Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 602 The Order of the Heavenly King

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly focused. It seemed that the other party already knew the importance of Tianxiang Group to him.

At the same time, the Ye family was also hit, and the stock price fluctuated significantly. Judging from today's decline, Ye Chongtian will face bankruptcy in less than a week!

Good guy, although Ye Chongtian is alone, he is known as the richest man in Yuzhou, and it is really a big deal to bankrupt him!

However, Ji Wufeng had been too worried. He believed that with Liu Tianlong, Long Si and Ye Zhongtian sitting in charge, the situation must still be under control. Otherwise, their calls would have been called long ago. ??

As for the Tianxiang Group, he has already made arrangements. There may be some turmoil, but it is absolutely impossible for anything to happen.

"Is there any news from the Snake Cave?"

Gouhun said: "Snake Cave has been active recently. A large number of masters have sneaked into Yuzhou, but the friction with us is not very big. Instead, they have found famous families."

"Famous family? Tang Huanxin?"

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. Snake Nest had attacked Tang Huanxin more than once. What on earth did this woman have?

"What's the reaction from Xin'anguo?"

He killed Meris, and a prince from Xin'an Kingdom died. There was absolutely no way he could just let it go.

Gouhun chuckled and said: "Hey, Xin'an's eldest prince Thomas arrived in Huajing half a month ago, but the big guys above said it was a vendetta and promised to help catch the murderer and give Xin'an justice. , but to put it bluntly, it’s just perfunctory, young master, who are you? Those big guys actually protected you, and you killed a prince."

At first, he thought Ji Wufeng was just powerful, but as his intelligence was established and he got to know Ji Wufeng better, he felt that Ji Wufeng was becoming more and more mysterious.

"Those old immortals still have a conscience, and they finally didn't sell me out."

Ji Wufeng’s treatment of Hua Jing

He was not surprised at all. Although he killed a prince, Hua Jing would not do anything to him as long as there was no real evidence.

He did not answer the seductive question, but asked: "What's Thomas' reaction? He can't just stay in Huajing, can he?"

"Yes, Thomas should rush to Yuzhou tonight and track down the murderer himself."

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said: "The protective umbrella has arrived. I think Qianye Ming and Lu Zixuan will really take action soon. The show will begin soon. Call Yu Po over."

"Young Master." Yu Po came in and said respectfully.

"Tianxiang Group has some troubles now. You go to solve them. Is there any problem?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"no problem."


In Yuzhou, Lu Zixuan asked: "When will Thomas arrive?"

"We are on the plane now and will arrive in three hours." Qianye Ming said.

A cold light flashed in Lu Zixuan's eyes, and he said: "Hey, it seems that we will carry out a full attack on the Ye family tomorrow."

"how do you want to do it?"

"Hehe, the eldest young master said that Ye Linglong has most likely reached some kind of agreement with Ji Wufeng. What if Ye Chongtian dies at this time?"

He and Ji Wufeng guessed well. These two guys have been waiting for Thomas.

Although the news of Ji Wufeng's death came from the Black Prison, these two guys still felt that it was not safe and did not dare to be cruel. Now that Thomas is here, it is different.

A prince died in Xin'an Kingdom, and Thomas personally came to Yuzhou to track down the murderer. Even if there was a little extreme behavior, Huajing

You shouldn't be able to say anything, right?

Although Ji Wufeng is "dead", the Ye family and the Liu family are still there. It is completely reasonable for Thomas to punish these two families. Even if these two families are destroyed, what can anyone say? Who dares to say anything?

At Tianxiang Group, Lu Shuangshuang looked haggard and pale, and she had lost weight. She had been sitting in the office for two days and two nights without sleeping a wink.

There was a problem with Tianxiang Group's products. A customer had an allergic reaction after using it and died in the hospital after rescue efforts failed. After forensic identification, it was found that the cause of the customer's death was a toxic substance in the product.

Just when Lu Shuangshuang found the family members of the deceased and wanted to resolve the matter privately, several customers had allergic reactions. The families of several customers jointly sued Tianxiang Group to court.

In the end, Tianxiang Group lost the lawsuit and all factories were ordered to stop production and undergo review.

If this trend continues, Tianxiang Group will be doomed, and Lu Shuangshuang will not only face bankruptcy, but even imprisonment.

Tianxiang Group was everything to Lu Shuangshuang and her spiritual support. Lu Shuangshuang felt like she had lost everything.

"Where are you? What should I do?"

She always thought that although she was a woman, she was never weaker than any man. No matter what difficulties she encountered, she could stand upright and overcome them.

But now she feels very powerless and fragile. She really wishes Feng could be by her side at this time, leaning on his chest, smiling and telling her how to go on.

There was a knock on the door, and Lu Shuangshuang said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Come in."

A handsome young man walked in and said respectfully: "Are you Miss Lu Shuangshuang?"

"Excuse me, are you..."

"My name is

Yu Po is Master Ji Wufeng's man. "Yu Po said with a smile.

Lu Shuangshuang stood up immediately and said excitedly: "Is he back?"

Yu Po shook his head slightly and said, "The young master has not come back."

Seeing the disappointment on Lu Shuangshuang's face, Yu Po said: "But don't worry, young lady, the young master is very good. The young master asked me to come here this time, and he asked me to give you something."

Taking what Yu Po handed over, Lu Shuangshuang found that it looked like a coin or a badge, but more like a token.

The token was made of an unknown black metal, with cold tentacles. One side was engraved with a flying dragon with teeth and claws, and the other side was engraved with the word "天".

"This is this?" Lu Shuang asked with confusion on his face, holding the token in both hands.

Yu Po suddenly knelt down in front of the token and said, "This is the Heavenly King's Order. No matter who it is, as long as they hold the Heavenly King's Order, they can exercise all the powers of the young master."

"Mr. Yu, what are you doing? Get up quickly!" Lu Shuangshuang stepped forward and pulled Yu Po up.

Yu Po said respectfully: "Miss Lu, no matter what difficulties you encounter, I think the Heavenly King's Order can help you solve it."

Although Lu Shuangshuang felt that Yu Po would not lie to her, she was still dubious. It was just an iron plate. Could it really be that powerful? It looks like the tiger talisman used by the commander-in-chief of the ancient armies.

But that's not important. What's important is the chill of this Heavenly King's Order. Since it can represent Ji Wufeng, it must be something very important to Ji Wufeng, and he actually gave it to her.

Seeing a trace of rosiness and a smile appear on Lu Shuangshuang's pale face, Yu Po smiled and said, "Miss Lu, without further ado, it's time for us to take action."

"What action?" Lu Shuangshuang asked in shock.

"Just come with me."

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