Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 637 Picking up girls is a technical job

Lu Shuangshuang's hometown is in a small county called Hongliu in Guangzhou. It is surrounded by mountains. It is a very remote mountain town with a very backward economy. Trains are the only way to connect to the outside world.

It was precisely because he was born in this environment that Lu Shuangshuang had such a difficult schooling experience, so he received Qin Yi's support and formed a deep friendship.

Qin Yi regards Lu Shuangshuang as her goddaughter, and Ji Wufeng also regards her as a family member.

A thousand years ago, Ji Wufeng watched helplessly as his family and friends were being persecuted but could do nothing. In this life, he will not allow anyone to harm his family, not even gods or Buddhas!

"Beauty, are you going to Hongliu too?" A bespectacled man opposite asked the long-haired girl sitting by the window inside Ji Wufeng with a smile on his face.

The long-haired girl smiled and said: "Yes, I will graduate soon. I heard that the ecological environment of the tamarisk is very well preserved. I think it will help my graduation thesis!"

Although Tamarisk is economically backward, its ecology is well preserved because it is almost isolated from the world. Many ecologists and geologists will choose to visit it.

When the man with the eyes heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "That's great. I'm also going to collect information for my graduation thesis. Which school are you from?"

"Huajing University."

The girl answered shyly. Maybe it was because the man with the eyes was a little excited, so the girl was inevitably a little shy.

"Ah, really? I'm from the Geology Department of Huajing University. I didn't expect that we are actually alumni and have the same purpose. It's kind of fate." The man with glasses said with a smile, and there was something flattering in his words.

However, the long-haired girl next to her is really beautiful. Although her clothes are a bit conservative compared to girls in big cities, her face is as delicate as water, she is tall, and she has a good temperament. It is normal to attract flowers and plants.

"Yeah." The girl nodded.

When the man with glasses saw that the girl was not interested in talking, he turned his attention away

When he arrived at the equally young Ji Wufeng, he was about to go around him to attract the girl's attention, and asked: "Brother, what are you doing in Hongliu?"

Ji Wufeng could tell at a glance that the boy wanted to pick up the girl, so he didn't bother to talk to him and said casually: "Work!"

"Working?" The man with glasses looked a little strange.

Ji Wufeng is such a talented person, how can we not see the contempt in his eyes and words? But he didn't have the common sense to be like this little brat, so he curled his lips and ignored him.

On the other hand, the long-haired girl was secretly looking at Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng caught her attention just now when Ji Wufeng fell into her.

I have to say that when a man exudes the vicissitudes of life and desolation, it is undoubtedly very fatal to girls. What kind of man is the most attractive? Undoubtedly a man with a story.

And Ji Wufeng gave girls the impression that he was a man with a story, even though he was young, even younger than herself.

"Well, Hongliu is not a very wealthy place. You won't make much money working there. If you are interested, you can try Huajing. I have a relative who runs a construction company in Huajing. With your salary If I introduce the conditions, it should be no problem to go to the construction site to pick up a mud bucket and move bricks or something."

When the man with the eyes said these words, his eyes glanced at the girl from time to time. Just as he expected, the girl was attracted by his words. Her beautiful big eyes stared at Ji Wufeng without blinking, which was a bit sympathetic. smell.

Ji Wufeng suddenly had a dark look on his face, and he opened his mouth and said: "Damn it, you just pick up girls, why did you drag me with you?"

The bespectacled man was immediately confused by Ji Wufeng's words. He opened his mouth in shock for a long time without saying anything.

The long-haired girl next to her also had a blushing face, biting her thin lips as if she was hesitant to speak.

"You...what are you talking nonsense about? Who wants to date...that her?" He said angrily with eyes stammering.

"Am I talking nonsense?"

Ji Wufeng sneered: "If you don't want to date her, why are you chatting with her? If you don't want to date her, why do you say that you have relatives who work in construction in Huajing? You even said you want to help me, are you trying to show off? Show your strength and your compassion?"

The bespectacled man's face turned the color of pig liver, and he quibbled: "I talked to her, but we were relatively close. I only said that to help you. Don't be ignorant of good people's hearts."

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes, pointed at the big-faced girl on the other side of the man with glasses and said: "Close distance? Why do I feel that this beauty is closer to you? Don't you know the heart of a good person? You want to sleep with someone else, and why? Say you are a good person and have good intentions?”

As soon as these words came out, the big-faced girl was a little unhappy, why did she involve me? Do you mean to say that I am not as beautiful as others?

As for the long-haired girl, when she heard the word "go to bed", her face turned red with embarrassment and she glared at Ji Wufeng angrily. Why does this person speak so hooliganally?

"you you……"

The man with glasses was speechless by Ji Wufeng's words. He rolled his eyes in anger and almost fainted.

"What am I?"

Ji Wufeng looked contemptuous and said: "Picking up girls is a technical job. If you don't know how to master it, don't fucking embarrass yourself everywhere!"

If he could faint, the man with glasses would definitely choose to faint at this time. This bastard's mouth is too poisonous.

Ji Wufeng turned his head and stopped looking at him. If he didn't use him as a reference for picking up girls, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to him and waste his saliva.

r\u003e After Ji Wufeng made such a fuss, the man with glasses became completely honest. The long-haired girl, who was already very quiet, did not speak anymore. The carriage remained silent until the train arrived at the station.

After getting off the train, it was already getting late. Ji Wufeng looked for a tricycle directly. Qishan was a small city. There were not even taxis. There were only motorized tricycles, and they were very few.

"Master, do you know Baishiwo Village?" Ji Wufeng asked.

The tricycle driver said: "I know, but the distance is quite far, it's dark, and the road is not easy to walk. The price may be a bit more expensive, twenty yuan, can we go?"

"No problem, let's go!"

"Okay, sit down."

After the tricycle started, just a few steps away, Ji Wufeng saw the long-haired girl on the train looking anxiously through her bag, but there was an obvious cut on her bag by a razor blade.

Ji Wufeng guessed that she must have encountered a pickpocket, and all the valuables in her bag were probably stolen. However, what did he care about?

At this moment, several arrogant young people gathered around and said with a smile: "Sister, what's going on? Do you need help from your brothers?"

These young men looked like hooligans at first glance. The long-haired girl was immediately frightened and backed away, saying: "Thank you, no need."

"You're welcome. Looking at you like this, you must have encountered a thief, right? Come on, brother will take you to dinner and notify your family early tomorrow morning to pick you up."

After saying that, a young man stretched out his hand to pull the long-haired girl.

Ji Wufeng was confused for a moment, he really didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but this long-haired girl fell into the hands of these brats, and her whole life was very likely to be ruined.

Damn it, why do bloody plots about heroes saving beauties always happen to me? Is it because I’m handsome?

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