Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 586: Defying Heaven and Taking Life

Almost at the same time, Iron Heart suddenly burst into flames, and her body soared in the air, like a big black bird with wings. She held a bright dagger in her hand, fierce, ruthless, and indomitable. Prick the demon dragon user in the head.

"What a beautiful woman."

The Demon Dragon Envoy suddenly raised his face to admire Tie Xin who was getting closer and closer, and exclaimed intoxicatedly. His face was rosy and there was an obsessed smile on his face, as if he was admiring a perfect work of art. There was no trace of it at all. Realize that death is approaching.

"Because of your beauty, I decided to kill you slowly. I like the feeling of seeing beautiful people and things die in my hands."

After the dragon envoy finished speaking, he moved.

He turned the scimitar in his hand, turned the blade horizontally, and struck the dagger that Tie Xin stabbed hard with the blade.


The fine steel dagger in Tie Xin's hand was smashed into pieces. At the same time, she also heard the cracking sound of her own bones, and she knew that her right hand might be useless.

Although the bones were broken, she felt no pain at all, as if the hand no longer belonged to her. ??

But the Demon Dragon's sword completely shattered her pride, and the Demon Dragon was not something she could defeat.

In the room, Ji Wufeng pressed his husband's chest with one hand and saw a living thing squirming under the skin of his chest.

Suddenly, a strange sharp roar came, which was harsh even through the gentleman's body. The living creature seemed to have been stimulated by something, and its movements suddenly became violent.

The gentleman immediately roared in pain, his face turned pale, without any trace of human color, and his lips turned black.

Ji Wufeng's expression suddenly changed. The person who planted the poison had already noticed that he wanted to control the poison and kill his husband.

The gentleman's whole body suddenly twitched again, and traces of black gas began to come out of his mouth and nose. Ji Wufeng's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and he shouted loudly: "Damn fat man, hurry up!"

Obviously, the head-dropping master has also begun to take action, and wants to kill the husband at the same time. If this continues, even if

If the master is not killed by the head-dropping master and the Gu insects, he will not be able to survive.

"Damn it, do your own work and shut up, don't you see I'm busy?"

A red mahogany sword appeared in Ma Tianlin's hand out of nowhere. He was jumping up and down like a dancing master. The mahogany sword kept waving, and every time he danced, it would emit a golden light, dispelling the black energy from the gentleman's body.

Although he was jumping like a break dancer, his face turned blue, his lips turned white, and big beads of sweat fell one after another from his forehead. Ji Wufeng knew that Ma Tianlin was also working hard.

Damn it, I have never killed anyone when I take action, and I will risk my life today.

He suddenly scratched his other palm, and a rain of blood sprinkled all over the gentleman's body. His fingers struck the acupuncture points and meridians all over the gentleman's body like lightning.

"Five Elements Hidden Life Technique!"

Ma Tianlin's expression changed and he shouted: "You are crazy!"

Ji Wufeng was very surprised that Ma Tianlin actually knew the Five Elements Hidden Life Technique, because this was a method that went against heaven in the world of cultivation. It seemed that the Taoist sects on earth were really deeply involved with the world of cultivation.

But now he had no time to ask, and said: "There is no other way. If this continues, sir, even if he is not killed, he will be tortured to death!"

Ma Tianlin said hurriedly: "Do you know what price you will pay? You have to think clearly about it yourself."

"I can't care about that much anymore." Ji Wufeng cut his palm again and blood spilled crazily.

"Xiao Feng, no, it's not worth it!"

The husband actually knew the Five Elements Hidden Life Technique, and he suddenly shouted loudly, his voice becoming dry and harsh due to pain.

"Sir, you don't need to say anything. As long as you can survive, it's worth it."

Ji Wufeng shouted at Ma Tianlin: "Damn it, I'm fighting

Damn it, you still don’t give me any strength! "

Seeing Ji Wufeng's insistence, Ma Tianlin's face turned pale, he bit the tip of his tongue suddenly, sprayed a mouthful of blood on the mahogany sword, and shouted loudly: "Damn it, I am the direct disciple of Maoshan, so all kinds of monsters and ghosts, please tell me quickly. I give you the head!"

When the sword was swung out, golden light suddenly bloomed, and the person who was stabbed could not open his eyes.

The golden light shone on the gentleman's body, and black energy immediately emerged from his body crazily, entrenching himself on the gentleman's head, forming a black skull.

"Die to Master Dao!"

Ma Tianlin bit his finger again, scratched his palm, and slapped the skull with his palm. Suddenly, a golden "Swastika" flew out.


With a loud noise, the skull turned into black smoke again and slowly dissipated.

Somewhere, a black monk groaned, a streak of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, jumped up suddenly, hammered his chest and shouted: "Maoshan Taoism, Maoshan Taoism again, damn stinky Taoist priest!"


Ma Tianlin spurted blood from his mouth, pointed at Ji Wufeng and said, "Boy, Master Dao, I tried my best, and the rest is up to you."

After saying that, he fell to the ground without any movement. If he hadn't noticed that his chest was still rising and falling, Ji Wufeng would have thought that he was dead.

The head-lowering technique had been lifted, and Ji Wufeng felt reassured. Due to the excessive blood loss, his face was also very ugly. He took out a box of silver needles and quickly pierced his whole body. Soon, a nine-wheeled needle appeared on his body.

It is easy to get rid of the poisonous insects on Mr.'s body, but the difficulty is how to save his life while getting rid of the poisonous insects.

Just like just now, if it weren't for his Five Elements Hidden Life Technique, the gentleman might have died while cracking the head-lowering technique.

"Come out!"

Ji Wufeng snorted coldly, and grabbed the gentleman's chest with his palms. Blood spurted out suddenly, and his palms were almost inserted into the gentleman's chest.


Jie Jie!

The living thing in Mr.'s chest seemed to sense danger, and it squirmed crazily and kept making sharp screams. Mr. screamed in agony, and there was blood in his mouth.


Ji Wufeng pulled his palm out from Mr.'s chest with a ball of blood mist.

In a dark secret room, an ugly old woman was closing her eyes tightly and chanting strange spells. In front of her, there was a box, and in the box lay an ugly insect with blood red body.

The bugs seemed very restless, scurrying around in the box and making weird screams.


The old woman suddenly screamed, and the corners of her mouth were bloodshot. The box in front of her suddenly exploded, and blood-red viscous liquid splashed all over her body.

"It seems you failed too."

The door to the room was pushed open, and a pair of big feet appeared at the door.

"Hmph, I didn't expect someone to get rid of my poison so quickly, you..."

While the old woman was speaking, she suddenly saw the person holding a monk's head in his hand, with blood dripping all over the floor.

A big hand suddenly grabbed her neck and pulled hard, tearing off her entire head. Blood rushed from her neck to the ceiling like a high-pressure water gun.

The visitor threw the two heads outside the door, took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood on his hands, and said lightly: "Send the heads back to Miao and Nanyang, and push them on Ji Wufeng's head."


The cold blade struck Tong Yan, and Tong Yan's right arm holding the gun fell to the ground, blood spurting out!

Tie Xin let out a soft drink, his body rose into the air, and the dagger in his hand shot towards the dragon envoy like a goddess scattering flowers.

The demon dragon user shook his head slightly and slashed out with a knife. Iron Heart's graceful body immediately flew upside down, sprinkling a rain of blood in the air, and rolled to the ground. A deep knife mark appeared on his chest, enough to see the bones, and blood was sprinkled on it. All over the place.

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