs in the secondary incubation room were successfully hatched today.

Among the five thousand hatching eggs, there were a thousand powerful cannon bugs, five hundred fire-breathing bugs, a hundred lighting bugs, and three thousand powerful fire ant special forces. The number of failures has been reduced to four Hundreds of insect eggs.

"In a few days, the fort outside will be completed. At that time, this will be the place where our underworld insect clan will rise. It will directly advance to the land in all directions. Those who resist will only die under the bombardment of weapon insects!"

Ming is sitting in his hall, planning the next preparations. Soon the total number of bugs in his base will reach hundreds of thousands. At that time, it is already his current limit. If he wants to continue to expand the number of bugs, , can only grow stronger through invasion, fighting, and war!

"Land, resources, and quantity are all important. I must bring this entire primitive forest into my own territory, otherwise it will be difficult to fight against the other two Zerg races!"

Meditation first completely conquers this primitive forest, but this primitive forest is not small. There is the King of Beasts with divine power in it. I just don’t know if the so-called divine power is as powerful as his weapon bugs?

"Yes! I should lead a team of insect soldiers and push forward forcefully. If I am lucky enough to meet the King of Beasts, I will have some truth in my heart in the future!"

The more Ming thought about it, the more he felt that he could do something now? You can't wait to be attacked from both front and back, with no room for retreat.

Ten days later, the weapon bugs hatched from the secondary incubation base had completely passed the feeding cycle and were ready to prepare weapons and join the battle.

On this day, Ming directly took 30,000 insects and set off from the base, taking an empty route around the three hundred miles covered by the fire, and went deep into the primitive forest.

These include all cannon insect soldiers, two thousand special fire ant soldiers, two hundred fire-breathing insects, lighting insects, reconnaissance insects, and the rest are ordinary insect soldiers.

For his insects, the three hundred miles of air travel is only a few hours of flight. Even ordinary flying insect soldiers can travel three thousand miles a day, and fire ant special forces can travel five thousand miles a day.

As for himself? It should be very scary. If you use your full strength, you can travel tens of thousands of miles a day.

Ming led his insect army and carefully descended outside the fire scene.

This happens to be a place where no beasts are entrenched. Although it is strange why there are no beasts, Ming feels that it must be too close to the source of the fire. The beasts are also aware of danger. They should leave early knowing that sooner or later they may be burned!

"Line up..."

Tens of thousands of terrifying bugs crawled all over the nearby ground, and Ming ordered them to form a formation that was about to push forward, forming a semi-enveloping formation. The two ends could be loose and the middle could be tight.

As the cannon bugs were the main output of this attack, Ming placed them in the center of the opponent's formation, so that they could concentrate their output with confidence.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, a group of ferocious beasts suddenly appeared in the insect formation and directly attacked his army of insects.

"Damn it, you actually escaped all perception and hid low on the ground!"

Ming was very angry at the sudden appearance of the giant lizard.

They must have a more advanced color-changing camouflage, which can not only completely blend into the environment, but also hide their own habitat and constant temperature. Otherwise, how could they escape the perception of the cold and heat effects of countless bugs?

Now this group of huge lizards is very crazy and has no fear of the number of bugs. However, their size is still five times the size of ordinary bugs, about five meters long and more than three meters high.

In particular, there is a golden lizard among them, which should be the king of these giant lizards!

It is six meters long and more than four meters high. Its body is really huge and it has powerful destructive power. When surrounded by countless insects, it can kill several of them with just one opening of its huge mouth. Its long and powerful tail With a sweep of the ground, countless ordinary insect soldiers were wiped out. For a while, the insects couldn't get close.

But now the scene is chaotic again, bugs and ferocious beasts are fighting together non-stop. At this time, the cannon bugs cannot fire directly, otherwise they will kill many compatriots.

"Mmp, if you dare to sneak attack my king's army, I will completely tear you apart!"

boom! ! !

Ming transformed into a Titan insect body ten times on the spot, and his powerful strength and large size suddenly burst out, and countless giant trees around him were directly forcibly lengthened and broken by his body.

"Go to hell!"

Ming looked down at the golden giant lizard king, which was only five meters long and three meters high. He directly moved the two giant feet in front that were like death scythes and stabbed into the body of the lizard king.

The Lizard King felt threatened by Ming's sudden enlargement and was completely frightened. It was the trembling from the soul that made it lose its due power and could only run away instinctively.

However, Ming's attack power was too powerful. Even though the Lizard King had escaped into the thick soil, it still could not escape the sharp blade that brought it death, and was directly pierced by Ming's two giant feet.


Ming pulled it out of the soil with force and raised it high into the air. The blood of the golden lizard king flowed out from the fatal wound crazily. Ming moved his head, opened his mouth to catch it and swallowed the delicious blood.

At the same time, he wants to show other giant lizards that your proud king has been killed by me instantly and has become his food. What follows is a fear that you cannot escape.

Indeed, in any race, whether it is a beast or an insect, as long as it suddenly loses its leader, the overall strength will instantly slip from a high point to an unbelievable level.

I saw that the other giant lizards in the battlefield had completely lost the consciousness of fighting at this moment. They were panicked, scared, and didn't know what to do. They could only instinctively drive them to escape.

But when faced with the siege of dense insects, they can only continue to die. Even if there are smarter ones who escape from the place, they will eventually be killed by the insects that burrow into the ground.

After this sudden battle, Ming lost more than 500 ordinary soldiers, mainly due to sudden sneak attacks.

As for the giant lizard he had just killed, Ming directly asked the workers to carry it behind him, especially the golden lizard king. He wanted to take it back to extract its genes to see if he could evolve some invisible bugs or change color. Insects and all!

"Line up..."

Ming once again asked the bugs to get into shape. They must be organized and well-formed to be the most powerful, terrifying, and invincible!

"Push forward!"

At the same time, Ming Zao had already sent out reconnaissance bugs.

If the entrenched ferocious beasts were discovered ahead, he would directly order the cannonworms to carry out a round of bombing this time and drop a thousand energy cannonballs.

ps: Please you, and thank you Xiao Yuxin for the reward!

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