Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 734: Get my nephew out first

If that was all, forget it, but not long ago, his adoptive father actually did something even more inhumane and forced his mother into prostitution.

His mother didn't agree, so his adoptive father actually beat his mother half to death. After lying on the ground unable to move, he let the prostitute in, and in front of him.

Lu Chen finally got angry and slashed at the prostitute with a kitchen knife. His adoptive father stepped forward to stop him. In anger, he cut his adoptive father's neck with a knife!

Such an adoptive father was worse than a beast. Not to mention cutting him with a knife, even if he was chopped into pieces, Ji Wufeng would not feel relieved.

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen glanced at Jin Yu secretly and said, "Brother-in-law, how are you doing in Yuzhou? Can you protect me? I don't want to go to jail, I'm still a virgin."

Ji Wufeng's face darkened. This boy's face was as delicate as that of a girl, but how could he have such a moral character as that of a little gangster? But growing up in that kind of living environment is normal.

A violent bang hit Lu Chen on the head, and he cursed: "You stinky boy, what kind of cover are you wearing? Do you think you are a member of the underworld? Your sister is crying because of you. If I had known you were such a virtuous person, Sex, I won't care about you anymore, just die!"

As soon as Lu Shuangshuang was mentioned, Lu Chen immediately became honest, his eyes turned red, and he said, "Where is my sister now?" ??

It seems that this boy's feelings for his sister are quite sincere. It's no wonder that with a mother like that and an adoptive father who is worse than a beast, perhaps only his sister can make him feel family affection.

"She's outside. I'll let her in and you can chat slowly."

Leaving space for the siblings, Ji Wufeng walked out and asked Jin Yu, "Is there a way to solve it?"

Jin Yu frowned and said, "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. This kid's case has already alerted the Public Security Bureau. When he was captured this morning, it was already on file."

Ji Wufeng also frowned. This would not be easy to handle. It would be easy to take Lu Chen away, but doing so would violate the law.

But now is a critical period, and we can’t force it, we just have to

Haodao: "What will happen if we take normal judicial channels?"

Jin Yu thought for a while and said: "There are many things that can be understood in this case. If someone can prove that everything Lu Chen said is true, and then find a way to claim it as manslaughter, then it won't be a big problem. Lu Chen is underage. , in this case, the most he can do is to be sent to a juvenile detention center for a few years.”

After Ji Wufeng pondered for a moment, he said, "Do I have to go to a juvenile detention center?"

Jin Yu chuckled and said: "Of course, if you don't want to go to the juvenile detention center, there is nothing you can do. You can go to the fourth master, he will definitely have a way."

"How?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Lu Chen is already fifteen this year, and he will be sixteen in a while. He is old enough to enlist in the army," Jin Yu said.

Ji Wufeng's eyes lit up, he patted his thigh and said, "Damn, why didn't I think of that? Just do it!"

In the interrogation room, Lu Shuangshuang saw his younger brother sitting in front of him, feeling sad and happy at the same time. The two siblings hugged each other and cried for a long time.

"Xiaochen, are you okay?" Lu Shuangshuang asked, wiping away tears.

"As long as my brother-in-law is here, nothing will happen to me." Lu Chen said.

Lu Chen subconsciously believed that Ji Wufeng was a person with great abilities.


Lu Shuangshuang was stunned for a moment, then blushed, and said in her heart, it would be great if he really admitted that he was your brother-in-law.

"By the way, sister, how far have you and your brother-in-law developed? Are we already living together?" Lu Chen suddenly asked in a low voice.


Lu Shuangshuang slapped him on the head, glared and cursed: "You brat, what are you thinking about if you don't learn well?"


Chen covered his head and said with a mournful face: "Isn't this for your sake? You see my sister-in-law is so good, you have to take good care of her. Be careful not to let other vixens take her away. It's best for you to deal with my nephew first." Come out and tie him up.”

Lu Shuangshuang couldn't help but smile. How old is this kid? Why is your mind filled with these gangster thoughts? I want to fight but I can't bear to do it.

At this time Ji Wufeng walked in, and Lu Shuangshuang said quickly: "Thank you, Xiaochen, thank you Brother Feng quickly."

"Isn't he brother-in-law? Why did he become Brother Feng again?" Lu Chen kept mumbling.

Ji Wufeng said: "Let's not thank you for now. The time is up and we should leave."


Lu Chen suddenly jumped up and said, "You are leaving, haven't you already done everything?"

Lu Shuangshuang's expression suddenly changed again, and she hurriedly grabbed Ji Wufeng's arm and said, "Does he have to go to jail?"

Of course she knew the truth about murdering people, but after all, this was her biological brother, almost her only relative, how could she bear it?

"Don't worry yet, listen to me."

Ji Wufeng held her hand and said: "Xiaochen's murder was almost out of help, so even if he goes to court, the judge will understand. Besides, he is only fifteen years old, a minor, and he killed someone by mistake. , then it won’t be a big problem. At most, he will be detained in a juvenile detention center for a few years.”

When Lu Shuangshuang heard that he was only going to a juvenile detention center for a few years, he was relieved.

However, Lu Chen was unwilling and said, "How many years will you stay? If I don't want to do it, then I might as well die."

Ji Wufeng was too lazy to pay attention to him and continued to talk to Lu Shuangshuang: "But he will be sixteen years old in a while. Then I will find a way to send him to the army. To put it bluntly, he is just staying in the juvenile detention center." Just a few months ago.”

When they heard that they would only stay for a few months, Lu Shuangshuang was even more surprised, but Lu Chen shouted again

, said: "I don't want to be a soldier. Haven't you heard that a good man should not be a soldier?"


Lu Shuangshuang finally got angry, lashed out with a big mouth, glared and cursed: "You're lucky that you can't be a soldier. Are you a good man? This matter has been settled. If you really don't want to, just Go to the prison and stay there, no one will care about you!"

After being slapped in the face, Lu Chen immediately became honest, covered his face and said aggrievedly: "You're just a soldier, why are you so cruel? Isn't it okay for me to go?"

This ending was quite satisfactory. After so many years, she finally had a relative by her side. Lu Shuangshuang shed tears of joy several times.

After the siblings said goodbye, Lu Chen whispered to Ji Wufeng: "Brother-in-law, have you and your sister finished the matter? If not, do it quickly. Finally, wait for me to come out and hug my nephew."

"You bastard, get out of here!" Ji Wufeng kicked him out of anger and wanting to laugh.

Back in Longtan Township, Lu Shuangshuang said, "Thank you."

Ji Wufeng quickly waved his hands and said, "Why are we so polite? Ugh!"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Shuangshuang suddenly threw herself into his arms, blocked his mouth with her little mouth, and kept pushing her tongue into his mouth.

"You want me tonight!" Lu Shuangshuang gasped while kissing her wildly.

What is a man afraid of most? What is a man afraid of seduction? Ever since Alina let him have a taste, he felt like a beast had emerged from his body.

He picked up Lu Shuangshuang by the waist, rushed into the bedroom, and kicked the door shut.

It's not that Ji Wufeng couldn't control it, how could he be manipulated by the desires of this mortal with his immortal king's mind that had been cultivated for thousands of years?

However, after experiencing two lives, Ji Wufeng realized a truth, which was to let nature take its course and follow one's heart. This made his state of mind even higher than before.

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