Ji Wufeng was stunned, because Dayang Ma's yelling and swearing were exactly the same as those of a real Chinese, and those who didn't know better thought he was a Chinese.

Helu and others immediately pounced on Ji Wufeng.

Bang bang bang...

But within a few moments, Helu was knocked away, and the remaining bodyguards lay on the ground wailing again.

Dayangma was confused. Of course she knew how powerful Heru was, but she was as weak as a three-year-old child in front of this bastard.

"Did you just say you wanted to make my butt bloom?" Ji Wufeng stared at Dayang Ma and asked.

Dayang Ma was frightened and backed away: "What are you doing? I tell you, I am Alina. If you dare to touch a hair on my head, I will never spare you. Don't you have any of the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty? Then Let you try them all, and finally castrate you into a eunuch and send you to the circus to perform..."

Alina? This name is so familiar.

However, although the person is beautiful, his heart is too vicious. Forget about the ten tortures, he actually castrates the person and sends him to the circus.

"I won't let you try the ten tortures, and I won't castrate you. I will only let you taste the pain and pleasure of torture."

Ji Wufeng rushed over, picked up Dayang Ma by the waist, took off her shoes, and pointed at the soles of her feet.

"Ouch... you bastard, Bichi, how dare you do this to me... Haha... haha... wuwu... Helu... kill him, kill him quickly... no, don't kill If I kill him, I will castrate him, otherwise I will not be able to understand my hatred..."

Alina immediately felt a tingling sensation coming from the soles of her feet. This feeling made her whole body itchy and unstoppable. She couldn't help but want to laugh, but she felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry.

Ji Wufeng's method won't hurt anyone, but it will cause excruciating pain. This is how Zhang Wuji treated Zhao Min in the movie. Even the witch gave in, let alone Alina.

"Asshole, kill him!"

Helu and others rushed over like crazy, but they couldn't get close at all. The Gang Qi on Ji Wu Feng's body formed a wall of Qi, blocking them out.

Feeling that it was almost done, Ji Wufeng stopped his hand and let go of Alina.

Alina sat down on the ground, covering her feet with one hand, pointing the other finger at Ji Wufeng's nose, spitting and yelling: "Ouch, ouch, it makes me so uncomfortable, you Bichi, You Bichi..."

At this time, Alina looked like a shrew, completely losing her previous noble temperament.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "Keep scolding me. Anyway, I'm not tired yet, so I can attack again."

Seeing Ji Wufeng's palm raised again, Alina immediately hid in fear, with a frightened face, and said pitifully: "That's too uncomfortable, can you hit me?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly had a black line on his head. This foreign girl's brain circuit is indeed very different from our Oriental women.

Ji Wufeng turned around and left after lazily fussing over it.

"No, you can't leave. Do you want to leave after you Bichi hit me?" Alina rushed over and blocked Ji Wufeng's way.

"What else do you want to do?" Ji Wufeng glared.

"Tell me who you are?" Elena asked.

"Why should I tell you? Tell you, do I want you to take revenge on me? I'm not that stupid."

"I don't want to take revenge on you. No one dared to touch me since I was a child.

Fingers, I just want to know who is so bold and manly..." Alina lowered her head and said with a slight blush on her face.

Ji Wufeng almost fainted. What does man mean? Translated, it means man, enough to be a man, a manly man!

Damn it, is this the reason why this Yangma fell in love with me?

However, this is actually not surprising. The more powerful and noble a woman is, the more difficult it is for her to meet a man who can control her.

But no matter how strong and noble she is, in the final analysis she is still a woman, longing for a man in her heart, but this mentality is not easily expressed because of the weakness of the men around her.

However, when a more powerful man conquers her, this mentality will immediately show up, making her feel that she has finally found a man who is worthy of her.

This is like Master Jin's widely circulated masterpiece. Princess Jianning is unruly and willful, strong and domineering. She does not take any man seriously. Except for the emperor, all other men are slaves.

But Wei Xiaobao, a scoundrel and scoundrel, didn't buy it and beat her up severely, but he also captured her heart because of it, and she was devoted to Wei Xiaobao for the rest of her life!

This may seem unreasonable on the surface, but for a woman who has no way of figuring things out, it is never unreasonable.

At this moment, a figure walked in. He was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him and asked, "What happened?"

Alina's eyes lit up, and she immediately ran over and pointed at Ji Wufeng and said, "Huanxin, he just bullied me, tell me quickly who he is?"

It was Tang Huanxin who came. When he heard this, he almost fainted and said angrily to Ji Wufeng: "Asshole, do you know who she is? How dare you bully her!"

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said: "The bullies are bullies, I don't care who she is."

"She is Princess Alina of the British royal family." Tang Huanxin said through gritted teeth.

Although he had vaguely guessed Alina's identity, Ji Wufeng was still a little stunned, because Alina was not only a member of the royal family, but also an international super idol.

Elena, Cameron!

No. 1 on the global hit charts for five consecutive years, the most popular singer in the world for five consecutive years, five consecutive years!

For five years, Alina has created one legend after another. There are many people who create legends, but those who can continue to create legends are myths.

There once was a dancer named Mike who created a myth, and Alina is undoubtedly another myth after Mike!

Such a person is no longer a simple international idol. In the hearts of many people, she has become a belief!

"Don't listen to her, what is a princess? If you want, I want to be your golden cat, little wild cat!" Alina looked at Ji Wufeng shyly.

Ji Wufeng was speechless. They say that Western women are passionate and unrestrained, but isn't this too unrestrained?

The first time we met, I wanted to be someone else's little wild cat, and I was even beaten up by someone just now.

Tang Huanxin also felt dizzy and said, "Alina, what are you talking about?"

Alina curled her lips and said: "Where am I talking nonsense? Anyone who dares to hit me is probably not even born yet. If I don't grasp such an extinct man now, where will I find him in the future?"

This is a Western woman, she can do whatever she wants without any pretense. Ji Wufeng was stunned, because Dayang Ma's yelling and swearing were exactly the same as those of a real Chinese, and those who didn't know better thought he was a Chinese.

Helu and others immediately pounced on Ji Wufeng.

Bang bang bang...

But within a few moments, Helu was knocked away, and the remaining bodyguards lay on the ground wailing again.

Dayangma was confused. Of course she knew how powerful Heru was, but she was as weak as a three-year-old child in front of this bastard.

"Did you just say you wanted to make my butt bloom?" Ji Wufeng stared at Dayang Ma and asked.

Dayang Ma was frightened and backed away: "What are you doing? I tell you, I am Alina. If you dare to touch a hair on my head, I will never spare you. Don't you have any of the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty? Then Let you try them all, and finally castrate you into a eunuch and send you to the circus to perform..."

Alina? This name is so familiar.

However, although the person is beautiful, his heart is too vicious. Forget about the ten tortures, he actually castrates the person and sends him to the circus.

"I won't let you try the ten tortures, and I won't castrate you. I will only let you taste the pain and pleasure of torture."

Ji Wufeng rushed over, picked up Dayang Ma by the waist, took off her shoes, and pointed at the soles of her feet.

"Ouch... you bastard, Bichi, how dare you do this to me... Haha... haha... wuwu... Helu... kill him, kill him quickly... no, don't kill If I kill him, I will castrate him, otherwise I will not be able to understand my hatred..."

Alina immediately felt a tingling sensation coming from the soles of her feet. This feeling made her whole body itchy and unstoppable. She couldn't help but want to laugh, but she felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry.

Ji Wufeng's method won't hurt anyone, but it will cause excruciating pain. This is how Zhang Wuji treated Zhao Min in the movie. Even the witch gave in, let alone Alina.

"Asshole, kill him!"

Helu and others rushed over like crazy, but they couldn't get close at all. The Gang Qi on Ji Wu Feng's body formed a wall of Qi, blocking them out.

Feeling that it was almost done, Ji Wufeng stopped his hand and let go of Alina.

Alina sat down on the ground, covering her feet with one hand, pointing the other finger at Ji Wufeng's nose, spitting and yelling: "Ouch, ouch, it makes me so uncomfortable, you Bichi, You Bichi..."

At this time, Alina looked like a shrew, completely losing her previous noble temperament.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "Keep scolding me. Anyway, I'm not tired yet, so I can attack again."

Seeing Ji Wufeng's palm raised again, Alina immediately hid in fear, with a frightened face, and said pitifully: "That's too uncomfortable, can you hit me?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly had a black line on his head. This foreign girl's brain circuit is indeed very different from our Oriental women.

Ji Wufeng turned around and left after lazily fussing over it.

"No, you can't leave. Do you want to leave after you Bichi hit me?" Alina rushed over and blocked Ji Wufeng's way.

"What else do you want to do?" Ji Wufeng glared.

"Tell me who you are?" Elena asked.

"Why should I tell you? Tell you, do I want you to take revenge on me? I'm not that stupid."

"I don't want to take revenge on you. No one dared to touch me since I was a child.

Fingers, I just want to know who is so bold and manly..." Alina lowered her head and said with a slight blush on her face.

Ji Wufeng almost fainted. What does man mean? Translated, it means man, enough to be a man, a manly man!

Damn it, is this the reason why this Yangma fell in love with me?

However, this is actually not surprising. The more powerful and noble a woman is, the more difficult it is for her to meet a man who can control her.

But no matter how strong and noble she is, in the final analysis she is still a woman, longing for a man in her heart, but this mentality is not easily expressed because of the weakness of the men around her.

However, when a more powerful man conquers her, this mentality will immediately show up, making her feel that she has finally found a man who is worthy of her.

This is like Master Jin's widely circulated masterpiece. Princess Jianning is unruly and willful, strong and domineering. She does not take any man seriously. Except for the emperor, all other men are slaves.

But Wei Xiaobao, a scoundrel and scoundrel, didn't buy it and beat her up severely, but he also captured her heart because of it, and she was devoted to Wei Xiaobao for the rest of her life!

This may seem unreasonable on the surface, but for a woman who has no way of figuring things out, it is never unreasonable.

At this moment, a figure walked in. He was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him and asked, "What happened?"

Alina's eyes lit up, and she immediately ran over and pointed at Ji Wufeng and said, "Huanxin, he just bullied me, tell me quickly who he is?"

It was Tang Huanxin who came. When he heard this, he almost fainted and said angrily to Ji Wufeng: "Asshole, do you know who she is? How dare you bully her!"

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said: "The bullies are bullies, I don't care who she is."

"She is Princess Alina of the British royal family." Tang Huanxin said through gritted teeth.

Although he had vaguely guessed Alina's identity, Ji Wufeng was still a little stunned, because Alina was not only a member of the royal family, but also an international super idol.

Elena, Cameron!

No. 1 on the global hit charts for five consecutive years, the most popular singer in the world for five consecutive years, five consecutive years!

For five years, Alina has created one legend after another. There are many people who create legends, but those who can continue to create legends are myths.

There once was a dancer named Mike who created a myth, and Alina is undoubtedly another myth after Mike!

Such a person is no longer a simple international idol. In the hearts of many people, she has become a belief!

"Don't listen to her, what is a princess? If you want, I want to be your golden cat, little wild cat!" Alina looked at Ji Wufeng shyly.

Ji Wufeng was speechless. They say that Western women are passionate and unrestrained, but isn't this too unrestrained?

The first time we met, I wanted to be someone's little wild cat, and I was even beaten up by someone just now.

Tang Huanxin also felt dizzy and said, "Alina, what are you talking about?"

Alina curled her lips and said: "Where am I talking nonsense? Anyone who dares to hit me is probably not even born yet. If I don't grasp such an extinct man now, where will I find him in the future?"

This is a Western woman, she can do whatever she wants without any pretense.

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