Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 661 Can anyone like this kind of stuff?

"Then get in the car!"

Yu Chuchu immediately ran to a very ordinary domestic car. Qihang Hospital was almost founded by Yu Guozhi. There were a large number of shares in it and there was no shortage of money. Yu Chuchu actually drove such a cheap car, which made Ji Wufeng hate it. She added a lot of goodwill.

Although it is cheap, it is domestically produced. Whether Yu Chuchu is diligent, thrifty and low-key, or supports domestically produced products, they are all of good quality.

Ji Wufeng sat down on the passenger seat, and Yu Chuchu said: "Hey, you won't let me drive, will you?"

"If it wasn't you, would it still be me?" Ji Wufeng spread his hands and said.

Yu Chuchu said angrily: "You go out with a beautiful woman and let her drive. Are you still not a man?"

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. Does being a man have anything to do with whether he can drive or not? Of course I am a man, and I am very manly. Do you want to find a bed and try it out?

The two were driving, and Yu Chuchu suddenly said: "Why don't you call?"

"What are you calling?"

"Call someone, don't tell me, you plan to teach Shi Chao a lesson just for the two of us."

"No need, I know martial arts, I will beat him until he has teeth all over the floor." Ji Wufeng clenched his fist and made a very strong gesture.

Yu Chuchu had a dark look on her face, but she didn't say much. Anyway, the two of them were not good people. It just happened to let them bite each other, and she would be happy whoever lost.

When the car stopped, Ji Wufeng discovered that he had reached Guanfang Garden and couldn't help but ask: "You didn't say that that kid was here, right?"

"That bastard ran here if he had nothing to do. He will definitely be inside during this time. Uh, oh no, how do we get in? You need a membership card to get in, and I don't have one."

Yu Chuchu suddenly thought of a very important question. With her worth, of course she knew Guanfang Garden, but the Yu family had a strict family tradition. If Yu Guozhi knew that she was a member here, she would probably be kicked out of the Yu family immediately.

Ji Wufeng said coaxingly: "It doesn't matter, come with me. I rely on my face to make a living. This face is the supreme card here. Who dares not to let me in!"

Yu Chuchu rolled her eyes at him and said, "Don't make drafts when you're bragging. Be careful, people will kick you out."

"Hey, are you going to kick me out? Just follow me."

After saying that, Ji Wufeng got out of the car and walked towards the gate of Guanfang Garden. Yu Chuchu thought for a moment and followed her. If Ji Wufeng was kicked out, she could just watch the excitement.

When the two doormen saw a domestic car driving over, they felt a burst of contempt in their hearts. Who of the people who came here to spend money didn't come in a luxury car? Can you afford the crappy car you drive here?

After seeing the person in the car approaching, the two doormen puffed up their chests and asked him if he had a membership card. If he didn't, he would immediately leave.

Yu Chuchu followed Ji Wufeng, and sure enough, Ji Wufeng was stopped by two doormen, who said with a serious face: "I'm sorry, sir, ours is a membership-only private club, and no one else is allowed in."

Ji Wufeng felt so depressed that he still expected Uncle Dan, but unexpectedly the two doormen had changed and didn't recognize him.

"Hahaha..." Yu Chuchu looked at Ji Wufeng's expression as if he had eaten a dead fly and couldn't help laughing.

"Sir, if you didn't

If you have a membership card, please leave. "The two doormen now concluded that Ji Wufeng did not have a membership card. If he had, he would have taken it out long ago.

"Master Feng!"

Suddenly someone shouted in surprise, and saw a young man wearing a manager's uniform trotting over and said respectfully: "Master Feng, you came without notifying me in advance, so I can come out to pick you up!"

"There's nothing we can do. This is a private club. No one is allowed in without a membership card." Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said.

Ji Wufeng knew this person, he was one of the previous doormen, but this guy got promoted and became a manager.

When the manager heard this, his eyes suddenly widened and he yelled angrily at the two doormen: "You bastards, you are really blind. You don't even recognize Master Feng. Does he still use his membership card to come here?"

The two doormen suddenly turned pale with fright, fell to their knees on the ground with a plop, and begged for mercy: "Master Feng, please forgive me, our dog's eyes cannot recognize Taishan, and we did not recognize you..."

When the two doormen came, the first point in the staff training was that several people must be raised as their own grandfathers. The first one on the list was Master Feng. They have always kept it in mind, but they never thought of it. The famous Young Master Feng will drive over in a broken domestic car.

Yu Chuchu's expression looked like she had seen a ghost. Her mouth was opened so wide that you could see the little tongue in her throat.

Seeing Yu Chuchu's shocked expression, Ji Wufeng's mood suddenly brightened, little girl, I told you to look down on me, are you dumbfounded now?

So, Ji Wufeng said very generously: "Forget it, I'll spare you this time, but remember next time, people who drive domestic cars are not necessarily poor, they may just be low-key."

"Young Master Feng is so generous this time. Next time I will dig out your eyes. You don't even know Young Master Feng, so why do you need eyes?"

After the young manager scolded him fiercely, he nodded and bowed to Ji Wufeng and said, "Master Feng, please come in quickly. There are a lot of good guys here this time, and they are all very smart. Do you want to call a few for you?"

Ji Wufeng saw Chu Chu's funny expression and couldn't help but want to tease her, so he pointed at her and said, "No, I'll bring it myself."

When the young manager heard this, he immediately said: "Haha, I'll save it for Master Feng for next time."

When Yu Chuchu heard this, she was so angry that her eyes were about to explode. This bastard actually said that she was a young lady, and was about to go up to find Ji Wufeng to cause trouble, but she heard the manager whisper in a low voice: "It's really strange, a person like Master Feng How come you can even look at this kind of stuff?"


Yu Chuchu was immediately speechless. If he hadn't been born into a family of famous doctors and was in great health, he would have probably vomited blood on the spot. What do you mean, uncle, you are such a thing? Do you mean that I am not as good as the lady in your store?

Just as he was about to curse, Ji Wufeng had already walked in, and the manager quickly followed.

As soon as he entered the door, the manager shouted loudly: "Please cheer up, Master Feng is here, everyone please serve me well!"

Ji Wufeng immediately said: "No need to say anything, check someone for me and see if he is there. If he is, tell me which box he is in."

After saying Shi Chao's name, the manager quickly found it and said: "I found it. He is now in box 206, but he is not qualified to be a member here. He came with Zeng Yulin." Then get in the car!"

Yu Chuchu immediately ran to a very ordinary domestic car. Qihang Hospital was almost founded by Yu Guozhi. There were a large number of shares in it and there was no shortage of money. Yu Chuchu actually drove such a cheap car, which made Ji Wufeng hate it. She added a lot of goodwill.

Although it is cheap, it is domestically produced. Whether Yu Chuchu is diligent, thrifty and low-key, or supports domestically produced products, they are all of good quality.

Ji Wufeng sat down on the passenger seat, and Yu Chuchu said: "Hey, you won't let me drive, will you?"

"If it wasn't you, would it still be me?" Ji Wufeng spread his hands and said.

Yu Chuchu said angrily: "You go out with a beautiful woman and let her drive. Are you still not a man?"

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. Does being a man have anything to do with whether he can drive or not? Of course I am a man, and I am very manly. Do you want to find a bed and try it out?

The two were driving, and Yu Chuchu suddenly said: "Why don't you call?"

"What are you calling?"

"Call someone, don't tell me, you plan to teach Shi Chao a lesson just for the two of us."

"No need, I know martial arts, I will beat him until he has teeth all over the floor." Ji Wufeng clenched his fist and made a very strong gesture.

Yu Chuchu had a dark look on her face, but she didn't say much. Anyway, the two of them were not good people. It just happened to let them bite each other, and she would be happy whoever lost.

When the car stopped, Ji Wufeng discovered that he had reached Guanfang Garden and couldn't help but ask: "You didn't say that that kid was here, right?"

"That bastard ran here if he had nothing to do. He will definitely be inside during this time. Uh, oh no, how do we get in? You need a membership card to get in, and I don't have one."

Yu Chuchu suddenly thought of a very important question. With her worth, of course she knew Guanfang Garden, but the Yu family had a strict family tradition. If Yu Guozhi knew that she was a member here, she would probably be kicked out of the Yu family immediately.

Ji Wufeng said coaxingly: "It doesn't matter, come with me. I rely on my face to make a living. This face is the supreme card here. Who dares not to let me in!"

Yu Chuchu rolled her eyes at him and said, "Don't make drafts when you're bragging. Be careful, people will kick you out."

"Hey, are you going to kick me out? Just follow me."

After saying that, Ji Wufeng got out of the car and walked towards the gate of Guanfang Garden. Yu Chuchu thought for a moment and followed her. If Ji Wufeng was kicked out, she could just watch the excitement.

When the two doormen saw a domestic car driving over, they felt a burst of contempt in their hearts. Who of the people who came here to spend money didn't come in a luxury car? Can you afford the crappy car you drive here?

After seeing the person in the car approaching, the two doormen puffed up their chests and asked him if he had a membership card. If he didn't, he would immediately leave.

Yu Chuchu followed Ji Wufeng, and sure enough, Ji Wufeng was stopped by two doormen, who said with a serious face: "I'm sorry, sir, ours is a membership-only private club, and no one else is allowed in."

Ji Wufeng felt so depressed that he still expected Uncle Dan, but unexpectedly the two doormen had changed and didn't recognize him.

"Hahaha..." Yu Chuchu looked at Ji Wufeng's expression as if he had eaten a dead fly and couldn't help laughing.

"Sir, if you didn't

If you have a membership card, please leave. "The two doormen now concluded that Ji Wufeng did not have a membership card. If he had, he would have taken it out long ago.

"Master Feng!"

Suddenly someone shouted in surprise, and saw a young man wearing a manager's uniform trotting over and said respectfully: "Master Feng, you came without notifying me in advance, so I can come out to pick you up!"

"There's nothing we can do. This is a private club. No one is allowed in without a membership card." Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said.

Ji Wufeng knew this person, he was one of the doormen before, but this guy got promoted and became the manager.

When the manager heard this, his eyes suddenly widened and he yelled angrily at the two doormen: "You bastards, you are really blind. You don't even recognize Master Feng. Does he still use his membership card to come here?"

The two doormen suddenly turned pale with fright, fell to their knees on the ground with a plop, and begged for mercy: "Master Feng, please forgive me, our dog's eyes cannot recognize Taishan, and we did not recognize you..."

When the two doormen came, the first point in the staff training was that several people must be raised as their own grandfathers. The first one on the list was Master Feng. They have always kept it in mind, but they never thought of it. The famous Young Master Feng will drive over in a broken domestic car.

Yu Chuchu's expression looked like she had seen a ghost. Her mouth was opened so wide that you could see the little tongue in her throat.

Seeing Yu Chuchu's shocked expression, Ji Wufeng's mood suddenly brightened, little girl, I told you to look down on me, are you dumbfounded now?

So, Ji Wufeng said very generously: "Forget it, I'll spare you this time, but remember next time, people who drive domestic cars are not necessarily poor, they may just be low-key."

"Young Master Feng is so generous this time. Next time I will dig out your eyes. You don't even know Young Master Feng, so why do you need eyes?"

After the young manager scolded him fiercely, he nodded and bowed to Ji Wufeng and said, "Master Feng, please come in quickly. There are a lot of good guys here this time, and they are all very smart. Do you want to call a few for you?"

Ji Wufeng saw Chu Chu's funny expression and couldn't help but want to tease her, so he pointed at her and said, "No, I'll bring it myself."

When the young manager heard this, he immediately said: "Haha, I'll save it for Master Feng for next time."

When Yu Chuchu heard this, she was so angry that her eyes were about to explode. This bastard actually said that she was a young lady, and was about to go up to find Ji Wufeng to cause trouble, but she heard the manager whisper in a low voice: "It's really strange, a person like Master Feng How come you can even look at this kind of stuff?"


Yu Chuchu was immediately speechless. If he hadn't been born into a family of famous doctors and was in great health, he would have probably vomited blood on the spot. What do you mean, uncle, you are such a thing? Do you mean that I am not as good as the lady in your store?

Just as he was about to curse, Ji Wufeng had already walked in, and the manager quickly followed.

As soon as he entered the door, the manager shouted loudly: "Please cheer up, Master Feng is here, everyone please serve me well!"

Ji Wufeng immediately said: "No need to say anything, check someone for me and see if he is there. If he is, tell me which box he is in."

After telling Shi Chao's name, the manager quickly found it and said: "I found it. He is now in box 206, but he is not qualified to be a member here. He came with Zeng Yulin."

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