Tu Antian's face suddenly turned livid, and he said coldly: "Ji Wufeng, let him go!"

"Don't let go!"

"Then you can't blame me."

With a loud shout, Tu Antian held a long sword and pointed it directly at Ji Wufeng. His body rose into the air and he shot forward quickly, a sword intent rising to the sky. .??.

Ji Wufeng's eyes flashed, an extremely sharp aura fell from the sky, and he shouted loudly: "Elder Tu Antian, I don't want to fight you today, don't force me."

Feeling the sharp aura on Ji Wufeng's body, Tu Antian's face changed slightly, but he still said persistently: "This is my responsibility. You have to resolve personal grudges. I don't object, but you can actually use the Netherworld Ghost Hand. You must give it to me." An explanation.”

Tu Antian's long sword waved, and suddenly tens of thousands of silver lights formed, sweeping across the sky and overwhelming the sky. Countless silver lights had actually materialized and intertwined in the air, like a long silver dragon raging in the sky.

Standing under this long silver dragon, everything below has a sense of fragility, as if it can easily penetrate the body. Tu Antian's sword energy has already made the sharp breath point directly into the heart, not only the visual sense Shocking.

Wu Chang looked dull and murmured: "The fusion of man and sword is really the fusion of man and sword. I didn't expect that man and sword can really become one."

"Good swordsmanship!"

Looking at the silver dragon in the sky, Ji Wufeng couldn't help but praise: "Elder Tu Antian, I respect your character. I really don't want to fight with you, but now I can only offend you."

Ji Wufeng pointed to the sky with one hand and said loudly: "There are many swordsmen in the world, and the swordsmanship is also different. But when it reaches the advanced level, it is nothing more than the unity of man and sword, and the return of ten thousand swords. However, the highest state of swordsmanship is far from that. That’s it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a sword intent suddenly came out from Ji Wufeng's body. Tu Antian felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and the impermanence below turned to stone.

A domineering and sharp aura spread, and the long swords in Tu Antian and Wu Chang's hands trembled slightly at the same time, making a clear sound. There were also swordsmen among the guards of the Lu family, but their long swords all jumped out of their scabbards. , made a harsh chirping sound, and broke into two pieces with a ding.

At this moment, people all have the illusion that a peerless king has arrived, and all his people must prostrate themselves on the ground. However, this king is not a human king, but a king in the sword, so the sword All must surrender.

Tu Antian's eyes flashed with light, and he murmured: "Is it him, Tianlong Sword Art? You are actually his disciple!"

Ji Wufeng let out a long roar, and a green light burst out from his hand, shooting straight into the sky. The long silver dragon composed of sword energy suddenly collapsed and disappeared.

"I lost." Tu Antian said.

Everyone was puzzled, but Tu Antian and Wu Chang both knew very well that if Ji Wufeng had used his sword against Tu Antian just now, Tu Antian would have been a dead man by now.

When swordsmanship has reached such a state, it is no longer rigidly tied to one move or another. It all depends on the sword's will. Once Ji Wufeng takes action, it is impossible to take it back.

Tu Antian suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Ji Wufeng's hand, and asked excitedly: "Is the old man okay? How is your health?"

"What old man?" Ji Wufeng was stunned.

"Of course it's the old sword master. Who else but him can hand over a disciple who is so evil in the way of swordsmanship?" Tu Antian said.

Ling Lie immediately understood that Tu Antian regarded him as a disciple of the Sword Master.

"You have recognized the wrong person. I am not his disciple." Ji Wufeng said.

"Impossible, you just used the Sword Master's Heavenly Dragon Sword Technique, so don't deny it." Tu Antian said.

Tianlong Sword Technique?

Ji Wufeng frowned slightly, yes, what he just used was indeed the Tianlong Sword Technique, which was the sword technique of a swordsman in the world of cultivation.

"Is the old guy very famous?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Of course he is. Senior Sword Master is one of the five strongest Saints in the world."

Above the Grand Master is the powerful Martial King, and above the Martial King is the Martial Saint, which means to reach the top, transcend the ordinary and become a saint!

The Five Saints are the five strongest among the Martial Saints, and the Sword Master is among them.

Ji Wufeng thought about it for a while, and then said seriously: "I'm warning you, you just need to know about this matter, and you must not tell anyone about it."

Although he didn't know this sword master, Ji Wufeng decided to pretend to be his disciple for the time being. After all, with this identity, he should be able to avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Yes, yes, I will never tell anyone."

Tu Antian was very excited and said: "No wonder I can't find out your details. It turns out that it was the old sword master who took action. He didn't let you reveal your identity. He must have wanted you to wander around the world alone and gain experience."

"Yes, yes, everything you said is right." Ji Wufeng's mouth twitched and he nodded.

"Is the old man feeling well?" Tu Antian asked.

"It's very good. If you can eat, sleep, and pick up girls, it won't be a problem to live for another ten or twenty years." Ji Wufeng said.

Tu Antian said quickly: "Nonsense, ten or twenty years is not enough? At least you have to live for thirty or fifty years."

Ji Wufeng had a dark look on his face and said, "If it's another thirty or fifty years, wouldn't he be an old bastard?"

"Brother Tai, I don't like hearing what you say, brother. The old man is highly respected..."

Everyone was confused when they saw that the two of them were fighting over their clothes just now, and now they were chatting there. From the looks of it, they would probably become relatives in a while.

Seeing that even Tu Antian had lost, the expressions of several masters from the Lu family suddenly changed. When they saw him again, the two of them actually became friends again. One of the masters had a sharp look in his eyes and shouted: "Everyone, come together and kill him." This remnant of the Demon Sect!”

"I'll kill your mother. Who said he was a remnant of the Demon Sect?" Tu Antian suddenly became angry and cursed at the Lu family master.

The Lu family master looked stunned and said: "Elder Tu Antian, he used the Netherworld Ghost Hand, doesn't it prove that he is a remnant of the Demon Sect?"

"Bastard, is he a remnant of the Demon Sect who knows the Netherworld Ghost Hands? He also knows the Heavenly Dragon Sword..."

In the middle of his words, Tu Antian immediately shut his mouth and said to Ji Wufeng with a mournful face: "I say brother, I know I can't stop you, but can we discuss it? You just killed a lot of people too. , how about we make a discount and kill less this time?"

Ji Wufeng sighed and said: "Elder Tu Antian, please rest assured that I am not a person who kills indiscriminately, but..."

He suddenly threw the Lu family master who had been holding it in his hand like a dead dog, and said sternly: "The damned must die!" Tu Antian's face suddenly turned livid, and he said coldly: "Ji Wufeng , let him go!"

"Don't let go!"

"Then you can't blame me."

With a loud shout, Tu Antian held a long sword and pointed it directly at Ji Wufeng. His body rose into the air and he shot forward quickly, a sword intent rising to the sky.

Ji Wufeng's eyes flashed, an extremely sharp aura fell from the sky, and he shouted loudly: "Elder Tu Antian, I don't want to fight you today, don't force me."

Feeling the sharp aura on Ji Wufeng's body, Tu Antian's face changed slightly, but he still said persistently: "This is my duty. You have to resolve personal grudges. I don't object, but you can actually use the Netherworld Ghost Hand. You must give it to me." An explanation.”

Tu Antian's long sword waved, and suddenly tens of thousands of silver lights formed, sweeping across the sky and overwhelming the sky. Countless silver lights had actually materialized and intertwined in the air, like a long silver dragon raging in the sky.

Standing under this long silver dragon, everything below has a sense of fragility, as if it can easily penetrate the body. Tu Antian's sword energy has already made the sharp breath point directly into the heart, not only the visual sense Shocking.

Wu Chang looked dull and murmured: "The fusion of man and sword is really the fusion of man and sword. I didn't expect that man and sword can really become one."

"Good swordsmanship!"

Looking at the silver dragon in the sky, Ji Wufeng couldn't help but praise: "Elder Tu Antian, I respect your character. I really don't want to fight with you, but now I can only offend you."

Ji Wufeng pointed to the sky with one hand and said loudly: "There are many swordsmen in the world, and the swordsmanship is also different. But when it reaches the advanced level, it is nothing more than the unity of man and sword, and the return of ten thousand swords. However, the highest state of swordsmanship is far from that. That’s it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a sword intent suddenly came out from Ji Wufeng's body. Tu Antian felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and the impermanence below turned to stone.

A domineering and sharp aura spread. The long swords in the hands of Tu Antian and Wu Chang trembled slightly at the same time, making a clear sound. There were also swordsmen among the guards of the Lu family, but their long swords all jumped out of their scabbards. , made a harsh chirping sound, and broke into two pieces with a ding.

At this moment, people all have the illusion that a peerless king has arrived, and all his people must prostrate themselves on the ground. However, this king is not a human king, but a king in the sword, so the sword All must surrender.

Tu Antian's eyes flashed with light, and he murmured: "Is it him, Tianlong Sword Art? You are actually his disciple!"

Ji Wufeng let out a long roar, and a green light burst out from his hand, shooting straight into the sky. The long silver dragon composed of sword energy suddenly collapsed and disappeared.

"I lost." Tu Antian said.

Everyone was puzzled, but Tu Antian and Wu Chang both knew very well that if Ji Wufeng had used his sword against Tu Antian just now, Tu Antian would have been a dead man by now.

When swordsmanship has reached such a state, it is no longer rigidly tied to one move or another. It all depends on the sword's will. Once Ji Wufeng takes action, it is impossible to take it back.

Tu Antian suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Ji Wufeng's hand, and asked excitedly: "Is the old man okay? How is your health?"

"What old man?" Ji Wufeng was stunned.

"Of course it's the old sword master. Who else but him can hand over a disciple who is so evil in the way of swordsmanship?" Tu Antian said.

Ling Lie immediately understood that Tu Antian regarded him as a disciple of the Sword Master.

"You have recognized the wrong person. I am not his disciple." Ji Wufeng said.

"Impossible, you just used the Sword Master's Heavenly Dragon Sword Technique, so don't deny it." Tu Antian said.

Tianlong Sword Technique?

Ji Wufeng frowned slightly, yes, what he just used was indeed the Tianlong Sword Technique, which was the sword technique of a swordsman in the world of cultivation.

"Is the old guy very famous?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Of course he is. Senior Sword Master is one of the five strongest Saints in the world."

Above the Grand Master is the powerful Martial King, and above the Martial King is the Martial Saint, which means to reach the top, transcend the ordinary and become a saint!

The Five Saints are the five strongest among the Martial Saints, and the Sword Master is among them.

Ji Wufeng thought about it for a while, and then said seriously: "I'm warning you, you just need to know about this matter, and you must not tell anyone about it."

Although he didn't know this sword master, Ji Wufeng decided to pretend to be his disciple for the time being. After all, with this identity, he should be able to avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Yes, yes, I will never tell anyone."

Tu Antian was very excited and said: "No wonder I can't find out your details. It turns out that it was the old sword master who took action. He didn't let you reveal your identity. He must have wanted you to wander around the world alone and gain experience."

"Yes, yes, everything you said is right." Ji Wufeng's mouth twitched and he nodded.

"Is the old man feeling well?" Tu Antian asked.

"It's very good. If you can eat, sleep, and pick up girls, it won't be a problem to live for another ten or twenty years." Ji Wufeng said.

Tu Antian said quickly: "Nonsense, ten or twenty years is not enough? At least you have to live for thirty or fifty years."

Ji Wufeng had a dark look on his face and said, "If it's another thirty or fifty years, wouldn't he be an old bastard?"

"Brother Tai, I don't like hearing what you say, brother. The old man is highly respected..."

Everyone was confused when they saw that the two of them were fighting over their clothes just now, and now they were chatting there. From the looks of it, they would probably become relatives in a while.

Seeing that even Tu Antian had lost, the expressions of several masters from the Lu family suddenly changed. When they saw him again, the two of them actually became friends again. One of the masters had a sharp look in his eyes and shouted: "Everyone, come together and kill him." This remnant of the Demon Sect!”

"I'll kill your mother. Who said he was a remnant of the Demon Sect?" Tu Antian suddenly became angry and cursed at the Lu family master.

The Lu family master looked stunned and said: "Elder Tu Antian, he used the Netherworld Ghost Hand, doesn't it prove that he is a remnant of the Demon Sect?"

"Bastard, is he a remnant of the Demon Sect who knows the Netherworld Ghost Hands? He also knows the Heavenly Dragon Sword..."

In the middle of his words, Tu Antian immediately shut his mouth and said to Ji Wufeng with a mournful face: "I say brother, I know I can't stop you, but can we discuss it? You just killed a lot of people too. , how about we make a discount and kill less this time?"

Ji Wufeng sighed and said: "Elder Tu Antian, please rest assured that I am not a person who kills indiscriminately, but..."

He suddenly threw the Lu family master who had been holding it in his hand like a dead dog, and said sternly: "The damned person must die!"

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