Ji Wufeng let go of Shen Yun, and his body suddenly started to move. Afterimages emerged and began to dance wildly. Looking around, he could see his dancing figure.

"Tian Mo Wu? Impossible!" Chen Yun looked at the scene in front of him, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock.

The Heavenly Demon Dance is the supreme secret skill of the Heavenly Demon Sect. After Shen Ao died, she was the only one practicing it, and no other person could be found.

If there is, there is only one possibility, and that is to lead the four major demon sects, the supreme demon lord lineage among the demon sects!

However, the Demon Lord's lineage suffered heavy casualties after losing the battle with Yuntian Palace that year, and has long since disappeared without a trace!

When Ji Wufeng stopped, Chen Yun suddenly knelt on the ground with a thud and said respectfully: "Greetings to the Demon Lord!" .??.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "I am not the Demon Lord."

"Impossible. Apart from the direct descendants of the Heavenly Demon Sect, only the Demon Lord's lineage can master the secret skills of the Heavenly Demon Sect. I am the only direct descendant of the Heavenly Demon Sect. You must be of the Demon Lord's lineage." Shen Yun affirmed.

Ji Wufeng didn't want to explain any more and said, "Tell me, what is your purpose of approaching me?"

"You look a lot like him."

Chen Yun looked at Ji Wufeng with fascination in his eyes, but soon his expression turned gloomy and he said, "I offended the Demon Lord."

Ji Wufeng sighed. Since Shen Yun did not come with any malicious intentions, then she had only one purpose in approaching Ji Wufeng, which was to hope to see the shadow of that person in him.

Since ancient times, separation has been the most painful thing, but if there is not even a chance to say goodbye, it is the most painful torture in the world.

This is a poor woman!

"Get up." Ji Wufeng said.

Chen Yun stood up, looked at Ji Wufeng infatuatedly, and said, "Can I touch your face?"


Ji Wufeng flatly refused and said, "Remember, he is him and I am me. No one in this world can be replaced by another person."

"Why not? Why?" Shen Yun had tears in his eyes.

Ji Wufeng turned around and left, saying: "You go, people should always look forward, and what should be given up must be given up."

Behind him, Chen Yun's voice came to mind, saying, "Can some things really be given up so easily?"

Is it really impossible to let go?

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but think of Ji Qingchen's sweet and innocent smile. I'm afraid that even if he goes through life and death, as long as his consciousness is still there, he will never be able to let go.

A family relationship is unforgettable, but how can a love be given up so easily?

Unknowingly, he walked to the familiar grove. The grove was still a grove, and there were many lovers hidden in it. Ji Wufeng even heard the sound of young lovers making out in the grass.

He remembered the time when he and Ji Qingchen bumped into her roommate here before, and couldn't help but smile. The reason why family ties are family ties is probably because they can't let go, right?

Suddenly a faint fragrance floated over, a very familiar smell. I walked in the direction of the fragrance and saw a small pavilion with a beautiful figure sitting there. Ji Wufeng, who always thought he had a heart of stone, suddenly felt a little sad.

"Qingwu." A young man appeared in Ji Wufeng's sight.

Yang Qingwu turned his head and smiled lightly: "How did you know I'm here?"

"Fuck you

I asked in the dormitory and found that you were not there, so I came to find you. It was such a coincidence that I found you. "The young man laughed.

Yang Qingwu stroked his bangs, shook his head slightly and said, "I just want to come over and sit."

After the previous car accident, Yang Qingwu always felt as if he had lost something, but he could not remember what he had lost.

A figure kept appearing in her mind, but it was very blurry and she could never see the face clearly. Whenever that figure appeared, she couldn't help but think of it.

Qi Minngle is very good. Whether it is his family background, appearance, or character, he is the best Yang Qingwu has ever seen. There is no girl who doesn't like such an outstanding person, including Yang Qingwu who has a very good impression of him.

But she still couldn't have feelings for Qi Mingle. It was okay to be friends, but it was impossible to be lovers. It seemed that her heart had been occupied by someone for a long time and could no longer tolerate anyone else.

"By the way, are you free for Christmas? Shi Qianying, do you know? There will be a concert at the stadium. A friend gave me two tickets. Why don't we watch it together." Qi Minngle said.

"Shi Qianying?"

Yang Qingwu's brows were slightly moved, but he still shook his head and said, "No, I have something to do that night, so I don't have time to go over and see."

If she just went to the concert, she would be very happy, but she was afraid that this would cause Qi Mingle to misunderstand and think that she had agreed to his pursuit.

Qi Mingle looked disappointed and said, "Qingwu, are you just not willing to give me any chance?"

"Even if she had the chance, she wouldn't be able to give it to you!" A cold voice interrupted.

The two turned around and saw Ji Wufeng striding over with a stern look on his face. Qi Minngle sneered at the corner of his mouth. Could he finally bear it?

When Yang Qingwu saw Ji Wufeng, his heart suddenly trembled and he said, "Is it you?"

She couldn't explain how she felt about Ji Wufeng. When they met for the first time, she felt that Ji Wufeng was very strange, but at the same time she felt very familiar.

It seemed that he was a very important person to her, but there was an inexplicable fear in her heart that kept her away from this person.

However, every time she saw Ji Wufeng's lonely back when he left, she felt a sharp pain in her heart like a needle pricking her.

Looking at the expression on Yang Qingwu's face that wanted to get closer, but was full of fear, he sighed in his heart. The unparalleled beauty and love faded overnight. How could he protect this pure girl?

"Tell Nalan Tianyu that if he only knows this dirty trick, then he is not qualified to be my opponent. In that case, I don't need to worry."

A cold murderous intent approached Qi Mingle. Even Qi Mingle, who was used to seeing bloody killings, couldn't help but shudder. He could tell which one was meant to scare people and which one was real murderous intent.

Qi Mingle turned around and left, fear flashed in his eyes, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. After all, it had an effect. The young master said that if you can successfully anger your opponent, you are obviously not far from victory.

Ji Wufeng really had murderous intentions, which proved that he was angry.

Ji Wufeng didn't look at Yang Qingwu anymore, turned around and left.

"Who are you?" Yang Qingwu's voice came from behind.

"He's someone you absolutely don't want to see again."

Ji Wufeng stopped and turned his back to Yang Qingwu: "Listen to my advice and stay away from Qi Mingle, he is not suitable for you." Ji Wufeng let go of Shen Yun, and his body suddenly started to move. Afterimages emerged one after another, and he began to frantically He started dancing and looked around to see his wildly dancing figure.

"Tian Mo Wu? Impossible!" Chen Yun looked at the scene in front of him, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock.

The Heavenly Demon Dance is the supreme secret skill of the Heavenly Demon Sect. After Shen Ao died, she was the only one practicing it, and no other person could be found.

If there is, there is only one possibility, and that is to lead the four major demon sects, the supreme demon lord lineage among the demon sects!

However, the Demon Lord's lineage suffered heavy casualties after losing the battle with Yuntian Palace that year, and has long since disappeared without a trace!

When Ji Wufeng stopped, Chen Yun suddenly knelt on the ground with a thud and said respectfully: "Greetings to the Demon Lord!"

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "I am not the Demon Lord."

"Impossible. Apart from the direct descendants of the Heavenly Demon Sect, only the Demon Lord's lineage can master the secret skills of the Heavenly Demon Sect. I am the only direct descendant of the Heavenly Demon Sect. You must be of the Demon Lord's lineage." Shen Yun affirmed.

Ji Wufeng didn't want to explain any more and said, "Tell me, what is your purpose of approaching me?"

"You look a lot like him."

Chen Yun looked at Ji Wufeng with fascination in his eyes, but soon his expression turned gloomy and he said, "I offended the Demon Lord."

Ji Wufeng sighed. Since Shen Yun did not come with any malicious intentions, then she had only one purpose in approaching Ji Wufeng, which was to hope to see the shadow of that person in him.

Since ancient times, separation has been the most painful thing, but if there is not even a chance to say goodbye, it is the most painful torture in the world.

This is a poor woman!

"Get up." Ji Wufeng said.

Chen Yun stood up, looked at Ji Wufeng infatuatedly, and said, "Can I touch your face?"


Ji Wufeng flatly refused and said, "Remember, he is him and I am me. No one in this world can be replaced by another person."

"Why not? Why?" Shen Yun had tears in his eyes.

Ji Wufeng turned around and left, saying: "You go, people should always look forward, and what should be given up must be given up."

Behind him, Chen Yun's voice came to mind, saying, "Can some things really be given up so easily?"

Is it really impossible to let go?

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but think of Ji Qingchen's sweet and innocent smile. I'm afraid that even if he goes through life and death, as long as his consciousness is still there, he will never be able to let go.

A family relationship is unforgettable, but how can a love be given up so easily?

Unknowingly, he walked to the familiar grove. The grove was still a grove, and there were many lovers hidden in it. Ji Wufeng even heard the sound of young lovers making out in the grass.

He remembered the time when he and Ji Qingchen bumped into her roommate here before, and couldn't help but smile. The reason why family ties are family ties is probably because they can't let go, right?

Suddenly a faint fragrance floated over, a very familiar smell. I walked in the direction of the fragrance and saw a small pavilion with a beautiful figure sitting there. Ji Wufeng, who always thought he had a heart of stone, suddenly felt a little sad.

"Qingwu." A young man appeared in Ji Wufeng's sight.

Yang Qingwu turned his head and smiled lightly: "How did you know I'm here?"

"Fuck you

I asked in the dormitory and found that you were not there, so I came to find you. It was such a coincidence that I found you. "The young man laughed.

Yang Qingwu stroked his bangs, shook his head slightly and said, "I just want to come over and sit."

After the previous car accident, Yang Qingwu always felt as if he had lost something, but he could not remember what he had lost.

A figure kept appearing in her mind, but it was very blurry and she could never see the face clearly. Whenever that figure appeared, she couldn't help but think of it.

Qi Minngle is very good. Whether it is his family background, appearance, or character, he is the best Yang Qingwu has ever seen. There is no girl who doesn't like such an outstanding person, including Yang Qingwu who has a very good impression of him.

But she still couldn't have feelings for Qi Mingle. It was okay to be friends, but it was impossible to be lovers. It seemed that her heart had been occupied by someone for a long time and could no longer tolerate anyone else.

"By the way, are you free for Christmas? Shi Qianying, do you know? There will be a concert at the stadium. A friend gave me two tickets. Why don't we watch it together." Qi Minngle said.

"Shi Qianying?"

Yang Qingwu's brows were slightly moved, but he still shook his head and said, "No, I have something to do that night, so I don't have time to go over and see."

If she just went to the concert, she would be very happy, but she was afraid that this would cause Qi Mingle to misunderstand and think that she had agreed to his pursuit.

Qi Mingle looked disappointed and said, "Qingwu, are you just not willing to give me any chance?"

"Even if she had the chance, she wouldn't be able to give it to you!" A cold voice interrupted.

The two turned around and saw Ji Wufeng striding over with a stern look on his face. Qi Minngle sneered at the corner of his mouth. Could he finally bear it?

When Yang Qingwu saw Ji Wufeng, his heart suddenly trembled and he said, "Is it you?"

She couldn't explain how she felt about Ji Wufeng. When they met for the first time, she felt that Ji Wufeng was very strange, but at the same time she felt very familiar.

It seemed that he was a very important person to her, but there was an inexplicable fear in her heart that kept her away from this person.

However, every time she saw Ji Wufeng's lonely back when he left, she felt a sharp pain in her heart like a needle pricking her.

Looking at the expression on Yang Qingwu's face that wanted to get closer, but was full of fear, he sighed in his heart. The unparalleled beauty and love faded overnight. How could he protect this pure girl?

"Tell Nalan Tianyu that if he only knows this dirty trick, then he is not qualified to be my opponent. In that case, I don't need to worry."

A cold murderous intent approached Qi Mingle. Even Qi Mingle, who was used to seeing bloody killings, couldn't help but shudder. He could tell which one was meant to scare people and which one was real murderous intent.

Qi Mingle turned around and left, fear flashed in his eyes, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. After all, it had an effect. The young master said that if you can successfully anger your opponent, you are obviously not far from victory.

Ji Wufeng really had murderous intentions, which proved that he was angry.

Ji Wufeng didn't look at Yang Qingwu anymore, turned around and left.

"Who are you?" Yang Qingwu's voice came from behind.

"He's someone you absolutely don't want to see again."

Ji Wufeng stopped and turned his back to Yang Qingwu: "Listen to my advice and stay away from Qi Minngle, he is not suitable for you."

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