After leaving the training ground, Gouhun appeared next to him with a glass of red wine and said: "I really don't understand you, why do you bring so much waste?"

To be honest, judging from the standards of seduction, there are definitely no more than ten people in the entire black prison who can catch his eye, and there is not a single one among this batch of new students, otherwise he would have jumped out long ago.

Ji Wufeng smiled slightly and said, "What do you think our brothers are lacking?"

Gouhun smiled disdainfully and said: "What else is missing? I don't lack anything, but you want money? You want power? Or you want a woman? Just grab it!"

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "You are wrong. Indeed, we have swords in our hands, and I have everything we can steal. But can we steal a root? Can we steal a home?"

The soul was stunned for a moment, root? Home?

Ji Wufeng patted his shoulder and said: "We are brothers, we are a family. Since we are family, we must have a family, but where in the world is our brother's place? No matter who we are, we are tired. It’s time, isn’t it?”

The soul is confused, yes, the world is so big, there is no place that we cannot go to, but where is the place to stay? Brothers get tired sometimes. ??

Gu Chengfeng walked over quickly and said with a serious face: "Master, trouble is coming!"

"What trouble?"

Ji Wufeng frowned slightly. Now that Gu Chengfeng was his, he was absolutely loyal to him, even though he was coerced.

Gu Chengfeng said: "Young Master, no, Gu Tianyang sent someone to come over suddenly to check."

"Are you here to check your shit?"

Ji Wufeng was very depressed, wondering if there was grass growing on top of his head, and he actually had to go to this hellish place to check.

But this is normal. The Black Prison is far away from the country. Gu Tianyang wants to have absolute control. Gu Chengfeng alone is not enough. This person is inspecting it on his behalf, Gu Tianyang.

Gu Chengfeng said with some embarrassment on his face: "To be honest, young master, he is also my business partner."

Ji Wufeng understood, the ancient city of feelings

Feng and Da En, the imperial envoy, were partners in selling ore, and they also sold it to smugglers. In order to keep it secret, they only discussed how to share the money when they met.

Gu Chengfeng added: "But the most important thing is that he is from Gu Tianyang. Under normal circumstances, he will not come here at this time."

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. It seemed that Gu Tianyang was still a little worried. He specially asked his people to come over and verify his life and death in person.

Everyone was anxious in the office. He sat down on the chair and put his legs on the desk and asked, "Tell me, what should we do now?"

Now that Tianmen is in a period of rising development, it must not be exposed to the outside world. Therefore, this matter must be done beautifully and without leakage.


Wu Chang made a gesture of wiping his neck. This method was the cleanest and neatest method. He had always dealt with this kind of people this way. The more people loved money, the more afraid they were of death.

Hearing Wu Chang's idea, Ji Wufeng nodded expressionlessly and said, "Okay, kill, but how do you explain it to Gu Tianyang?"


This is a favorite method of seducing people. This is not a threat to themselves, but a threat to their families. No matter how good you are on your own, you can't ignore your family.


After Ji Wufeng heard the idea of ​​​​seducing people, he still nodded expressionlessly and said: "Okay, yes, but who will be responsible if the news leaks out? Anyone with any sense will know that we have a problem here."

"Then what should we do, Master."

When Gouhun saw that both proposals were rejected, he thought that Ji Wufeng must have a clue.

"Have you ever played any pranks when you were little?" Ji Wufeng's face flashed with a sinister smile, which meant that the prosecutor wanted to

Tough luck.

"Master, what you mean is..."

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "That's right. Beat the dog with the door closed and let him run away."

"Oh my God, this idea you came up with is really good. It's fun and usable."

Gouhun's eyes lit up after hearing Ji Wufeng's idea, and he couldn't wait to rub his hands and said, "Then let's discuss it."

Ji Wufeng smiled sinisterly and nodded at Seduction and said: "Hey, Seduction, laxatives are a must-have for pranks. I'll leave this to you, but remember not to let the imperial envoy die. At least he must be hanged." With the same tone."

After Gouhun heard Ji Wufeng's sinister idea, he quickly nodded and agreed: "No problem, absolutely no problem, he can't die even if he wants to."

Then Gouhun immediately suggested: "Wuchang pretends to be a ghost and scares the lovely imperial envoy at night."

Wu Chang was dissatisfied now, and he protested: "Why am I pretending to be a ghost and you don't pretend to be a ghost? Is there such a handsome ghost?"

"Okay, okay, so what if I pretend to be a ghost." Since Gouhun mentioned pretending to be a ghost, he must have a plan, and he kept laughing.

There are many criminal thieves and unparalleled thieves in the black prison, and any one he pulls out is a master of disguise. He is 99.9% confident that he will scare the imperial envoy half to death.

"Then what does Impermanence do?"

Ji Wufeng felt that without Wu Chang, the child's share would be too unequal, so the division of labor must be even.


Wu Chang, who always liked to have a cold face, laughed at this time. He was so frightened that Gou Hun, who was sitting next to him, jumped up as fast as if he had seen a ghost. The speed was really amazing, and he could actually jump more than three meters. From a distance, it seems that human potential is really unlimited.

Wu Chang rolled his eyes and said with a sinister smile: "I can put bugs in the tea he drinks, and when he eats

Let a piece of shit fall from the sky in front of him. "

After hearing Wu Chang's words, Gouhun couldn't believe it and said, "You are actually more poisonous than me."

"Okay, okay, everyone has a share in this matter. Anyway, I named this operation the Tricky Mobilization. Tomorrow all the members will put on my old prisoner uniforms."

At this point, he said to Gucheng Feng: "You must not show your flaws, otherwise everything will be in vain."

Then he said to Wu Chang: "If the road goes wrong, you will kill the imperial envoy immediately. We can't leave any clues."

"Master, please don't worry!" Wu Chang said immediately.

"Go and call Fang Tianhua, this guy is full of dirty tricks."

Ji Wufeng thought of something when he said this. He immediately picked up the intercom on the table and notified Lin Tianzhao, and ordered Lin Tianzhao to temporarily close the passages of the two bases.

A prank plan against Imperial Envoy Yu Gu Tianyang was slowly and quietly carried out in the black prison.

When you walk into the Black Prison, you will see two big men holding a piece of banana peel to test how to make people step on it accurately, and they have also developed thirty-six banana peel secret algorithms.

When you take three steps, you will see a thin man holding a piece of watermelon rind and repeatedly calculating the angle. The ground is covered with dense formulas and diagrams.

After walking three more steps, you will find a group of prisoners in a room gathered around a table to compete with each other to see whose cockroaches are bigger and whose cockroaches are more disgusting.

If you go further, you will find that several big men have broken some iron wires in an aisle, creating a vicious mechanism that will cause you to fall down as soon as your foot steps on the pedal. Of course, people in the black prison will not be so stupid, all of this It's for an imperial envoy.

If you take a few steps forward, you will find someone brushing Yitong's transparent liquid on the ground. People who want to pass by this section of ground are walking slowly against the wall.

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