Tang Xinyu said calmly: "You should know that I can't do such a thing, but someone deliberately fabricated it."

"Of course I know that someone deliberately fabricated it, but does anyone believe it now?" Tang Zhengyuan's eyes turned red.

"I haven't done it, I just haven't done it. I don't need others to believe it." Tang Xinyu said calmly.

"You don't need others to believe it? Do you know what this means? It means that the Tang family may be finished like this." Tang Zhengyuan roared almost crazily. .??.

Of course he knew that his daughter would not be able to do such a scandal, but if he believed it, would others believe it? It is estimated that many people will choose not to believe it even if they believe it at this time.

Tang Xinyu narrowed her eyes and said, "Did you make a deal with Gu Tianyang?"

With Ji Wufeng's current identity and status, I don't know how many people would like their daughters to have an affair with him, but Tang Zhengyuan was furious.

She knew very well that her father was a very utilitarian person, and getting angry was not a consideration for his daughter's reputation and the so-called family tradition.

The only explanation is that Tang Zhengyuan is hostile to Ji Wufeng, and he does not want to see his daughter get involved with Ji Wufeng.

But what qualifications does the Tang family have to be enemies with Ji Wufeng? And why is he an enemy of Ji Wufeng?

With Tang Xinyu's wisdom, she quickly thought that Tang Zhengyuan might have embraced Gu Tianyang. With the Gu family here, he was qualified and had reason to be an enemy of Ji Wufeng.

The next day, Ji Wufeng had nothing to do and returned to school, but as soon as he entered the door, he heard a ghostly scream inside.

In the dormitory, Yuan Dongdong, Zhao Jiaolong and Xu Yang were flipping through their laptops and screaming: "Holy shit, Senior Sister Tang Xinyu, you actually went to the wilderness with a wild man... Damn, what a big cabbage to let the pig out of." Got it."

Now that the Internet is developed, news spreads so fast. As soon as Yuan Dongdong turned on his computer in the morning, the headlines popped up.


Ji Wufeng slapped Yuan Dongdong on the head with a big mouth, and cursed: "Damn it, do I look like a pig?"

"Boss, are you here? Of course you don't look like a pig anymore, eh."

Yuan Dongdong was stunned for a moment, then jumped up and shouted: "Are you that pig? No, are you that wild man?"

"How are you talking? Who is the wild man? Do I look like a wild man?" Ji Wufeng said angrily.

Zhao Jiaolong on the side suddenly beat his chest and screamed: "Oh my god, there is really no justice in this world."

Ji Wufeng said proudly: "This is the charm, you know nothing, I just lie there, there are women crawling under my bed."

"Tang Xinyu, my goddess, you bastard got an advantage and still acted like a good boy, let me beat him up!" Xu Yang said angrily.

Out of rage, the three of them swarmed over Ji Wufeng and pushed him down on the bed, punching and kicking him, screaming in agony.

At this moment, someone violently kicked the bedroom door open, and an angry voice shouted: "Ji Wufeng, you bastard, get out of here!"

The three of them turned to look outside the door and saw Fu Qingling standing at the door, his eyes almost on fire.

Knowing the relationship between the man and woman, Zhao Jiaolong and the others quickly got up from the bed and said with smiles: "Hello, sister-in-law. Why do you come to my humble house so early in the morning?"

Fu Qingling simply

Too lazy to pay attention to them, he rushed directly to the bed and said angrily: "Tell me, what did you and that vixen do last night?"

"I didn't do anything with her!" Ji Wufeng said speechlessly.

"You haven't done anything? The news has come out and you still don't admit it?" Fu Qingling's expression made him want to tear Ji Wufeng into pieces.

"That's all nonsense made by others. There are so many fake news on the Internet now. With your supernatural wisdom, can you still not tell the truth from the lies?" Ji Wufeng said quickly.

Fu Qingling hesitated for a moment. There are indeed a lot of fake news on the Internet now, and there is no bed in the wilderness, so it is inconvenient to do that. Did she really misunderstand him?

Seeing Fu Qingling hesitate, Ji Wufeng pointed at Zhao Jiaolong and the others and said, "If you don't believe me, just ask them. I really didn't do anything."

Zhao Jiaolong and the other three looked at each other, with a green light in their eyes. Yuan Dongdong stepped forward and said, "Sister-in-law, he just told us that it is very romantic in the wild. He recommended that we try it next time."

Zhao Jiaolong nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, we scolded him for being shameless just now, and he got so angry that he even beat us. You saw it when you came in just now, and he was beating us?"

Xu Yang said seriously: "I can testify that what they both said is true."

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly darkened. These three bastards were so dark. Who said there was romance in the wild? Besides, it was clearly you who were beating me up just now!

"You...you...you bastard, I hate you so much, go to hell!"

Fu Qingling pointed at Ji Wufeng and trembled, then his eyes turned red, he covered his face and ran away.

Zhao Jiaolong and the other three were dumbfounded. They were just joking. They didn't expect to make Fu Qingling so angry.

"Is she okay?" Yuan Dongdong asked.

Ji Wufeng sighed, and then said proudly: "It's okay, what can happen? I am popular with thousands of girls, and I am really too busy. Send one or two away, just to let me rest."

"Damn it, can you stop pretending?"

"Why am I pretending? Just wait for me. You just teased me. Let's settle the debt slowly!"

"If you dare to threaten an honest person, I will beat you!"

"Oh, please forgive me, I never dare to do it again!"

Zhao Jiaolong and others walked out of the dormitory, and Ji Wufeng chased them out with a bruised nose and face, shouting at the top of his lungs: "You three bastards, don't run away if you have the guts, wait, we will settle the debt later!"

After not going to class for such a long time, Ji Wufeng decided to go to the classroom to have a look, but as soon as he arrived at the door of the classroom, he heard someone inside Hua Yu who was not very skilled shouted loudly and affectionately: "Yutong, please accept my love! "

Ji Wufeng was immediately stunned. Who was so smart that he dared to chase that tigress?

I heard the onlookers inside and outside the classroom suddenly cheering and shouting: "Promise him, promise him, promise him!"

Ji Wufeng became more interested, anxious to watch the fun, and pushed aside the guy in front of him who was blocking the way. The guy was enjoying the heckling, and he opened his mouth and cursed: "Damn it, what are you pushing!"

But when he saw it was Ji Wufeng, he immediately swallowed the second half and ran away. How could such a villain come back?

When I walked into the classroom, I saw that it was packed with people. There were flowers everywhere on the walls and tables. It was like a flower market. On the blackboard, red roses were piled up in a line: Hua Yutong, I love you! Tang Xinyu said calmly: "You should know that I can't do such a thing, but someone deliberately fabricated it."

"Of course I know that someone deliberately fabricated it, but does anyone believe it now?" Tang Zhengyuan's eyes turned red.

"I haven't done it, I just haven't done it. I don't need others to believe it." Tang Xinyu said calmly.

"You don't need others to believe it? Do you know what this means? It means that the Tang family may be finished like this." Tang Zhengyuan roared almost crazily.

Of course he knew that his daughter would not be able to do such a scandal, but if he believed it, would others believe it? It is estimated that many people will choose not to believe it even if they believe it at this time.

Tang Xinyu narrowed her eyes and said, "Did you make a deal with Gu Tianyang?"

With Ji Wufeng's current identity and status, I don't know how many people would like their daughters to have an affair with him, but Tang Zhengyuan was furious.

She knew very well that her father was a very utilitarian person, and getting angry was not a consideration for his daughter's reputation and the so-called family tradition.

The only explanation is that Tang Zhengyuan is hostile to Ji Wufeng, and he does not want to see his daughter get involved with Ji Wufeng.

But what qualifications does the Tang family have to be enemies with Ji Wufeng? And why is he an enemy of Ji Wufeng?

With Tang Xinyu's wisdom, she quickly thought that Tang Zhengyuan might have embraced Gu Tianyang. With the Gu family here, he was qualified and had reason to be an enemy of Ji Wufeng.

The next day, Ji Wufeng had nothing to do and returned to school, but as soon as he entered the door, he heard a ghostly scream inside.

In the dormitory, Yuan Dongdong, Zhao Jiaolong and Xu Yang were flipping through their laptops and screaming: "Holy shit, Senior Sister Tang Xinyu, you actually went to the wilderness with a wild man... Damn, what a big cabbage to let the pig out of." Got it."

Now that the Internet is developed, news spreads so fast. As soon as Yuan Dongdong turned on his computer in the morning, the headlines popped up.


Ji Wufeng slapped Yuan Dongdong on the head with a big mouth, and cursed: "Damn it, do I look like a pig?"

"Boss, are you here? Of course you don't look like a pig anymore, eh."

Yuan Dongdong was stunned for a moment, then jumped up and shouted: "Are you that pig? No, are you that wild man?"

"How are you talking? Who is the wild man? Do I look like a wild man?" Ji Wufeng said angrily.

Zhao Jiaolong on the side suddenly beat his chest and screamed: "Oh my god, there is really no justice in this world."

Ji Wufeng said proudly: "This is the charm, you know nothing, I just lie there, there are women crawling under my bed."

"Tang Xinyu, my goddess, you bastard got an advantage and still acted like a good boy, let me beat him up!" Xu Yang said angrily.

Out of rage, the three of them swarmed over Ji Wufeng and pushed him down on the bed, punching and kicking him, screaming in agony.

At this moment, someone violently kicked the bedroom door open, and an angry voice shouted: "Ji Wufeng, you bastard, get out of here!"

The three of them turned to look outside the door and saw Fu Qingling standing at the door, his eyes almost on fire.

Knowing the relationship between the man and woman, Zhao Jiaolong and the others quickly got up from the bed and said with smiles: "Hello, sister-in-law. Why do you come to my humble house so early in the morning?"

Fu Qingling simply

Too lazy to pay attention to them, he rushed directly to the bed and said angrily: "Tell me, what did you and that vixen do last night?"

"I didn't do anything with her!" Ji Wufeng said speechlessly.

"You haven't done anything? The news has come out and you still don't admit it?" Fu Qingling's expression made him want to tear Ji Wufeng into pieces.

"That's all nonsense made by others. There are so many fake news on the Internet now. With your supernatural wisdom, can you still not tell the truth from the lies?" Ji Wufeng said quickly.

Fu Qingling hesitated for a moment. There are indeed a lot of fake news on the Internet now, and there is no bed in the wilderness, so it is inconvenient to do that. Did she really misunderstand him?

Seeing Fu Qingling hesitate, Ji Wufeng pointed at Zhao Jiaolong and the others and said, "If you don't believe me, just ask them. I really didn't do anything."

Zhao Jiaolong and the other three looked at each other, with a green light in their eyes. Yuan Dongdong stepped forward and said, "Sister-in-law, he just told us that it is very romantic in the wild. He recommended that we try it next time."

Zhao Jiaolong nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, we scolded him for being shameless just now, and he got so angry that he even beat us. You saw it when you came in just now, and he was beating us?"

Xu Yang said seriously: "I can testify that what they both said is true."

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly darkened. These three bastards were so dark. Who said there was romance in the wild? Besides, it was clearly you who were beating me up just now!

"You...you...you bastard, I hate you so much, go to hell!"

Fu Qingling pointed at Ji Wufeng and trembled, then his eyes turned red, he covered his face and ran away.

Zhao Jiaolong and the other three were dumbfounded. They were just joking. They didn't expect to make Fu Qingling so angry.

"Is she okay?" Yuan Dongdong asked.

Ji Wufeng sighed, and then said proudly: "It's okay, what can happen? I am popular with thousands of girls, and I am really too busy. Send one or two away, just to let me rest."

"Damn it, can you stop pretending?"

"Why am I pretending? Just wait for me. You just teased me. Let's settle the debt slowly!"

"If you dare to threaten an honest person, I will beat you!"

"Oh, please forgive me, I never dare to do it again!"

Zhao Jiaolong and others walked out of the dormitory, and Ji Wufeng chased them out with a bruised nose and face, shouting at the top of his lungs: "You three bastards, don't run away if you have the guts, wait, we will settle the debt later!"

After not going to class for such a long time, Ji Wufeng decided to go to the classroom to have a look, but as soon as he arrived at the door of the classroom, he heard someone inside Hua Yu who was not very skilled shouted loudly and affectionately: "Yutong, please accept my love! "

Ji Wufeng was immediately stunned. Who was so smart that he dared to chase that tigress?

I heard the onlookers inside and outside the classroom suddenly cheering and shouting: "Promise him, promise him, promise him!"

Ji Wufeng became more interested, anxious to watch the fun, and pushed aside the guy in front of him who was blocking the way. The guy was enjoying the heckling, and he opened his mouth and cursed: "Damn it, what are you pushing!"

But when he saw it was Ji Wufeng, he immediately swallowed the second half and ran away. How could such a villain come back?

When I walked into the classroom, I saw that it was packed with people. There were flowers everywhere on the walls and tables. It was like a flower market. On the blackboard, red roses were piled up in a line: Hua Yutong, I love you!

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