"It doesn't look like that."

Yang Lan shook his head slightly, and then said: "You are!"

Ji Wufeng almost jumped up in anger, rushed forward, and said: "Get out of the way!"

"No!" Yang Lan blocked the door and refused to give way.

Ji Wufeng stretched out his hand to push her away, but Yang Lan turned around and kicked her at an extremely fast speed. If it were an ordinary person, this kick would probably be fatal.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that Yang Lan actually had some skills. He reached out and grabbed Yang Lan's legs and said with a smile: "You can get out of the way now, right? Uh!"

Holding Yang Lan's leg with one hand, Ji Wufeng accidentally saw the scenery under Yang Lan's skirt.

"Yang Lan, what's going on?"

At this moment, the office door suddenly opened, and Lu Shuangshuang walked out, just in time to see Ji Wufeng grabbing Yang Lan's leg, staring at the bottom of her skirt.

"Uh, misunderstanding, definitely a misunderstanding." Ji Wufeng quickly let go of Yang Lan's legs, almost crying.

"Get out of here!"

With two roars, Ji Wufeng quickly ran away with his head in his arms, what the hell is going on? Can you blame me? She kicked me first, and I didn't mean to see it.

Angrily, he rushed to Lu Zifeng's office. Before he could open the door, he heard a roaring sound coming from inside.

Your uncle, you occupy my office and play with women in the office all day long!

Ji Wufeng was furious and kicked the door open. The door was suddenly kicked open. Lu Zifeng was so frightened that he trembled all over and quickly climbed down from the desk. The girl screamed and hurriedly searched. Wearing your own clothes.

"I'll beat your lungs out. Damn it, you didn't even knock on the door when you came in. Are your hands disabled?"

Lu Zifeng was holding up his trousers and fastening his belt while gnashing his teeth and cursing wildly. His expression was so disgusting that Ji Wufeng couldn't understand it.

Ji Wufeng looked at the girl who was getting dressed, sat down on the chair and cursed: "Damn it, you, the majestic young man of the Lu family, won't go home and take charge of the overall situation.

What are you doing here? "

Lu Zifeng curled his lips and said: "When I go back to Lu's house, the old man is watching me. How can I feel comfortable picking up girls here?"

Ji Wufeng's anger boiled up: "People are knocking on your door, but you still have the time to play with women here? Do you really think that I'm here as a brothel?"

Lu Zifeng chuckled and said: "Even if I come here, I will deal with you. Do you care about me?"

"How do you know he won't attack you?" Ji Wufeng was stunned for a moment and said.

"Nonsense, of course someone told me." Lu Zifeng glanced at the girl next to him and said.

Ji Wufeng looked at the girl who had already put on her clothes and said with disdain: "You bastard, I really admire you for being able to keep her by your side for so long."

Lu Zifeng grinned and said: "The girls who come to my door give me free play. If you don't play with me, it's nothing. Besides, isn't this great? Only in this way will some people feel at ease with me, don't you think so?" "

The girl's expression suddenly changed, and then she immediately calmed down and said pitifully: "Young Master Feng, I don't understand what you are talking about."

"never mind."

Lu Zifeng waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, you have been with me for so long anyway, I won't do anything to you. Go back and tell your master that three years ago I dared to take off my pants and run around in Hua Jing." After three years, I will have nothing to care about."

Suddenly, a sharp breath burst out from Lu Zifeng's body, and he seemed like a different person compared to before.

Lu Zifeng is by no means a good-for-nothing playboy. Otherwise, he would not have had the courage to go to Huajing back then!


The girl's face instantly turned pale. It turned out that Lu Zifeng had seen through her identity a long time ago. What's funny is that she once thought that this lecherous

The idiot is not qualified to be taken seriously by her master.

After tidying up her clothes, she walked out. The moment she left, she looked back at Lu Zifeng, with a complicated look in her eyes.

Ji Wufeng sighed helplessly. The most despicable method is to take advantage of women, especially women who are easy to give their feelings.

After the girl left, Lu Zifeng took out a cigarette and said with a smile: "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"It's a big fish this time. Wouldn't it be a pity if we let it go?" Ji Wufeng had a sinister smile on his face.

"Can what you said really come true?" Lu Zifeng asked.

"Isn't it just Xiao Mingyu? At least, he is not as good as Gu Tianyang or Nalan Tianyu."

Half an hour later, Ji Wufeng walked out of the office and looked at the sky in Yuzhou through the window. Although it was cloudless, in Ji Wufeng's eyes, it was full of haze.

When he came to the door of Lu Shuangshuang's office again, he looked around and didn't see Yang Lan before knocking on the door.

"Come in." Lu Shuangshuang's voice was full of exhaustion.

Ji Wufeng pushed the door open and walked in. He saw Lu Shuangshuang with his head buried in a document on the table that was thicker than the Xinhua Dictionary. He stepped forward and snatched the document away. Seeing the haggard look on Lu Shuangshuang's face, he felt distressed and said, "What's going on? Have you always been so unloving of your body?"

"Who let you in?"

Lu Shuangshuang's tone was very unkind, and Ji Wufeng didn't know if she was still angry about what happened to Yang Lan just now.

"I just knocked on the door. It was obviously you who let me in." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"Get out of here!"

Lu Shuangshuang snatched the document from Ji Wufeng's hand and said unceremoniously, as if he was chasing a stray dog ​​that broke into the house.

"Well, what happened just now was really just a misunderstanding." Ji Wufeng


It's okay not to mention it. When this matter was mentioned, Lu Shuangshuang became even more angry. He raised his head and sneered: "Another misunderstanding? Why is it a misunderstanding every time? You really often have misunderstandings with other girls."

Ji Wufeng scratched his head in embarrassment. He did often have misunderstandings with girls. He smiled cheekily and said, "Don't be angry. I promise you that I will only have misunderstandings with you in the future, okay?"

"Get out!" Lu Shuangshuang picked up the pen holder on the table and smashed it over.

Ji Wufeng quickly dodged and said with a smile: "I can't hit him, you can't hit me."

Seeing Ji Wufeng's rogue appearance, Lu Shuangshuang was furious, but he was not really angry in his heart. Man, are you the one who tortures women?

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Before Lu Shuangshuang could speak, the door was pushed open, and Yang Lan walked in, followed by a handsome young man.

Looking at that young man Ji Wufeng's face immediately stretched longer than a donkey's face, just because that guy was holding a bouquet of passionate roses in his hands.

Although there is no need to worry, these guys are always harassing you like flies, and no one will be in a good mood.

Seeing Ji Wufeng, Yang Lan immediately opened his eyes and said, "Why are you here again?"

Ji Wufeng was also in a bad mood and said angrily: "Can you control where I want to go?"


"Miss Yang, who is this gentleman?" The young man looked at Ji Wufeng and asked.

Before Yang Lan could speak, Ji Wufeng puffed out his chest and said, "My name is Ji Wufeng, the security director of Tianxiang Group."

A vague strangeness immediately flashed in the young man's eyes, he stretched out his hand and said with a friendly smile: "Hello, Minister Ji, my name is Zheng Tianchen."

Ji Wufeng also stretched out his hand, but instead of shaking Zheng Tianchen's hand, he snatched the roses from his hand, smelled them and said, "Are these flowers for Shuangshuang? But I'm sorry, Shuangshuang." Allergic to roses.”

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