
The man in black who was in front of him was struck back by his dagger, and the not-so-tall man in the peaked hat rushed out quickly with Tang Xinyu on his back.

Ji Wufeng secretly cursed despicably. The guy who caught Tang Xinyu didn't want to negotiate at all, but wanted a human shield to prevent someone from shooting him behind the back when he was running away.

Tang Xinyu is the eldest lady of the Tang family. Many people know her identity. Lu Zifeng naturally knows it too. His face immediately became solemn and he said coldly: "Chase her!"

If something happens to Tang Xinyu, Lu Zifeng will be involved. If the Tang family gets into trouble, it will be a big trouble.

"You go back first, I have something to do." Ji Wufeng said to Ye Xixi.

Upon hearing this, Ye Xixi said with a threatening face: "It's OK to save people, but you absolutely can't have an affair with her."

Ji Wufeng said depressedly: "Don't worry, although I am a legend, not everyone can pick him up."

He got out of the car and said to Lu Zifeng: "Recruit all your people and help me send Xixi back."

With Seduction around, that peaked cap can't escape, and Lu Zifeng's people are gone in vain. It's better to recruit them back and rest.

When Lu Zifeng heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and called his men back without hesitation. As his contact with Ji Wufeng became deeper and deeper, he became more and more frightened by Ji Wufeng's strength. He was willing to take action. Things will be much easier to handle.

After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, he turned around and jumped off the cliff on the roadside, disappearing into the night.

With the peaked cap on his shoulders, he was running wildly, but no one was catching up. No matter how calm he was, Tang Xinyu felt a little scared. If this bastard really escaped, it would be over.

She was not worried that she would be killed, but that she was worried that this bastard would have a wrong idea about her after the crisis was over. After all, men were lustful, so she still had a certain degree of confidence in her beauty.

After this bastard gets to a safe place, even if he doesn't kill her, if he doesn't take a bite of such a beautiful woman, is he still a man? Isn't it free if you don't eat?

In this situation, only Ji Wufeng can save her, but will he come?

Tang Xinyu smiled bitterly. Ji Wufeng might have taken her seriously before, but now with his identity and status, would he put himself in danger to save himself?

Ji Wufeng chased for a while and saw Gouhun twisting a man and waiting there. He threw the man to the ground and grinned with bared teeth: "Young Master, we've caught him."

"Two shots were fired and almost killed me." Ji Wufeng said with wide eyes.

"Haha, for this small role, I guess tickling the young master is not enough. How could it hurt the young master, let alone take your life." Gouhun waved his hands in embarrassment and smiled.


Ji Wufeng violently knocked on it and cursed: "I'm not afraid, but Ye Xixi's little girl has thin skin and tender flesh. If you scratch her skin or something, don't you mean to cause trouble for me?" ?"

Gouhun covered his head and ran around, shouting: "Don't fight, don't fight, I know I was wrong."

"Next time you make such a mistake, go back and train for a month."

Hearing the special training, Gouhun immediately shuddered. Damn it, where is the special training? That is obviously playing with people to death.

He lifted the fainted guy over and said seductively: "Master, how should we deal with him?"

Ji Wufeng looked at the man on the ground,

He asked in a cold tone: "Has the identity investigation been clear?"

"The investigation revealed that it is a small mercenary organization called Ghost. The scope of its activities is mainly in the Golden Triangle area. This time, because the Qianye family's 100 million hidden flowers were too tempting, they could not resist the temptation and came to Yuzhou to assassinate the young master." Gouhun said.

"Order Wu Chang to dispatch, tomorrow I will not leave any ghosts, chickens or dogs behind!"

Let Wu Chang take action? Gouhun couldn't help but feel a pang of condolences for those who wanted to go against Ji Wufeng!

"Where is there another person?" Ji Wufeng was referring to the cap who hijacked Tang Xinyu.

Gouhun said: "I have already asked someone to follow."

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "Tell me the location and let your people come back."

The peaked hat carried Tang Xinyu all the way, fighting in the rainforest mountains of the Golden Triangle for a long time. Carrying Tang Xinyu, who was not too heavy, was not too strenuous at all. He walked through the night like a cheetah.

But he didn't know what was going on. He always felt that there was someone following behind him, but how could this be possible? Running fast in the mountains, no one has ever caught up with him in the Golden Triangle.

It is said that there are so many masters in China, could it really happen that we just meet a nemesis so casually?

The two young men watched Tang Xinyu running in front of him with his peaked cap on his back. The two of them followed slowly behind and said impatiently: "It's true that the boss is seducing you. You can just catch such a little miscellaneous fish. Why are you following in circles all the time?" ?waste time!"

"Why are you anxious? Qianye Ming has been killed. Yuzhou is much more peaceful now. I've been having a bit of a tantrum these days, so just play with him."

At this moment, Ji Wufeng appeared in front of the two of them, and they immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "I've seen the young master!"

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "Get up, where is the person?"

"just in front."

"Are the people who were kidnapped okay?"


"Okay then, go back and leave this to me."

After the two young men left, Ji Wufeng chuckled and chased in the direction they pointed out.

The peaked cap, who had always felt that someone was following him, finally felt a sense of relief, and the sense of crisis in his heart was gone. His long-term escape experience told him that the person chasing him was finally thrown away by him.

Huh, what a bullshit Chinese master, a loser!

The peaked cap did not return to the city, and now Lu Zifeng has been alarmed. It is estimated that the road from the foot of the mountain into the city has been blocked by someone. If he goes down the mountain back to the city now, he will be trapped in a trap.

I found a relatively safe location and planned to wait until the next day to take off my disguise and return to the city.

, turned to look at Tang Xinyu beside him, his eyes suddenly glowed with heat. Just now he just grabbed a meat pad to prevent cold shots from being fired from behind, but he didn't expect that she was still a little beauty.

Ha, I am really lucky. I just survived a disaster, and now I am blessed with such beauty. If I don’t enjoy it with a beautiful woman next to me, wouldn’t I be an idiot?

Seeing that the light in the peaked cap's eyes turned green, Tang Xinyu's heart immediately tightened. It's over. Is what she was worried about still going to happen?

"What do you want to do?" Tang Xinyu covered her chest with her hands and wanted to retreat in panic.

The peaked cap chuckled and said: "Beauty, if we don't have some fun, wouldn't we have wasted such a good opportunity?" Clang!

The man in black who was in front of him was struck back by his dagger, and the not-so-tall man in the peaked hat rushed out quickly with Tang Xinyu on his back.

Ji Wufeng secretly cursed despicably. The guy who caught Tang Xinyu didn't want to negotiate at all, but wanted a human shield to prevent someone from shooting him behind the back when he was running away.

Tang Xinyu is the eldest lady of the Tang family. Many people know her identity. Lu Zifeng naturally knows it too. His face immediately became solemn and he said coldly: "Chase her!"

If something happens to Tang Xinyu, Lu Zifeng will be involved. If the Tang family gets into trouble, it will be a big trouble.

"You go back first, I have something to do." Ji Wufeng said to Ye Xixi.

Upon hearing this, Ye Xixi said with a threatening face: "It's OK to save people, but you absolutely can't have an affair with her."

Ji Wufeng said depressedly: "Don't worry, although I am a legend, not everyone can pick him up."

He got out of the car and said to Lu Zifeng: "Recruit all your people and help me send Xixi back."

With Seduction around, that peaked cap can't escape, and Lu Zifeng's people are gone in vain. It's better to recruit them back and rest.

When Lu Zifeng heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and called his men back without hesitation. As his contact with Ji Wufeng became deeper and deeper, he became more and more frightened by Ji Wufeng's strength. He was willing to take action. Things will be much easier to handle.

After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, he turned around and jumped off the cliff on the roadside, disappearing into the night.

With the peaked cap on his shoulders, he was running wildly, but no one was catching up. No matter how calm he was, Tang Xinyu felt a little scared. If this bastard really escaped, it would be over.

She was not worried that she would be killed, but that she was worried that this bastard would have a wrong idea about her after the crisis was over. After all, men were lustful, so she still had a certain degree of confidence in her beauty.

After this bastard gets to a safe place, even if he doesn't kill her, if he doesn't take a bite of such a beautiful woman, is he still a man? Isn't it free if you don't eat?

In this situation, only Ji Wufeng can save her, but will he come?

Tang Xinyu smiled bitterly. Ji Wufeng might have taken her seriously before, but now with his identity and status, would he put himself in danger to save himself?

Ji Wufeng chased for a while and saw Gouhun twisting a man and waiting there. He threw the man to the ground and grinned with bared teeth: "Young Master, we've caught him."

"Two shots were fired and almost killed me." Ji Wufeng said with wide eyes.

"Haha, for this small role, I guess tickling the young master is not enough. How could it hurt the young master, let alone take your life." Gouhun waved his hands in embarrassment and smiled.


Ji Wufeng violently knocked on it and cursed: "I'm not afraid, but Ye Xixi's little girl has thin skin and tender flesh. If you scratch her skin or something, don't you mean to cause trouble for me?" ?"

Gouhun covered his head and ran around, shouting: "Don't fight, don't fight, I know I was wrong."

"Next time you make such a mistake, go back and train for a month."

Hearing the special training, Gouhun immediately shuddered. Damn it, where is the special training? That is obviously playing with people to death.

He lifted the fainted guy over and said seductively: "Master, how should we deal with him?"

Ji Wufeng looked at the man on the ground,

He asked in a cold tone: "Has the identity investigation been clear?"

"The investigation revealed that it is a small mercenary organization called Ghost. The scope of its activities is mainly in the Golden Triangle area. This time, because the Qianye family's 100 million hidden flowers were too tempting, they could not resist the temptation and came to Yuzhou to assassinate the young master." Gouhun said.

"Order Wu Chang to dispatch, tomorrow I will not leave any ghosts, chickens or dogs behind!"

Let Wu Chang take action? Gouhun couldn't help but feel a pang of condolences for those who wanted to go against Ji Wufeng!

"Where is there another person?" Ji Wufeng was referring to the cap who hijacked Tang Xinyu.

Gouhun said: "I have already asked someone to follow."

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "Tell me the location and let your people come back."

The peaked hat carried Tang Xinyu all the way, fighting in the rainforest mountains of the Golden Triangle for a long time. Carrying Tang Xinyu, who was not too heavy, was not too strenuous at all. He walked through the night like a cheetah.

But he didn't know what was going on. He always felt that there was someone following behind him, but how could this be possible? Running fast in the mountains, no one has ever caught up with him in the Golden Triangle.

It is said that there are so many masters in China, could it really happen that we just meet a nemesis so casually?

The two young men watched Tang Xinyu running in front of him with his peaked cap on his back. The two of them followed slowly behind and said impatiently: "It's true that the boss is seducing you. You can just catch such a little miscellaneous fish. Why are you following in circles all the time?" ?waste time!"

"Why are you anxious? Qianye Ming has been killed. Yuzhou is much more peaceful now. I've been having a bit of a tantrum these days, so just play with him."

At this moment, Ji Wufeng appeared in front of the two of them, and they immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "I've seen the young master!"

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "Get up, where is the person?"

"just in front."

"Are the people who were kidnapped okay?"


"Okay then, go back and leave this to me."

After the two young men left, Ji Wufeng chuckled and chased in the direction they pointed out.

The peaked cap, who had always felt that someone was following him, finally felt a sense of relief, and the sense of crisis in his heart was gone. His long-term escape experience told him that the person chasing him was finally thrown away by him.

Huh, what a bullshit Chinese master, a loser!

The peaked cap did not return to the city, and now Lu Zifeng has been alarmed. It is estimated that the road from the foot of the mountain into the city has been blocked by someone. If he goes down the mountain back to the city now, he will be trapped in a trap.

I found a relatively safe location and planned to wait until the next day to take off my disguise and return to the city.

, turned to look at Tang Xinyu beside him, his eyes suddenly glowed with heat. Just now he just grabbed a meat pad to prevent cold shots from being fired from behind, but he didn't expect that she was still a little beauty.

Ha, I am really lucky. I just survived a disaster, and now I am blessed with such beauty. If I don’t enjoy it with a beautiful woman next to me, wouldn’t I be an idiot?

Seeing that the light in the peaked cap's eyes turned green, Tang Xinyu's heart immediately tightened. It's over. Is what she was worried about still going to happen?

"What do you want to do?" Tang Xinyu covered her chest with her hands and wanted to retreat in panic.

The peaked cap chuckled and said, "Beauty, if we don't have some fun with this lonely man and woman, wouldn't we have wasted such a good opportunity?"

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