Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 45 Skull Mountain and Sea of ​​Blood

After stepping into the crack of the seal, Ming suddenly felt something bad, but it was too late.

"Is this...could it be?"

Ming was shocked and confused. The place that was supposed to be green mountains and green waters, filled with fairy spirit, like a fairyland in a painting, now actually changed the scene as he stepped in.

They came directly to a spooky and terrifying place called Bone Mountain, where the sky was dark and the earth was dark, the evil spirit was like the sea, and the bones were thick.

It seems like there is an endless sea of ​​suffering here, as if there are thousands of evil spirits floating in the void, and there are waves of dark wind like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

But despite this, the bugs didn't feel any uneasiness or fear. On the contrary, all this made the bugs extremely excited.

These evil spirits, these bones, every inch of land here has undoubtedly become a delicacy in their eyes!


Ming couldn't help but laugh. Is this a smart human being? such a pity……! They probably wouldn't have thought that these calcium substances are like a big gift to bugs, a good calcium supplement.

Ming knew that the human race must have made preparations. They might have set up some kind of transfer formation at the place where the seal was broken to specifically target the insects in the sealed world.

If you want to invade the land of the human race, you will be sent to the blood sea of ​​Skull Mountain immediately. It may be a terrible place in the eyes of humans, and you will plan to eliminate countless bugs.

But will everything here really pose a threat to the hungry bugs?

"Go, my invincible insects, it's time for you to take a good calcium supplement!"

At this moment, Ming gave an order to the army of insects behind him, and thousands of insects were like an unstoppable wave of destruction and disaster. They were destroying and eating everything on the ground crazily and excitedly. Countless insects The white bones crunched loudly as they were bitten in their mouths.

If a human saw this scene with his own eyes, it would be unimaginable that they could eat so deliciously! ?

The huge thunder beasts were like free wild horses, running rampant on the bone-covered ground. Their huge bodies like steel and iron bones were strong and powerful, and had unimaginable destructive power.

It seems that in their hearts, the destruction they want will make them extremely excited. When their thick four feet trample on the dense white bones and make a loud explosion-like sound, it seems to make their souls happy.

"Boom! Everything!!"

Just like this, I could only hear and feel the endless trembling and shaking of the endless bones in the endless sea of ​​suffering.

Moreover, the operation of this hammer drum march seems to represent a ballad of domineering and destruction. It also seems to be saying, brothers, come with Brother Lei to destroy everything and destroy everything. Just do it. Don’t be timid. The master is always watching. It’s here!

As a truly behemoth among millions of insects, the Leviathan snake now has a body of 100 meters.

They stopped flying in the void, opened their big mouths full of tentacles, and absorbed the evil energy that filled the air. Their suction was as terrifying as a giant whale sucking water, and a large area of ​​blood-red evil energy was swallowed into a bottomless pit. In the belly.

But Ming stopped in the void, hugged his belly with his hands, closed his eyes, and quietly felt everything, even the strange things that were waking up.

"Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!!"

Deep under the endless corpses, something terrifying seemed to have been awakened, like a huge heart that was making terrible pulse shocks from slow to fast.


Suddenly, Ming opened his dark and deep eyes.

Following thousands of insects, they all became quiet and stopped all operations.

Immediately afterwards, as Ming said, a terrible existence really woke up and arrived at this moment.

I saw that the blood-red evil energy that originally filled the air began to gather in one place from all directions. Even among the countless skeletons on the ground, a large amount of blood-red evil energy emitted incredibly from the empty mouths, noses, eyes and ears.

And the place where a large number of white bones gathered evil energy turned into a huge blood pool, with countless giant bubbles rising in the blood pool, as if blood was boiling.

Then the blood in the blood pool overflowed and spread crazily in all directions. The speed of the blood was very fast, and everything eroded countless bones and skeletons in the blink of an eye.

"Squeak!! Crunch!!"

Suddenly, noisy and terrifying sounds began to sound from all directions, and the white bones everywhere moved incredibly. They creaked their skeleton joints and began to crawl up from the ground as if they had not seen them for a long time.

White skeletons, red skeletons, black skeletons, silver skeletons, each more powerful and taller than the last, stood up from the ground.

In the blink of an eye, there were thousands of skeletons, and the skeletons became a sea, and a terrifying skeleton army was born!

"Hmph! It's just an overestimation of one's own capabilities!" Ming Ze snorted and dismissed this, "That ten-meter-high silver skeleton only has the pressure of the early stage of the golden elixir. How can it stand up to me? I, the king of the Ming Dynasty, are coming from the Zerg clan. There are tens of millions of bugs here, how can you, the trash that has turned into bones, stop the pace of this king, the Zerg Clan?"

"Go and eat all these bones!"

Ming calmly issued orders to the insects, but his eyes were fixed on the huge pool of blood in front of him.

Then the bugs entering the battle become more excited, more brave and fearless, they are like a group of real madmen.

The cannon bugs first started a round of wild bombing.

Countless puppies and bugs rushed into the skeleton army, constantly disrupting the entire battlefield.

The iron beetles trampled away without disrupting the camp.

The sandworms disappeared from the ground, and when they appeared, they were already on the skeletons, biting their bones one by one.

The humanoid bugs raised their mantis swords and slashed in like second-rate men.

With thick blood and strong defense, Yabimon is more like a big brother among gangsters. He picks up the bones on the ground, like a crazy primitive man with lightning speed, and knocks on the skeleton army without a trace. middle.

The Thunder Beasts still rely on their terrifying explosive power to run rampant. They seem to dominate the entire battlefield, and the scope of destruction is very wide.

The Leviathan snake activated the symbiotic biological weapon in its mouth, and hundreds of suction cup tentacles stretched incredibly, twisting countless skeletons and dragging them directly back into its bloody mouth.

"Hmph, it's time for you to crawl out of here!"

After waiting a little impatiently, Ming Ze finally couldn't help but burst out, and flew directly to the blood pool with a "swish".

The skeletons he bumped into along the way were instantly turned into powder.

At this time, a skeleton king crawled out of the huge blood pool. He was more than thirty meters tall, as if he had exerted the magical power of law, heaven and earth. Moreover, every bone in his body was golden and glowing. It was so bright that it looked like precious bone oil was oozing out of it.

However, none of this can discount the fact that his bones are the hardest.

Even his aura is very powerful, with the pressure of the peak human Yuanying. It seems that he had a very powerful cultivation level during his lifetime.

"Haha!! It's just a calcium-in-calcium nutritional supplement. Even if you are so special that you have a ball of soul fire, how can you stand up to me?"

Ming only glanced at the blue flame in the Skeleton King's eyes, and then he directly expelled the Titan bug, transformed into a behemoth more than 20 meters tall, clenched his fist and blasted at the skeleton that was even bigger than him. king!

ps: Winter Solstice is here! ! ! Thank you for your support. If you have votes, please vote. If you don’t have votes, please leave a book review. The author may be a little busy today and will only finish one chapter. I will make up for three chapters tomorrow! Sorry, don't be angry!

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