Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 718 Why didn’t you faint?

After everyone had a drink, they started to eat. The restaurant was not big, but the food was really good. Ji Wufeng twisted his chopsticks and kept stuffing things into his mouth, as if he hadn't eaten in eight hundred years, but this was okay. It made Wang Yuehui even more relieved, a brainless thing.

Lu Shuangshuang took small bites of the food very elegantly. After a few bites, she put down her chopsticks and stared at Wang Yuehui.

Wang Yuehui had no choice but to put down his chopsticks and said, "Mr. Lu, it's not that I don't pay those workers, but that the factory really has no money."

"Although the head office has not focused on Tongyue Enterprise, there has never been a shortage of funds. I wonder if there is really no money in this factory. How should Director Wang explain it?"

Lu Shuangshuang's face didn't look good. If Tongyue Enterprise was not profitable now, she believed it, but she definitely didn't believe that it couldn't even pay the workers' wages.

"Oh, my Mr. Lu, it's good that the head office has been providing funds, but after President Chiba's incident, many of the previous relationships were cut off, and as you know, those in our line of business have a lot of relationships. The Internet is very important. Without the relationship, let alone doing business, you may not even be able to repay the foreign debt. Just take the balance payment with Qicai Group. Now no one is asking for it, so we can only pay it ourselves. …”

Wang Yuehui was like pouring water from a teapot. He kept pouring out his bitterness to Mr. Lu, and the more he talked, the sadder he became. He was close to tears. Ji Wufeng felt that asking him to be a factory director was really an insult to his talent. When he went to make a movie , maybe I can win a best actor or something.

Ji Wufeng felt that he had almost eaten, so he wiped his mouth, held the wine glass and touched Bai Dahai and said, "Director Bai, it seems that you really have some difficulties."

Bai Dahai said: "Isn't it true? The people above are in heaven, how can they know the difficulties of the people below us?"

"Yeah, come on, don't talk about these unhappy things, let us two brothers go away!"

Seeing Wang Yuehui talking incessantly, almost saying that he was even more unjust than Dou E, Lu Shuangshuang's face became more and more ugly. He was about to scold Wang Yuehui when he suddenly felt a little dizzy. Wang Yuehui had grown two heads. .


The chopsticks in Zhang Tongwei's hand were holding a small yellow croaker. Before he could stuff it into his mouth, he knocked it on the plate in front of him.

Bai Dahai suddenly said, "Assistant Zhang is already drunk. Brother Ji, how do you feel?"

Ji Wufeng was also swaying, and he shook his head and said, "I feel a little dizzy. Good wine is good wine, and it's easy to get intoxicated."

After saying that, he also lay down on the table.

Seeing Ji Wufeng and Zhang Tongwei fall down, Lu Shuangshuang finally felt that something was wrong. He stood up and pointed at Wang Yuehui and said angrily: "How dare you do something in the wine?"

Bai Dahai stared at Lu Shuangshuang and licked his lips and said, "It's too late to know now."

Lu Shuangshuang finally understood that this was a trap that had been designed long ago. She didn't expect Wang Yuehui to be so bold and dare to do such a thing.

Wang Yuehui clapped his hands and immediately rushed in with several strong men from outside. Wang Yuehui said hehe, "The three of them are drunk. Please bring them to my office and let them have a good rest."

Several strong men carried Lu Shuangshuang and the others into the car and went straight to the factory, but they entered through the back door. When they arrived at Wang Yuehui's office, after sending the men away, Wang Yuehui saw

The unconscious Lu Shuang's eyes widened.

Such a top-notch beauty is rarely seen on weekdays. Today, she actually fell into his hands. It is truly a blessing.

That Pan Qiaolian stepped forward, rolled her eyes and said, "Damn it, isn't she prettier than me?"

Wang Yuehui grabbed Pan Qiaolian's waist and said, "Baby, no matter how beautiful she is, she is not as good as you. The most I can do is play with her and then throw her away. You are my darling."

"Damn it, you still have some conscience."

Pan Qiaolian nodded Wang Yuehui's nose with satisfaction, stood up and said, "You guys play, I'll go out first."

Bai Dahai pulled her back and said hehe, "Don't leave. We won't be able to stay here anymore anyway. Let's have fun together today."

Wang Yuehui said with a lewd smile: "Yes, let's have fun today, let's also try that very popular one, yes, party!"

After saying that, he walked towards Lu Shuangshuang who was too weak to stand up. Lu Shuangshuang panicked and said sternly: "Wang Yuehui, if you dare to mess around, you will spend the rest of your life wearing out the prison!"

"Jail? I can't stay here any longer. If I catch you, I'll fly away. Will it be the police's turn to arrest me?"

Things have reached this point today, and they are obviously ready to escape. Not to mention that the things in the factory have been discovered, and they can't live with Lu Shuangshuang's incident.

Seeing Wang Yuehui's unscrupulous expression, Lu Shuangshuang looked at Ji Wufeng, who was sleeping like a dead pig, and finally felt scared. Is he really going to be fucked here today?

"Beast, you will be punished one day!" Lu Shuangshuang was desperate.

"Retribution? There may be one, but I don't think you can see it." Wang Yuehui reached out to grab Lu Shuangshuang's clothes.

"You are wrong. She will definitely see your retribution."

Ji Wufeng's voice suddenly came from behind, which made Wang Yuehui tremble all over. When he looked back, he saw Ji Wufeng standing there perfectly, with a smile on his face.

Bai Dahai and Pan Qiaolian, who had already stripped off their clothes and were about to start fucking, pointed at Ji Wufeng and said, "You...why didn't you faint?"

Lu Shuangshuang, who was already in despair, was so excited that he almost shed tears when he saw that Ji Wufeng was fine. He felt as if he had just wandered through the gates of hell.

Ji Wufeng stepped forward and gently shook Lu Shuangshuang's palm. A stream of warm air flowed into his body. His weak and weak body immediately felt strength. He originally thought Ji Wufeng was quite annoying, but now he felt that this guy's palm was so... The warmth and security.

"You're not scared, are you? I'm here, it's okay." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

Lu Shuangshuang took out the hand held by Ji Wufeng and said with a blushing face: "You weren't faint at all just now, you were just pretending, right?"

What she was a little angry about was that this bastard knew there was something wrong with the wine, so why didn't he just pour it all away?

Ji Wufeng scratched his head and said, "I've long thought they had a problem, but in order not to alert others, I just played with them to see what they wanted to do. Don't be angry. I didn't have the chance to tell you beforehand."

No matter what, nothing happened in the end. Lu Shuangshuang snorted coldly and was too lazy to pay attention to him anymore. After everyone had a drink, they started to eat. The restaurant was not big, but the food was really good. Ji Wufeng twisted his chopsticks and kept stuffing things into his mouth, as if he hadn't eaten in eight hundred years, but this was okay. It made Wang Yuehui even more relieved, a brainless thing.

Lu Shuangshuang took small bites of the food very elegantly. After a few bites, she put down her chopsticks and stared at Wang Yuehui.

Wang Yuehui had no choice but to put down his chopsticks and said, "Mr. Lu, it's not that I don't pay those workers, but that the factory really has no money."

"Although the head office has not focused on Tongyue Enterprise, there has never been a shortage of funds. I wonder if there is really no money in this factory. How should Director Wang explain it?"

Lu Shuangshuang's face didn't look good. If Tongyue Enterprise was not profitable now, she believed it, but she definitely didn't believe that it couldn't even pay the workers' wages.

"Oh, my Mr. Lu, it's good that the head office has been providing funds, but after President Chiba's incident, many of the previous relationships were cut off, and as you know, those in our line of business have a lot of relationships. The Internet is very important. Without the relationship, let alone doing business, you may not even be able to repay the foreign debt. Just take the balance payment with Qicai Group. Now no one is asking for it, so we can only pay it ourselves. …”

Wang Yuehui was like pouring water from a teapot. He kept pouring out his bitterness to Mr. Lu, and the more he talked, the sadder he became. He was close to tears. Ji Wufeng felt that asking him to be a factory director was really an insult to his talent. When he went to make a movie , maybe I can win a best actor or something.

Ji Wufeng felt that he had almost eaten, so he wiped his mouth, held the wine glass and touched Bai Dahai and said, "Director Bai, it seems that you really have some difficulties."

Bai Dahai said: "Isn't it true? The people above are in heaven, how can they know the difficulties of the people below us?"

"Yeah, come on, don't talk about these unhappy things, let us two brothers go away!"

Seeing Wang Yuehui talking incessantly, almost saying that he was even more unjust than Dou E, Lu Shuangshuang's face became more and more ugly. He was about to scold Wang Yuehui when he suddenly felt a little dizzy. Wang Yuehui had grown two heads. .


The chopsticks in Zhang Tongwei's hand were holding a small yellow croaker. Before he could stuff it into his mouth, he knocked it on the plate in front of him.

Bai Dahai suddenly said, "Assistant Zhang is already drunk. Brother Ji, how do you feel?"

Ji Wufeng was also swaying, and he shook his head and said, "I feel a little dizzy. Good wine is good wine, and it's easy to get intoxicated."

After saying that, he also lay down on the table.

Seeing Ji Wufeng and Zhang Tongwei fall down, Lu Shuangshuang finally felt that something was wrong. He stood up and pointed at Wang Yuehui and said angrily: "How dare you do something in the wine?"

Bai Dahai stared at Lu Shuangshuang and licked his lips and said, "It's too late to know now."

Lu Shuangshuang finally understood that this was a trap that had been designed long ago. She didn't expect Wang Yuehui to be so bold and dare to do such a thing.

Wang Yuehui clapped his hands and immediately rushed in with several strong men from outside. Wang Yuehui said hehe, "The three of them are drunk. Please bring them to my office and let them have a good rest."

Several strong men carried Lu Shuangshuang and the others into the car and went straight to the factory, but they entered through the back door. When they arrived at Wang Yuehui's office, after sending the men away, Wang Yuehui saw

The unconscious Lu Shuang's eyes widened.

Such a top-notch beauty is rarely seen on weekdays. Today, she actually fell into his hands. It is truly a blessing.

That Pan Qiaolian stepped forward, rolled her eyes and said, "Damn it, isn't she prettier than me?"

Wang Yuehui grabbed Pan Qiaolian's waist and said, "Baby, no matter how beautiful she is, she is not as good as you. The most I can do is play with her and then throw her away. You are my darling."

"Damn it, you still have some conscience."

Pan Qiaolian nodded Wang Yuehui's nose with satisfaction, stood up and said, "You guys play, I'll go out first."

Bai Dahai pulled her back and said hehe, "Don't leave. We won't be able to stay here anymore anyway. Let's have fun together today."

Wang Yuehui said with a lewd smile: "Yes, let's have fun today, let's also try that very popular one, yes, party!"

After saying that, he walked towards Lu Shuangshuang who was too weak to stand up. Lu Shuangshuang panicked and said sternly: "Wang Yuehui, if you dare to mess around, you will spend the rest of your life wearing out the prison!"

"Jail? I can't stay here any longer. If I catch you, I'll fly away. Will it be the police's turn to arrest me?"

Things have reached this point today, and they are obviously ready to escape. Not to mention that the things in the factory have been discovered, and they can't live with Lu Shuangshuang's incident.

Seeing Wang Yuehui's unscrupulous expression, Lu Shuangshuang looked at Ji Wufeng, who was sleeping like a dead pig, and finally felt scared. Is he really going to be fucked here today?

"Beast, you will be punished one day!" Lu Shuangshuang was desperate.

"Retribution? There may be one, but I don't think you can see it." Wang Yuehui reached out to grab Lu Shuangshuang's clothes.

"You are wrong. She will definitely see your retribution."

Ji Wufeng's voice suddenly came from behind, which made Wang Yuehui tremble all over. When he looked back, he saw Ji Wufeng standing there perfectly, with a smile on his face.

Bai Dahai and Pan Qiaolian, who had already stripped off their clothes and were about to start fucking, pointed at Ji Wufeng and said, "You...why didn't you faint?"

Lu Shuangshuang, who was already in despair, was so excited that he almost shed tears when he saw that Ji Wufeng was fine. He felt as if he had just wandered through the gates of hell.

Ji Wufeng stepped forward and gently shook Lu Shuangshuang's palm. A stream of warm air flowed into his body. His weak and weak body immediately felt strength. He originally thought Ji Wufeng was quite annoying, but now he felt that this guy's palm was so... The warmth and security.

"You're not scared, are you? I'm here, it's okay." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

Lu Shuangshuang took out the hand held by Ji Wufeng and said with a blushing face: "You weren't faint at all just now, you were just pretending, right?"

What she was a little angry about was that this bastard knew there was something wrong with the wine, so why didn't he just pour it all away?

Ji Wufeng scratched his head and said, "I've long thought they had a problem, but in order not to alert others, I just played with them to see what they wanted to do. Don't be angry. I didn't have the chance to tell you beforehand."

No matter what, nothing happened in the end. Lu Shuangshuang snorted coldly and was too lazy to pay attention to him anymore.

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