Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 595 Entering the Black Prison

Gu Chengfeng turned to a close confidant and asked, "Are they ready?"

The "them" he was talking about at this time were a few masters in the guard. They usually didn't take action very much, but raising troops for a thousand days was spent in a short time.

The confidant replied with a smile: "Everything is ready."

"That's good." Nodding, Gu Chengfeng stopped talking and quietly waited for nine o'clock to arrive.

At this time, in a dark and closed cell, Wu Chang and several of his men were slowly picking up a prisoner. This prisoner was Miao Qing, a master of voodoo.

Tonight, when he was about to poison his dinner, he was caught by Wu Chang. After more than ten kinds of torture, Miao Qing could only breathe half a breath.

"I broke his fingers one by one."

Wu Chang looked coldly at Miao Qing, who was all bloody. At this time, several of his men were busy running around. He didn't expect Miao Qing to be so harsh.

After hearing Wu Chang's order, the subordinates immediately began to execute it, and Miao Qing suddenly let out a miserable howl: "Ah! Bastards, you are not going to die well..."

The pain of finger to heart is indescribable.

"Boss, he did it."

Finally, Miao Qing couldn't bear the torture and told Gu Chengfeng's plan, just in exchange for a piece of cake.

"It's almost time, let's take action." Wu Chang used a sword-drawing technique like lightning to seal Miao Qing's throat.

"Boss, it's time."

Gou Hun is slowly wiping his silver scalpel. No one knows how Gou Hun got these things. Wiping the scalpel is a habit he used to cultivate before killing people. He really enjoys this kind of life. The sound of blood spurting out when a person's tool cuts someone's throat.

"Set off."

After looking at his subordinates, he found that all of them had bloodthirsty eyes flashing in their eyes. After meeting the seductive looks, they all nodded, indicating that they were ready.

On the other hand, the relationship between King Kong and Thunder Bear is

When the two bosses and Gu Chengfeng saw that the time had reached nine o'clock, they both ordered: "Act!"

The originally peaceful black prison instantly turned into a battlefield. The prisoners were divided into two groups with their own weapons and kept killing each other. However, it was obvious that Ji Wufeng's side had the majority, and King Kong and Thunder Bear's people could only resist them. s attack.

The guards fired from several guard windows, which suppressed the attacks from Ji Wufeng's side. At this time, they did not see the masters at the bottom of the wind pressure box in the ancient city. However, even if these masters did not appear, if this continued, Ji Wufeng's side would be defeated. undoubtedly.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two silver lights flashed from the air at this moment, and the two guards who were guarding the window and shooting continuously fell down with doubtful eyes. They did not see how the enemy attacked at all, but the silver scalpels on their throats said the weapon used by the opponent.

Seduction's famous stunt is throwing knives, but his throwing knives are scalpels.

The flying knife that seduces the soul is very weird. Even though they saw it, they just couldn't avoid it. They just fired it every time, which made the guards who usually didn't concentrate on practicing martial arts suffer a lot. How could they have thought that there was such a powerful weapon? .


At this time, a green figure leapt into the guard room, waving the long knife in his hand non-stop, and no one was able to defeat him. In an instant, all the guards in the guard room were killed by him.

"No, don't kill..."

The last guard slowly approached him with a long knife, holding the demon-like monster all over his body.


Without any reason, the guard was pierced through the head with a long knife. He pulled out the long knife stuck in his head. Only then did the green figure reveal its true form under the light. It turned out to be Wu Chang.

Although he is very handsome, his whole body is exuding a cold murderous intention and looks very strange.

It feels strange, causing chills to rise from the back and numbness of the scalp.

"Damn boy!"

After Gouhun saw Wu Chang rushing into the guard room, he immediately fired a series of shots at several other guards. Every time the scalpel touched, it took away the life of a guard.

Slowly suppressed by the force of Impermanence and Seduction, the firepower of the guards began to weaken. Some guards began to put on melee equipment and joined the prisoners in the melee.


At this time, a fireball fell into the melee and exploded.

"Holy crap, the rocket launchers are all out!"

Gouhun quickly looked up and saw that several guard rooms were once again filled with guards holding weapons, with rocket launchers on their shoulders.

At this time, Wu Chang also retreated into the fierce battle. He had been entangled by several masters. The strength of these masters was actually no weaker than him. They all had the strength of the innate realm. If they were not concerned about his weird sword skills, , it is estimated that he has been killed long ago.

There are experts among the guards, but aren't there among the prisoners?

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several figures jumped into the guard room where Wu Chang was, drew out their weapons and joined the battle group. Wu Chang's pressure was greatly reduced, and he immediately counterattacked. This time it was the guards who were unlucky.


A big fireball blew up the entire detention room. He looked at the launch point of the fireball. Two tall and thick prisoners were gesturing at him with handguns in the shape of a "". They were carrying rocket launchers on their shoulders. The bodies of several guards were lying at their feet. .

With the addition of elite prisoners, the situation became one-sided. Ji Wufeng felt that the shouts of killing outside had gradually weakened. He put away the food and wine on the table and "Bang!" kicked the ancient city wind away with a rough kick. Custom-made iron gates.

"Bang!" The heavy iron door flew straight down from a height of thirty stories. When it fell to the bottom, it killed several people from King Kong and Thunder Bear who were wandering on the ground floor.

"Target, shoot!"

one of them

The masters of the Black Prison discovered the existence of Ji Wufeng, and Gu Chengfeng personally ordered Ji Wufeng to kill him without mercy if he encountered him.


A rocket with a red tail was shot at Ji Wufeng. Now the guards began to use these weapons of mass destruction in an attempt to turn the tide.

When he saw the rocket with a red tail in the air, he shouted without thinking that he would be exposed: "Young master, be careful!"


Ji Wufeng smiled and slapped the top of the rocket. Everyone watching this scene was shocked. The rocket turned around and flew back after Ji Wufeng slapped it.

"I'm a good boy, is our young master a human or a monster?" a big prisoner said with his chin drooped.

There is no shortage of masters in the Black Prison. There are many people who can hit someone with one palm when a rocket is fired at them. However, after hitting the target, the rocket not only did not explode, but also ran back. They never thought about it.

"How can it be……"

Many of the guard elites were blown to pieces by rocket launchers before they had time to escape.

"Fire all the rocket launchers!"

The most powerful rocket launcher among the three individual weapons was fired at the same time, and Tongjin shot at Ji Wufeng. The guard commander thought to himself: "You can't just shoot them all back at me now, these are three."

Bang bang bang!

Ji Wufeng struck out with three palms in a row, and the three rockets once again shocked everyone and flew back.

"This is impossible……"

The last guard commander murmured and was buried in a strong explosion.

In an instant, the thirty elite guards guarding the three guard rooms were all wiped out.

All the elite prisoners followed Ji Wufeng, led by Gou Hun, and slowly walked to the office of the warden Gu Chengfeng. The war outside had become one-sided and I believed it would end soon. They no longer had to worry about it.

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