Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 678: Nearly a Thousand Years of Disappointment

Qin Guofeng was furious and said: "Ji Wufeng, you are too presumptuous. Do you know the consequences of going against the law enforcers?"

Ji Wufeng looked a little surprised, and then said coldly: "I don't know the consequences of going against the law enforcers, but if you dare to stop me, I will first let you know the consequences of offending me, Ji Wufeng."

"You! Don't be too arrogant!"

Qin Guofeng's face turned red with anger, and out of arrogance, he wanted to take action against Ji Wufeng immediately.

But Chen Tienan, who was well aware of Ji Wufeng's terror, heard Ji Wufeng's murderous words and immediately grabbed Qin Guofeng and shouted: "You can't go and die!"

Ji Wufeng ignored Qin Guofeng who was disrupting the situation and appeared in front of Qianye Ming with just one step.

"If you dare to attack my people, you will die!"

After saying that, he slapped Qianye Ming's head with his left and right hands at the same time.

Qianye Ming's eyes suddenly burst out with a ferocious red light, and a cold and terrifying murderer's aura rose from his body, as if he had instantly turned into a man-eating beast.

Violent power burst out, and the muscles on Qianye Ming's body expanded instantly. His body was much stronger than before, and he was simply a humanoid beast!

When Ji Wufeng met for the first time, he realized that although Qianye Ming was not a warrior, he had an extremely powerful force in his body. He had hidden it for so long, and at the critical moment of life and death, he finally couldn't hide it anymore.

"What?" Qin Guofeng and others were stunned. They didn't expect Qianye Ming to suddenly turn into a monster.

"Jie Jie...Ji Wufeng, you are honored. You are the first person I killed after coming to Yuzhou!" Qianye Ming laughed ferociously.


Ji Wufeng's palm slapped Qianye Ming's chest hard, causing blood to splash everywhere. Ji Wufeng's chest was directly punched through, and even his heart was bombarded into a ball of flesh.

Qianye Ming's face was dull, and his eyes were filled with disbelief. No one knew his secret. This was his trump card and the means to save his life, so he never showed it.


But he didn't expect that it would be so funny when he showed up for the first time today. He thought he had the ability to fight back in any situation, but he died and was killed like a chicken by Ji Wufeng.

Chen Tienan let go of Qin Guofeng, who was completely stunned. Qin Guofeng, whose eyes were red and his whole body was stiff, seemed to be unable to believe that all this was happening under his nose.

Ji Wufeng turned around and asked Qin Guofeng, "How about it? I've finished killing him. If you want to die with him, I can help you."

After saying that, he turned around and left. Killing Qian Ye Ming was indeed very troublesome, but now that Qian Ye Ming's secret was revealed, no one dared to say anything.

After seeing Ji Wufeng's terrifying strength, no matter how angry Qin Guofeng was, as long as he still had a shred of sense, he would not be stupid enough to attack Ji Wufeng and said: "Ji Wufeng, you are too arrogant, you just wait for the punishment of the law enforcers and the Qianye family." Chase him."

Ji Wufeng had a look of disdain on his face. For the sake of the people he cared about, even if he was on the opposite side of the whole world, he would continue to move forward.

Suddenly, Lu Shuangshuang slowly walked towards Qianye Ming's body, squatted down and stared at it.

Just when everyone thought she was going to mourn for her former senior, they saw her reaching out to grab the flesh and blood on Qian Ye Ming's body, and her palms were covered in blood.

Lu Shuangshuang stood up and returned to Ji Wufeng, stretched out his palm and said with a smile: "Maybe I will never be able to kill people like you in this life, but if your hands must be stained with blood, I am willing to accompany you!"

Ji Wufeng was stunned, Chen Tienan and Tie Xin were stunned, and Qin Guofeng was even a little crazy!

Is this woman crazy?

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt pain in his heart. This woman would actually make such a choice. He suddenly remembered that a lover in the world of cultivation once said

One sentence: The blue sky is poor and the underworld is falling, and all the people are slaughtered but there is beauty!

A picture appeared in his mind. On the top of the cliff, Ji Wufeng's feet were littered with corpses and blood flowed into rivers. He said indifferently: "You go, there is no one to accompany me on the road I want to take, and I don't need anyone to accompany me." !”

The quiet girl stood behind him and said with firm eyes: "Why not? If you want to go to the Nine Heavens, I will accompany you to be the god who dominates everything. If you want to go down to the Nine Nether, I am willing to accompany you to be the demon god of all evil!"

The scene changed and Ji Wufeng was besieged and seriously injured.

"Hahaha... Hunyuan Immortal King, hand over the Hidden Dragon Ascension Technique, and I will spare your life!"

"You are just dreaming!" Ji Wufeng, who was covered in blood, said coldly.

"Then go die!"

The violent attack bombarded Ji Wufeng, and a beautiful figure rushed over and stood in front of Ji Wufeng, blocking all the attacks.

puff! .??.??

The beautiful shadow fell, and a rain of blood fell in the air.

Ji Wufeng held the peaceful girl in his arms. His heart, which had not moved for a thousand years, was trembling violently. He gently touched the blood on his cheek and said, "Why? Is it worth it?"

The girl stretched out her bloody palm to touch Ji Wufeng's cheek, and said with a smile: "Feng, if I'm sorry, it means I can't do anything for you? If I'm happy, it means I can die for you..."

The palm of his hand dropped, and tears fell from Ji Wufeng's eyes.


There was a roar that shook the sky, and Ji Wufeng, who was holding the body, blew himself up in endless sadness and anger.


A thousand years ago, Ji Wufeng's regret was that he could not protect his family and friends. After a thousand years of cultivation, his only regret was that a girl died for him, but he persisted in letting her down for nearly a thousand years.

He dodged and rushed to Lu Shuangshuang's side.

He held her tightly in his arms and pressed his mouth onto that cherry mouth!

Many girls around him have a soft spot for Ji Wufeng, but Ji Wufeng remains unmoved. Is he really a stone-hearted person?

Of course not, being emotionally hurt twice made Ji Wufeng fearful. Faced with the love that was so easily available, he never dared to go beyond the limit!

If he is unable to invest emotionally, he will not make any commitments, and naturally there will be no results.

In this case, why bother to increase your emotional intelligence and incur love debt?

However, Lu Shuangshuang let him know how wrong his idea was, and his persistence would only make him have more regrets.

After leaving Longtan Township, Qin Guofeng did not go with Tiexin and Chen Tienan. He sat in his car and dialed a number. Before he could speak, the other party asked: "Qianye Ming is dead?"

"Yes, dead. I saw Ji Wufeng kill Qianye Ming with my own eyes." Although there was no one in front of him, Qin Guofeng still sat upright when he spoke and his tone was respectful.

"Is there any evidence?"

"Yes, I have captured it all with a pinhole camera."

"Make two copies, keep one for yourself, hand one over, and pass the third copy to Chiba's family."


After hanging up the phone, Qin Guofeng had a sinister smile on his face. If the video of Ji Wufeng killing Qianye Ming was spread, whether it was seen by the law enforcers or the Qianye family, Ji Wufeng would be in constant trouble.

Ji Wufeng killed Qianye Ming, which aroused the anger of Sakura Temple. Those big bosses will definitely be furious, and it will be much easier to deal with Ji Wufeng.

After Lu Shuangshuang went upstairs, Gouhun rushed in with a group of people and quickly cleaned up the blood stains and corpses.

Ji Wufeng's face turned pale and he said with murderous intent: "Immediately start to strictly control Yuzhou. Anyone who enters Yuzhou and attempts to do anything improper will be killed without mercy!"

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