Suddenly everyone was angry, and the conference room felt like a storm was about to come, and the situation was tense.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ji Wufeng sneered in his heart, slaves are slaves, and only big mouths can convince them.

"Now let me announce something."

Ji Wufeng stood up, pointed at Tang Huanxin who was standing next to him, and said: "From now on, Miss Tang Huanxin will be the new CEO of Wushen Group. From now on, she will be in charge of the company! All major matters must be approved by her. OK."

Everyone's expressions changed drastically again. They did not expect that Ji Wufeng would be so forceful in arranging Tang Huanxin's involvement, and that any major affairs would have to go through Tang Huanxin. This was tantamount to a dictatorship.

Those who worked did not dare to say anything, but those shareholders who had shares were unwilling. One shareholder stood up and said: "Mr. Ji, although you are the largest shareholder, we also have decision-making power!"

Ji Wufeng looked at him and asked with a smile: "What's your name?"

The shareholder thought Ji Wufeng was afraid of him, so he said arrogantly: "My name is Yu Mingyang."

Ji Wufeng took out his phone and dialed a number and said, "Does Wushen Group have a small shareholder named Yu Mingyang? Kick him off the board of directors."

Less than ten seconds after he hung up, Yu Mingyang's phone rang. After he answered the call, his face suddenly turned pale, and he walked out of the conference room in despair.

In an instant, the entire conference room fell silent, looking at this young new boss with fear. He actually managed to defeat Yu Mingyang, who had a certain background in Yuzhou, in such a short period of time. If he wanted to crush them to death, Aren’t minor roles just like playing?

Seeing that such an idiot was finally not so stupid anymore, Ji Wufeng sneered: "There is only one rule in my company, and that is, only those who are capable will be chosen. No matter how qualified you are, if you have no ability or achievements, then I'm sorry, don't stand." If you don’t poop in the latrine, give me your seat!”

The faces of several department managers suddenly changed when they heard this. They were just so-called occupying the manhole and not doing anything. They really had no ability except to line their own pockets.

Ji Wufeng leaned on his chair and said, "It doesn't matter where you were born, even if you just entered the company today, or even if you haven't graduated from elementary school."

He pointed to Tang Huanxin beside him and said, "If you have the ability, her position can be given to you."

Hearing this, several young people in the corner immediately became excited and looked at the new boss, who had been a little hostile just now, with a fiery light in his eyes.

Ji Wufeng's eyes swept over the young people casually, stood up and said with a smile: "Okay, my meeting is over, now I will invite your new CEO to hold the first meeting with you."

Tang Huanxin unceremoniously sat in the seat where he had just been. His otherworldly and peerless appearance immediately made everyone's eyes brighten. It is always pleasant to work under such a beautiful boss, and the beauty is delicious.

Seeing the hot light in the eyes of those men, Tang Huanxin was furious. She was now wondering if Ji Wufeng had asked her to deliberately confuse these guys in front of her.

Opening his bag, he took out a pack of women's cigarettes and lit one, then he made an elegant gesture and said: "From today on, I will be in charge of the company. All the previous development plans of Wushen Group are invalid. I need you to come up with it." new

Plan comes out. "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned, including Ji Wufeng. Wushen Group had only been stationed in Yuzhou for a few months and had spent so much money on project development plans. Now Tang Huanxin actually said a word All invalidated.

You know, for the previous development plan, I don’t know how many connections were made and how many development talents were hired. The cost spent is estimated to be enough to open another medium-sized company.

Seeing Tang Huanxin look at him angrily, Ji Wufeng was speechless for a moment, damn, this woman must have done this on purpose.

Without waiting for the so-called executives to express their stance, Tang Huanxin looked at the time and said coldly: "Give you three hours to come up with a new development draft for me immediately. If you can't come up with it, all the development department staff will be fired! "


Tang Huanxin dropped a bomb. Damn, the development draft will be released in three hours. If they can't come up with it, they will all be fired. Isn't this a joke?

Ji Wufeng also smiled bitterly. Damn it, this woman can actually do more trouble than him, but since I have handed over the company to her, I can just let her go. Even if the Wushen Group is dismantled, it doesn't matter.

"The person who can come up with a draft before the time is up will be the new development manager, no matter who you are." Tang Huanxin added, looking at several young people.

These young people are the ones Ji Wufeng noticed just now. Since Tang Huanxin was going to take up the post, he naturally got to know the Wushen Group before coming. If he wanted to make the company bigger and stronger, these few A young person may be the capital for her to start.

"I protest, it's impossible to come up with a new development draft in three hours!" the manager of the development department stood up and said with a red face.

Other department managers also agreed with their faces. They could do the work that took others several months to complete within three hours. This was simply too difficult for others to do.

"Are you sure you can't take it out?" Tang Huanxin asked lightly.

"I'm sorry, no one can take it out. You are simply making things difficult for others." The development manager said angrily.

Tang Huanxin squinted his eyes and said, "In that case, you can leave. You will be fired from now on."

The development manager was immediately stunned. When he first came to Wushen Group, Qianye Ming spent a lot of money to invite him in person. He didn't expect that the CEO would fire him as soon as he came to power. Could it be that all beautiful women really have breasts? Brainless?

Seeing that he was still in a daze, Tang Huanxin said calmly: "I will give you thirty minutes to pack your things and leave the company immediately. I will ask the security to ask you out if you are responsible."

"You're cruel!" The development manager finally realized that Tang Huanxin was not joking, and left with a livid face and gritted his teeth.

Everyone in the conference room was stunned. What on earth did this woman want to do? He actually fired the development manager within ten minutes of taking office. What kind of trick is this?

Tang Huanxin leaned on the chair and said: "There are still two hours and fifty minutes. If you have a draft, please submit it as soon as possible. By the way, everyone has a say, including the aunt who is responsible for cleaning the toilet."

"President Tang!"

A young man sitting in the corner stood up with excitement on his face. At the same time, there were several other young people with faces full of excitement and eager to try! Suddenly everyone was angry, and the conference room felt like a storm was about to come, and the situation was tense.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ji Wufeng sneered in his heart, slaves are slaves, and only big mouths can convince them.

"Now let me announce something."

Ji Wufeng stood up, pointed at Tang Huanxin who was standing next to him, and said: "From now on, Miss Tang Huanxin will be the new CEO of Wushen Group. From now on, she will be in charge of the company! All major matters must be approved by her. OK."

Everyone's expressions changed drastically again. They did not expect that Ji Wufeng would be so forceful in arranging Tang Huanxin's involvement, and that any major affairs would have to go through Tang Huanxin. This was tantamount to a dictatorship.

Those who worked did not dare to say anything, but those shareholders who had shares were unwilling. One shareholder stood up and said: "Mr. Ji, although you are the largest shareholder, we also have decision-making power!"

Ji Wufeng looked at him and asked with a smile: "What's your name?" ??

The shareholder thought Ji Wufeng was afraid of him, so he said arrogantly: "My name is Yu Mingyang."

Ji Wufeng took out his phone and dialed a number and said, "Does Wushen Group have a small shareholder named Yu Mingyang? Kick him off the board of directors."

Less than ten seconds after he hung up, Yu Mingyang's phone rang. After he answered the call, his face suddenly turned pale, and he walked out of the conference room in despair.

In an instant, the entire conference room fell silent, looking at this young new boss with fear. He actually managed to defeat Yu Mingyang, who had a certain background in Yuzhou, in such a short period of time. If he wanted to crush them to death, Aren’t minor roles just like playing?

Seeing that such an idiot was finally not so stupid anymore, Ji Wufeng sneered: "There is only one rule in my company, and that is, only those who are capable will be chosen. No matter how qualified you are, if you have no ability or achievements, then I'm sorry, don't stand." If you don’t poop in the latrine, give me your seat!”

The faces of several department managers suddenly changed when they heard this. They were just so-called occupying the manhole and not doing anything. They really had no ability except to line their own pockets.

Ji Wufeng leaned on his chair and said, "It doesn't matter where you were born, even if you just entered the company today, or even if you haven't graduated from elementary school."

He pointed to Tang Huanxin beside him and said, "If you have the ability, her position can be given to you."

Hearing this, several young people in the corner immediately became excited and looked at the new boss, who had been a little hostile just now, with a fiery light in his eyes.

Ji Wufeng's eyes swept over the young people casually, stood up and said with a smile: "Okay, my meeting is over, now I will invite your new CEO to hold the first meeting with you."

Tang Huanxin unceremoniously sat in the seat where he had just been. His otherworldly and peerless appearance immediately made everyone's eyes brighten. It is always pleasant to work under such a beautiful boss, and the beauty is delicious.

Seeing the hot light in the eyes of those men, Tang Huanxin was furious. She was now wondering if Ji Wufeng had asked her to deliberately confuse these guys in front of her.

Opening his bag, he took out a pack of women's cigarettes and lit one, then he made an elegant gesture and said: "From today on, I will be in charge of the company. All the previous development plans of Wushen Group are invalid. I need you to come up with it." new

Plan comes out. "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned, including Ji Wufeng. Wushen Group had only been stationed in Yuzhou for a few months and had spent so much money on project development plans. Now Tang Huanxin actually said a word All invalidated.

You know, for the previous development plan, I don’t know how many connections were made and how many development talents were hired. The cost spent is estimated to be enough to open another medium-sized company.

Seeing Tang Huanxin look at him angrily, Ji Wufeng was speechless for a moment, damn, this woman must have done this on purpose.

Without waiting for the so-called executives to express their stance, Tang Huanxin looked at the time and said coldly: "Give you three hours to come up with a new development draft for me immediately. If you can't come up with it, all the development department staff will be fired! "


Tang Huanxin dropped a bomb. Damn, the development draft will be released in three hours. If they can't come up with it, they will all be fired. Isn't this a joke?

Ji Wufeng also smiled bitterly. Damn it, this woman can actually do more trouble than him, but since I have handed over the company to her, I can just let her go. Even if the Wushen Group is dismantled, it doesn't matter.

"The person who can come up with a draft before the time is up will be the new development manager, no matter who you are." Tang Huanxin added, looking at several young people.

These young people are the ones Ji Wufeng noticed just now. Since Tang Huanxin was going to take up the post, he naturally got to know the Wushen Group before coming. If he wanted to make the company bigger and stronger, these few A young person may be the capital for her to start.

"I protest, it's impossible to come up with a new development draft in three hours!" the manager of the development department stood up and said with a red face.

Other department managers also agreed with their faces. They could do the work that took others several months to complete in three hours. This was simply too difficult for others to do.

"Are you sure you can't take it out?" Tang Huanxin asked lightly.

"I'm sorry, no one can take it out. You are simply making things difficult for others." The development manager said angrily.

Tang Huanxin squinted his eyes and said, "In that case, you can leave. You will be fired from now on."

The development manager was immediately stunned. When he first came to Wushen Group, Qianye Ming spent a lot of money to invite him in person. He didn't expect that the CEO would fire him as soon as he came to power. Could it be that all beautiful women really have breasts? Brainless?

Seeing that he was still in a daze, Tang Huanxin said calmly: "I will give you thirty minutes to pack your things and leave the company immediately. I will ask the security to ask you out if you are responsible."

"You're cruel!" The development manager finally realized that Tang Huanxin was not joking, and left with a livid face and gritted his teeth.

Everyone in the conference room was stunned. What on earth did this woman want to do? He actually fired the development manager within ten minutes of taking office. What kind of trick is this?

Tang Huanxin leaned on the chair and said: "There are still two hours and fifty minutes. If you have a draft, please submit it as soon as possible. By the way, everyone has a say, including the aunt who is responsible for cleaning the toilet."

"President Tang!"

A young man sitting in the corner stood up with excitement on his face. At the same time, there were several other young people with faces full of excitement and eager to try!

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