Han Chong said with a serious face: "It can be seen from today's cocktail party that Alina attaches great importance to Ji Wufeng. If she intervenes, we will be in great trouble. Your previous decision was correct."

"Is it just because of her princess status?" Nalan Tianyu said with a smile.

"Isn't this enough?" Han Chong asked.

"It's really not enough."

Nalan Tianyu said: "If it is just because of her status as a princess, it will not cause us much hindrance at all. You also understand that those old antiques are more stubborn than the others. No matter how hard they fight Ji Wufeng, as long as they don't make things big, They would all turn a blind eye, but if Alina intervenes, it is impossible for them to agree. Of course, Ji Wufeng is not an idiot, and he will not let Alina participate in the fight between me and him. of."

This is like two brothers fighting. No matter how they fight, the parents will not really blame which one. But if a child suddenly comes from outside and helps one beat the other, which parent will be willing?

Of course, Ji Wufeng and Nalan Tianyu are not brothers, and their relationship is not just as simple as fighting, but the principle is the same.

"In that case, do I not have to care about Alina and make plans again?" Han Chong asked.

Nalan Tianyu shook his head and said with some regret: "It can't be said that we don't need to worry about it at all. At least Qianye Zhong's chess piece is useless and it won't pose much of a threat to Ji Wufeng."

Han Chong raised his eyebrows and said, "Qianye is heavy?"

Early the next morning, Ji Wufeng looked at Alina who was still sleeping next to him, resisted the urge to do it again, and covered the perfect body with a quilt that could drive all men crazy.

What would be the reaction of Alina's admirers if they saw this scene? You'd probably kill him, cook him, and eat him, but you wouldn't be able to understand your hatred, right?

When I opened the door, I saw Gouhun standing there with a smile on her face and said, "Master, how are you? Isn't this foreign girl more exciting!"

Ji Wufeng glared and cursed: "What the hell are you talking about? Tell me what you want from me?"

Gouhun's face darkened and he said, "Someone from the Qianye family is here."

The corner of Ji Wufeng's mouth curled up slightly with a cold arc, and he said, "Well done!"

Before I even reached the door of the hotel, I could already hear the bustle of people outside. From time to time, I heard someone shouting: "Alina, I love you!"

I saw a sea of ​​people outside the hotel, just like a demonstration. There were at least dozens of security guards standing at the door, setting up a human wall to prevent the crazy people from rushing into the hotel.

Ji Wufeng saw Alina's charm again, and everyone was extremely excited. He was wondering if some fans would faint with excitement if Alina came out at this time.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to leave, a guy pointed at him and shouted: "That's him, he is Alina's mysterious boyfriend who appeared at the cocktail party last night."

"Ah, it's really him!"

"Oh my god, he's actually in this hotel too. Did they spend the night together last night?"

"Damn it, who is this guy? Why does he have the goddess in my heart?"

Those Alina actually became more and more excited as they talked, looking at Ji Wufeng as if she were looking at the enemy who killed her father.

Wherever there are celebrities, there are paparazzi. Naturally, there were paparazzi mixed in at yesterday’s reception. Ji Wufeng

The scene of his affectionate embrace with Alina was filmed and posted online overnight. Ji Wufeng had no idea that he had been on the entertainment news headlines for more than ten hours.

Seeing that those people were getting more and more agitated and eager to go forward and beat him, Ji Wufeng ran away. Damn it, so many people could drown him with just one spit from each one.

Seeing Ji Wufeng running away, a big man spat and said, "Damn it, you can run fast, otherwise I will have to break your legs!"

After running out of the hotel, Ji Wufeng received a call from Lin Yuantu, saying that Lin Weilong's physical condition had almost recovered and it was time for surgery.

In fact, if Ji Wufeng took action himself, Lin Weilong would be able to recover without any surgery at all. However, he still had a grudge against Lin Weilong and was somewhat reluctant to take action himself.

After dialing Yu Chuchu's number and making an appointment, Ji Wufeng ran over and saw Yu Chuchu already waiting there.

"Do you have a problem with me?" Seeing Ji Wufeng, Yu Chuchu remained very calm, but it was still difficult to hide the joy in her eyes.

"Haha, it's nothing serious. I just want to perform an operation on a relative. I think your hospital is in good condition, so I want to perform it in your hospital." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, but why don't you just go to my grandpa?" Yu Chuchu asked strangely.

Ji Wufeng said awkwardly: "Isn't your grandpa a little unkind to me? I'm afraid that if I go to him, he will kick me out!"

"He dares!"

Yu Chuchu's eyes widened, and she pulled Ji Wufeng away, saying: "Come on, follow me to see the old man. If he dares to drive you away, I have to deal with him!"

"Uh, no, no, no."

Ji Wufeng said quickly: "Actually, he doesn't need to come forward. I just need an operating room with relatively complete facilities."

Without even thinking about it, Yu Chuchu readily agreed: "Okay, no problem, just leave this matter to me. When will you need it?"

Ji Wufeng thought for a while and said, "Any time is fine."

Yu Chuchu took out her phone, dialed a number, and said, "Is it Uncle Huang? I'm Chu Chu. Can I ask you something?"

After hanging up the phone, Yu Chuchu asked with a smile: "It's done, the hospital will have an operating room with the most complete equipment available tonight. How are you going to thank me?"

"Uh, tell me, how do you want me to thank you? How about treating you to a big dinner?" Ji Wufeng said.

Yu Chuchu turned her head and said, "If you don't want to eat, I want you to spend Christmas with me."

Ji Wufeng was immediately speechless. Can Christmas be spent casually? Could it be that you are trying to seduce me? What's going on with this little girl? Even though I knew there were many women around me, I still had the guts to go up.

I wanted to refuse, but I thought it wouldn't matter if she was with me, so I said, "I may not be able to spend Christmas with you because I want to go to Shi Qianying's Christmas night concert. Do you want to go with me?"

"Shi Qianying's concert? Do you have tickets?" Yu Chuchu said in astonishment.

"Of course, you can get as many as you want." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"Great, great!"

With a look of ecstasy on her face, Yu Chuchu rushed to Ji Wufeng and kissed Ji Wufeng hard on the face.

Ji Wufeng was stunned immediately. Damn it, they were kissing now? Han Chong said with a serious face: "It can be seen from today's cocktail party that Alina attaches great importance to Ji Wufeng. If she intervenes, we will be in great trouble. Your previous decision was correct."

"Is it just because of her princess status?" Nalan Tianyu said with a smile.

"Isn't this enough?" Han Chong asked.

"It's really not enough."

Nalan Tianyu said: "If it is just because of her status as a princess, it will not cause us much hindrance at all. You also understand that those old antiques are more stubborn than the others. No matter how hard they fight Ji Wufeng, as long as they don't make things big, They would all turn a blind eye, but if Alina intervenes, it is impossible for them to agree. Of course, Ji Wufeng is not an idiot, and he will not let Alina participate in the fight between me and him. of."

This is like two brothers fighting. No matter how they fight, the parents will not really blame which one. But if a child suddenly comes from outside and helps one beat the other, which parent will be willing? .??.??

Of course, Ji Wufeng and Nalan Tianyu are not brothers, and their relationship is not just as simple as fighting, but the principle is the same.

"In that case, do I not have to care about Alina and make plans again?" Han Chong asked.

Nalan Tianyu shook his head and said with some regret: "It can't be said that we don't need to worry about it at all. At least Qianye Zhong's chess piece is useless and it won't pose much of a threat to Ji Wufeng."

Han Chong raised his eyebrows and said, "Qianye is heavy?"

Early the next morning, Ji Wufeng looked at Alina who was still sleeping next to him, resisted the urge to do it again, and covered the perfect body with a quilt that could drive all men crazy.

What would be the reaction of Alina's admirers if they saw this scene? You'd probably kill him, cook him, and eat him, but you wouldn't be able to understand your hatred, right?

When I opened the door, I saw Gouhun standing there with a smile on her face and said, "Master, how are you? Isn't this foreign girl more exciting!"

Ji Wufeng glared and cursed: "What the hell are you talking about? Tell me what you want from me?"

Gouhun's face darkened and he said, "Someone from the Qianye family is here."

The corner of Ji Wufeng's mouth curled up slightly with a cold arc, and he said, "Well done!"

Before I even reached the door of the hotel, I could already hear the bustle of people outside. From time to time, I heard someone shouting: "Alina, I love you!"

I saw a sea of ​​people outside the hotel, just like a demonstration. There were at least dozens of security guards standing at the door, setting up a human wall to prevent the crazy people from rushing into the hotel.

Ji Wufeng saw Alina's charm again, and everyone was extremely excited. He was wondering if some fans would faint with excitement if Alina came out at this time.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to leave, a guy pointed at him and shouted: "That's him, he is Alina's mysterious boyfriend who appeared at the cocktail party last night."

"Ah, it's really him!"

"Oh my god, he's actually in this hotel too. Did they spend the night together last night?"

"Damn it, who is this guy? Why does he have the goddess in my heart?"

Those Alina actually became more and more excited as they talked, looking at Ji Wufeng as if she were looking at the enemy who killed her father.

Wherever there are celebrities, there are paparazzi. Naturally, there were paparazzi mixed in at yesterday’s reception. Ji Wufeng

The scene of his affectionate embrace with Alina was filmed and posted online overnight. Ji Wufeng had no idea that he had been on the entertainment news headlines for more than ten hours.

Seeing that those people were getting more and more agitated and eager to go forward and beat him, Ji Wufeng ran away. Damn it, so many people could drown him with just one spit from each one.

Seeing Ji Wufeng running away, a big man spat and said, "Damn it, you can run fast, otherwise I will have to break your legs!"

After running out of the hotel, Ji Wufeng received a call from Lin Yuantu, saying that Lin Weilong's physical condition had almost recovered and it was time for surgery.

In fact, if Ji Wufeng took action himself, Lin Weilong would be able to recover without any surgery at all. However, he still had a grudge against Lin Weilong and was somewhat reluctant to take action himself.

After dialing Yu Chuchu's number and making an appointment, Ji Wufeng ran over and saw Yu Chuchu already waiting there.

"Do you have a problem with me?" Seeing Ji Wufeng, Yu Chuchu remained very calm, but it was still difficult to hide the joy in her eyes.

"Haha, it's nothing serious. I just want to perform an operation on a relative. I think your hospital is in good condition, so I want to perform it in your hospital." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, but why don't you just go to my grandpa?" Yu Chuchu asked strangely.

Ji Wufeng said awkwardly: "Isn't your grandpa a little unkind to me? I'm afraid that if I go to him, he will kick me out!"

"He dares!"

Yu Chuchu's eyes widened, and she pulled Ji Wufeng away, saying: "Come on, follow me to see the old man. If he dares to drive you away, I have to deal with him!"

"Uh, no, no, no."

Ji Wufeng said quickly: "Actually, he doesn't need to come forward. I just need an operating room with relatively complete facilities."

Without even thinking about it, Yu Chuchu readily agreed: "Okay, no problem, just leave this matter to me. When will you need it?"

Ji Wufeng thought for a while and said, "Any time is fine."

Yu Chuchu took out her phone, dialed a number, and said, "Is it Uncle Huang? I'm Chu Chu. Can I ask you something?"

After hanging up the phone, Yu Chuchu asked with a smile: "It's done, the hospital will have an operating room with the most complete equipment available tonight. How are you going to thank me?"

"Uh, tell me, how do you want me to thank you? How about treating you to a big dinner?" Ji Wufeng said.

Yu Chuchu turned her head and said, "If you don't want to eat, I want you to spend Christmas with me."

Ji Wufeng was immediately speechless. Can Christmas be spent casually? Could it be that you are trying to seduce me? What's going on with this little girl? Even though I knew there were many women around me, I still had the guts to go up.

I wanted to refuse, but I thought it wouldn't matter if she was with me, so I said, "I may not be able to spend Christmas with you because I want to go to Shi Qianying's Christmas night concert. Do you want to go with me?"

"Shi Qianying's concert? Do you have tickets?" Yu Chuchu said in astonishment.

"Of course, you can get as many as you want." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"Great, great!"

With a look of ecstasy on her face, Yu Chuchu rushed to Ji Wufeng and kissed Ji Wufeng hard on the face.

Ji Wufeng was stunned immediately. Damn it, they were kissing now?

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