The bullets are coated with venom, and once they enter the body, they can corrode the body's true energy, turning even the strongest warrior into a useless person.


Ji Wufeng smiled coldly, maybe the venom can corrode the true energy, but it cannot corrode the true energy.


Two men in green robes suddenly rushed over and helped the green dragon user to jump up high. Want to escape?

"I just want to leave now. Is it that easy?"

Ji Wufeng snorted coldly, his body suddenly rose up, and he struck down with a palm in the air.

Bang, bang...

The two men in green robes were so slapped that they vomited blood, their internal organs were torn apart, and their bodies fell to the ground.

"Tell me who asked you to come? Where is the headquarters of Black Dragon?" Ji Wufeng asked coldly.

Black Dragon had completely angered Ji Wufeng. Not only did he murder those who ordered the Qinglong Envoy to come, but he also felt that Black Dragon had to be eliminated.

"Hey, do you think I will tell you? Kill me!" The Qinglong Envoy had a ferocious look on his face.

"Want to die? It's not that easy!"

Ji Wufeng slapped the Azure Dragon Envoy on the head with his palm, and the Azure Dragon Envoy immediately let out an extremely brutal howl. You don't need to experience it personally. From the screams, you can imagine what kind of pain the Azure Dragon Envoy was enduring.

"I'll give you one last chance." Ji Wufeng said.

Qinglong's face was twisted in pain, but he was still laughing crazily: "Hahaha..."

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed and his body suddenly retreated.

The Green Dragon Envoy's face suddenly stiffened while he was laughing wildly, and his whole body seemed to be suddenly inflated, rapidly expanding outwards.


The Green Dragon Envoy's body exploded directly, producing a terrifying destructive force that shook the earth.


The Dragon Envoy was dead, but the murderous intent in Ji Wufeng's chest increased instead of decreasing, because the Azure Dragon Envoy, like the previous Demonic Dragon Envoy, was manipulated to self-destruct, and the same cultivator's methods were used.

Ji Wufeng couldn't calm down for a long time. With his ability, earth warriors would not take him seriously at all, but if the other party was a cultivator, then he would have to be careful.

Turning to look at Li Xinzhi and her daughter who were still in shock, Ji Wufeng asked: "Aunt Wu, are you okay?"

Aunt Wu looked at Ji Wufeng's wounds and said, "Xiao Feng, we are"

"I'm fine, it's just a little bit of skin damage, it's not a problem." Ji Wufeng smiled.

"I...I'm sorry..." Li Xinzhi's face was full of tears, she shook her head and said in pain.

At this time, her heart was full of guilt. She could not accept that she had actually shot Ji Wufeng just now.

"It's okay. Anyone else would have made the same choice at that time. Okay, I will send someone to take you home." Ji Wufeng turned around and left after making arrangements.

Looking at Ji Wufeng's back, Li Xinzhi threw herself into Aunt Wu's arms, burst into tears and said, "Mom..."

Aunt Wu sighed, patted her back and said, "Silly boy, Xiaofeng is not an ordinary person. He will definitely not blame you. Let's go back."

If Ji Wufeng hadn't wanted to get Yuzhou in an honest way, he would have slapped Lu Zixuan to death long ago, but now he doesn't have so many worries because Lu Zixuan has broken the rules of the game.

At midnight, looking at the huge Lu family compound, Ji Wufeng had a sinister smile on his face and said to the people who followed him: "You can have fun first, don't worry about anything."


Outside the manor, there were more than a dozen black-clothed guards holding guns. Looking at the crowd, they immediately pointed their guns at them and shouted sternly.


Fang Tianhua's eyes flashed with cold light, he snorted coldly, and in a flash, he appeared in front of the guard who shouted questions, and slapped him on the head with his palm.


The guard was immediately shot into the ground, only his head was exposed, his eyes popped out, and blood poured out of the ground from his neck like a fountain.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, enemy attack, sound the alarm!"

One of the guards shouted in horror: "Shoot, kill them."

More than a dozen guards raised their guns at the same time and pointed them at Fang Tianhua and the others. Gunshots rang out and bullets rained down like raindrops.

Wu Chang snorted coldly, and the person disappeared, turning into a blurry afterimage that turned around like lightning and returned to the original place. All gunfire stopped.

All the bullets in the air stopped flying. After a moment of stillness, all the bullets seemed to be cut in half, falling to the ground. At the same time, all the guards looked frightened.


Their throats suddenly split, and blood gushed out. The heads of all the guards rolled off their necks at the same time, but their bodies still stood still. A dozen necks were like a dozen blood-red fountains, and the blood The popping sound surged outward.

The whole space was filled with the smell of blood, and a gust of wind blew by, making the whole scene look strange, like a Shura battlefield.

The last guard sitting in the guard room looked at the scene in front of him, and a chill spread from the depths of his heart to his whole body instantly.

"Remember to sound the alarm, otherwise you will have no chance."

A playful voice rang in his ears, and the guard suddenly found a young man in a white coat standing in front of him.

At the reminder of the young man in the white coat, he sounded the alarm, and the alarm rang. However, the guard's hand suddenly felt sharp pain, and his fingers were like ice cream that was about to melt after being exposed to the sun, bit by bit. The red night dripped onto the ground.

After the bursts of screams stopped, Gouhun walked out of the guard room very coquettishly, leaving only blood on the ground.

It seemed that the Lu family had been prepared for a long time. As soon as the siren went off, the tranquility of the entire manor was immediately broken. Countless guards with guns rushed toward the gate of the manor.

Ji Wufeng was a little surprised when he saw a few people standing among the guards. Although these people were all warriors, many of them were already in the innate realm.

But without a great master, can Ji Wufeng be stopped?

Has the Lu family given up resistance?

However, this was obviously not the case. Seeing Ji Wufeng appear, one of the old men laughed ferociously and said, "Haha, little bastard, I didn't expect you to actually throw yourself into a trap."

It seemed that he had known that Ji Wufeng was coming for a long time, so he arranged for experts to wait here.

However, using a mere innate power to stop Ji Wufeng is no different from risking death. What on earth is Lu Zixuan doing?

Before Ji Wufeng could answer, Fang Tianhua, who was already ready to kill, shouted: "What nonsense, brothers, kill me!"

Seeing the corpses on the ground, the Lu family suddenly became furious. One of the old men said sternly: "Fang Tianhua, you dare to come to the Lu family and act wild. Even if your grandfather comes, I can't protect you. You should die!"

"Take your mother's punch and take my punch!"

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