The mighty dragon envoy looked at Ji Wufeng with a pleading look on his face.

Ji Wufeng took a step forward, grabbed the Snow Dragon Envoy's wrist, checked it, frowned and said: "If it's poisoning, I can save her, but this genetic thing is not my expertise, I can't save her. she."

After hearing this, the expression of disappointment suddenly appeared on the face of the mighty dragon envoy. Looking at the snow dragon envoy, he said in pain: "Why? Why is God so unfair? He won't even give us a choice?"

The Snow Dragon envoy held his hand and said with a smile: "Brother, it doesn't matter. You have always treated me as your biological sister for so many years, and I am satisfied with it."

"Hey, hey, don't act like you're about to die, okay? I can't save you, and I didn't say that others can't." Ji Wufeng shouted.

The Dragon Envoy shook his head and said: "It's impossible. You are the first person I have ever seen who can control our self-destruction. If even you can't dissolve the power in our bodies, who else can help us?"

"What if it's the person who developed the genetic medicine?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"You mean Lord Dragon King? How could he help us resolve it?"

"I don't know if your Lord Dragon King has this ability, but I know that the genetic medicine was definitely not developed by him, and that person definitely cannot be your Lord Dragon King."

Ji Wufeng had known for a long time that Ye Linglong was already researching this kind of genetic drug. Ye Linglong went to Yuzhou to investigate the matter.

The genetic medicine on the Black Dragon and Tianlong Eight Generals was actually so similar to Ye Linglong's. He didn't believe that there was another terrifying genius on the same level as Ye Linglong, and the things he developed were the same.

There is no doubt that someone definitely stole Black Dragon's genetic medicine from Ye Linglong, not only the genetic medicine, but also the research results of the undead warriors he obtained from the Wushen Group.

"Do you know who developed it?"

The mighty dragon envoy looked surprised, and the snow dragon envoy also looked very excited. No one in the world is not afraid of death, and beautiful women also want to live a few more years.

"You can rest assured about this. I think she will be very willing to help you, but I don't know if she can help you. Maybe she hasn't even found a solution."

He can ask Ye Linglong to help, but he is not sure that Ye Linglong can solve it. If Ye Linglong has found a way to solve the side effects of genetic drugs, I believe it will be widely promoted.

"It doesn't matter. It's always good to have a little hope. Even if you really have to die by then, there's nothing to regret." The Dragon Envoy said fairly openly.

"Okay, I have agreed to your terms, now it's your turn." Ji Wufeng said.

Weilong's face immediately became solemn and said: "If you want to know who the Dragon King is, I'm sorry, because even I don't know his exact identity."

It's not that the mighty dragon envoy refuses to say it, but that even he has never seen the true face of the Dragon King. The Dragon King always wears a dragon-shaped mask when he appears.

Ji Wufeng frowned slightly, trying so hard to find out the Dragon King, but in the end, even the mighty dragon envoy didn't know the Dragon King's true identity.

"Then tell me about Snake Cave, the relationship between Black Dragon and Gu Tianyang." Ji Wufeng said.

"Both Snake Cave and Black Dragon belong to the same organization, but in fact, there are seven major organizations besides this, all serving this organization. Unfortunately, we don't know about the other seven major organizations." Weilong said.

Is it really the resurgence of the Hydra? If it is true, then aren't the nine major organizations in total the nine heads of the Hydra?

"As for the relationship with Gu Tianyang, all I can tell you is that Gu Tianyang is just the executor, definitely not the decision-maker!" Weilong said.

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly froze. Could it be that people like Gu Tianyang were just following orders?

If this is the case, then the person behind it is either extremely powerful or extremely powerful. Otherwise, he will never be able to control someone like Gu Tianyang.

"Last question, why did Black Dragon attack Tang Huanxin in the first place?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Tang Huanxin is not the enemy of Black Dragon. He is just a hired hand to deal with her."

"who is it?"

"We are just following orders, but I am certain that the person who wants to kill Tang Huanxin is from Shanghai."

Ji Wufeng knew there was nothing more he could ask, so he said, "You guys rush to Huajing immediately and make this call when you get there."

He told the Dragon Envoy Ye Linglong's phone number. Now the two of them can no longer go back to Black Dragon. They must find Ye Linglong as soon as possible, otherwise their lives will not be saved.

"You won't kill me?" Weilong asked.

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "Why should I kill you? You can't beat me."

Weilong was speechless for a while, but although his words were irritating, there was nothing wrong with him at all.

As the two walked out of the room, the Snow Dragon Messenger suddenly turned around and said, "Thank you, Tong Xin is my real name."

real name?

Ji Wufeng touched his chin, why did he tell himself his real name when he had nothing to do? I didn't ask you, do you have a crush on me? Tsk tsk, no wonder my mother wanted to make me so handsome, so I don’t have to worry about finding a daughter-in-law.

Lu Shuangshuang had been sleeping, but when she woke up, she found herself lying on the sofa at Ji Wufeng's house in Guangzhou.

Ji Wufeng thought that since he had already returned to Guangzhou, he would just stay at home for a few days.

"Sister Shuangshuang, you're awake, great, great!" Ji Yanran clapped her hands and shouted excitedly.

At this time, Ji Wufeng's grandmother Zhou Lan also came over and said with a smile: "You must be hungry, right? I have prepared all the meals, all of which are your favorites."

Lu Shuangshuang's nose became sore and tears flowed out. These people had no blood relationship with her, but they treated her as a relative, while her real relatives treated her...

"Sister, why are you crying?" Ji Yanran took her arm and asked.

Lin Weiguo also sighed and said: "Silly boy, Xiaofeng has told me everything about you, let the past be bygones."

Zhou Lan hugged her and said distressedly: "If you don't dislike me as an old woman, you will be my granddaughter from now on."

"Grandma!" Lu Shuangshuang hugged Zhou Lan and cried loudly.

"Okay, okay, don't cry anymore. Your godmother will be back from get off work later. Let's get ready to eat, otherwise it will get cold later."

Qin Yi came back from get off work and was naturally overjoyed to see her son and goddaughter back.

But before he could sit down, he grabbed Ji Wufeng's ears and said viciously: "You little bastard, if you don't attend school properly, will you be expelled if you come back at this time?"

"It's okay, mom, please spare my life..." Ji Wufeng shouted. The mighty dragon envoy looked at Ji Wufeng with a pleading look on his face.

Ji Wufeng took a step forward, grabbed the Snow Dragon Envoy's wrist, checked it, frowned and said: "If it's poisoning, I can save her, but this genetic thing is not my expertise, I can't save her. she."

After hearing this, the expression of disappointment suddenly appeared on the face of the mighty dragon envoy. Looking at the snow dragon envoy, he said in pain: "Why? Why is God so unfair? He won't even give us a choice?"

The Snow Dragon envoy held his hand and said with a smile: "Brother, it doesn't matter. You have always treated me as your biological sister for so many years, and I am satisfied with it."

"Hey, hey, don't act like you're about to die, okay? I can't save you, and I didn't say that others can't." Ji Wufeng shouted.

The Dragon Envoy shook his head and said: "It's impossible. You are the first person I have ever seen who can control our self-destruction. If even you can't dissolve the power in our bodies, who else can help us?"

"What if it's the person who developed the genetic medicine?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"You mean Lord Dragon King? How could he help us resolve it?"

"I don't know if your Lord Dragon King has this ability, but I know that the genetic medicine was definitely not developed by him, and that person definitely cannot be your Lord Dragon King."

Ji Wufeng had known for a long time that Ye Linglong was already researching this kind of genetic drug. Ye Linglong went to Yuzhou to investigate the matter.

The genetic medicine on the Black Dragon and Tianlong Eight Generals was actually so similar to Ye Linglong's. He didn't believe that there was another terrifying genius on the same level as Ye Linglong, and the things he developed were the same.

There is no doubt that someone definitely stole Black Dragon's genetic medicine from Ye Linglong, not only the genetic medicine, but also the research results of the undead warriors he obtained from the Wushen Group.

"Do you know who developed it?"

The mighty dragon envoy looked surprised, and the snow dragon envoy also looked very excited. No one in the world is not afraid of death, and beautiful women also want to live a few more years.

"You can rest assured about this. I think she will be very willing to help you, but I don't know if she can help you. Maybe she hasn't even found a solution."

He can ask Ye Linglong to help, but he is not sure that Ye Linglong can solve it. If Ye Linglong has found a way to solve the side effects of genetic drugs, I believe it will be widely promoted.

"It doesn't matter. It's always good to have a little hope. Even if you really have to die then, there's nothing to regret." The Dragon Envoy said fairly openly.

"Okay, I have agreed to your terms, now it's your turn." Ji Wufeng said.

Weilong's expression immediately became solemn and he said: "If you want to know who the Dragon King is, I'm sorry, because even I don't know his exact identity."

It's not that the mighty dragon envoy refuses to say it, but that even he has never seen the true face of the Dragon King. The Dragon King always wears a dragon-shaped mask when he appears.

Ji Wufeng frowned slightly, trying so hard to find out the Dragon King, but in the end, even the mighty dragon envoy didn't know the Dragon King's true identity.

"Then tell me about Snake Cave, the relationship between Black Dragon and Gu Tianyang." Ji Wufeng said.

"Snake Cave and Black Dragon both belong to the same organization, but in fact, there are seven major organizations in addition to them, all of which serve this organization. Unfortunately, we don't know about the other seven major organizations." Weilong said.

Is it really the resurgence of the Hydra? If it is true, then aren't the nine major organizations in total the nine heads of the Hydra?

"As for the relationship with Gu Tianyang, all I can tell you is that Gu Tianyang is just the executor, definitely not the decision-maker!" Weilong said.

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly froze. Could it be that people like Gu Tianyang were just following orders?

If this is the case, then the person behind it is either extremely powerful or extremely powerful. Otherwise, he will never be able to control someone like Gu Tianyang.

"Last question, why did Black Dragon attack Tang Huanxin in the first place?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Tang Huanxin is not the enemy of Black Dragon. He is just a hired hand to deal with her."

"who is it?"

"We are just following orders, but I am certain that the person who wants to kill Tang Huanxin is from Shanghai."

Ji Wufeng knew there was nothing more he could ask, so he said, "You guys rush to Huajing immediately and make this call when you get there."

He told the Dragon Envoy Ye Linglong's phone number. Now the two of them can no longer go back to Black Dragon. They must find Ye Linglong as soon as possible, otherwise their lives will not be saved.

"You won't kill me?" Weilong asked.

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "Why should I kill you? You can't beat me."

Weilong was speechless for a while, but although his words were irritating, there was nothing wrong with him at all.

As the two walked out of the room, the Snow Dragon Messenger suddenly turned around and said, "Thank you, Tong Xin is my real name."

real name?

Ji Wufeng touched his chin, why did he tell himself his real name when he had nothing to do? I didn't ask you, do you have a crush on me? Tsk tsk, no wonder my mother wanted to make me so handsome, so I don’t have to worry about finding a daughter-in-law.

Lu Shuangshuang had been sleeping, but when she woke up, she found herself lying on the sofa at Ji Wufeng's house in Guangzhou.

Ji Wufeng thought that since he had already returned to Guangzhou, he would just stay at home for a few days.

"Sister Shuangshuang, you're awake, great, great!" Ji Yanran clapped her hands and shouted excitedly.

At this time, Ji Wufeng's grandmother Zhou Lan also came over and said with a smile: "You must be hungry, right? I have prepared all the meals, all of which are your favorites."

Lu Shuangshuang's nose became sore and tears flowed out. These people had no blood relationship with her, but they treated her as a relative, while her real relatives treated her...

"Sister, why are you crying?" Ji Yanran took her arm and asked.

Lin Weiguo also sighed and said: "Silly boy, Xiaofeng has told me everything about you, let the past be bygones."

Zhou Lan hugged her and said distressedly: "If you don't dislike me as an old woman, you will be my granddaughter from now on."

"Grandma!" Lu Shuangshuang hugged Zhou Lan and cried loudly.

"Okay, okay, don't cry anymore. Your godmother will be back from get off work later. Let's get ready to eat, otherwise it will get cold later."

Qin Yi came back from get off work and was naturally overjoyed to see her son and goddaughter back.

But before he could sit down, he grabbed Ji Wufeng's ears and said viciously: "You little bastard, if you don't attend school properly, will you be expelled if you come back at this time?"

"It's okay, mom, please spare my life..." Ji Wufeng shouted.

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