Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 699 You are the one who gave birth to me

Wu Chang stood respectfully next to Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng shook his head and pointed at one of the men and said: "The workmanship is too poor, the hair is not even shaved. Look at that guy, there is still a bunch of hair on the back of his head."


Wu Chang drew his sword again, a flash of silver light flashed, and a tuft of hair on the back of the follower's head fell cleanly to the ground.

The followers immediately shrank their necks and backed away. Damn it, is this kid a ghost? Fortunately, his sword shaved their hair. If he wanted to kill them, they probably wouldn't know how to die.

Ji Wufeng nodded with satisfaction. Wu Chang's attack was so fierce, but no blood was seen. It seemed that he had become more proficient in controlling swordsmanship.

What's even more rare is that, with his unpredictable temper, he didn't kill anyone this time. Apparently he was afraid of scaring a group of girls at the scene, which showed that he had learned to control his emotions.

Ji Wufeng didn't want to do anything bad in front of these girls, so he said: "You go away, don't disturb our meal."

Chen Mingyuan immediately ran away with his people, obviously frightened by Impermanence.

Having met that Young Master Kun before, Ji Wufeng knew there would be trouble today, so he invited Wuchang to fight. If he had a younger brother, wouldn't he be a fool?

However, instead of waiting for Master Kun, Chen Mingyuan was waiting.

Although Chen Mingyuan made such a fuss, it did not affect everyone's mood. They continued to drink happily. The arrival of Wu Chang attracted the attention of some girls. Such a handsome boy, and also so cool, it is difficult not to please girls. .

Seeing that a few girls were peeking at Wu Chang, Ji Wufeng said with a smile, "Xiao Chang, how about getting a wife for you?"

"No need." Wu Chang said coolly.

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said: "Why don't you need it? I think you are still a young child, and you don't know the beauty of women. Let me tell you, when you find out, you will probably cry and ask me to find a woman for you."

The corners of Wu Chang's mouth twitched and he said, "No need."

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. It seemed that he had to cultivate Wu Chang's interest in women. If it didn't work, he would take the medicine. After he tasted the feeling of ecstasy, he would probably look for her in the future.

At this moment, Yueyue's voice suddenly came from the door again, saying: "I'm sorry, miss, you really can't go in!"

Ji Wufeng immediately became angry. Damn it, are you going to let people eat? Before the meal was finished, two groups of troublemakers came, fuck you!

Before the other party could knock down the door, Ji Wufeng rushed to the door angrily, opened the door and cursed: "I'm a loser to you. Don't you know I'm eating? Don't you know it's very immoral to disturb others while they're eating?" ?Well!"

Originally, Ji Wufeng was spitting wild curses, but in the middle of the curse, he suddenly closed his mouth and saw a young and beautiful girl standing outside the door.

Although he is not old, his figure is extremely hot. Among the girls present, only Fan Yutong can compare with her. She has such a childlike face, she is really a rare and top-notch one.

"Asshole, you dare to scold me?" the beautiful girl said with fire in her eyes.

"Uh, misunderstanding. It was just a misunderstanding. Beauty, who are you looking for?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile. If he had known that it was such a top-notch girl, how could he be willing to curse her?

The beautiful girl pointed at Wu Chang and said, "I'm looking for him!"

Ji Wufeng glanced at Wu Chang in confusion and said, "You

Do you know each other? "

"Of course I know him, he is my husband!" the beautiful girl said with her chest out.


Ji Wufeng looked at the beautiful girl suspiciously, and then at Wu Chang. Damn, I originally thought this boy was so innocent. It turned out that he was already in love with someone else. But this boy has a good vision. He found such a top quality, this big man. Mensao bag!

Unexpectedly, Wu Chang glanced at the beautiful girl coldly and turned his head away, looking like he didn't want to see her.

The beautiful girl said with a frustrated look: "But he doesn't want me."

Ji Wufeng was so angry that he wanted to slap Wu Chang on the spot. Such a top-notch beautiful girl came to his door, but you actually put up a show.

I looked at the beautiful girl again. She has a very delicate face and a curvy figure. Not only will she look good when she is taken out, but she will definitely be easy to have children after marriage.

Seeing Ji Wufeng staring at her, the beautiful girl glared and said angrily: "You bastard, what are you looking at? Do you believe that I asked someone to dig out your eyeballs?"

Ji Wufeng was speechless. Damn it, why does everyone call him a gangster?

"If you dare to be disrespectful to him, I will kill you!" Wu Chang said with coldness in his eyes.

The beautiful girl seemed to be afraid of impermanence, shrinking her neck and obediently closing her mouth.

"Haha, little sister, what's your name?" Ji Wufeng tried his best to make his smile have a sense of justice.

"Who are you? Why should I tell you!" the beautiful girl said angrily.

"Well, I'm his master...eldest brother!" Ji Wufeng puffed up his chest and said.

If this girl was sincere about Impermanence, he wouldn't mind facilitating this good thing.

"Are you his eldest brother?"

The beautiful girl circled around Ji Wufeng and said with suspicion: "You are so ugly and he is so handsome. It doesn't look like you were born by a mother. Could it be that you were born by a baby?"

Ji Wufeng's eyes darkened, damn, why am I so ugly? Are you the one who gave birth to me?


The beauties present couldn't help laughing when they saw Ji Wufeng's deflated expression, and even Lu Shuangshuang covered her mouth and snickered.

Ji Wufeng turned around and glared at them fiercely, and said, "Forget it if you don't believe it. Anyway, I have the final say whether he will marry or not, and what kind of wife he will marry!"

When the beautiful girl heard this, her eyes immediately lit up, she grabbed Ji Wufeng's arm, shook it, and whispered: "Brother, don't be angry, I was wrong just now, can I apologize?"

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. Why are these little girls so different from each other? They can change their faces faster than flipping through a book. He said, "You haven't told me what your name is yet?"

"My name is Xiang Lanxin." The beautiful girl said.

"Xiang Lanxin?"

There are not many names, and there is only one big family that can be ranked high.

"Brother, brother, are you still angry with me?" Xiang Lanxin said, shaking Ji Wufeng's arm.

"I'm not angry, not at all. How could I be angry with a beautiful woman like you? Just wait for me and I'll teach that boy a lesson. Isn't this a waste of natural resources if you don't want such a beautiful woman?"

Ji Wufeng patted his chest and walked toward Wu Chang with great energy.

"Okay, brother, teach him a lesson, but don't hit him, I'll feel bad." Xiang Lanxin shouted from behind. Wu Chang stood respectfully next to Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng shook his head and pointed at one of the men and said: "The workmanship is too poor, the hair is not even shaved. Look at that guy, there is still a bunch of hair on the back of his head."


Wu Chang drew his sword again, a flash of silver light flashed, and a tuft of hair on the back of the follower's head fell cleanly to the ground.

The followers immediately shrank their necks and backed away. Damn it, is this kid a ghost? Fortunately, his sword shaved their hair. If he wanted to kill them, they probably wouldn't know how to die.

Ji Wufeng nodded with satisfaction. Wu Chang's attack was so fierce, but no blood was seen. It seemed that he had become more proficient in controlling swordsmanship.

What's even more rare is that, with his unpredictable temper, he didn't kill anyone this time. Apparently he was afraid of scaring a group of girls at the scene, which showed that he had learned to control his emotions.

Ji Wufeng didn't want to do anything bad in front of these girls, so he said: "You go away, don't disturb our meal."

Chen Mingyuan immediately ran away with his people, obviously frightened by Impermanence.

Having met that Young Master Kun before, Ji Wufeng knew there would be trouble today, so he invited Wuchang to fight. If he had a younger brother, wouldn't he be a fool?

However, instead of waiting for Master Kun, Chen Mingyuan was waiting.

Although Chen Mingyuan made such a fuss, it did not affect everyone's mood. They continued to drink happily. The arrival of Wu Chang attracted the attention of some girls. Such a handsome boy, and also so cool, it is difficult not to please girls. .

Seeing that a few girls were peeking at Wu Chang, Ji Wufeng said with a smile, "Xiao Chang, how about getting a wife for you?"

"No need." Wu Chang said coolly.

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said: "Why don't you need it? I think you are still a young child, and you don't know the beauty of women. Let me tell you, when you find out, you will probably cry and ask me to find a woman for you."

The corners of Wu Chang's mouth twitched and he said, "No need."

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. It seemed that he had to cultivate Wu Chang's interest in women. If it didn't work, he would take the medicine. After he tasted the feeling of ecstasy, he would probably look for her in the future.

At this moment, Yueyue's voice suddenly came from the door again, saying: "I'm sorry, miss, you really can't go in!"

Ji Wufeng immediately became angry. Damn it, are you going to let people eat? Before the meal was finished, two groups of troublemakers came, fuck you!

Before the other party could knock down the door, Ji Wufeng rushed to the door angrily, opened the door and cursed: "I'm a loser to you. Don't you know I'm eating? Don't you know it's very immoral to disturb others while they're eating?" ?Well!"

Originally, Ji Wufeng was spitting wild curses, but in the middle of the curse, he suddenly closed his mouth and saw a young and beautiful girl standing outside the door.

Although he is not old, his figure is extremely hot. Among the girls present, only Fan Yutong can compare with her. She has such a childlike face, she is really a rare and top-notch one.

"Asshole, you dare to scold me?" the beautiful girl said with fire in her eyes.

"Uh, misunderstanding. It was just a misunderstanding. Beauty, who are you looking for?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile. If he had known that it was such a top-notch girl, how could he be willing to curse her?

The beautiful girl pointed at Wu Chang and said, "I'm looking for him!"

Ji Wufeng glanced at Wu Chang in confusion and said, "You

Do you know each other? "

"Of course I know him, he is my husband!" the beautiful girl said with her chest out.


Ji Wufeng looked at the beautiful girl suspiciously, and then at Wu Chang. Damn, I originally thought this boy was so innocent. It turned out that he was already in love with someone else. But this boy has a good vision. He found such a top quality, this big man. Mensao bag!

Unexpectedly, Wu Chang glanced at the beautiful girl coldly and turned his head away, looking like he didn't want to see her.

The beautiful girl said with a frustrated look: "But he doesn't want me."

Ji Wufeng was so angry that he wanted to slap Wu Chang on the spot. Such a top-notch beautiful girl came to his door, but you actually put up a show.

I looked at the beautiful girl again. She has a very delicate face and a curvy figure. Not only will she look good when she is taken out, but she will definitely be easy to have children after marriage.

Seeing Ji Wufeng staring at her, the beautiful girl glared and said angrily: "You bastard, what are you looking at? Do you believe that I asked someone to dig out your eyeballs?"

Ji Wufeng was speechless. Damn it, why does everyone call him a gangster?

"If you dare to be disrespectful to him, I will kill you!" Wu Chang said with coldness in his eyes.

The beautiful girl seemed to be afraid of impermanence, shrinking her neck and obediently closing her mouth.

"Haha, little sister, what's your name?" Ji Wufeng tried his best to make his smile have a sense of justice.

"Who are you? Why should I tell you!" the beautiful girl said angrily.

"Well, I'm his master...eldest brother!" Ji Wufeng puffed up his chest and said.

If this girl was sincere about Impermanence, he wouldn't mind facilitating this good thing.

"Are you his eldest brother?"

The beautiful girl circled around Ji Wufeng and said with suspicion: "You are so ugly and he is so handsome. It doesn't look like you were born by a mother. Could it be that you were born by a baby?"

Ji Wufeng's eyes darkened, damn, why am I so ugly? Are you the one who gave birth to me?


The beauties present couldn't help laughing when they saw Ji Wufeng's deflated expression, and even Lu Shuangshuang covered her mouth and snickered.

Ji Wufeng turned around and glared at them fiercely, and said, "Forget it if you don't believe it. Anyway, I have the final say whether he will marry or not, and what kind of wife he will marry!"

When the beautiful girl heard this, her eyes immediately lit up, she grabbed Ji Wufeng's arm, shook it, and whispered: "Brother, don't be angry, I was wrong just now, can I apologize?"

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. Why are these little girls so different from each other? They can change their faces faster than flipping through a book. He said, "You haven't told me what your name is yet?"

"My name is Xiang Lanxin." The beautiful girl said.

"Xiang Lanxin?"

There are not many names, and there is only one big family that can be ranked high.

"Brother, brother, are you still angry with me?" Xiang Lanxin said, shaking Ji Wufeng's arm.

"I'm not angry, not at all. How could I be angry with a beautiful woman like you? Just wait for me and I'll teach that boy a lesson. Isn't this a waste of natural resources if you don't want such a beautiful woman?"

Ji Wufeng patted his chest and walked toward Wu Chang with great energy.

"Okay, brother, teach him a lesson, but don't hit him, I'll feel bad." Xiang Lanxin shouted from behind.

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