Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 87 The Insect Tribe’s Instructions

The words spoken by the King of Kaidi, holding a huge shield in his hand, immediately caused all the stone warriors present to fall into a brief silence.

"Yes, the price is really too high!" King Kyle, who was the first to break the silence, said with a sigh: "If we leave this planet, we must use the things left by the Titans to establish a contract and become Only then can their minions gain their strength to leave this planet, or even this star!"

"Hmph, have you really forgotten how the Burning Legion came thousands of years ago and how brutally they destroyed our homeland? We, the Stone Soul Clan, will always remember such hatred and be at odds with them forever. Therefore, we will not have any retreat at all, only fighting is a glorious war song!"

The King of Kaidi has raised the giant shield in his hand, and the silver shield emits dazzling light. "My holy light is with you, willing to protect all my warriors!"

"Yes, the war hammer of King Kyle will also release the sacred brilliance to protect and bless you. We have no way out, so we should fight to the death!"

"I am willing to fight to the death!"

"I am willing to fight to the death!"

All the stone warriors who followed him in the hall had sworn to die and were not afraid of fighting.

"Okay, this time, we won't run away anymore!" The King of Kyle and the King of Kaidi stood up. Both of them were 100-meter-large stone men. The only obvious difference was that they were each exuding golden light. and the divine brilliance of silver.

But when the golden light on the King of Kyle and the silver light on the King of Kaidi suddenly appeared and responded, the countless stone warriors bathing below began to burn the fighting souls in their bodies, even the marshals and generals who had been seriously injured before. , all recovered at this moment, and their combat power seemed to become stronger!

"Calling all the sleeping warriors on this planet, our two kings will ignite the fighting souls in their bodies and fight to stop the enemy!"

At this moment, the entire hall seemed sacred and solemn. Countless stone warriors were prostrate on the ground, as if they were praying for something.

Just like that, the earth trembled, and the countless stone warriors sleeping deep in the earth woke up one after another at this moment. Soon, countless stone warriors appeared in every corner, more and more, and the number was no less than One billion, they are running quickly to gather and form a legion to surround the invading enemy.

"Can't help but make the final resistance?" At this time, Ming naturally witnessed all this, but Ming was fearless in his heart, because the insect swarm that had turned into a torrent was still irresistible and destroying everything in progress. .

"Come on, let's have a fight!"

Then Ming ordered hundreds of millions of cannon bugs to disperse quickly and directly bombard the broken land in turn. Then the powerful thunder beasts directly collided with each other. Finally, there were the war fortress bugs with extremely strong defense. A large number of insects are stored and pushed to the front line, while the insect swarms behind follow suit.


However, suddenly, the King of Kyle who came out of the castle raised the war hammer in his hand and hit the ground hard. The hammer contained terrifying power and shattered tens of thousands of miles of earth on the spot.

I saw a series of abyss cracks forming quickly and spreading out quickly, and under these abyss cracks, many stone warriors crawled out, some seemed to come from under the magma, and I saw that their bodies were boiling with a large amount of magma and Flames, even when these magma giants full of real destruction came to the ground, they were not running, but turned into pools of magma, constantly flowing out on the ground.

At this time, the insects of the entire Hades tribe that were eroding forward only felt the ground shaking violently a few times, which made this large group of insects even more excited, and they accelerated the efficiency of erosion.

Of course, Ming could see everything tens of thousands of miles away through the Zerg's vision, because there were already bugs sneaking in, hiding around the hall and in the void.

"Interesting! There are actually stone giants that can turn into lava?" Ming thought about this in his mind. What kind of insects should be arranged to deal with these stone giants? After all, other insects are still full of huge energy when dealing with such high temperatures of lava. of danger.

"It would be great if there are rain bugs, but it should be okay to let the pterodactyl bugs out!" After thinking about it, he decided to let the pterodactyl bugs go to deal with it. After all, this insect creature is the gene of dragon and phoenix. As a result, they are not afraid of heat and flames.

Even in their vicious mouths, they can spit out flames that are more terrifying than magma. When necessary, they can also swallow other flames as their own food or directly as an energy supplement!

"Go, then you go and devour those lava giants!" So, Ming ordered the countless pterosaur insects hovering in the sky to go to the front line to clean up the obstacles of the Zerg army, and devour and destroy all the giants with lava and fire!

"Ang!" Thousands of pterosaur insects roared one after another after receiving the order. After they circled in the sky above the Zerg army, they flew towards the front line at high speed. At the same time, they were already brewing in their mouths. Fearless flames, and the flames in their mouths carry endless destructive power and can burn flames that are lower than their own level.

"Evil Carl Dragon, the master of everything here is temporarily handed over to you. With your Tyran subordinates, completely destroy those warriors who have been combined, and even those warriors who have turned into war weapons. These are all left to you Tyran. destroy!"

"I obey, please rest assured, great master!" After receiving the order, the evil Karl began to fully arm himself. They will deal with those stone warriors with terrifying explosive power. For example, as long as there are thousands of stone warriors, they will suddenly merge into a huge one. When they form stone giants, or when they form those war weapons that reach the sky, these will be the targets of destruction for their Tyranid insect swarms.

"Okay, all the people of the Underworld, this king, listen up. You are in this war now. I will not let you die easily. You will all be protected by me..." At this time , Ming saw countless stone warriors, forming one legion after another, already appearing in his sight. Ming then released the powerful spiritual will of the Zerg tribe, and issued the strongest command to the entire Zerg tribe, causing endless insects to attack crazily. .

As for not letting the bugs die easily, Ming let the insect hive mind quickly transport the slugs, the insect healing insects, to the huge battlefield through countless biological tentacles. At the same time, Ming let countless slugs carry out hundreds of actions. The body has been divided billions of times to ensure that every bug in the battle can at least carry a healing bug to restore the damage suffered by the bugs in the battle.

And just after making all these arrangements and instructions, Ming rushed directly to the front line. His target was the king of these stone warriors, that is, the king of Kaidi and Kyle. In Ming's view, only by solving these two powerful stone giants can the planet be destroyed faster, and the power to control the fighting spirit clan be most directly obtained!

ps: There will be another chapter later, emm... It will be on the shelves at the end of the month. I don’t know if you have subscribed. Looking at the current results, I feel really uneasy. I am afraid that it will be a single-digit subscription again. If so, I will have to endure it. No more eunuchs. In addition, this world has ended. (In order to satisfy the requirements of some book friends), I have arranged to go to the world of Kuiba to capture the Pulse Beast and obtain the power of the Pulse Beast. After all, according to my plan, I will then deal with Dark Night who has the power of magic. The elves...

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