Ji Wufeng looked at the resentful looks in the eyes of Duan Qingyang and others behind Jiang Wenhai, and said with a slight smile: "Haha, I'm not offended, you're not the one who invited me anyway."

Do these guys think that following Nalan Tianyu means they have a backing? Still early!

The corner of Jiang Wenhai's mouth twitched, and he said with a stiff smile on his face: "Then please have a good time, Master Feng. I have other guests to greet."

After saying that, he turned around and left with the others, sneering in his heart to see how long you can keep dancing.

At this time, a young girl led a group of people over. Jiang Wenhai's eyes lit up and he quickly stepped forward and said, "Miss Ke."

"How's it going? Is anyone here?" the girl asked arrogantly, raising her head.

The girl is good-looking, not very old, and her beauty is not inferior to that of Ye Xixi, but the arrogance on her face is a bit heavy, and you can tell at a glance that she is the kind of spoiled and unruly young lady.

"People are already here."

Jiang Wenhai said quickly, not daring to be angry at the girl's arrogance, because he couldn't afford to offend this girl, and the others behind him couldn't afford to offend her either.

"As long as he's here, I'll go meet him first. I want to see which bastard deserves Brother Tianyu's attention." The girl led the man and walked in Ji Wufeng's direction aggressively.

Seeing Jiang Wenhai and others leaving, Ye Xixi turned around and looked around, then said to the young man in black who was following him: "Hey, didn't you say there are beef ramen and celery dumplings?"

The young man in black looked at the time and said with a smile: "Miss Ye, please wait a moment. I believe it will be delivered soon."

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, two chefs wearing big white hats pushed the dining cart over, stopped next to Ye Xixi, opened the lid, and saw a large bowl of freshly cooked beef ramen and a plate of dumplings inside.

The appearance of the dining car immediately attracted everyone's attention. Before they could figure out what was going on, Ye Xixi had already picked up the chopsticks and stuffed another dumpling in before swallowing a mouthful of ramen.

"Mmm, um, um, it smells so good, it's really delicious." Ye Xixi didn't forget to praise the chef while eating. The soup flowed out of the corners of her mouth as she spoke.

The whole audience was immediately stunned. Damn, what is going on? Eating beef ramen and dumplings at the dance party?

Ji Wufeng almost fainted, and even Lu Shuangshuang took a step back unconsciously, distanced himself from Ye Xixi, and pretended not to know each other.

My Aunt Di, even if you want to eat, find a place where no one is around to eat. Even if you eat here, you have to pay attention to your image. Are you reincarnated as a starving ghost?

"Are you Ji Wufeng?" An arrogant voice sounded from behind Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng turned around and saw a beautiful girl surrounded by a group of young people like stars holding the moon, looking at him with hostility in her eyes.

"Beauty, do we know each other? That's right. For a handsome person like me, no matter where I go, beauties will pay attention to me." Ji Wufeng touched his face and said with a grin.

Ye Xixi almost spat out the dumplings she had just stuffed into her mouth. She had seen shameless people, but she had never seen anyone so thick-skinned as to go around the city wall.

"Boy, you'd better be polite to me." A young man with a shaved head glared angrily.

"Who are you?" Ji Wufeng asked the young man.

The stern young man looked arrogant and sneered.

Said: "I am Wang Shaofeng."

"Ah? Are you Wang Shaofeng?" Ji Wufeng said with surprise on his face.

"Have you heard of me?"

Wang Shaofeng was a little surprised. Although he introduced himself, he didn't expect Ji Wufeng to know him. The two of them had no interaction. This was just their first contact. He didn't expect Ji Wufeng to have heard of him.

"Master Wang Shaofeng, who doesn't know?"

Ji Wufeng's words immediately made Wang Shaofeng feel a little elated. Look, my reputation has spread to Yuzhou, and I am now a big figure.

However, Ji Wufeng said next: "I don't know anyway."


Ye Xixi and Lu Shuangshuang burst into laughter without holding back, especially Ye Xixi, who spurted out the dumpling wrappers that she had not yet swallowed.

Wang Shaofeng's face twitched, turning blue and purple for a while. Ji Wufeng never thought that a person's face could change so quickly.

The arrogant girl snorted coldly: "I originally thought that someone who could make Brother Tianyu pay attention to me was so great, but it turns out that he is just a little bastard who only knows how to talk, and he doesn't know his own abilities!"

In her eyes, her brother Tianyu is the absolute king. No one is worthy of being his opponent. Even if there is, he will definitely be a dragon among men. However, she did not expect that it would be a little gangster like Ji Wufeng. She thinks that brother Tianyu It is simply humiliating to compete against such a person.

Ji Wufeng narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "I believe you came here to trouble me on your own initiative. If you were arranged by Nalan Tianyu to come here to attack me, then your method is too inferior. This kind of person is not worthy of being my opponent. .”

As soon as these words came out, the girl was furious and said: "Who are you? Do you dare to say that Brother Tianyu is not worthy of being your opponent?"

Before Ji Wufeng could speak, Ye Xixi had already jumped out, pointed at the girl's nose and said angrily: "Who are you, you dare to scold me?"

Ye Xixi has a strange mentality. She can beat and scold Ji Wufeng at will, but if she dares to scold Ji Wufeng, she can't!

However, Ye Xixi's words angered the group of young people around the girl. They didn't know whether they really wanted to protect the girl or just wanted to flatter the girl, so they all jumped out.

"Little bitch, who do you think you are? Do you have the right to speak here?"

"You don't have any education at all. Could it be that you are selling it out and were hired by this guy to pay for your appearance?"

"You look good, how much does it cost per night? I'll give you one million and cover you for a month, how about that?"

The more these guys talked, the more unpleasant they said. They wanted to drown Ye Xixi in their spit.

Ye Xixi was angry, and she was furious. Someone dared to say that to her, Miss Ye.

"Assholes, I'll kill you!"

Ye Xixi bared her teeth and wanted to pounce on those bastards, but Lu Shuangshuang stopped her and said coldly: "Xixi, don't be ridiculous. We are not here to quarrel with these people today."

Upon hearing Lu Shuangshuang's words, Ye Xixi immediately calmed down, staring at the group of people with eyes full of anger, and did not continue to have an attack.

The speaking Lu Shuangshuang attracted the attention of those wealthy young men, and his eyes were immediately obsessed with it. This kind of stunning beauty is the best that can be found even in Beijing. Ji Wufeng looked at the resentful looks in the eyes of Duan Qingyang and others behind Jiang Wenhai, smiled slightly and said, "Haha, I'm not offended, you're not the one who invited me anyway."

Do these guys think that following Nalan Tianyu means they have a backing? Still early!

The corner of Jiang Wenhai's mouth twitched, and he said with a stiff smile on his face: "Then please have a good time, Master Feng. I have other guests to greet."

After saying that, he turned around and left with the others, sneering in his heart to see how long you can keep dancing.

At this time, a young girl led a group of people over. Jiang Wenhai's eyes lit up and he quickly stepped forward and said, "Miss Ke."

"How's it going? Is anyone here?" the girl asked arrogantly, raising her head.

The girl is good-looking, not very old, and her beauty is not inferior to that of Ye Xixi, but the arrogance on her face is a bit heavy, and you can tell at a glance that she is the kind of spoiled and unruly young lady.

"People are already here."

Jiang Wenhai said quickly, not daring to be angry at the girl's arrogance, because he couldn't afford to offend this girl, and the others behind him couldn't afford to offend her either.

"As long as he's here, I'll go meet him first. I want to see which bastard is worthy of brother Tianyu's attention." The girl led the man and walked in the direction of Ji Wufeng aggressively.

Seeing Jiang Wenhai and others leaving, Ye Xixi turned around and looked around, then said to the young man in black who was following him: "Hey, didn't you say there are beef ramen and celery dumplings?"

The young man in black looked at the time and said with a smile: "Miss Ye, please wait a moment. I believe it will be delivered soon."

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, two chefs wearing big white hats pushed the dining cart over, stopped next to Ye Xixi, opened the lid, and saw a large bowl of freshly cooked beef ramen and a plate of dumplings inside.

The appearance of the dining car immediately attracted everyone's attention. Before they could figure out what was going on, Ye Xixi had already picked up the chopsticks and stuffed another dumpling in before swallowing a mouthful of ramen.

"Mmm, um, um, it smells so good, it's really delicious." Ye Xixi didn't forget to praise the chef while eating. The soup flowed out of the corners of her mouth as she spoke.

The whole audience was immediately stunned. Damn, what is going on? Eating beef ramen and dumplings at the dance party?

Ji Wufeng almost fainted, and even Lu Shuangshuang took a step back unconsciously, distanced himself from Ye Xixi, and pretended not to know each other.

My Aunt Di, even if you want to eat, find a place where no one is around to eat. Even if you eat here, you have to pay attention to your image. Are you reincarnated as a starving ghost?

"Are you Ji Wufeng?" An arrogant voice sounded from behind Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng turned around and saw a beautiful girl surrounded by a group of young people like stars holding the moon, looking at him with hostility in her eyes.

"Beauty, do we know each other? That's right. For a handsome person like me, no matter where I go, beauties will pay attention to me." Ji Wufeng touched his face and said with a grin.

Ye Xixi almost spat out the dumplings she had just stuffed into her mouth. She had seen shameless people, but she had never seen anyone so thick-skinned as to go around the city wall.

"Boy, you'd better be polite to me." A young man with a shaved head glared angrily.

"Who are you?" Ji Wufeng asked the young man.

The stern young man looked arrogant and sneered.

Said: "I am Wang Shaofeng."

"Ah? Are you Wang Shaofeng?" Ji Wufeng said with surprise on his face.

"Have you heard of me?"

Wang Shaofeng was a little surprised. Although he introduced himself, he didn't expect Ji Wufeng to know him. The two of them had no interaction. This was just their first contact. He didn't expect Ji Wufeng to have heard of him.

"Master Wang Shaofeng, who doesn't know?"

Ji Wufeng's words immediately made Wang Shaofeng feel a little elated. Look, my reputation has spread to Yuzhou, and I am now a big figure.

However, Ji Wufeng said next: "I don't know anyway."


Ye Xixi and Lu Shuangshuang burst into laughter without holding back, especially Ye Xixi, who spurted out the dumpling wrappers that she had not yet swallowed.

Wang Shaofeng's face twitched, turning blue and purple for a while. Ji Wufeng never thought that a person's face could change so quickly.

The arrogant girl snorted coldly: "I originally thought that someone who could make Brother Tianyu pay attention to me was so great, but it turns out that he is just a little bastard who only knows how to talk, and he doesn't know his own abilities!"

In her eyes, her brother Tianyu is the absolute king. No one is worthy of being his opponent. Even if there is, he will definitely be a dragon among men. However, she did not expect that it would be a little gangster like Ji Wufeng. She thinks that brother Tianyu It is simply humiliating to compete against such a person.

Ji Wufeng narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "I believe you came here to trouble me on your own initiative. If you were arranged by Nalan Tianyu to come here to attack me, then your method is too inferior. This kind of person is not worthy of being my opponent. .”

As soon as these words came out, the girl was furious and said: "Who are you? Do you dare to say that Brother Tianyu is not worthy of being your opponent?"

Before Ji Wufeng could speak, Ye Xixi had already jumped out, pointed at the girl's nose and said angrily: "Who are you, you dare to scold me?"

Ye Xixi has a strange mentality. She can beat and scold Ji Wufeng at will, but if she dares to scold Ji Wufeng, she can't!

However, Ye Xixi's words angered the group of young people around the girl. They didn't know whether they really wanted to protect the girl or just wanted to flatter the girl, so they all jumped out.

"Little bitch, who do you think you are? Do you have the right to speak here?"

"You don't have any education at all. Could it be that you are selling it out and were hired by this guy to pay for your appearance?"

"You look good, how much does it cost per night? I'll give you one million and cover you for a month, how about that?"

The more these guys talked, the more unpleasant they said. They wanted to drown Ye Xixi in their spit.

Ye Xixi was angry, and she was furious. Someone dared to say that to her, Miss Ye.

"Assholes, I'll kill you!"

Ye Xixi bared her teeth and claws and wanted to pounce on those bastards, but Lu Shuangshuang stopped her and said coldly: "Xixi, don't be ridiculous. We are not here to quarrel with these people today."

Upon hearing Lu Shuangshuang's words, Ye Xixi immediately calmed down, staring at the group of people with eyes full of anger, and did not continue to have an attack.

The speaking Lu Shuangshuang attracted the attention of those wealthy young men, and his eyes were immediately obsessed with it. This kind of stunning beauty is the best that can be found even in Beijing.

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