"I'll just think about it slowly if I miss you. Lie in bed and think about it. You don't need to tell me specifically." After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, he hung up the phone rudely.

But before he could fall asleep, the door to the room was suddenly kicked open. Ji Wufeng sat up and said coldly: "You'd better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise believe it or not, I will make it impossible for you to get out of this place." Door?"

The person who came was none other than Long Feng's people, led by Zhong Tianmin. The team members behind him were all loaded with guns and ammunition, and they were ready to fire at any disagreement.

Zhong Tianmin had a wry smile on his face and said, "Instructor, I came here under an order. You can tell Mr. Fourth yourself."

After dialing the phone, Ji Wufeng became furious and said, "You old guy, is your brain flooded or did you take the wrong medicine?"

Unexpectedly, Long Si was even more angry than him, and shouted: "You little bastard, you provoke one after another, and now you even care about the princess, which makes me unable to sleep in the middle of the night, how can you still have the face?" Scolding me?"

"Ri, is that Yangma?" Ji Wufeng said blankly.

"Nonsense, she came to Yuzhou, and the security work was handed over to Long Feng. There is a destiny from above. If she loses a hair, I will tear apart my bones." Long Si said angrily.

"Then you just go and protect her. What do you mean by taking me off my bed?"

"Get the hell out of your mother. She said that if I don't send you there, she will come find you by herself. My dear mother, if she pops out in the middle of the night, I have to pull the entire Long Feng for her safety." You can’t come out, you can tell yourself, should I escort you over, or should Long Feng escort her over?”

Ji Wufeng felt his teeth were sore. Damn, I didn't expect this big horse to be so noisy.

"Boy, no matter what, you are a member of Long Feng. Now I order you to see Princess Alina immediately." Long Siyi said righteously.

"Damn it..." Ji Wufeng was furious, but he couldn't get up and put on his pants.

Zhong Tianmin said with a smile: "The instructor is so awesome, he even dares to date other princesses."

Cheng Yang, who was behind him, grinned and said, "It's more than just teasing. Didn't you hear? If the instructor didn't go, the princess would have worked hard to find her."

Ji Wufeng glared at them fiercely and walked out, while Xia Feng led a group of team members behind him and shouted in unison: "Come on, instructor, take down the princess and win glory for Long Feng..."

Arriving at Chunfeng Deyi Building, as soon as Ji Wufeng walked in, a fiery body threw himself into his arms.

Ji Wufeng was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger. You little bitch, I have to keep you in check today.

It wasn't until the afternoon of the next day that Ji Wufeng left. Before leaving, he said, "Don't come to me if you have nothing to do. I'm very busy."

"I understand. After all, a man as good as you will definitely not stay with me alone. Don't worry, I'm not a clingy person, but..."

Alina took an invitation and threw it to him, saying: "You must be there at the reception tonight, otherwise, hehe... I have plenty of ways to get you to deliver it to your door yourself."

Ji Wufeng walked out of the room holding the invitation with a constipated expression on his face, "Damn it, are you going or not?" In the end, he decided to go, otherwise, it would not end well when the big foreign horse started making trouble. He had no doubt that the foreign girl turned the whole Yuzhou upside down in order to find him.

\u003e At the same time, Long Si also repeatedly warned him to try his best to meet all the requirements of that foreign girl.

The reception was held in a very famous manor. When Ji Wufeng arrived, he saw that there were all kinds of luxury cars parked outside. The people who came to the reception were all dressed neatly and seemed to be very formal.

Ji Wufeng saw many so-called kings and queens of the music industry. These big stars rarely appeared in the central region. It was unprecedented for them to gather in Yuzhou.

Normally, everyone would drag him as much as he could, but now they are all very cautious, because in front of that person, they have no qualifications to drag him.

In addition to such stars in the music industry, Ji Wufeng also saw some official people. In addition, the security force was also a bit heavy. In addition to a few long-nosed foreign bodyguards, there were also a group of men wandering around. That pace tells you he is a soldier.

It seems that Alina's arrival is no longer a secret.

As Ji Wufeng approached the gate, several men immediately stepped forward to stop him and said, "Sir, please show me your invitation."

Just when he was about to take out the invitation, a foreign bodyguard with a big nose came over and said, "No, he can go in."

When Ji Wufeng saw the foreign bodyguard, he immediately grinned and stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder: "Hello, Helu, I haven't seen you all night. Did you miss me?"

The corner of the bodyguard's mouth named Helu twitched and said, "Mr. Ji, please come in. Her Royal Highness is waiting for you."

"Oh, don't worry. We brothers haven't seen each other for several days. Let's chat first. Come on, let's have a cigarette first."

After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, he took out the wrinkled cigarettes in his pocket that he was reluctant to smoke, took out one and handed it over, saying: "How is it? Is our place okay? Let me tell you, the girls here are more energetic than you. The girls over there are more plump and plump. Although the girls over there are open-minded, the girls here have substance. Even during the day, they are all ladies, but at night..."

Ji Wufeng's words became more and more outrageous. Helu's expression became stiff and he touched his hands to his waist. His voice became cold and he said, "Mr. Ji, please come in. I don't want Her Royal Highness to wait for a long time."

"Don't draw your gun. Damn it, you are so fucking stupid. This is communication. Do you know what communication is? Damn, you don't even understand communication. You deserve to be a bodyguard for the rest of your life!"

Ji Wufeng saw that Helu had already escaped with his gun, so he had no choice but to walk into the manor cursing.

The people who came to the cocktail party were all people with status and status. They saw a disheveled guy coming in. He was full of filthy words and had a look of disgust on his face. How could such a person come in?

At this time, a woman dressed dignifiedly and wearing a pair of sunglasses frowned and said dissatisfiedly in blunt Chinese: "Are all your people so unqualified?"

Next to the woman was a handsome man who smiled and said, "Please don't be angry. This man must have been accidentally let in by the bodyguard outside. I will drive him away right now."

Although there was a distance, Ji Wufeng had already heard all their conversation, and he opened his mouth and cursed: "Drive me away? Drive your mother away? People say that our countrymen have no quality, and you still flatter others? You still have no fucking shame?"

The handsome man immediately became angry and said in a cold voice: "Sir, please leave immediately, otherwise, I will call the security guard!" "If you miss me, I will think about it slowly. Lie in bed and think about it. No need to tell me specifically." Me." After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, he hung up the phone roughly.

But before he could fall asleep, the door to the room was suddenly kicked open. Ji Wufeng sat up and said coldly: "You'd better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise believe it or not, I will make it impossible for you to get out of this place." Door?"

The person who came was none other than Long Feng's people, led by Zhong Tianmin. The team members behind him were all loaded with guns and ammunition, and they were ready to fire at any disagreement.

Zhong Tianmin had a wry smile on his face and said, "Instructor, I came under an order. You can tell Mr. Fourth yourself." .??.

After dialing the phone, Ji Wufeng became furious and said, "You old guy, is your brain flooded or did you take the wrong medicine?"

Unexpectedly, Long Si was even more angry than him, and shouted: "You little bastard, you provoke one after another, and now you even care about the princess, which makes me unable to sleep in the middle of the night, how can you still have the face?" Scolding me?"

"Ri, is that Yangma?" Ji Wufeng said blankly.

"Nonsense, she came to Yuzhou, and the security work was handed over to Long Feng. There is a destiny from above. If she loses a hair, I will tear apart my bones." Long Si said angrily.

"Then you just go and protect her. What do you mean by taking me off my bed?"

"Get the hell out of your mother. She said that if I don't send you there, she will come find you by herself. My dear mother, if she pops out in the middle of the night, I have to pull the entire Long Feng for her safety." You can’t come out, you can tell yourself, should I escort you over, or should Long Feng escort her over?”

Ji Wufeng felt his teeth were sore. Damn, I didn't expect this big horse to be so noisy.

"Boy, no matter what, you are a member of Long Feng. Now I order you to see Princess Alina immediately." Long Siyi said righteously.

"Damn it..." Ji Wufeng was furious, but he couldn't get up and put on his pants.

Zhong Tianmin said with a smile: "The instructor is so awesome, he even dares to date other princesses."

Cheng Yang behind him grinned and said, "It's more than just teasing, haven't you heard? If the instructor didn't go, the princess would have worked hard to find her."

Ji Wufeng glared at them fiercely and walked out, while Xia Feng led a group of team members behind him and shouted in unison: "Come on, instructor, take down the princess and win glory for Long Feng..."

Arriving at Chunfeng Deyi Building, as soon as Ji Wufeng walked in, a fiery body threw himself into his arms.

Ji Wufeng was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger. You little bitch, I have to keep you in check today.

It wasn't until the afternoon of the next day that Ji Wufeng left. Before leaving, he said, "Don't come to me if you have nothing to do. I'm very busy."

"I understand. After all, a man as good as you will definitely not stay with me alone. Don't worry, I'm not a clingy person, but..."

Alina took an invitation and threw it to him, saying: "You must be there at the reception tonight, otherwise, hehe... I have plenty of ways to get you to deliver it to your door yourself."

Ji Wufeng walked out of the room holding the invitation with a constipated expression on his face, "Damn it, are you going or not?" In the end, he decided to go, otherwise, it would not end well when the big foreign horse started making trouble. He had no doubt that the foreign girl turned the whole Yuzhou upside down in order to find him.

\u003e At the same time, Long Si also repeatedly warned him to try his best to meet all the requirements of that foreign girl.

The reception was held in a very famous manor. When Ji Wufeng arrived, he saw that there were all kinds of luxury cars parked outside. The people who came to the reception were all dressed neatly and seemed to be very formal.

Ji Wufeng saw many so-called kings and queens of the music industry. These big stars rarely appeared in the central region. It was unprecedented for them to gather in Yuzhou.

Normally, everyone would drag him as much as he could, but now they are all very cautious, because in front of that person, they have no qualifications to drag him.

In addition to such stars in the music industry, Ji Wufeng also saw some official people. In addition, the security force was also a bit heavy. In addition to a few long-nosed foreign bodyguards, there were also a group of men wandering around. That pace tells you he is a soldier.

It seems that Alina's arrival is no longer a secret.

As Ji Wufeng approached the gate, several men immediately stepped forward to stop him and said, "Sir, please show me your invitation."

Just when he was about to take out the invitation, a foreign bodyguard with a big nose came over and said, "No, he can go in."

When Ji Wufeng saw the foreign bodyguard, he immediately grinned and stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder: "Hello, Helu, I haven't seen you all night. Did you miss me?"

The corner of the bodyguard's mouth named Helu twitched and said, "Mr. Ji, please come in. Her Royal Highness is waiting for you."

"Oh, don't worry. We brothers haven't seen each other for several days. Let's chat first. Come on, let's have a cigarette first."

After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, he took out the crumpled cigarettes in his pocket that he was reluctant to smoke, took out one and handed it over, saying: "How is it? Is our place okay? Let me tell you, the girls here are more energetic than you. The girls over there are more plump and plump. Although the girls over there are open-minded, the girls here have substance. Even during the day, they are all ladies, but at night..."

Ji Wufeng's words became more and more outrageous. Helu's expression became stiff and he touched his hands to his waist. His voice became cold and he said, "Mr. Ji, please come in. I don't want Her Royal Highness to wait for a long time."

"Don't draw your gun. Damn it, you are so fucking stupid. This is communication. Do you know what communication is? Damn, you don't even understand communication. You deserve to be a bodyguard for the rest of your life!"

Ji Wufeng saw that Helu had already escaped with his gun, so he had no choice but to walk into the manor cursing.

The people who came to the cocktail party were all people with status and status. They saw a disheveled guy coming in. He was full of filthy words and had a look of disgust on his face. How could such a person come in?

At this time, a woman dressed dignifiedly and wearing a pair of sunglasses frowned and said dissatisfiedly in blunt Chinese: "Are all your people so unqualified?"

Next to the woman was a handsome man who smiled and said, "Please don't be angry. This man must have been accidentally let in by the bodyguard outside. I will drive him away right now."

Although there was a distance, Ji Wufeng had already heard all their conversation, and he opened his mouth and cursed: "Drive me away? Drive your mother away? People say that our countrymen have no quality, and you still flatter others? You still have no fucking shame?"

The handsome man immediately became angry and said coldly: "Sir, please leave immediately, otherwise, I will call the security guard!"

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